Black Hills Secrets

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Black Hills Secrets Page 18

by A. C. Wilson

  “I do trust you.” Blake let the words slip from their vault as he kept his lock on her eyes. They sparkled as she blinked back what he thought were tears. Her fingertips trembled as they touched his face and it was suddenly all he could do not to absorb her into his body.

  He reached over and pulled her face to his own. His lips mashed with hers and her mouth opened in surprise. She stole breath from him and he couldn’t help but give it to her. Her hand that had been on his cheek sunk firmly into his hair. She whimpered when his tongue thrust into her mouth-warm, soft and sweet. Bailey sucked on his tongue, raking her teeth over the flesh and pulling him more tightly to her. His hands moved of their own volition finding their way up her sides to the rounded curve of her breast. She scooted across the seat until she was touching him. Her hand felt like fire as it ran up his knee to his thigh and sloped down into his crotch. His eyes nearly rolled back into his head at the persistent stroking Bailey was doing. Just as his brain was about to fry from her intensity, she lifted her head and broke their kiss.

  “Let’s go inside.” Her husky whisper made him smile despite his thudding heart. She pushed back across the seat and opened the door. She was out of the truck before he had even taken a full breath. Groaning to himself, Blake rested his head against the seat and took another breath. He really only had two options. He could tell Bailey goodnight and go back to his lonely rental house. Or he could stay the night with Bailey and try to explain why he wasn’t ready to have mind blowing, life altering sex with her. The options both looked out of his league, but after what had happened tonight, he really didn’t want to be alone. Blake glanced up at the stairs and noted that Bailey waited for him on the first rung. Another breath and he was out of the truck. He saw her smile just before his headlights shut off and he followed her up the stairs.


  Bailey loved how her heart pounded at the nearness of Blake Phails and she admired the power he had to stop its wild beat altogether. With the touch of his hand, everything that once seemed unobtainable in the world came into focus and possibly within her reach. It was possible because she had fallen head over heels in love with him. Despite the years of torture and abandonment, she trusted him wholeheartedly. She smiled to herself as they walked up the stairs to her apartment. Her heart was already lost to him anyway.

  Taking out the house key from her pocket, she wiggled it around until it fit into the lock. Once it slipped in, she turned the key and then the knob, opening the door. A flick of the switch revealed her little apartment all tidy and waiting for her return. It felt different though. With one day of Blake’s presence inside, her lonely little dwelling felt like home.

  Could a person do that? Change what you know?

  Blake closed the door behind them and locked it. She lifted a brow, but didn’t question it further. She didn’t know what she had to fear as long as he was with her. His protection was all she needed. She watched as he tucked his hands into his pockets, trying to hide the tell-tale signs of his arousal. Her cheeks warmed as she thought about their make out session in the cab of his truck. She was nearly ready to strip right there in her living room, except for the look of apprehension on Blake’s face. Two days ago had been unexpected when he had only wanted to comfort her, she knew that. It was obvious he was sweating it and she didn’t want to pressure him in that way. No doubt his mind was already whirling at finding his family.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Bailey asked, heading for the fridge. A bottle of cold water sounded like a good idea and it might just cool her jets for the moment. Blake stood in the middle of her living room looking distressed and tempted. His lips were full from her kisses and his eyes, those brilliant blue eyes, warred between desire and agony.

  “Water would be great.” His husky whisper sent a shiver of passion through her and the moment his fingers brushed hers was pure delight. Bailey tipped her head and sighed when he averted his gaze. She pursed her lips and nodded her head. Walking with purpose in her steps, she disappeared into her bedroom. Opening a couple of her drawers, she found the knit capris and t-shirt set she used for pajamas. Swiftly changing clothes, she grabbed the pair of shorts Blake had used a couple of days ago. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she took a deep breath to try and quiet it. Taking a quick look in the mirror, she decided it was time to take a bit of control back. Blake needed her and she needed him. Maybe now things would come out into the light instead of dancing in the shadows.

  “Here.” Bailey caught his startled look as she handed him the shorts. It took him a second to understand what she was offering him and then a dark brow lifted. “You can’t sleep in jeans.” She took her water and collapsed on the couch. Chomp swiped at her barefoot from under the couch. She giggled at the little paw. Getting back up, she went straight to the kitchen and filled Chomp’s food dish. The kitten used his super sneaky powers to reach the dish without being detected, or so he thought.

  “Bailey, I don’t think you quite understand.” Blake trailed his fingers through his dark hair. “I have too much going on in my head.” His eyes darkened in self-reflection and she waited for him to look at her. She tried to exude patience, love, and hope from her eyes. He didn’t look away.

  “Take a breath and remember the light that is between us. Secrets hide in the dark and I’m not afraid of them or you or us. Trust me to have your back just like you have mine.” She kept her words even and purposeful. Only when his eyes flashed at her mention of light did she know he was listening. A muscle ticked in his cheek and his chest lifted as he straightened to his full height.

  “Some things are too dark, Bailey.” His pain was visibly on his face and it felt like a knife to her heart. She wasn’t going to back away though. She would ease up on the tension, but she knew that he needed her.

  “Would it be something a boring night at home could push back?” She allowed the slightest turn of her lips, but projected the smile through her eyes. He almost shrugged as he turned towards the bathroom. Bailey broke into a grin as the door closed behind him.

  “That smells amazing.” Blake’s voice drew her smile as he reemerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. His jeans were deposited on the step stool by the door and he sniffed the air appreciatively. Bailey brought him a plate. His eyes widened and then his own smile drifted to the surface.

  “Chocolate fixes everything, but paired with marshmallow and graham crackers…it’s mood altering.” Bailey giggled and took her own plate to the coffee table. She grabbed the remote and clicked on the television. There wasn’t much on for summer programming so she settled on a documentary of wild horses.

  “S’mores. I don’t think I’ve had these since I was a kid.” Blake plopped down on the couch with her and inhaled the scent of melted chocolate again.

  “Well microwave s’mores. I do like having my marshmallow toasted.” Bailey didn’t realize quite what she’d said until she replayed it in her head. An uncontrollable laugh shook her until she had to clutch the plate to keep it on her lap. Blake’s cheeks turned red as he tried to keep it in, but soon they were both rolling in mirth. Her side hurt and her cheeks felt stretched from smiling so big, but she hadn’t laughed like that in some time. It really felt good.

  They ate their dessert and watched the television, but Bailey stole looks at him occasionally. His arm was draped over the arm of the couch, a throw pillow tucked between him and the corner. She leaned in her corner and propped her bare feet up onto the cushion beside her. It was so hard to concentrate on the program when what she really wanted was at the end of the couch. He was only a couple of feet from her but she wondered if he were even further than that. Bailey tipped her head back and closed her eyes for a moment.

  Warm, soothing fingers spread over her skin, dipping into each valley. Tingles vibrated just below the surface and she couldn’t help but writhe. Her desire was climbing as strong hands pushed beneath her clothes finding the softness of her breasts, as they outlined her ribs individually. Fire licked thr
ough her veins starting low in her stomach and spreading outward in a heady blast. Bailey wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or on the brink of waking to an exquisite moment. She was afraid to open her eyes, so she remained still. Her senses followed the erotic massage as it traveled down her thighs, squeezing the firm flesh and moving further down her calves to her feet. She wasn’t able to recall the whimper that escaped her mouth when the hands didn’t delve deeper into her heat. She was burning up and it was turning her to liquid.

  Her breathing came fast and nearly frantic when the silence was broken by murmured endearments. Bailey tried to take deeper breaths to quiet her hammering heartbeat, but she was so caught up in the emotions. Fingers tentatively raked through her hair, spreading it out on the pillow. Warm breath touched her cheek and whispered over her ear.

  “Shh, you’re fine. You’re fine.” The words pulled her attention, but it was the desperate undertones that brought full awareness to her. Bailey cracked her eyes open and realized it was dark. Slowly she ran her fingers over the covers and knew that she was in her bed. Her fuzzy brain struggled to the surface to get a grip on what was happening.

  “I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay.” Blake’s voice registered with her as she stayed still. Her blood was pulsing loudly in her ears. His hands began to smooth over her body again, slowly feeling the contour.

  “Blake?” Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she fought the simmering passion under her skin. It hadn’t gone away when they had exited the truck and now it was raging again.

  “I’m sorry, so sorry. It should have been me.” His voice was desperate and filled with pain. Each nerve was fully aware now of what he was doing, but Bailey had no idea why. In the darkness that shrouded her bedroom, she couldn’t get a grip on his face or what he was doing outside of feeling and hearing him.

  “It isn’t your fault.” Bailey kept her voice low. Instinctively she moved her hand slowly so as not to frighten or alarm him. Every nerve was trained on him. His breathing was ragged and she thought she could hear his heart slamming into his chest. He wasn’t but a foot away.

  “I can’t lose you. You’ll hate me.” Anguish filled his voice and it squeezed her heart to hear him. She felt tears drop onto her hand as she settled her fingers to his chest. It was bare, but his skin was cold.

  “I could never hate you.” Her soft reply filled the room and she prayed it would ease the grief he bore. A deep guttural growl escaped him and caused her to jump. It was so unexpected that she was momentarily frozen.

  “But I hate me!” The agony that broke into the silence of the room crushed any fear she had of him or would ever have. Blake was wounded- a beautiful, caring man with battle scars in places people couldn’t see. He lowered his head onto her chest and she could feel his tears as they quickly drenched her shirt. Her fingers rose into his hair and held him to her breast. She let him cry, his broken heart was breaking hers.

  Bailey wasn’t sure how long they lay there. Her eyes were starting to get heavy again as the silence returned to the room. His head was still on her chest where he had put it. Her fingers smoothed out and then pulled back in.

  “Blake?” Her voice was scratchy and she swallowed hard. He stirred, lifting his head a moment later.

  “What happened?” He asked in concerned confusion. She moved her hand to brush along his ear to his jaw. She settled it on his cheek and held him for a moment.

  “Come to bed with me.” She wasn’t asking, but her voice was still soft. The command couched by the caress of his cheek and she scooted to make room for him. She heard him sigh loudly before doing as she wished. His weight made the mattress bow delightfully and it brought them closer together. A full sized mattress was perfect for her, but she thought if this continued she’d better get a bigger bed. He wrapped a well-muscled arm over her stomach and brought her closer to him. She could feel each breath he took and the flames that he had ignited early threatened to explode. Bailey knew it wasn’t the time for that. It still didn’t lessen the weight of passion in her veins.

  “What happened?” Blake’s hot breath brushed over her cheek as he spoke. It was a whisper maybe not intended for her ears but she heard it anyway. Squeezing his fingers on her stomach, Bailey shook her head.

  “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” She hoped that would be enough. Closing her eyes, she listened to the rhythmic breathing behind her and fell asleep with the hope that everything would be okay.


  Blake was awake before Bailey even stirred under the sheet in her full sized bed. His neck hurt from laying on his side too long, but he couldn’t extract his arm out from under her head. His thumb was next to her nose where every breath she took whispered across his skin. It was erotic as hell just to have her next to him and his morning erection was all the proof needed. He was so bothered from the day before and now with Bailey’s full backside tucked against his crotch, he was about to explode. Mentally he groaned as he threw his arm over his eyes to block out the sunshine starting to stream fully into the room. It was well past seven in the morning and his stomach growled. Although if truth were told, he was starving for other things more than food. As if on cue, Bailey arched her back which pushed her butt harder into his lap. Blake felt his mouth drop open as she wiggled and nearly cindered what good sense he had left!

  “Mmm,” Bailey’s sigh fogged his brain until his free hand dropped over her hip on a quest to make her burn as hotly as he. His fingers surged underneath her t-shirt marveling at the warmth of her skin and the melting softness of her breast. Bailey arched her breast into his palm and he grinned when he came across the tight peak. Her head slipped closer to his chest and his other hand reached for the cloth covered breast closest to it. Bailey rubbed her backside against his erection and it was driving him mad. He needed her something fierce and until he had her, this madness would never end.

  It may never end even after you have her.

  He groaned as he started to kiss the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder. Her quick breaths were the symphony to his dance. Tweaking and pinching her nipple wasn’t quite enough as his fingers trailed down her stomach to the elastic top of her capris. He thanked his stars that there were no buttons to impede his quest and in a split second he was advancing his mission. Sensitive skin met wiry curls as he sought to find the magical source that begged for his entry. Bailey’s staccato breaths pulsed in his ear as he reached to tease her.

  “Shit, you are so wet!” Blake couldn’t help the burst of disbelief that slipped from his mouth. She was already dripping for him and they hadn’t been at this but for a few minutes. Bailey’s breathy moans broke into a chuckle just before he slipped a finger inside.

  “That impromptu late night massage…” Bailey pushed into his hand and then worked her hips into his lap. He closed his eyes at the insistent fire working through his veins. Her words echoed in his head as he tried to understand what she meant. Her hand was making its way past his shorts and below the band of his underwear when he froze.

  “What do you mean?” It was hard to ignore the hard edge of his voice and it stopped Bailey’s hand. Her brown eyes refocused and blinked in confusion. A throbbing in his gut told him that he needed to find out what happened.

  “You don’t remember?” Bailey’s voice lowered, a troubled look glazing her eyes. He pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head once. Slowly he retracted his finger from her heat and he winced as she sucked a breath in.

  “What happened last night, Bailey?” Blake tried to deny the urgent need to get out of the bed and pace the floor. Inaction made him itchy and the feeling only got worse. His skin seemed too tight and his blood too hot. Bailey rolled over so that she was facing him and she slid her hand up along his cheek.

  “You were giving the most amazing massage in the middle of the night and I was totally on fire. I thought maybe you had changed your mind about…well, you know.” She bit her lower lip and worried it with her teeth. He was about to prompt her befor
e she continued.

  “You kept saying that you were sorry and that I’d be fine. You didn’t know who I was and I figured you must have been sleep walking. I’ve heard that happens.” Her voice was low and he thought he detected pity in it. That burned him worst of all. Suddenly the bed was just too intimate and he had to get out. Extracting his arm from beneath Bailey’s head, he got to his feet. Pacing the floor, he sunk his hands through his hair and closed his eyes on the flood of panic and anger.

  “Blake, it’s okay.” Bailey was clearly at a loss for words but she probably felt she needed to say something to diffuse him.

  Just like you’re the ticking bomb.

  Blake couldn’t contain the blast that was about to happen so he exited the room as quickly as he could. He didn’t look to see Bailey’s face, but he figured it would be one of confusion and surprise. His pants and shirt were still on the stool in the kitchen. Forcefully he yanked them on and stuffed his feet into his boots by the door. His shaking hands fumbled with the door knob and then remembering he’d locked it, unbolted it and escaped the apartment.

  It wasn’t long before he found his muddled thoughts weren’t controlling his feet and that he had ended up at the stable. He was nearly to Chap’s stall when he stopped and looked around. None of the horses were waiting with their heads over their half doors like usual. Liberty stood from the back of her stall and stared at him. Her ears turned forward, listening. Bailey had told him that the horses mimicked temperament. If he was angry, they would get agitated. If he was calm, they would be calm.


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