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Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9)

Page 6

by Cree Storm

  Vik nodded, saying, "We already know that it isn't a vamp. They would have no reason to use the cork pull tool, and we know as predator shifters, we act on our animal instinct when attacking. We can't help it. Our animals are part of who we are. Prey shifters prefer to be left alone. I can't see them attacking anyone. However, humans think differently."

  Ollie snorted, "You're telling me. Ungrateful pricks."

  Dain rolled his eyes. "Ollie, quiet."

  Ollie looked at Jett. "Why the hell are you so quiet tonight?"

  Jett snorted, "My mate said if I was good, I would get his special tongue action. I want that tongue action. I crave that tongue action. I―"

  "You are jeopardizing that tongue action. Now hush so Vik can finish explaining," Zev replied.

  "You’re mean," Jett replied sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

  Vik shook his head wondering, and not for the first time, if the escalator reached the top level in Jett's mind. "Look, I just have this gut feeling that this is the work of a human. Mammals die in conflict at point three percent. Humans, on the other hand, kill at a one point thirty three percent rate. It is not unheard of for a human to kill someone. First, it's the tool that's being used. Second, it requires a lot of work to drain the body so there’s no noticeable traces of blood in or around the scene. I think they are being killed one place, drained, then put in strategic drop points."

  "What about Doris? She would have been able to fight off a human in a fight, Vik," Morgan added.

  Nodding, Vik said, "That's true, Morgan, but what if she was taken off guard? She wouldn't have had time to shift."

  "Okay, but old man Nate was not feeble and neither was Troy or Carlin. How could a human do what it is you're saying? It's not like they would just lay there and allow someone to stab their jugular and then be drained. They would have had to fight," Marco argued.

  "Not if they were incapacitated. I think that each of them were drugged and taken somewhere to be drained. Doc Clayton is saying that none of the tests are in yet, but I can't believe that. Sal was killed three months ago, Troy and Doris were two months ago, Nate a couple of weeks after that, and now Carlin. It might take a while for results but not two and three months."

  "You think Doc Clayton is holding out?" Finn asked.

  Shrugging, Vik replied, "I don't know. I find it odd that he didn't call and check where the lab was with those tests, tell us that Doris was supposed to pick him up that night, and that he received a bogus call to get him out of the coroner’s office."

  "And the man clearly has issues with paranormals," Avery muttered.

  Justice clasped his hand over Avery's. "I did fail him, sweetheart. He had a right to be angry."

  "Shit, he suspected Orion just because he is a vampire. I don't think he even checked the damn injuries. Had he done so, he would have seen what he showed us about the skin tearing." Shaking his head, Baldwin then added, "No, I think he saw two holes and did what we all did―jumped to conclusions. Had he done his job, we might have already known we are looking for someone with tools, not fangs.”

  "Technically we don't know that the others were killed by this tool. We need the other's bodies to determine if the findings are the same as Carlin's," Illan stated.

  "I still think that Fallon is behind this mess. He wasn't at the battle like he was supposed to be. Someone ends up dead, and if this person is human, they would need a way to get the body, drain it, then dump it without being seen by anyone in Crystal. That is a lot to ask of a human," Rhys stated.

  "I think we need to take a good look at the other victims," Illan stated.

  Nodding, Vik replied, "I agree, Illan. However, I don't trust the coroner in Crystal to be the one to run those tests. That's why I called Destrain. I wanted to know if you guys might have someone there that could help us out?"

  Shaking his head, Destrain replied, "We're still trying to bring people back to our town after Charles Fowler destroyed it. Our community still comes to the Crystal hospital because the one in Maddox isn't up and running yet. I'm really sorry, Vik. If you would like, I can deploy more men to help with protection detail?"

  Sighing heavily, Vik softly said, "That'd be great, Destrain."

  "Hey, what about that guy that Doc Dickhead was talking about?" Avery asked with excitement.

  Baldwin looked at Avery. "What guy?"

  Avery sat up in his seat, looking at Justice. "The guy that he said quit three months ago. Doc Dicklick said that he was the one that normally ran the tests. What if we ask him?"

  "Gordon isn't in town anymore. His daughter had a baby and he moved," Vik said sounding defeated.

  Justice shook his head. "The one that quit wasn't Gordon. It was the guy I brought in after him. What the hell was his name, Doug―Dougal? No that wasn't it. Donny! His name was Donny Chen! It really surprised me that he quit so soon. He was fresh out of CSU, graduated top in his class. I wanted to talk with the man and see what happened, but honestly I just haven't had the time."

  "Justice, can you go and see if he might be willing to help?" Baldwin asked.

  Nodding, Justice replied, "Of course. I will go to his home immediately."

  "Illan and I will go with you," Avery replied quickly.


  It always amazed Baldwin how everyone was willing to stick together and help where they could. Especially how the mates interacted with each other. Baldwin hoped he and Vik were going to be like the others. He had never thought about having a mate, but now that he had one, Baldwin wanted everything a mate had to offer.

  Shaking his head, Justice said, "I love you for wanting to be there, Avery, but Donny is not the best with lots of people. He's a Pallas Cat."

  "Holy crap! I wanna go with you, Justice. Can I go with you?" Jett said bouncing up and down.

  Zev looked at his mate as if he too was thinking what just about everyone else was. The man was certifiably insane. "Baby, sit still."

  Jett stopped bouncing, quickly sitting back, crossing his arms, and pouting out that bottom lip once more. "But I wanna go and see the man shift."

  "What's so special about a cat?" Ollie asked.

  Jett quickly sat up, smiling wide, "They are so fucking cool, Ollie. They look just like a fat cat, but they really aren't. I mean, they are a cat, just not fat. It's that their hair is seriously long and thick. The fur on the top of their head looks like a leopard’s and their tail looks like a raccoon’s. It has round eyes instead of the slanted ones like other cats, and its face is flat with these adorable white and grey stripes."

  "Okay, it's a fancy cat," Ollie said in confusion.

  Jett shook his head. "It's not that, Ollie. They are like the first cat ever, or so scientists think. No one really ever sees them because they are such loners. Hell, I thought they were extinct by now."

  "Jett, he isn't a zoo animal, he is a human, too. He likes his privacy," Justice stated.

  Baldwin almost laughed when Jett slumped back once more. "Fine, but when he pounces on your ass I hope he bites you there, too."

  "Jett, you are pushing it," Zev warned.

  Jett looked at Zev with an innocence he could never pull off. "What'd I say? Pallas cats are known for pouncing on prey. It's how they hunt, and if people come near them, they typically attack first and don't stick around to ask questions."

  "That's it. You are not going there alone, Justice. Illan and I are going with you," Avery said fiercely.

  Justice rolled his eyes. "Donny is a nice guy. Yes, he likes to be left alone, but many of the new shifters coming to us prefer their privacy."

  Seeing Avery's determined look, Justice said, "Fine, you can come with me. Just stay back a bit, and don't get all possessive or aggressive."

  "I do not get possessive or aggressive. I just don't like others poaching on what's mine," Avery argued.

  Illan kissed his mate lightly, saying, "Avery, we love you, but lately you have been growling at anyone looking in our direction. Normally it is sexy as hell, but fo
r others it's a bit intimidating."

  Destrain sat up, saying, "I can talk to Nick. He has some friends coming to Maddox in a few weeks. His friend Buck Lawrence ran the area Nick and his band lived in. He might know someone we can bring in to help out."

  "Dad, what about Doctor Foster? He was talking about leaving Denver. Maybe he can help?" Day asked.

  Illan rolled his eyes. "You know how much that wolverine gets on my nerves, Day."

  Jett gasped, sitting up straight and bouncing in his seat once more. "Wolverine? I wanna meet him. Can I? Can I? They are so adorable. They look like tiny bears with a big head and the cutest webbed feet, and―"

  Zev covered his mate's mouth, saying, "With big teeth and claws. They also stink to high heaven. Now sit back and hush or we will get home without the tongue action. If you're really good we can swing by Timmy's place and check out his new arrivals. I hear York just got some baby alpacas in for his mate."

  Baldwin watched Jett open his mouth to say something, but the second Zev raised a brow, closed it.

  "Vik, what else do you need?" Morgan asked.

  "I want to see what else we might have missed. I think we need to get as many pictures as we can of the scene. I also want to call the Denver lab and see what the holdup is on those reports. I―" Vik stopped talking as his phone rang.

  Grabbing it from his pocket, Vik looked at the number, then answered, "Hey Doc, what's up?"

  Baldwin watched as Vik's seemed to grow concerned, then he said, "Hey, slow down. Who do you think it is? Okay―Okay, I can be there in five min―Yeah, all right. I―How do you know for sure? Yes. Okay, see you then."

  Vik turned to Baldwin. "That was Doc Clayton. He says he thinks he knows who the killer is. He wants to check some things out first, and asked for us to meet up with him tomorrow morning at eight."

  "Did he say who he thinks it is?" Nash asked.

  Shaking his head, Vik replied, "He didn't want to talk on the phone. He said that if what he believes to be true, then I was right. The killer is human."

  "I just can't believe that someone we have known most of their lives is responsible for this shit storm," Angelo said shaking his head.

  "Shit. This is not going to go over well if the humans know we suspect one of their own," Justice said in concern.

  Nash cleared his throat. "Vik, Finn and Marco can talk to the Doctor in the morning."

  Vik went to argue, but Nash held up his hand. "I know that you want this information, but I meant it when I said I want you home and resting. You are not to report to work until ten tomorrow morning. Justice, Illan, and Destrain are going to work on getting us some lab techs. I'll get in touch with Barry and ask him to bring me every picture he has taken from all the scenes."

  "I have a friend that works in the Denver labs, I can give him a call and see what's up with those test results," Frankie stated.

  "And I'll get some of my men together to help with protecting your town," Dain replied just as quickly.

  Illan sighed, "I also think we need a human liaison. When word gets out―and you know it will―we are going to need someone with a cool head to help us keep the people from losing their minds."

  Destrain nodded. "I agree. History has shown us that fear and humans do not mix well."

  "What about Wade? He seems level headed and the residents of Crystal seem to respect him," Orion suggested.

  Nodding, Ethan replied, "He has always been good to the people in this town. And since returning from Afghanistan it seems like everyone listens to him. I agree with Orion, Wade would be a great choice."

  "Is he still here?" Illan asked.

  Angelo got up. "I'll go check."

  Baldwin watched Angelo make his way to the front area. He couldn't hold back a large yawn. Gods, he was tired.

  Vik quickly followed suit, muttering, "Don't do that."

  Angelo returned. "Wade already left."

  Day looked at Ethan and Rhys, then said, "We'll go talk to Wade. We can explain the situation and see if he would be willing to help us out."

  Nodding, Illan replied, "I think we should talk to Ezra, Suneth, and Nick about adding a human to the council. I think the humans might be less aggressive if they feel they are being represented."

  "I'll call them and arrange a council meeting to discuss the issue," Destrain stated, standing.

  "Do you think Ezra can spare some time away from Kalise, tomorrow evening?" Illan asked.

  "I'm sure he will be willing once I give him my report," Orion answered.

  Illan turned to his clutch members. "Jett, you and Zev are going to join Morgan tonight on patrol―"

  "But my tongue action! I was good, damn it!" Jett exclaimed.

  Zev kissed his mate's cheek. "If we hurry home, you can still get that before we have to go to work."

  Jett jumped. "Morgan, we'll meet you in an hour."

  Zev followed his running mate out of the diner.

  Nash stood up. "I'm going to start making some calls to get what Vik needs." Turning to Vik and Baldwin, he said, "You two get the fuck out of here and get some sleep."

  "I'm going to call Nick and Suneth, fill them in and tell them about tomorrow night's meeting," Destrain said opening a portal.

  "Where is Suneth? I thought he would be here by now," Vik asked.

  Ollie snickered, "It seems that Timmy thought his animals might be cold and decided to put a fireplace in the animal barn. Sparks flew and it took everyone to save the barn. The last I knew, the chimera, Pascal, Timmy, and York were all chasing chickens, pigs, and other critters. Timmy is adorable and sweet as hell, but damn, is he a jinx."

  Orion quickly said, "He is not a jinx, he is just luck challenged."

  Laughing softly, Dain stood, saying, "I'm going to get some men to help with patrols."

  "I will also get my men together to assist you," Kerrick stated.

  Rune shrugged. "With the new lab you want to create, you're going to need equipment. I'll gather what I can for now, and then the men you bring can let me know what else they might need."

  "Have them take it to the station. Since we renovated and added to the building we have several locations they can set up in. I'll let them decide where," Nash stated.

  Vik and Baldwin both stood. "We're out of here. I hate not helping out right now, but I have to admit Nash is right. I am seriously beat."

  Ollie laughed while walking to the portal. "The only beating you want to do is with each other’s meat."

  "You are so crass, Ollie," Orion stated following the fox to the portal.

  Turning, Ollie smirked. "I do try."

  Vik and Baldwin quickly left the diner. Neither speaking as Vik drove.

  "You missed my turn," Baldwin quietly said.

  Shaking his head, Vik replied, "You are my mate and I really want to make that official."

  "Oh, you do, do you?" Baldwin asked in a deep sultry voice.

  Nodding, Vik's voice dropped to a low octave. "Oh, I plan on undressing you slowly, like unwrapping a very special present. With each silky piece of skin that shows, I will lick, kiss, and nibble. As I get lower, I will taste what is mine as I stretch you and get you ready to take my large shaft so I can claim what is mine."

  "You do know I've never bottomed before, right? I mean, I don't have a problem with it, I just never have done it before," Baldwin stated.

  Vik hit the gas, hissing, "Fuck!"

  Baldwin slammed forward, having to use his hand to stop his face from hitting the dash as Vik hit the brakes, cut the engine, and jumped out of the car. "Hurry!"

  Baldwin followed Vik inside, as the man turned to grab him, Baldwin quickly stepped back. "Hold on there, speedy, I haven't showered in two days. Before we do anything, I really would like to, if you don't mind?"

  Vik dropped his arms. "I told you to take one at the station like I did this morning." Turning he let out a deep breath. "Come on."

  Baldwin followed Vik into his bedroom. Vik pointed to the left. "It's in there, towels are under
the sink."

  Vik started undressing and as much as Baldwin wanted to help, he knew he needed to shower first. Rushing inside, and scrubbing as fast as he could, Baldwin quickly dried off, wrapped a towel around his waist, and opened the door, "Ready to unwra―"

  Vik laid naked with his glorious body spread out before Baldwin. However, there was nothing for him to do. Vik's light snores stopped any action Baldwin may have taken.

  Smiling wide, Baldwin climbed in next to his mate, turned off the light, and spooned Vik closely. Kissing the back of Vik's head, Baldwin whispered, "Soon, mate."

  * * * *

  Vik was having the best dream of his life. Baldwin was sucking his cock so good. The warm moistness had him opening his eyes.

  "Holy shit, it's not a dream," Vik hissed arching his hips.

  Baldwin rolled Vik's balls in his hand and drew up, suckling the tip before slowly lowering his warm moistness once more.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  "Oh, fuck no. Ignore it, they can leave a message," Vik hissed.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  Baldwin lifted his mouth off Vik's cock and grabbed a bottle of lube from the side table. Popping the cap, he applied a dollop of the slick to his finger and began circling Vik's pucker.

  "Put it in, baby. Gods, put it in," Vik begged.

  The click of the answering machine was the last thing Vik cared about at this moment. Baldwin slowly began to push his finger in. Vik's shaft was dripping pre-cum and his need was the most intense he ever remembered it being in his life.

  "Vik, this is Finn. You need to get to the coroner's office now. Doc Clayton is dead."


  It sucked not being able to finish what they started, but after hearing the cryptic message, Vik and Baldwin jumped up then rushed around getting dressed and into Vik’s car.

  "Did Finn say what happened?" Baldwin asked.

  Putting the flashing lights on his cruiser, Vik shook his head, "No, he said they had gone to meet with the doc and found him dead. They're preserving the scene until we get there."


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