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Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9)

Page 10

by Cree Storm

"So good―so fucking good," Vik groaned.

  Baldwin tightened his grasp on his mate’s hips, thrusting harder and faster. The need to come was building, but he was not willing to give up the feel of Vik's ass massaging his cock with every thrust. Gods, this was even better than he dreamed it would be.

  Lifting Vik's ass higher, Baldwin leaned forward, thrusting his hips and then grasping Vik's cock in his hand. With every push forward, Baldwin's hand slid from the base to the tip. As he drew back, his hand would slide back to its starting point.

  "Gods, yes! That's the spot! Right there!" Vik screamed out.

  Baldwin knew he was pegging the love gland of all men. Yes, he was going to milk that baby for all he was worth.

  Vik gripped the blanket in his hand, pushing back as Baldwin thrust forward. Hissing, "Gonna come, mate. I’m going to come."

  Baldwin felt his own balls drawing up tighter and to his amazement his metasoma, or what others called a scorpion tail, started to elongate. He was ready to explode and claim what was deemed his by fate. Baldwin leaned as far as he could over Vik's back, whispering, "You are mine."

  Baldwin's tail curled then flicked forward, his stinger attaching to Vik where the man's shoulder met his neck. Vick hissed, as he tilted his head back. The vein's in Vik's neck bulged as he screamed his pleasure. Seed shot from his cock and onto Baldwin's hand and the comforter below them.

  Vik’s anal muscles tightened around Baldwin's shaft, grasping him so hard he could barely move or hold back his own release. Cum filled Vik's channel and leaked out the sides, dribbling down the man's thighs.

  Baldwin thrusts were mere short jabs, but he didn't stop until every bit of seed he had to offer was out.

  Slowly, Baldwin felt his stinger release and his tail recede.

  Baldwin withdrew his still hard shaft from Vik with a groan. He was not prepared for Vik to flip him to his back and change their positions.

  Still panting, Vik picked up the bottle of lube and placed a dollop on his fingers. "Now it's my turn."

  Baldwin was nervous. He had never been on the receiving end before, but was more than willing to do so for his mate. He knew that Vik was not going to just bottom, but he had been doing things that would help for this occasion.

  Vik placed his finger in Baldwin's hole and started to move it in and out, asking, "Is this my virgin ass, baby?"

  Baldwin swallowed. "Kind of."

  Vik's brow rose as he added a second finger, then a wide smile formed. "What is kind of, Baldwin? Does that mean you've been playing with toys?"

  Baldwin moaned, nodded, and arched his back as Vik continued to stretch his hole.

  "What toys did you use, baby? Tell me, what did you stick up this beautiful ass?" Vik asked breathily.

  "Dildo and b―oh Gods―butt plug," Baldwin stammered.

  "Very nice. I can't wait to use those in you at a later date. I do hope you used a big enough plug, baby, ‘cause I am no small man," Vik rasped, continuing to stretch his mate.

  As many times as he had used the dildo and the butt plugs, Baldwin had thought the sting would be minimal, however, when Vik added a third finger, the burn was a bit more than he had predicted.

  "It's okay, baby. I promise, I'll take good care of you," Vik whispered.

  Baldwin felt the burn going away with each in and out motion of Vik's fingers, then no sooner than that, Vik was pulling them out and lining his huge cock up to his stretched opening.

  "I need you to push out for me, Baldwin. I'm going to take this as slow as you need me to take it, but you have to help me here," Vik softly said.

  Baldwin nodded as Vik added more lube to his hand and greased his cock generously. "It's going to burn a bit, but I swear, it will get so much better. We'll go as slow as you need me to go."

  "Okay. I trust you, mate," Baldwin rasped.

  Vik started to push in and Baldwin gripped the comforter beneath him. The pressure and burn was far more than he expected. "Should―have―used―bigger―plug."

  Vik brushed his hands gently over Baldwin's thighs, his voice was just as strained as he said, “Breathe through it, baby, and keep pushing out. I'm almost past the muscles."

  Seconds later Baldwin felt a pop and Vik slid in farther. The pressure was tremendous, but the burn had lessoned a great deal. Fuck, how big was his mate?

  "Open your eyes, baby. Let me see those turquoise beauties, sweetness," Vik whispered.

  Hearing the deep rasp in Vik's tone, Baldwin opened his eyes, and turquoise met rich blue. There was something shining in those orbs that Baldwin couldn't quite discern. However, with Vik's dick in his ass, thinking was not something he was really good at, at this moment.

  Vik had stopped moving and that's when Baldwin realized he could feel the man's sac touching his ass.

  "Oh, Gods you're fucking tight. Damn, this feels better than my dreams. Please tell me when you're ready to take the next step into bliss, sweetness," Vik practically begged.

  Taking a couple of in and out breaths, Baldwin rasped, "I'm ready, Vik. Please move."

  Vik laughed, "So polite."

  Vik brought Baldwin's legs over his shoulders and leaned forward, sliding his cock a little further inside Baldwin's channel, whispering, "I don't know when it happened Baldwin, and I don't expect you to say anything right now, but before I claim you, I want you to know, I thank fate for giving me such a strong, wonderful, and endearing mate. I love you."

  Baldwin's eyes went huge but before he could say anything, Vik drew his cock back until it was almost slipping from his hole then plunged back in. "Gods!"

  Vik gripped Baldwin's thighs and pushed in and pulled out over and over, murmuring, "You're so fucking tight. Fuck, you feel fantastic!"

  Vik threw his head back and fucked him hard and fast. The burning in his ass had stopped, but now there was a fire in his balls that only one thing could extinguish.

  Baldwin knew he had to look a fool when Vik lifted his legs and brought them out to the sides, fucking him for all he was worth. The pleasure was undeniable, the need to come growing, and the position be damned, because it felt too good.

  Baldwin's cock slapped his abs and a sticky goo thread pulled each time the tip lifted and moved. Fuck yes! Having his mate take his ass was amazing and Baldwin knew he would gladly do this with Vik again and again.

  Closing his eyes and arching his back, he grasped his cock and stroked it as fast as Vik moved inside his channel.

  "Oh, that is a beautiful sight, sweetness. That's it, stroke that cock. Gods, you are amazing to watch."

  Vik's words had Baldwin needing more. However, he had no clue what that more was until Vik brought Baldwin's still spread legs back towards his ears and was thrusting and nibbling Baldwin's nipples.

  "Oh shit! Oh Shit!" Baldwin panted.

  Vik bit a little harder and the sting mixed with the pulsing pleasure in his ass was beyond fantastic. It was as if his balls were attached to his nipples. "This is nothing like the toys."

  Vik snickered, then straightened back up, using Baldwin's thighs to pull him almost to the edge of the bed, lifted Baldwin's ass into the air and then thrust like a man on a mission. Baldwin felt the second his mate hit that gland that Baldwin had only ever heard about. "Fuck me!"

  "I am," Vik growled then shocked Baldwin when he withdrew his cock, pulled Baldwin to the floor and turned him so Baldwin was now leaning chest and face first on the bed. Not wasting any time, Vik plunged back in, gripping Baldwin's hips hard, small talons poking into Baldwin's sides, thrusting hard and fast.

  Leaning over Baldwin's back, Vik took his mate’s cock in hand and Baldwin knew he wasn't going to last. Vik's cock hitting his pleasure gland, the sliding motion of his mate's hand on his cock, add to that the sounds and smells of their joining, Baldwin was a goner.

  Sweat dripped onto his back and from his own body, sliding down his sides and onto the bed. "Vik, I'm gonna―"

  "Me too," Vik said before Baldwin could finish speaking.

in noticed Vik's voice had changed and didn't understand why until the feeling of wings wrapping around him and teeth imbedding in his neck had fire building and burning in his blood. His balls drew so tight, Baldwin couldn't hold back his scream as a light filled the room and Baldwin's release shot out of his cock hard and damn near painfully. Vik's teeth slowly released their hold as he bellowed so loud, Baldwin thought the neighbors might call the cops. Seed filled his channel, dribbling down his thighs.

  The bond inside him drew tight and snapped into place. Feelings he didn't understand started bombarding him, fear, gratefulness, glee, nervousness, and then love. This was a deep burning love that grew until Baldwin thought he might actually cry. It was at that moment that he knew what he was feeling was not just his own internal emotions, but Vik's as well.

  They were well and truly mated. Baldwin wanted to laugh, cry, dance, and just hug Vik close to his heart. How in the hell could someone like him get so fucking lucky?

  Vik's softening cock slowly slid from his hole, and Baldwin found himself being helped onto the bed. Exhaustion taking the place of giddy relief.

  "Mate," Baldwin murmured.

  Vik kissed him gently, whispering, "Yes, we are mates."

  Baldwin watched as Vik went into the bathroom and Baldwin could hear the water running. Soon, Vik was back, placing a warm cloth to Baldwin's balls, dick, and ass, cleaning him from the sticky, drying goo. Vik helped him to the top of the bed and both men got under the covers.

  Tossing the cloth across the room, Vik then messed with his alarm clock. "I figure we have about four hours of shut eye, then we can head to Twixie's for dinner before meeting up with Wade at the station."

  Seconds later Vik was snuggling up to Baldwin, laying his head on his chest. Smiling, Baldwin whispered, "I had no idea you were a cuddler."

  Vik snorted, "You tell anyone and I will chop your balls off."

  Baldwin laughed softly. "Your secrets are always safe with me, mate."

  Vik muttered some words, Baldwin tightened his hold on Vik, kissed the top of his mate's head, whispering, "I love you, too, Vik." before closing his eyes, feeling content and whole for the first time in his life.


  "I don't give a damn who you are, I do not know you and that means you don't get to just come in here moving shit around! Now shift back! Ouch, damn it, stop that shit!" Orion snapped.

  Vik walked further into the station with Baldwin and Wade. They had run into each other having dinner before getting together this evening and this scene was like getting the show afterwards.

  A fat, pale yellow cat with dark lines on its torso and forelegs, was on the lab table, swiping and hissing at Orion. Vik would have thought that the beast was a mini me version of a tiger, if not for the dark spots on the top of its head and the flat, rounded face.

  Hearing a noise to his left, Vik turned to see Sylux in the corner, laughing his ass off.

  When the cat turned his ass to Orion and sprayed, Wade, Vik, and Baldwin completely lost it.

  "What the fuck?” Orion hissed and went to lunge at the little beast. The cat leapt out of the way, but not before bringing its back leg up and using its claws to scratch the shit out of Orion's cheek.

  "You are going to die," Orion hissed, bringing out his full vampire.

  Vik sobered immediately and jumped to the cat's defense. "Orion, stop!"

  Orion tossed Vik to the side and a loud squall came from the doorway as Baldwin shifted. Vik loved Baldwin's shifted form, with his eagle like face, neck, and shoulders, the body of a scorpion, and large eagle wings. However, right now his mate was seriously pissed.

  The cat lunged off the table and ran into a barely opened cupboard. Orion turned in time to grab Baldwin's tail, straining to hold the stinger of the Griffion's tail from his face.

  "Sweetness, stop! Don't hurt him. He didn't mean to hurt me, it was a reaction," Vik yelled out, getting up as fast as he could to get to Baldwin.

  Wade thankfully didn't move, as Vik cupped the eagle face of his mate, whispering, "Sweetness, stop. I'm fine. It was all a big misunderstanding. Come on lover, let it go."

  Baldwin pulled his tail from Orion's grip and stepped back. Vik cupped his mate's eagle face and gently kissed his cheek whispering, "Gods, you are beautiful in shifted form."

  Baldwin quickly shifted back, bringing his lips down onto Vik's own. The kiss was hard and filled with passion. Gods, they had made love just an hour or so ago and Vik was ready to bend over the fucking table and beg to be taken once more.

  The sound of someone clearing his throat had the two pulling apart, leaning their foreheads together while trying to catch their breath.

  "As hot as that was to watch, we really have to get to work," Wade said with a laugh.

  "You are a spoil sport. I was hoping to get some free porn after the traumatizing moment I just had."

  Vik didn't lift his head as he turned to see Donny standing there with a lab coat covering what had to be a very naked body underneath. "Shit, I think Orion was far more traumatized than you were."

  Shrugging, Donny said, "I risked messing up my manicure, trust me, if you ever had your nails done, you would understand. However, with as chipped and messed up as you are, I know I am speaking to deaf ears."

  Orion hissed, "Who is this cretin?"

  Donny turned to Orion. "The only stupid person in this room is you. I told you I was sent here by the mayor and you refused to listen."

  "I told you that until I check you out, you were not to touch anything," Orion snapped back.

  "And I told you I had too damn much to do to be standing around licking my ass."

  "Stop! Both of you, just stop," Vik said with an audible sigh.

  Wade burst out laughing. "I really like this guy. I have a friend that would love to meet you, Donny."

  "Only if his dick is big and stamina everlasting," Donny replied, going to the shelf and taking down some tubes and a magnifying glass.

  "What did you find out about Doctor Clayton?" Vik asked.

  Donny slid a glass under the scope of the magnifying glass, muttering, "That he's far more likable dead than he ever was alive."

  "Excuse me?" Wade practically snarled.

  Donny looked up blinking. "It's all good, we all fart, but I must say that was very polite."

  "I did not fart," Wade growled.

  Shrugging, Donny said, "You smelt it, you dealt it."

  "I didn't say I smelled anything," Wade replied going from anger to confusion.

  "Well, then you should see a doctor about that. It could be a sinus infection," Donny replied looking back down to the slide.

  Wade drew back. "You’re fucking crazy."

  "Well, they do say there is a fine line between genius and insanity, and I have to tell you, I know for a fact I am a genius," Donny replied, again without looking up.

  Vik shook his head. Donny was a real character, and even though he really did like the guy, he could also tell the man was looking to get his ass kicked on a daily basis. "Donny, maybe you shouldn't be working on this case. If your feelings about Gary are that strong that you’re glad he's dead, there could be a conflict of interest here."

  Donny looked up and Vik watched as the man's eyes went very round, dilating and contracting back to normal, just as the man said, "I did not say I was glad to see the doctor dead. I just said that he was far nicer dead than he ever was alive. The man was an arrogant, bigoted, asshole. He hated shifters and the second he was informed I was one, he treated me as if I was his servant and butler. It's the reason I quit this fucked up job when I did. I have no problem trying to find out who killed the asshat, I'm just not going to pretend that I care he’s dead."

  "I swear, I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't stop talking about Gary like that. He was a fine, upstanding resident of Crystal. Born and raised right here in this town," Wade snapped.

  "He might have been fine and upstanding to you, because you are human. However, he and a group of people would me
et once a fucking week. They would pretend that it was to play poker, but that was a bunch of bullshit. They got together to try and figure out ways to get any and all shifters and paranormals out of this town," Donny stated angrily.

  "That's a lie!" Wade snarled.

  Donny stood up straight, one fist on his hip, the other wiggling his pointer finger in Wade's direction. "Oh, I'm lying? Seriously? Well, why not ask good ole Wilson Phillipson how much a liar I am, or Jim Farmer? Maybe Tony Lathers can fill you in."

  "Tony? Are you saying Tony is part of this hate group?" Vik asked in shock.

  "Yep." Donny shrugged, and then said, "I would tell you to talk with Mary Murphy, Carlin Francis, or Sal, the cook from Twixie's, but we all know what happened to them."

  Vik felt heavy hearted. How could so many people that he had known all their lives hate them so much they would be trying to rid his people from Crystal? "What about Nate? Was he one of them too?"

  Shaking his head, Donny replied, "Not that I know of. I never saw Nate, Doris, or Troy Akard at any of these meetings."

  Wade stood there, eyes wide. "You saw them?"

  "But Doc Clayton said that Doris would pick him up every week for poker night," Baldwin said.

  Nodding, Donny said, "She did. Doc didn't have really good night vision, so Doris would come and get him to drop him off, but she never stayed. It was the same time she had bridge night with Nate, Carl Berstein, and Taggert Nethers."

  "How do you know all this?" Wade asked skeptically.

  "As you all know, I'm a cat shifter. Our senses are extremely strong and being a Pallas cat, I might be a tad aggressive―"

  Orion snorted, causing Donny to look at the man in annoyance. "As I was saying, I might be a tad aggressive, but I'm no lion or tiger. I have to rely on what my internal alarm system is telling me and when I got to this lab it was screaming run. So, I started following the people that came and went from the lab." Turning to Vik, Donny said, "You and your partner there need to seriously get a life. Hell, I'm surprised your dicks haven't fallen off with all that manual action you've been giving them."

  "You've been spying on me and my mate?" Baldwin snarled.


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