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Red Planet: The Revolt (Tamarians Book 2)

Page 12

by Lauren Landish

  Joren leaves, with Tauren dismissing the Council moments later. As we get up, Tauren holds his hand out for me to wait behind, and I settle back into my chair gratefully. While it'll be better tomorrow most likely, the ache deep in my left leg still hasn't worked itself all the way out. I know what the autodoc says, but my mind still remembers the pain, and if I've learned anything in all the training I did for the Blood Moon Games, it's that the mind is often more important than the body in the realm of pain.

  “How can I help you, Tauren?”

  Tauren watches me adjust myself, then sits down himself. Audra remains with us, along with Mogar and Kelbara. “How's the leg?”

  “I'm not going to be challenging your little workout area today, but I can walk without giving too much away. It's all mental right now.”

  Tauren nods, then glances at Audra. “I feel bad about this, but I don't want to leave this in the hands of anyone who I don't trust. I want you to take over the lead of the investigation tomorrow.”

  I nod immediately, clenching my hand. “That's a lot of ground to cover. What do you plan on using?”

  Tauren smiles, nodding. “You'll like this. Mogar's been working on a special shuttle for you to use, the progression of his testbed shuttle. Mogar?”

  “It'll have both ducted fans and high supersonic hover cruise,” Mogar says, passing me a flexi. “It's unarmed, but the stealth mode is just as good as my testbed, if not better. Full sensors, it's a fully capable spy plane for anywhere on the planet. It's even got limited exo-atmospheric abilities, if the pilot and co-pilot are properly equipped for that.”

  I take a look, humming. “Cockpit's small, whoever flies this isn't going to have space to do much more than scratch their nose inside. Why?”

  Mogar shrugs. “It's not that small, actually. The rest of the shuttle is being taken up by the sensors and stealth systems. But no, I wouldn't recommend it for someone who wants to go camping for two weeks in the wilderness. But you'll have better real time vision than even dedicated satellites, freedom of movement, and the ability to find them.”

  I think about it, sitting back. Tauren looks from me to Kelbara, handing her the flexi. “Kelbara, we'd like you to be the co-pilot on this. You've got knowledge, you've got experience, and the fact is you handled yourself well a few days ago. Regardless of what you say.”

  “I don't know....” Kelbara says, her unsureness returning. It hurts, and I feel like I have to do something about it. “I got Jensen hurt and....”

  “I'll do it,” I interrupt Kelbara, standing up. I won't let her destroy herself over my injuries, that's for sure. “We missed them last time, I'm going to find them this time. Kelbara, I could use your help.”

  Kelbara's eyes glisten, and I'm afraid she's going to say no, but instead she nods. “Yes sir.”

  I nod, looking at Tauren. “Another thing, Tauren. Mogar, you mentioned me leading a small unit for the rest of this war, or whatever we want to call it. To do that, I'm going to need a good second in command. I want Kelbara as my second.”

  Kelbara looks shocked but still touched. Yet, there's a hint of doubt and anger in her face, but she doesn't say anything as Tauren considers us. Finally, he nods. “You two find Ambaris and Tauria, I'll leave the decision in Kelbara's hands. In the meantime, I'll leave you two to get familiar with the shuttle. It's in the rear courtyard, Mogar will show it to you.”

  Mogar leads Kelbara and I to the rear courtyard, where a shuttle that I can only describe as classically sexy sits, hugging the ground. Unlike most shuttles which are usually boxy or slightly bullet shaped in appearance, this shuttle has the sleek, curved lines of an ancient fighter aircraft, with short, stubby wings that blend smoothly into the fuselage. The pilot seating area is so small that we'll have to sit one behind the other instead of side by side, and I have no idea where we'd store any supplies. Still, it's a sexy vehicle.

  Kelbara looks equally impressed. She runs a hand over the blunt, rounded nose, whistling softly. “Heaven and stars Mogar, I didn't think scholars were into looks.”

  “Actually, the looks are all for performance,” Mogar says with a soft laugh. “The geometry is designed to allow the stealth field to work better. Even if you don't have the field turned on, this shuttle will have a small readout on conventional sensors. So while I agree it looks nice Kelbara, it's not for appearances sake.”

  Kelbara hums, then looks into the cockpit. “What are the controls?”

  “Standard controls, I didn't want to make it that different from a normal high performance shuttle,” Mogar says. “Jensen can pilot it right away. Remember the hypersonic shuttles that the Resistance used?”

  “Of course,” I answer, standing next to Kelbara and looking in. Mogar's right, the controls look familiar, even if some of the displays are slightly smaller to fit in the wrap around setup. “Actually, I'd like to take it for a test flight.”

  “How about taking it to your estate?” Mogar suggests. “You can use the rest of the afternoon to get familiar with the shuttle.”

  “Sounds good,” I comment. I look at Kelbara, who's eyes are gleaming in anticipation. “Kelbara, would you have any plans for this afternoon?”

  “Well, none that I know of,” Kelbara replies with a smirk. “I'm guessing you want a co-pilot?”

  “To start,” I tease, finding the cockpit hatch control and opening the cockpit. “Actually first, I want to go back home and change into some of my own clothes.”

  “Then I shall leave you to your afternoon of training,” Mogar says, stepping back. “I'll inform the King and Queen of your plans. Good luck, Jensen.”

  “What about me?” Kelbara asks, climbing into the cockpit. “No wishes of good luck to me?” Mogar reaches into the cockpit and pats Kelbara on the shoulder.

  “You, my youngest protégé, are someone who has no need of luck. You're your own luck. Now Jensen, on the other hand.... he could use a lucky charm or two.” Kelbara smiles at Mogar's joke and adjusts herself while I climb into the pilot's seat. “Last note, there's very little inertial buffers in the design. You're going to want to use the safety harness before you try anything radical.”

  “Now he tells me,” I mock complain, my heart picking up a few notches. “I guess better that than when I go head first into the canopy.”

  I fire up the engines and lift off, Mogar shielding his eyes as the ducted fans lift us off. I could use the hover tech, but I want to get a feeling for what it's like controlling the shuttle from just the fans. “How's it feel back there?”

  “Actually, it's kinda nice,” Kelbara says, her voice filled with surprise. “One of the fans must be connected to an internal brace that's close to my seat, because I'm getting a great back massage right now.”

  “I'll remember that when I need a back massage,” I laugh, shifting into hover mode. “Come on, let's see what this thing can do for the next half hour or so.”

  I take the shuttle out of the capital, pushing the hover engines to Mach five before throttling down and going through a series of aerobatic maneuvers. The inertial buffers are weak, I can feel the weight on my body as we go through maneuvers including Immelmans, hooded cobras, and corkscrews, and even rotating spins, although those make both Kelbara and I grunt from the sudden change of directions.

  “I think that's enough,” Kelbara says. “If not, I'm going to lose my lunch.”

  “I agree. So what's the sensor package back there look like?”

  “It's good. I've got electronic sensors two hundred kilometers in all directions, ground mapping and enhanced visual sensors in a ten-kilometer-wide path underneath us, all live. Right now there's a little boy with black hair walking his dog directly underneath us with a candy bar in his back pocket.”

  “Impressive. Okay, let's go back to my estate. Then you're having dinner with me.”

  Kelbara gives me a surprised hum, her voice teasing when she replies. “And if I say I don't want to have dinner with you, Jensen?”

  “You'd be lying. Com
e on, the estate has a good chef. Join me, please?”

  “I'd enjoy that. Thank you. You don't mind if I wear this?”

  I laugh, turning the shuttle towards my estate. “Kelbara, you wear whatever you want to dinner. I'm asking for your company, not your clothing.”

  Chapter 15


  Jensen's estate is overwhelmingly opulent, each room filled with valuable treasures and expensive furnishings, and I remind myself that this isn't Jensen. This estate used to belong to Neyton, and that corrupt monster had a taste for the extravagant that was only exceeded by his narcissistic, spoiled daughter Neyilla.

  After we land, Jensen excuses himself to go take a shower and change into his actual clothes. “Go ahead and explore the place if you'd like, I'll find you later. If you need help, ask anyone, they'll be happy to give you whatever you need.”

  Jensen disappears, leaving me to my thoughts as I wander through the estate. Honestly, who the fuck needs a ballroom with columns that shimmer rainbow colors when you touch them? I shake my head at the amount of wasted money for a fancy paint job, when I become aware that I'm not alone in the ballroom. Turning, I see a beautiful brown skinned human woman who's dressed in a simple but elegant dress watching me. “Please, my Lady, I don't mean to interrupt. Enjoy the columns.”

  I shake my head, turning away. “No, I wasn't really enjoying them. I was just.... I was wondering what kind of man would spend so much money on such stupid things. I never met Neyton in more than passing, but from everything I've seen, the man was an effete asshole.”

  The woman laughs, her voice just a little more manic than the comment warrants, and I give her a look. She is very beautiful, with chocolate colored skin, soft brown eyes and full lips that would be arousing to any man. I understand.... and she recognizes my understanding. “My names Justine,” she says, holding out her hand. “I'm.... well, right now my main job is assisting those who weren't as damaged as I was.”

  “Kelbara,” I reply, shaking hands with her. “I apologize Justine. I am Kelbara out of Gwendolyn by Ambaris. I feel I owe you more than an apology.”

  Justine shakes her head, giving me a soft smile. “I appreciate the apology, but you owe me nothing. First off, I know who Ambaris is. I was not captured by him, nor was I ever in his possession. I was born a slave, to two slave parents. Secondly, I have seen the way you fought to protect Lord Jensen. Lord Mogar's video of you firing to defend him have become famous over the past few days.”

  “The... wait, Mogar released that?” I ask, surprised. I knew that the King and Queen were impressed when Mogar showed them what his shuttle's visual sensors had picked up as they were coming in to rescue us, but I didn't think it had been publicly released, and I've been so focused on Jensen's care that I haven't even looked at a news feed in the four days since the battle.

  “I don't know where it was released from,” Justine says, still giving me an admiring look. “Does it matter? You fought with courage and honor, and you're about the third most popular Tamarian among humans on the entire planet.”

  I think for a moment, then nod in acceptance. “I didn't do it for popularity, Justine.”

  “I know. It's pretty well known that you care for Lord Jensen.” Justine says. I blush, and she chuckles. “It's okay. You're not the only person who does. Me, I just am happy that the Lord of this estate is now a good man. I was so close to losing myself permanently to Neyton's drugs when the counteragent hit and I found myself freed. We were so scared, not knowing what to do in the madness of that night, but then Jensen came. He treats us with kindness and respect, but most of all he values us for who and what we are. You mentioned the ridiculous craziness of the columns.... it used to be worse.”

  “What?” I ask, shocked. “How?”

  Justine shakes her head, pointing with her hand. “Let me show you what's become of Neyilla's wing of the estate. The repairs are mostly completed from the bomb damage, but that's not what I want you to see.”

  Justine leads me out of the ballroom towards another wing of the estate, and as we walk I see humans nearly everywhere. If the royal palace is nearly bare of staff, Jensen's estate is the exact opposite. I see humans working, humans talking to other humans, and all of them look, if not happy, at least well cared for and content. “Uh... are there any Tamarians here? I'm starting to feel like I stick out some.”

  Justine laughs softly, her voice musical. “Trying being a human with my color of skin, we're a very small percentage. But yes, there are Tamarians who work on the estate. However, this wing is usually reserved for us human staff. Some of us have had... well, the psychological effects still take time. Having a safe space for those who need it is helpful.”

  “Yes... Jensen told me about the playrooms” I comment softly, embarrassed. Justine however smiles, chuckling.

  “Ah, the playroom. It's actually Neyilla's old playroom, I help some of those who need that sort of release from time to time. I'll admit, I've come to enjoy it too, and it is therapeutic in a way. But here, this used to be Neyilla's reception parlor,” Justine says, leading me to a big set of double doors. She opens them, and I'm shocked at what I see. Tapestries piled one on top of another, priceless handwoven rugs draped over tables that I think might be real teak.

  “What.... what is all this?”

  “This is the crap that being sold off to people to pay for us,” Justine says softly. “The day after he became Lord, he brought us all, human and the Tamarians who were around, to the big ballroom. I was still walking on shaky legs, I was going through withdrawals so badly, but he got up on the big banquet table that used to be in there and addressed us all. He said that looting and vandalism had to stop, because we were hurting ourselves. He promised to take care of us, to hire us as his staff for as long as he could. The first thing he did after that was set up a team whose whole job was to strip the estate down to what was needed for the actual staff. We got rid of a lot of Neyton's things, Neyilla's clothing, all of that's been sold off so far, and all of the money's been deposited in an account that Jensen doesn't have full control over.”

  “He doesn't... then who does?”

  “We all do,” Justine says simply, leading me out and closing the doors. “This planet may be a monarchy, but at least among the staff of this house, we run a democracy. All I'm saying is... your feelings, or how you look at Lord Jensen, he's worth them all.”

  I nod, thinking. “Justine... I'm supposed to have dinner with Jensen tonight. Would it be possible, well... I'd like to look pretty. I've never tried to look pretty before, and I don't know how.”

  Justine smiles, nodding. “I know just who can help you with that. His names Korbin, and he used to be one of Neyilla's dressing attendants. He'll know just what to do to make you stunning. Although if you don't mind me saying, with that face and those eyes, he won't have to do much.”

  I feel weird, wearing a dress. The first thing I'm aware of is my thighs, the way that they rub together as I walk, wishing I'd been able to figure out how to wear high heels like Korbin wanted. Unfortunately, an hour of practice left me feeling like little more than a toddler about to fall over, and Korbin finally, thankfully, switched me over to a set of flats.

  The next thing I'm aware of is my breasts. I've never had large ones, even Korbin's appraising eye wasn't all that impressed when I stripped for him. “Don't worry Lady Kelbara, I'm not into girls,” Korbin reassured me while he looked me over. “Hmm.... very athletic, you carry more muscle than most women. As for your boobs... I'm going to say a A/B cup, though we're going to use a slight pad to give you some almost Cs.”

  “B... C?” I ask, confused. “Uh, what?”

  Korbin laughs and shakes his head. “Never mind. Just know that when I'm done with you, you're going to be brain overload levels of sexy.”

  I don't know if I'm actually sexy, my arms feel exposed with no sleeves, my hips feel weird in these so-called bikini cut panties to the point I wonder if I've got a wedgie, and the tops of my brea
sts feel chilly, even though Korbin insisted that the dress I'm wearing is actually very conservative compared to some of the fashions that he's put people into. And everything below my knees is exposed to the air, I've never been in public like this before. Even when I exercise, I've always worn long tights at least, but Korbin said he wasn't able to find a set of stockings, whatever those are, that fit me. “You're a difficult woman to find things for, Lady Kelbara. Not too many women are your blend of muscle and compactness. No offense, because I find it enchanting.”

  I pause outside the dining room, gathering my nerves. Justine's been nice, she seems to actually be enjoying all this, and she said that she made Jensen promise to wait for me in the dining room before dinner. Now I'm by myself in the hallway, and my hand's shaking as I reach up and knock softly.

  “Come in,” Jensen's voice calls from inside, and I open the door, stepping in just as Jensen stands up. He's changed as well, he looks more handsome than ever in his black pants with a dinner jacket, his eyes going wide as he sees me step into the dining room. “Kelbara.... heaven and stars.”

  “I... I'm sorry, I'll go change,” I stutter as I see his face. He hates it, I look like a little girl trying to play dress up, I don't belong in this. I start to turn, but Jensen closes the gap in a flash, his hand on my arm.

  “No. I like it. You look beautiful tonight,” Jensen says softly, turning me to him. “Well, you've looked beautiful for a long time, but tonight you are very appealing.”

  “You look handsome too,” I whisper, looking up into his blue eyes. “I just... I don't know why, I wanted to be pretty tonight.”

  “You're always pretty,” Jensen says, smiling. “It's taken me a while to see it, that's all. Come on, let's eat.”

  I stop, watching Jensen as he walks back to his seat, limping slightly. “What's wrong with the leg?”


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