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Hot Stuff

Page 5

by Weston Parker

  Chapter 7


  I couldn’t get over how amazing Lauren looked, and even though I knew I was taking advantage of the whole “lifelong-friends” thing to hold her hand and kiss her cheek, the moment I’d stepped away from her, my friendship with her brother was back front and center. Especially when he sent me a text telling me to keep my filthy hands to myself. I had thought about those words all the way to get the pizza and then on the long drive home.

  Lauren had always been so special to me, like a sister, yes, but she was always around when I was with the Patrick family, and it made me feel like a part of a big family.

  I had spent a lot of time with her and the boys at their camp down by the creek, and she’d tagged along whether we wanted her to or not. I usually didn’t mind and thought it was neat to have a little sister, but Noah, who had come around eventually, hadn’t wanted her to tag along when we were doing things she could get hurt trying. Not to mention, she’d tell their mother if the two of us were into something we shouldn’t be. He used to get so mad at her back then. But then once she got older, he didn’t want her around for a whole other reason: too many of his friends liked her. I was the only one who he could trust, and that only went so far. Lucky for him, she’d found her own group of friends and didn’t want to hang around with us by then, either.

  But then in high school, it all changed. When she was a freshman, he kept a much closer eye on her, and her on me. What a fool I’d been back then not to care. I’d known better, I supposed.

  I pulled up at home and was greeted by Helen who met me at the door. “I’m so glad you’re here. She’s strewn all of her toys all over the house, and she’s even turned the cushions over. I can handle a lot, Gage, but I will not tolerate this deliberate rebellion. Your daughter needs a strap taken to her.” She put her hands on her hips and walked away, and when she did, I saw the mess behind her.

  It was like a bomb had exploded in our living room. Just as Helen had said, all of the cushions were off the couch, and every toy she had, along with all of her clothes, were scattered from the top of the stairs to the downstairs across the floor.

  “Olivia!” I walked into the room, and after placing the pizza on the table, I headed straight for the stairs. “Olivia, you get out here right now!” She’d done it out of spite for me not bringing her pizza sooner, and I knew if I let this kind of behavior go, it would get out of hand. She wouldn’t have pulled a stunt like this for Edna.

  When I got to the top of the stairs and walked down the hall to her room, her door slammed, and I heard her scamper across the floor. I opened the door and found the room empty, save for anything too heavy for her to remove, which meant she could only be hiding in one of two places. Since her closet door was standing wide open with a few empty hangers dangling freely, that could only mean she was hiding under the bed. I went to stand in the center of her room and leaned over so I could see her. “Young lady, I’m very upset with you.”

  She was lying on her stomach with her hands propped up under her chin.

  “Olivia. Come out of there right now.” She shook her head and kept her lips pulled into a tight line.

  “Fine. But you will clean up that mess, and you will apologize to Ms. Helen. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my house from anyone. I’m very disappointed in you.”

  I went downstairs and grabbed a hot slice of the pizza and carried the rest to the kitchen. I was determined she’d go to bed without it.

  “Daddy, I’m hungry.” I turned and found Olivia at the door with her nightgown and fuzzy bunny slippers.

  I sat at the kitchen table with my slice of pizza. “You can pick up this house and then go to bed.” I wasn’t going to let that “Daddy” stuff break me.

  “But you promised.” Tears filled her eyes, and I looked away from her and let out a long breath.

  “Do you know what an emergency is?” I kept my voice firm.

  “Yes, it’s when someone goes to the hospital.”

  “Well, this isn’t that kind of an emergency, but a friend of mine had her car break down on her, and she was trapped out in the snow. So, while I wanted to bring you pizza as promised, I had to go help my friend. This was a very bad and mean thing you did to me.”

  “Is she your girlfriend?” She gave me a smile, but I wasn’t about to fall for her cuteness.

  “No, she’s my best friend’s little sister, and I’ve known her since she was a little bit older than you.”

  “Were you little too, Daddy?”

  “Yes, I was.” She climbed up into my lap and smiled then glanced over at the pizza box. I was just about to tell her no when her little tummy let out a growl. “This house has to be cleaned up before you go to bed Olivia. If it’s not, it will be here in the morning for you, but you will pick it up. All by yourself. And I want you to apologize.”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy.” She covered her face and then peeked through her fingers.

  “Are you?” I met her eyes directly, and she teared up.

  “Yes, Daddy. Do I have to tell Ms. Helen I’m sorry?”

  “Especially Ms. Helen.”

  “She’s so mean, she doesn’t like me, and she doesn’t want me to live here.”

  “Why do you think that?” I wondered if she’d overheard that and if it had triggered all of the problems we’d been having with her.

  “She told Mr. Henry that things were better around here when you didn’t have a daughter.” She reached over and opened the box. She pulled out a slice as big as her head and bit into the skinny end.

  “Have you heard her say anything else?”

  “Just that you’re a grown child and that you should have had more discipline.” Great, the little one didn’t miss a beat.

  She picked off a piece of pepperoni and nibbled it. I let her finish the slice, and before she was done, she was yawning.

  “Making that mess made you really tired didn’t it?”

  She turned and gave me a shrug. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I was mad.”

  “I’m mad, too, now. And I meant what I said. I want you to clean it up in the morning. Wash your hands. I’ll get your bedding, but only because I don’t want you tripping on the stairs.” I wasn’t sure how she’d managed to drag the heavy covers all the way down the stairs. I walked into the living room and found her daisy comforter buried beneath a pile of toys, and I realized she’d used the blanket to drag a bunch down at once. She was a smart little girl, but I needed her to stop being destructive.

  I met her upstairs, and she had brushed her teeth and washed her hands. “Will you read me a story, Daddy?”

  “No, not tonight, and I’m sure you know why.” My phone rang as I tucked her in, and then I pulled the door closed and answered, seeing it was Noah.

  “I was a perfect gentleman, I swear.”

  “I know, she told me, and lucky for you. But that’s not what I’m calling about. Did she tell you anything?”

  “No, but she seemed okay. She wasn’t sad or anything. Of course, she was excited to see me. I caught her looking me over.”

  “I’m sure she was only trying to figure you out. You’re not at all her type, man. It’s why I trusted you with her.”

  “So, what’s her type? I’ll make sure I try to be that the next time I see her. I’m sure she’d be down to try something new.”

  “I didn’t call so you could piss me off, my friend. I just wanted to thank you and remind you how much she means to me and that you’re supposed to be finding out if someone broke her heart.”

  “I could do that much easier if you’d let me ask her out on a date.” I went into my room and pulled back the covers. Climbing into bed, I grabbed my remote and put the TV on Sports Center.

  “I said you could take her out to dinner.”

  “But if I feel her out on boyfriends, that would be a lot faster. Besides, let’s just cut the bull. You know you’ve always wanted me for a brother.”

  “I have. That’s true. But the answer is
still no.”

  “Goodnight, Noah.” I hung up the phone and turned my attention to the TV for a moment, but then I let it drift back to Lauren. She’d been so beautiful. Her hair had darkened a lot, and I remembered how much red she used to have in it, how the sun would reflect off of it to create her own sunset. Her eyes had always had that inquisitive look, like she was constantly pondering the secrets of the universe.

  She’d really filled out, too, and in all the right places. I licked my lips thinking about her and wondered if I could ever go against Noah’s wishes and see her on an intimate level. My cock hardened thinking about the swell of her breast against that tiny waistline, how her legs would look wrapped around me, and what her voice would sound like screaming my name. The ache that shot up my balls told me it wasn’t going away anytime soon, and I gripped my shaft and gave it a squeeze, knowing I shouldn’t be doing this and thinking of Lauren. Actually, with Noah involved, it might be the only way I could have her.

  I let out a deep breath and then took another cleansing one as I began to stroke and think about her. She’d be a goddess on her knees, working me over with those pouty lips, her eyes staying focused on mine as she trailed her tongue up and down my veiny shaft.

  I’d lift her up and put her on her back so I could play with those ample, perky breasts and pinch those tight nipples. My imagination ran wild, knowing I’d never seen her bare breasts, and I could only dream that they were even more impressive naked, with her pinching her nipples as she panted out my name.

  I’d drive deep inside that sopping wet pussy, and she’d moan so good. I’d take her, flesh to flesh. The silky, hot skin would feel so good caressing my cock, and then I’d fill her sweet pussy with a big load and pound it deep.

  I imagined myself pouring into her, over and over, filling her up, and when I pulled free, she’d get on her knees and suck me until I was hard and ready again.

  God, I wanted her so much more than I was willing to admit, and as I came, my cock spraying my load all over my chest, I knew that it would be best for my relationship with Noah if I just let it be. It wasn’t worth losing my best friend over.

  Chapter 8


  I took a deep breath, knowing this was going to be the first time I’d heard my father’s voice in a long time and the last time ever again. While I tried to keep my emotions in check, I couldn’t help but miss him and miss being his little girl.

  Reed met me at the door of the office, and his eyes narrowed a bit. “Where’s Noah?”

  I couldn’t believe Noah hadn’t told him he wasn’t coming. “He didn’t tell you? He’s not coming.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have told him about the cabin.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Dad isn’t leaving him the cabin at Wade’s Creek. Dad wanted you to have it.”

  I took a seat next to where Reed sat. “But why? It was always Noah’s favorite place, and what am I going to do with a cabin, Reed? Are you sure? Did you already see the will?”

  “Not yet, but Dad told me. I didn’t want Noah to be blindsided, but I didn’t expect him to no-show because of it. We’re all supposed to be here.” Reed cleared his throat and tugged his collar. He took out his cell phone, and I saw him messaging Noah as the others filed into the room.

  One man opened up his laptop and put in a flash drive as Mr. Dunkirk, my father’s lawyer, prepared a few papers. He looked up at me. “We’re just waiting for Noah.”

  “Noah isn’t coming.” I hoped I hadn’t wasted my time making the trip.

  “Oh,” he said, seeming a little put-off.

  “I’m getting him on the phone,” Reed said. “We’ll make him do a voice chat if we have to.”

  I shook my head. “He couldn’t get off work. I’m very sorry. His work is very important.”

  About that time, Noah answered the phone, and I could hear the sound of loud music and women giggling in the background. Reed quickly turned the speakerphone off and put the phone to his ear as he stepped over to the corner of the room.

  Blush stained my cheeks. “He’s an EMT. He drives a lot.” I rolled my eyes and looked away; it was obvious wherever Noah was, he wasn’t at work.

  Mr. Dunkirk straightened the papers on his desk and then passed us each a copy. I tried to tune into what Reed was saying.

  “I don’t give a two-cent shit where you are; you’re needed at this reading, or else it’s delayed. I know you don’t care about me, but at least have the decency to show up for our sister.” He looked up and then turned around and lowered his voice even more. “Oh, get over yourself. You haven’t been disinherited. Get your clothes on and wash your face. It’s lights, camera, and action for you in about five minutes.” Reed jabbed his finger at his phone and then straightened his tie as he returned to his chair. “He’s just getting ready for a live chat. I hope that’s all good and legal.”

  “I do have some papers he’ll need to sign, but those can be done at a later date.”

  “Did he think Dad would really write him off?” I couldn’t believe things had gotten so bad between them.

  “Yes.” Reed closed his hands together in his lap, and then minutes later, Noah called. He was in a hotel room with palm trees and neon in the background, and his face looked like it hadn’t seen a shave in days.

  “Good morning. Let’s do this.” I was pissed at him for lying to me about where he’d be, and I wondered how long he’d been in Vegas.

  Mr. Dunkirk began with reading a few documents, and then we turned the phone around so Noah could see Father’s last will and testament video.

  Fresh tears stung my eyes as Daddy appeared on the computer. He was sitting at his desk and had a smile on his face. “If you’re watching this, then it means I’m no longer with you. These are my final requests on this good earth, and I want to start by telling my children, Reed, Noah, and Lauren how much I love you. Your mother and I are together at last, and having you was our greatest contribution to the world. You’re fine people and will make your mark on the world. Always remember to follow your heart, listen to your gut, and take care of one another. I’ll keep things simple. Our family home shall go to Reed; I’d like to see him build a nice home and family there for himself. I’m leaving Noah the Land Rover and the property that I own across town. And lastly, to my daughter, my sweet little Lauren, I’m leaving the cabin at Wade’s Creek. Your mother and I fell in love there, and I hope you find the same kind of love we had. I’d like to have seen you settling down with a good man, but I’m sure your brothers will see to it that happens.” Dad gave a little laugh, and then he held up three envelopes. “I have written letters to you each, and I’ll have Mr. Dunkirk present those now.”

  Mr. Dunkirk paused the video and handed us each our letter, except for Noah’s.

  “Give my letter to my sister, please?”

  “I’m afraid I cannot do that, Noah. You’ll have to come get it, or I can mail it certified.” Mr. Dunkirk was a smug old man, and Noah let out an audible sigh.

  “Fine,” he said. “Mail it.”

  “As you wish.” Dunkirk then restarted my father’s message.

  “Now, for the money. I’m requesting that it be divided equally, and while I’m not around to tell you how to spend it, I’d like to ask you to be wise. One last time, I tell you all I love you. May God be with you through your lives, and I hope you keep your memories of me and your mother close to your heart.”

  I wiped a tear, and Reed took out his handkerchief and handed it to me. “Thank you.”

  “I want to talk to my sister,” Noah said. Reed took the phone and turned it off. A moment later, Noah called me on the phone.

  “Hey, Noah.” I cleared my throat and sniffled as I got up and headed to a more private corner, and the other men finished things up with my brother.

  “I wasn’t expecting that.” His voice was broken, and he’d been crying.

  “Me neither, but I’m so sorry that he gave me the cabin.”

��No, don’t be sorry. He’s right. You need to find you a good man. Someone to share that place with. I’m going to make sure you do. He told me to take care of you. We both know he meant me.” I knew he had, he’d only been trying to be polite for Reed’s sake, but he was as nurturing as a wastebasket.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what was going on with me. I came out here to unwind and escape for a bit.”

  “We all need time, Noah, but sometimes, I just need my brother. It’s okay to mourn him. It’s okay to miss him.”

  “Thanks. I guess I underestimated the old man.”

  “I think we all did in the end.” I let out a long breath. “Gage wanted me to call him.”

  “Oh? Are you having dinner tonight?” His voice cleared up a bit.

  “Yes, we’re supposed to tonight, but he just wanted to catch up a little.”

  “Be careful, Lauren.”

  “I will, brother, but do you really think Gage would hurt me? I mean, he’s a good guy.”

  “He is. And he’s getting his shit together. He’s got more money than the three of us inherited combined, too, so there’s that. Too bad you swore off men.”

  “Ah, thanks for reminding me.”

  “And you still haven’t told me why.”

  “And I might never, but I promise you, it’s not that big of a deal. I’m okay. I promise.” I was especially okay knowing that I was going to call Gage as soon as I left the office and ask if he wanted to go with me down to the old cabin. I’d have to check on a few things and make sure the place was secure and not in need of repair. I couldn’t imagine my father leaving me anything too burdensome, but it was an old cabin, and we used to rough it back in the day.

  I hung up with Noah and spent another half hour sitting with Mr. Dunkirk going over paperwork. When I left with the keys to my new house in my handbag, I was four-hundred grand richer and owned a cabin down on Wade’s Creek.

  “What the hell am I going to do with a cabin?” My voice was but a mumble, and there was no one around to answer me as I got into Reed’s car. He was driving me back to the hotel.


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