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Hot Stuff

Page 10

by Weston Parker

  “No, I want you to stay with me, silly. It will be the perfect way to ring in the new year.” I was glad we were on the same page, but I never wanted to push myself on her. We were still taking things slowly.

  “I really want you to meet my daughter sometime, so maybe we can make something happen in the next month?”

  “Yeah, but I think I’ll wait until we tell Noah. That’s a big step, and if we’re going to involve family, it’s only fair, Gage.”

  “I agree.” I was still a little hesitant to tell her brother, but I understood why meeting Ollie would be a big deal to her, and I could respect that. “Have you thought any more about the cabin?”

  “Yes, I have. I think about it at least twenty times a day and sometimes more, and I even think about it at night when I’m alone in a nice, hot bath.” Her voice turned sultry, and I laughed because she misunderstood my meaning, but the talk of the bath was too hot to discourage.

  “Yeah, when you’re alone? How does that make you feel?”

  “Incredibly turned on,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, it turns me on, too.” My cock was rock-hard in my pants, and I was glad that I stayed home instead of going into the office. I wouldn’t want anyone to see the tent I’d pitched. “What do you do about it?”

  She gave a soft laugh and then whispered into the phone. “I can’t tell you, not while I’m in the courthouse.”

  “But I can guess, can’t I?”

  “You’re making me blush.”

  I’d love to see her blushing for me. She had the prettiest peaches-and-cream complexion, and her cheeks flushed a soft rose that matched her lips.

  “I bet you were blushing in that bathtub, too, weren’t you? With your soft hands down in the water, stroking that little rosebud. Is that what you were doing?”

  “Maybe. You’re so bad.”

  “Me? You’re the one with the dirty mind.”

  “You brought it up.” She was still practically whispering, and I was trying hard not to laugh at her.

  “I just asked if you’d thought any more about the cabin situation. I can’t help if you just assumed I meant the sex. I just thought you needed your contractor nailing something else.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Her laughter came through the phone and, suddenly, echoed a bit louder. “I just had to duck into the ladies’ room from laughing too loudly.”

  “It’s okay. I liked hearing your story, and I hope you know I’m going to make you fill me in later. I want details, depths, and measurements.”

  “You mean the cabin again?”

  “No, I mean about what you did in the tub.” Her laughter joined mine, and when it died down, she let out a little sigh.

  “I miss you, Gage. It’s going to be a long week.”

  “Then you need to call me at night and take me to the tub with you. I could guide you through a few things. Instruct you. Would you like that?”

  “I’d love it. I wish I were home now.”

  “Me too. Send me a picture of your smile.” I wanted to see much more than that, and a moment later, I got a message. She has sent a sexy picture of her smiling at the camera, and the downward angle showed me the smart little blazer she wore over a silk blouse that gave me a peek at her cleavage. Her hair was up in a loose bun, and the soft tendrils that wisped around her face made her look wild and sexy.

  “Did you get it?”

  “I did. I’m so hard right now. Call me when you get home tonight, and we’ll ease a little tension.”

  “You’re so bad, but that sounds like a date to me.”

  It was going to be a long week indeed.

  Chapter 16


  Gage and I had spent the last week working out our releases on the phone and through the camera. I had even sent him a few provocative photos that showed much more than I’d ever shown anyone in a photograph before, but he’d done the same for me.

  While it had been fun, I couldn’t wait to have him with me, and with the New Year’s Eve party just hours away, I was on pins and needles with anticipation.

  Chloe was excited for me, too, and had stopped by to visit. “I can’t believe he’s driving all that way. He could have been here by now, and the two of you could be getting it on.”

  “True, but then I wouldn’t have gotten to see you before your big date.” Chloe had met someone at work, and the two of them were making their first date their company party.

  “I hope it goes okay. We’ve talked at work, and it all seems like it will, but I know after, he’s going to want to come home, and honestly, I’m not ready for that kind of relationship. I think the first date is a little soon, don’t you?”

  “I can’t say. Gage and I ended up back at my cabin on ours, and we’ve ended up horizontal every time I’ve even talked to him since.”

  “You two have known each other your entire lives, so that makes a difference. But you are moving a little fast, considering that you’ve just upped your friendship to the relationship level.” She was right. Gage and I had gone from zero to sixty in no time, but it couldn’t be helped. I had never felt that strong of attraction with another person, and after the things we’d shared on the phone, I couldn’t wait for what we’d do next.

  “I’m just hoping he’s on time. I have a feeling Craig will be there with his wife, and after what happened between us, I don’t think I could look her in the eye.”

  “You didn’t know, Lauren. He’s the jerk that didn’t tell you the truth, and he’s the one who cheated. He used you.”

  “I know, and do you know he called me when I was with Gage? I ended up spilling the beans to him about the whole thing, too. That made me feel like a complete idiot and a total tramp. He was super pissed.”

  “You don’t think he’ll want to fight Craig, do you?”

  “Fight? In a roomful of lawyers? Not a good idea. But no, I don’t think he’d do that.” Suddenly, I was a bit nervous, wondering if he’d be that way or not. My brother was the type who would break out in a brawl anytime, anywhere, but I didn’t think that Gage would, although I’d love to see someone put Craig in his place.

  My phone sounded out Gage’s tone, and I answered. “Hey, are you still on the road?” I hoped he hadn’t had a flat or had to make another stop. He should be on the last leg of his trip.

  “Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ll be a little late, but I’m going to be there. Aside from Ollie not getting picked up on time, I had a blowout.”

  I closed my eyes, thinking that he could have had an accident. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but maybe you should just meet me there. I know you didn’t want to miss the introductions, and I can go straight there.”

  I didn’t want to look like I’d shown up without a date, but I had to be there at the start, per my boss’s request. Being new in the firm, I needed to make sure I was present. “Fine, if you don’t think it’ll take you too long.”

  “I’ll be there about ten minutes in, but I think it should save me the drive time to your place. I looked it up before I called. I’m really sorry, baby. You know there’s not much I could do.”

  “I know. I’m just glad you’re okay. I’ll wait for you close to the front entrance.” He gave another apology and hung up.

  “Well, what did he say? He’s not coming?”

  “No, he’s coming, but he’s going to be late, so he’s going to meet me there.” I glanced at the clock. It was time for me to get ready.

  “Oh no.”

  “Yeah, maybe Craig won’t approach me. I’m just hoping his wife comes with him, and then there shouldn’t be any problems.

  Chloe helped me with my hair, and then I fixed a little makeup, mostly playing up my eyes for the evening. When I was done, I felt sultry and sexy and hoped that with Gage on my arm, we would make an impression, or at least send the impression that I didn’t care about Craig in the slightest; I’d moved on.

  I got a ride instead of driving myself, and the Uber driver complimented my dress. She was real
ly sweet, and her car smelled like apples, which thankfully didn’t mess with my perfume too much.

  She let me out in front of the building, and I went inside to find that Craig hadn’t yet shown. I was sure the egotistical asshole was trying to make a grand entrance, and sure enough, just after the introductions were made, he showed up alone. I looked all over, hoping his wife was somewhere in the room, but he’d probably left her at home solely so he could pick up some poor unknowing victim and take her home.

  I stood at the front and waited for Gage. I kept myself hidden near a tall plant, but it didn’t stop Craig from spotting me. He had the nerve to approach and pin me into the corner. “There’s the hottest woman here.”

  I gave him a glance, but only so he could see my anger, and then I turned my eyes back to the window where I watched, hoping Gage would appear. On second thought, it was probably better if he didn’t see Craig talking to me. Not after the way he’d reacted to him hurting me.

  He stepped closer. “Oh, come on, Lauren. You know we had some good times, some fabulous sex. Besides, those days are over. She’s leaving and taking our son with her.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe that?” I’d heard it from him before, not that it even mattered anymore.

  “I’m serious. It’s why she didn’t come tonight. She’s seeing someone else, too. She said if I could play the field, so could she. I can’t say I blame her, but she did me a favor. I hoped that you and I could try to make up. At least be friends.” He gave me a look he used to give me when he wanted office sex. I’d slip out of my office and go to his, and we’d lock the door to make out on his desk.

  At the time, his was the hottest I’d had, but that was before I’d had a taste of Gage. He’d shown me that sex could feel so much better than I’d ever expected, and he saw to my needs before his, which was the sexiest thing ever. Craig had never made me orgasm the way Gage did, and he was only good for about one to two per session. Gage had made me come multiple times in the first half hour, and hours after that, he was still going strong. He wasn’t a one and done kind of man.

  “I’m not interested in a friendship, Craig. I’m not interested in anything with you. Get bent.” I lifted my chin and went back to waiting. I wasn’t going to let him get me down.

  “We can make it anything you want, love. Anything. I’m open to suggestions. Maybe you’d like to make a few at my new place? I have a new king-sized bed.” There was no telling how many poor girls he’d already had in it, too. He was a deceiver, a cheat, and a filthy liar.

  I was just about to tell him where he could go when I glanced over and spotted Gage’s big truck pulling into the circle. He got out and tossed his keys to the valet and then strolled to the door. I walked around Craig, practically pushing him out of the way, and he followed, grabbing me by the arm.

  “Not so fast, love. Let’s talk this over.”

  “Don’t touch me.” I pulled away, and about that time, Gage came in the door, glancing between us.

  Craig stepped closer, trying to grab me again. “Lighten up, honey. You’re making a scene.” I hadn’t even begun to make a scene, but he was about to get one.

  Gage positioned himself between us. “You should give the lady some space.” His jaw cracked as he clenched it.

  Craig looked down his nose at Gage, even though he was a good two inches shorter. “This is a personal matter; you should mind your own business.” He was so cocky. He had no idea what was happening; that Gage was there for me.

  “I’m with her, so it is my business.” Gage stepped toe to toe with Craig, who looked like someone had thrown ice water on him.

  Craig turned and glared at me as Gage took my arm. “You can’t be serious, Lauren. You certainly wasted no time rebounding.” He patted Gage’s shoulder. “Don’t get too attached, man. It won’t last. You have no idea how she can be.”

  “I think I do know her, a lot better and a lot longer than you.”

  “He’s my fiancé,” I blurted out. I couldn’t believe the words had come from my mouth, but as soon as they had, I wished they hadn’t. Gage turned to give me a narrowed glance, and I looked away to the floor, pulling my lips in tight.

  Craig glanced down at my hand. “Right, and too cheap to buy a ring, I see.” He was deliberately picking a fight, and I wasn’t sure if Gage was willing to play along. I had invited him for a good time, not to shove in Craig’s face, but it was sure nice that he wasn’t looking so smug all of a sudden.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but her ring is being sized. I could show you my ring if you want.” He balled his fist, and I grabbed his arm as Craig took a step back.

  I leaned in close but spoke loud enough for Craig to hear. “Please, don’t, Gage. I don’t want to see blood tonight.”

  “You’re lucky I like to make her happy.” He reached out and straightened Craig’s collar. “Now walk away.”

  Craig turned and headed across the room. Gage stood there glaring for what seemed like minutes. I was so shaken, I held onto his hand tightly until we went to the dance floor. He took me in his arms, and we danced to a slow song. Gage gently swayed us to the music, and I looked up into his eyes, thankful that he’d been there to get rid of Craig. There was no telling what kind of scene he would have made. People had seen what happened, no doubt, but at least I’d had Gage to defend my honor instead of Craig embarrassing me again.

  “Thank you for that.”

  “Don’t thank me. Every man here should have stood up for you. He had no right to put his hands on you, especially once you told him to leave you alone.”

  “He was such a nice guy when we met, I swear. He really played his part well. I can’t believe I fell for it.” I wiped a stray tear that had perched itself in the corner of my eye and then sniffled.

  “Don’t cry. I’ll hunt that fucker down and pound his face, I swear to God.” He looked around, his eyes hard with anger as if he was searching for him.

  I hoped to the heavens he didn’t see him again.

  Chapter 17


  I was at the event all but two seconds, and suddenly, not only was I about to whip her boss ex-boyfriend’s ass, but I had suddenly become her fiancé. Even though I knew she wasn’t serious, I had played along, but it had sure made me think.

  Lauren looked up into my eyes. “I’m sorry if that was awkward, with the whole fiancé thing. I just didn’t know what else to say, and then it just flew out of my big mouth. I feel like a fool.”

  “Don’t, okay? It’s not that big of a deal. What we are is none of his fucking business anyway.” I glared across the room and tried to find the asshole. If he was smart, he called it a night and went home.

  “I’m glad you made it. I thought you would stand me up, honestly, and you have no idea how good I felt when you walked in.”

  “Ouch, you thought I’d no-show? Damn.” I’d hoped she had more faith in me than that.

  She closed her eyes and shook it off. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I just figured it would be my luck, and something would keep you. In my defense, you were late.”

  “I know, and I hated to make you show up here alone. Trust me. I would have preferred for us to make an entrance together, too; you have no idea how many men are staring at you.”

  “Trust me. A couple of them are staring at you.” She waved at one of the men standing across the room, and he gave a finger wave back and smiled at me. His eyes looked me up and down, and I realized what she meant.

  I gave a soft chuckle. “He’s not my type.”

  “Oh, I know, but he can dream. I’m sure he is, too; he just licked his lips.” She gave a little laugh as I cringed.

  “You know, if I hadn’t had that blowout, I’d have made it on time. Even with Ollie being late. I think Edna did that on purpose.” She’d done that kind of thing before when she knew I had somewhere to be.

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t come get Ollie for the longest time. I thought s
he was better off without me in her life too much, but it turns out Edna didn’t want to raise her full-time and was ready to be on her own. She’d raised her daughter, and even though she didn’t want to admit it, I think it was painful for a while.”

  “I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to lose her daughter.”

  “Yeah, neither of us saw that coming. I checked out and sank deeper into my work. I thought I had to provide, and the millions weren’t enough. I needed more. I figured if I stockpiled enough money, I could buy Edna’s time. She isn’t that person, though. Nope, she didn’t want the money; she only wanted her time. She’s a smart lady. I finally saw that. So, once I had the accident and realized my daughter deserved better, I came home to take her. Edna likes to throw her weight around when she can to get at me.”

  “Do you think she’s jealous for her daughter? I mean, seeing you move on and be happy.”

  “No, we weren’t together when she died. We were barely friends at that point.”

  “That’s sad.” The song ended, and we left the floor to find a place to sit.

  “Yeah, at the time, I didn’t even realize, but it is. It’s really sad.” I looked into her eyes, thinking of how happy she’d made me the past few weeks and how badly I wanted it to continue when Ollie came to live with me full time.

  We found a quiet table for two across the room, and I helped her into her chair and took a seat beside her.

  “What’s on your mind?” She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair. “You look like you’ve got some heavy stuff going on in there.”

  “Ollie comes to live with me soon. No more back and forth. Things will be changing a bit. I think I’m going to work from home some, for a little while, and then I might go ahead and retire.”

  “Retire? You’re only thirty-five, right?” I was the same age as her brother.

  “Yeah, I’ve made a healthy fortune, and I’m really just working to make an appearance. Don’t get me wrong. I’d still have to remain in touch and contract some of the jobs, but as far as scouting and overseeing that is something I have people for already, and since the accident, well, they are doing everything anyway.”


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