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Breakout from Juno

Page 51

by Mark Zuehlke

  14 “Report No. 65, Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944, Part III: Canadian Operations, 1–23 August,” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, paras. 102–03.

  15 Smith interview.

  16 “Report No. 65,” para. 103.

  17 Duguid, 268.

  18 Roy, 1944, 224–25.

  19 Canadian Grenadier War Diary, 8.

  20 Roy, 1944, 225.

  21 Fraser, 230 –32.

  22 Duguid, 268 –69.

  23 “Report No. 65,” para. 103.

  24 Governor General’s Foot Guards War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 8.

  25 “Polish Armoured Division in Op ‘Totalize,’ 7–13 Aug,” 245P1.013 (D7), vol. 10942, box 287, RG24, LAC, 4.

  26 Charles P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944– 1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 230.

  27 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 4.

  28 “Report No. 65,” para. 106.

  29 Roy, 1944, 226 –27.

  30 W.T. Barnard, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, 1860–1960: One Hundred Years of Canada (Don Mills, ON: Ontario Publishing Company, 1960), 215.

  31 Will Bird, North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment (Fredericton: Brunswick Press, 1963), 365.

  32 Barnard, 215–17.

  33 Bird, North Shore Regiment, 366 –67.

  34 Stacey, 231.

  35 Bird, North Shore Regiment, 377.

  36 Stacey, 231.

  37 “Report No. 65,” para. 112.

  38 Smith interview.

  39 Stacey, 275–76.

  40 John A. English, Failure in High Command: The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign (Ottawa: Golden Dog Press, 1995), 290.

  41 Dominick Graham, The Price of Command: A Biography of General Guy Simonds (Toronto: Stoddart, 1993), 153–54.

  42 Terry Copp, “Reassessing Operation Totalize: Army, Part 27,” Legion Magazine, (accessed September 1, 1999).


  1 Charles P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944– 1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 235–36.

  2 C.E. Henry, Regimental History of the 18th Armoured Car Regiment ( xii Manitoba Dragoons) (Deventer, NL: Nederlandsche Diepdruk Inrichting, 1945), 20.

  3 “Report No. 65, Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944, Part III: Canadian Operations, 1–23 August,” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, paras. 116 –17.

  4 Royal Regiment of Canada War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 12.

  5 Royal Hamilton Light Infantry War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 5.

  6 Denis Whitaker, Shelgah Whitaker, and Terry Copp, The Soldiers’ Story: Victory at Falaise (Toronto: Harper Collins, 2000), 153–54.

  7 Kingsley Brown Sr., Kingsley Brown Jr., and Brereton Greenhous, Semper Paratus: The History of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment), 1862–1977 (Hamilton: RHLI Historical Assoc., 1977), 259.

  8 Michael Reynolds, Steel Inferno: i ss Panzer Corps in Normandy (New York: Dell, 1997), 306 –07.

  9 Brown, Brown, and Greenhous, 260.

  10 Whitaker, Whitaker, and Copp, 155.

  11 Brown, Brown, and Greenhous, 260 –61.

  12 4th Canadian Infantry War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 9.

  13 Royal Regiment of Canada War Diary, appendix 7, 1.

  14 D.J. Goodspeed, Battle Royal: A History of the Royal Regiment of Canada, 1862–1962 (Toronto: Royal Regiment of Canada Assoc., 1962), 447–48.

  15 Canadian Army Overseas Honours and Awards Citation Details, DHH, DND, (accessed January 25, 2011).

  16 Essex Scottish Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 6.

  17 Terry Copp, The Brigade: Fifth Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1939–1945 (Stoney Creek, ON: Fortress, 1992), 102–03.

  18 “Account of the Seizure of the Bridgehead over the River Laize at Clair Tizon 0643, 13 Aug 44, by Calg Highrs as Given by Lt. Col. MacLauchlan to Capt. Engler at Bretteville sur Laize, 15 Aug 44,” 145.2C1011(D3), DHH, DND, 1–4.

  19 Copp, The Brigade, 103.

  20 Roy Farron, History of the Calgary Highlanders, 1921–54 (Calgary: Bryant Press, 1954), 160.

  21 Copp, The Brigade, 103.

  22 Le Régiment de Maisonneuve War Diary, August 1944, RG24, 5–6.

  23 Copp, The Brigade, 104.

  24 Stacey, 237.

  25 “2 Cdn Corps, Immediate Report on Op ‘Tractable’ (capture of Falaise) 14/16 Aug 44, by Col R. Massy-Westropp, GSO 1 (Liaison) d/22 Aug 44,” vol. 10800, box 215, RG24, LAC, 2.

  26 Stacey, 243.

  27 “Operation ‘Tractable,’ Bombing errors in close support operation of August 14, 1944,” 181.0003 (D450), DHH, DND, 1.

  28 “2 Cdn Corps, Immediate Report,” 3.

  29 Whitaker, Whitaker, and Copp, 159 –62.

  30 Reginald H. Roy, 1944: The Canadians in Normandy (Toronto: Macmillan, 1984), 237–38.

  31 Terry Copp, Fields of Fire: The Canadians in Normandy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003), 225.

  32 “Report No. 65,” para. 155.

  33 Copp, Fields of Fire, 225.

  34 “Op ‘Tractable:’ An Account of Ops by 2 CDN ARMD BDE in France 14 to 16 Aug 44,” 275C2.013 (D1), vol. 10992, box 313, RG24, LAC, 1.

  35 “Biography of Generalleutnant Kurt Chill,” Axis Biographical Research, (accessed January 25, 2011).

  36 Copp, Fields of Fire, 225.

  37 Kurt Meyer, Grenadier: The Story of Waffen ss General Kurt “Panzer” Meyer (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2005), 291.

  38 “Report No. 50, The Campaign in North-West Europe—Information from German Sources, Part II: Invasion and Battle of Normandy (6 Jun–22 Aug 44),” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, paras. 242–46.

  39 Kurt Meyer, 291.

  40 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 13–14.

  41 “Account of the S Sask R in the Attack on Le Chesnaie from Clair Tizon and the Attack on Falaise Given by Capt. N.H. Hadley, IO, S Sask R, to Capt. Engler at Falaise, 19 Aug 44,” 145.2S7011(D1), DHH, DND, 1.

  42 George B. Buchanan, March of the Prairie Men: A Story of the South Saskatchewan Regiment (Weyburn, SK: S. Sask. R. Olderly Room, 1958), 29.

  43 R.W. Queen-Hughes, Whatever Men Dare: A History of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, 1935–1960 (Winnipeg: Bluman Bros., 1960), 114–15.

  44 “Account of the Attack on La Commaderie 0644 14 Aug 44 by Fus Mr as Given by Maj. White to Capt. Engler at Ussy, 15 Aug 44,” 145.2F1011(D8), DHH, DND, 1–2.

  45 Cent ans d’histoire d’un régiment canadien-français: les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, 1869–1969 (Montreal: Éditions Du Jour, 1971), 219.

  46 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 5.

  47 6th Canadian Infantry War Diary, 15.


  1 Charles P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944–1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 240.

  2 Alfred James Tedlie, interview by Chris D. Main, June 28 and July 9, 16, and 23 1979, UVICSC.

  3 Douglas E. Harker, The Dukes: The Story of the Men Who Have Served in Peace and War with the British Columbia Regiment (D.C.O.), 1883–1973 (British Columbia Regt., 1974), n.p.

  4 “Op ‘Tallulah,’ later changed to ‘Tractable,’ by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 215C1.013 (D26), vol. 10638, box 126, RG24, LAC, 3.

  5 Brandon Conron, A History of the First Hussars Regiment, 1856–1980 (n.p., 1981), 92.

  6 Jean E. Portugal, We Were There: The Navy, the Army and the rcaf —A Record for Canada, vol. 3 (Shelburne, ON: Battered Silicon Dispatch
Box, 1998), 1240.

  7 “Op ‘Tallulah,’” 3.

  8 A. Fortescue Duguid, History of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, 1760–1964 (Montreal: Gazette Printing, 1965), 271.

  9 Conron, 92.

  10 Tedlie interview.

  11 Vanguard: The Fort Garry Horse in the Second World War (Doetinchem, NL: Uitgevers-Maatschappij ‘C. Nisset, 1945), 56.

  12 Conron, 92–94.

  13 “Op ‘Tallulah,’ ” 3–4.

  14 . Hershell Smith, interview by Reginald H. Roy, July 7, 1981, UVICSC.

  15 “3 Cdn Inf Div in Op ‘Tractable,’ 10 –17 Aug 44 by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 235C3.013 (D23), vol. 10909, box 270, RG24, LAC, 5.

  16 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 5.

  17 Stacey, 241.

  18 “Op ‘Tallulah,’ ” 4.

  19 Duguid, 272–73.

  20 Reginald H. Roy, 1944: The Canadians in Normandy (Toronto: Macmillan, 1984), 255–56.

  21 The Regimental History of the Governor General’s Foot Guards (Ottawa: Mortimer, 1948), 114.

  22 Denis Whitaker, Shelgah Whitaker, and Terry Copp, The Soldiers’ Story: Victory at Falaise (Toronto: Harper Collins, 2000), 164–65.

  23 Lake Superior Regiment (Motor) War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 10.

  24 Vanguard: The Fort Garry Horse, 56.

  25 “Report of the Bombing of Our Own Troops During Operation ‘Tractable,’” 181.003 (D2972), DHH, DND, 4–8.

  26 T.J. Bell, Into Action with the 12th Field (Utrecht: J. van Boekhoven, 1945), 73–74.

  27 Stacey, 243.

  28 12th Field Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 4.

  29 “Account of the S Sask R in the Attack on Le Chesnaie from Clair Tizon and the Attack on Falaise Given by Capt. N.H. Hadley, IO, S Sask R, to Capt. Engler at Falaise, 19 Aug 44,” 145.2S7011(D1), DHH, DND, 2.

  30 Charles Goodman, phone interview by author, January 7, 2011.

  31 “Report No. 65, Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944, Part III: Canadian Operations, 1–23 August,” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, para. 177.

  32 “Report of the Bombing,” 5–9.

  33 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 4.

  34 “Report of the Bombing,” 10 –11.

  35 “Operation ‘Tractable,’ Bombing errors in close support operation of August 14, 1944,” 181.0003 (D450), DHH, DND, 3–4.

  36 Stacey, 243.

  37 Portugal, vol. 3, 1240.

  38 “Memorandum of Interview with Lt. Col. R. Rowley OC, SD &G Highrs by Historical Officer, 17 Aug 44,” 145.258011(D3), DHH, DND, 1.

  39 North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 6.

  40 Regimental History, 114.

  41 H.M. Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s), 1928–1953 (Montreal: Industrial Shops for the Deaf, 1953), 94.

  42 Lake Superior (Motor) War Diary, 10.

  43 Harker, n.p.

  44 Stacey, 245–46.

  45 Carlo D’Este, Decision in Normandy: The Unwritten Story of Montgomery and the Allied Campaign (London: Penguin, 1983), 444–52.

  46 “Report No. 50, Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters: The Campaign in North-West Europe–Information from German Sources, Part II: Invasion and Battle of Normandy (6 Jun–22 Aug 44),” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, paras. 246 –47.


  1 “3 Cdn Inf Div in Op ‘Tractable,’ 10 –17 Aug 44 by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 235C3.013 (D23), vol. 10909, box 270, RG24, LAC, 9.

  2 “Report No. 65, Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944, Part III: Canadian Operations, 1–23 August,” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, paras. 178 –79.

  3 George Kitching, Mud and Green Fields: The Memoirs of Major General George Kitching (Langley, BC : Battleline Books, 1985), 213–19.

  4 “Op ‘Tallulah,’ later changed to ‘Tractable,’ by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 215C1.013 (D26), vol. 10638, box 126, RG24, LAC, 6.

  5 George L. Cassidy, Warpath: The Story of the Algonquin Regiment, 1939–1945 (Markham, ON: Paperjacks, 1980), 127–28.

  6 George F.G. Stanley, In the Face of Danger: The History of the Lake Superior Regiment (Port Arthur, ON: Lake Superior Scottish Regt., 1960), 173–74.

  7 Governor General’s Foot Guards War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 12.

  8 Canadian Grenadier Guards War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 12.

  9 Kitching, 220 –21.

  10 Canadian Scottish Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 16.

  11 Reginald H. Roy, Ready for the Fray: The History of the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s), 1920 to 1955 (Vancouver: Evergreen Press, 1958), 286.

  12 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 20.

  13 Canadian Scottish War Diary, 16.

  14 Michael R. McNorgan, The Gallant Hussars: A History of the 1st Hussars Regiment (Aylmer, ON: The 1st Hussars Cavalry Fund, 2004), 181–82.

  15 Roy, Ready for the Fray, 287.

  16 Canadian Scottish War Diary, 16.

  17 Roy, Ready for the Fray, 287.

  18 Canadian Scottish War Diary, 17.

  19 Roy, Ready for the Fray, 288.

  20 Ibid.

  21 McNorgan, 182.

  22 Canadian Scottish War Diary, 17.

  23 Roy, Ready for the Fray, 292.

  24 Jean E. Portugal, We Were There: The Navy, the Army and the rcaf —A Record for Canada, vol. 4 (Shelburne, ON: Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 1998), 2051–52.

  25 Stacey, 249.

  26 Brandon Conron, A History of the First Hussars Regiment, 1856–1980 (n.p., 1981), 97.

  27 Royal Winnipeg Rifles War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 4.

  28 “Report No. 65,” para. 180.

  29 Fort Garry Horse Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 5.

  30 “Polish Armoured Division History,” DHH, DND, 8.

  31 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 15.

  32 “Account of the S Sask R in the Attack on Le Chesnaie from Clair Tizon and the Attack on Falaise Given by Capt. N.H. Hadley, IO, S Sask R, to Capt. Engler at Falaise, 19 Aug 44,” 145.2S7011(D1), DHH, DND, 2.

  33 Charles Goodman, phone interview by author, January 7, 2011.

  34 “Account by Hadley,” 2.

  35 “Polish Armoured Division,” 8 –9.

  36 “Report No. 65,” para. 184.

  37 William Ernest John Hutchinson, “Test of a Corps Commander, Lieutenant-General Guy Granville Simonds: Normandy, 1944,” unpublished master’s thesis, Victoria: University of Victoria, 1982, 229.

  38 “3 Cdn Inf Div in Op ‘Tractable,’ 10 –17 Aug 44 by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 10.

  39 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 13.

  40 Conron, 96.

  41 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, August 1944, 13.

  42 Eric Luxton, ed., 1st Battalion, The Regina Rifles Regiment, 1939–1946 (Regina: The Regiment, 1946), 47.

  43 1st Hussars Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 5.

  44 7th Canadian Infantry War Diary, RG24, LAC, 13.

  45 Hubert Meyer, The History of 12. ss -Panzerdivision “Hitlerjugend” (Winnipeg: J.J. Fedorowicz Publishing, 1994), 189.

  46 Stacey, 250.

  47 Reginald H. Roy, 1944: The Canadians in Normandy (Toronto: Macmillan, 1984), 285.

  48 6th Canadian Infantry War Diary, 17–18.

  49 Jean E. Portugal, We Were There: The Navy, the Army and the rcaf —A Record for Canada, vol. 5 (Shelburne, ON: Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 1998), 2485.

  50 6th Canadian Infantry War Diary, 18.

  51 Portugal, vol. 5, 2485–86.

  52 Goodman interview.

  53 6th Canadian Infantry War Diary, 19 –20.

  54 “Account of the Capture of the Monastery 144
358 in Falaise by FUS MRs, Night 17/18 Aug 44, as Given by Maj. Brochu to Capt. Engler Near Dieppe, 4 Sep 44,” 145.2F1011(D3), DHH, DND, 2–3.

  55 6th Canadian Infantry War Diary, 20.


  1 Charles P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944–1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 254–55.

  2 Ibid., 250 –51.

  3 H.M. Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s), 1928–1953 (Montreal: Industrial Shops for the Deaf, 1953), 95.

  4 Donald Graves, South Albertas: A Canadian Regiment at War (Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 1998), 133.

  5 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 7.

  6 Jackson, Argyll and Sutherland, 96.

  7 “Op ‘Tallulah,’ later changed to ‘Tractable,’ by Capt. P.A. Mayer,” 215C1.013 (D26), vol. 10638, box 126, RG24, LAC, 8.

  8 Argyll and Sutherland War Diary, 7.

  9 Jackson, Argyll and Sutherland, 96.

  10 George L. Cassidy, Warpath: The Story of the Algonquin Regiment, 1939–1945 (Markham, ON: Paperjacks, 1980), 130 –31.

  11 George Kitching, Mud and Green Fields: The Memoirs of Major General George Kitching (Langley, BC : Battleline Books, 1985), 222.

  12 “Op ‘Tallulah,’” 9.

  13 Governor General’s Foot Guards War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 15.

  14 The Regimental History of the Governor General’s Foot Guards (Ottawa: Mortimer, 1948), 118.

  15 A. Fortescue Duguid, History of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, 1760–1964 (Montreal: Gazette Printing, 1965), 276 –77.

  16 Regimental History, 118 –19.

  17 British Columbia Regiment War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 16.

  18 Alfred James Tedlie, interview by Chris D. Main, June 28 and July 9, 16, and 23, 1979, UVICSC.

  19 Lake Superior Regiment (Motor) War Diary, August 1944, RG24, LAC, 13.

  20 “Polish Armoured Division History,” DHH, DND, 31.

  21 Stacey, 252.

  22 “Report No. 65, Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944, Part III: Canadian Operations, 1–23 August,” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, para. 202.

  23 Stacey, 251–52.

  24 “Report No. 50, The Campaign in North-West Europe—Information from German Sources, Part II: Invasion and Battle of Normandy (6 Jun–22 Aug 44),” Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters, DHH, DND, para. 267.


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