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Completing Him

Page 2

by C. Shell

  Sometime around the middle of the movie I must have fallen asleep. I wake with a start not remembering where I am until I look down and see Alex lying next to me in the bed with his arms wrapped around me protectively. For once, he looks peaceful and less troubled as he sleeps. I lightly brush my fingers on the outline of his face memorizing every line and indention. He is so handsome it is hard to believe he is all mine. Well, technically at least. When the time is right, we need to discuss Lexy.

  Chasing the negative thoughts out of my head, I carefully remove his arm from around mine and climb out of bed. The cool tile beneath my feet pulls a small yelp out of my mouth as I tip toe to the bathroom.

  As I am finish up and wash my hands I hear Alex frantically calling out my name from the other room. His voice is strained and loud as I make my way back into my room. I find him in a state of panic with sweat running down his face, while he looks around searching for me and yelling out my name.

  "Alex, baby I am right here," I call out while running to him so he can see that I am fine. I have never seen him so unraveled and scared before. My poor beautiful man.

  He grabs at me, enveloping me in a tight embrace. I stand motionless not sure what to say while he breathes hard into my neck. I try and pull away so I can look into his face but he won't allow me to separate from him.

  "Alex you are scaring me. Are you ok?"

  He does not say anything right away but continues to hold me. After several minutes his body visibly relaxes and he murmurs," Sorry love. I am fine. I woke and you were gone and I was afraid something happened to you." He pulls me back and kisses me softly. The frown lines are gone from his face but I can tell he is still a bit rattled. "Let's get you back in bed."

  I allow him to tuck me back in and sigh as he lies behind me pulling me against his chest and entwining his fingers with mine. "I am sorry I scared you Alex," I whisper softly." I turn my face around and allow myself to get lost in his emerald eyes. I want to tell him I love him. After the attack I realize how easily life can be taken from you in a moment and no matter what happens from this day on, I want him to know how I feel.

  "Alex," I say hesitantly willing the words to come. "I want to tell..."

  Alex places his finger over my lips stopping me from speaking. "Hush, my love, you need sleep. Your body has been through a lot and needs to rest. Whatever you need to say it can wait until tomorrow."

  I nod and turn back around, snuggling closer against him and realizing I am the biggest chicken. I resolve that no matter what, I will tell him tomorrow. I fall fast asleep promising that tomorrow I will confess my feelings and hope to hell he feels the same.

  Chapter 2

  I do a silent happy dance at the sound of Jane and Jax's voice as they enter my hospital room. I need all the help and support I can get right now. Alex has been on a bossy tirade all morning and I am at my wits end. After making a dozen phone calls and pulling strings, he managed to get all my tests scheduled before noon. Thankfully all of them came back normal, which means I am on the road to going home. The doctor wanted to keep me another night as a precaution, but Alex would not hear of it. He was able to have me schedule for discharge this afternoon. He made a few more calls and has planned for all of us to travel back home together on his jet.

  I am relieved to be going home, but I hate the way he made it happen. Everyone here is just trying to do their jobs and he is mowing them over left and right. Focusing on my friends, I relax and am curious as to what they have been doing while I am holed up in here. The two of them left alone in another city is a recipe for disaster.

  "So fill me in. What fabulous places have you two visited while I remain on lock down?"

  "We had the most divine breakfast this morning then spent some time shopping and checking out the beach," Jane gushes while pulling items out of the many shopping bags scattering the floor.

  "What is all that?"

  "A little of this and that," she says throwing several items of clothing on top of my bed. "Those, my sweets, are for you."

  This is why I love my friends. When things are bleak they know just how to cheer me up. I sort through the many shirts and sun dresses, loving them all and praising them for their thoughtfulness. Poor Jax already looks tired. Knowing Jane she dragged him out of bed at the crack of dawn.

  "Jane, have you spoken to Derrick? Is he upset that his grand opening night got ruined?"

  My attack could not have been good press for Derrick's club grand opening. I would not blame him for being upset over it. It's definitely not a great way to start a working relationship with someone.

  "Are you crazy?" He felt awful and already has a reward out for any information on who attacked you. He was beside himself screaming at his staff and security for dropping the ball. He has tried to visit you several times but Alex won't let him see you." She says while rolling her eyes.

  "Why won't he let him in?" I ask confused.

  "He is being protective and not letting anyone but us visit you," Jax says with a laugh. "I never thought I would meet anyone more protective over you than me, but Alex acts like a cave man where you are concerned. I find it entertaining."

  Overprotective bastard.

  "That is stupid," I say heatedly. 'From what I can gather, he and Derrick have some bad history between them or something like that. He has never said much about it, but whenever they get in the same room together they deliberately push each other's buttons. I swear Alex would have pissed on my leg at the gala to claim me as his if he thought it would have worked."

  "Men are stupid," Jane laughs.

  Jax and Jane continue to pick at each other and I watch their exchange feeling so lighthearted. Hearing Jax asking me a question snaps me out of my own thoughts.

  "So baby doll, I hear you are breaking out of this joint today. You must be happy to be going home. No more hospital food or bed pans for you," he jokes.

  "I am," I say smiling. "I cannot wait to curl up in my own bed," I say on a sigh. I glance up at Jane and see her face drain of color. What is that about?

  "About that," Jane begins glancing nervously towards Alex who has been on a work phone call for the past thirty minutes. "Alex and I have been talking and we have agreed that you will be going home and staying with him for a while. He has hired help to stay with you until you are completely healed. With me working during the day sometimes at night no one will be home with you and we all agree that you would be safer at his place."

  What? I am speechless and not in a good way. Scrapping my jaw off the floor, I turn to Alex who is still talking on his cell phone and snatch it out of his hands. Speaking into the phone I say," Alex is needed in a very important meeting right now. He will have to call you back," and hang up on whoever was on the other end before throwing the phone onto the bed out of his reach.

  Ignoring the fire in his eyes I shout," What the hell do you think you are doing making life alternating choices on my behalf? You had no right deciding where I will be living without speaking to me first."

  He stalks towards me leaning over so are faces are mere inches apart and braces his hands on both sides of my body trapping me from escape. "The doctor said you needed to rest for a week and Jane will be busy working and having a life of her own. I promised I would always take care of you and that is what I am doing." The rough clipped tone of his voice sends a delicious shiver down my spine. "Once you are fully healed, my love, you will be punished for ending my phone call and hanging up on Kelly," he breathes against my ear so only I can hear him.

  I swallow hard trying to ignore the blossoming warmth in the pit of my stomach his promise brings me. Finding my voice I turn back to Jane and ask," How do you suggest we handle work? There is no way you can do it all by yourself for a whole week. We have over seven shoots already scheduled that I know of off the top of my head."

  Jane raises her hands to stop my panicked rambling. "All of it has been taken care of. Alex made a few calls and was able to find of a temp make-up artist that has w
orked at his magazine in the past to fill in you for you while you are gone. I have already scanned over her past work and she is really good, so we should be able to send her out on jobs without us missing a beat."

  I know I should be thankful, but I am mad. In the course of a few hours Alex has wormed his way into all aspects of my life and rearranged things without ever consulting me. I glare up at him ready to tell him off when he speaks causing me to still.

  "Before you start bickering, let me go on and tell you what else has changed so you can yell about it all at once and get it out of your system." His amused voice does nothing to ease the tension in the room. I raise an eyebrow at him daring him to continue.

  Moving to the door, he opens it and motions at someone on the other side. Walking back in towards my bed I watch curiously as a tall muscular bald man in a suit and stocky, short red haired woman in similar clothing follow him in and stand before me.

  "Jess, my love, I would like to introduce you to your two new bodyguards," he says waving an arm towards them. I blink rapidly trying to sort out what he just said.

  "What happened to Antonio?" I ask holding my eyes on his and refusing to back down.

  "He was fired after he let his guard down and allowed for you to get hurt." He hisses though clinched teeth.

  Even though Antonio would never have been my first choice in security, I feel sorry that he lost his job. I doubt that Alex was easy on him when was fired. That being said, I am not ok with trading him in for two bodyguards. One is bad enough. This is insane.

  "Not having it," I say sternly. "I do not need one let alone two people following me around. Whoever attacked me probably just grabbed the first person they encountered. I doubt they were solely after me."

  Alex and Jax are both shaking their heads before I can finish my sentence. "You will be guarded so get used to it my love. Now use your manners and say hello to George and Alice. I have already set them up in the spare bedrooms of our penthouse and they will shadow you anytime you go anywhere until the sick bastard responsible for hurting you is found."

  Out of all the things he has just said my mind keeps repeating the part where he said 'our penthouse.' Without even thinking I actually mutter the words out loud while staring up into his beautiful green eyes. Alex tips my chin up and places a warm kiss on my lips.

  "Yes my love, our penthouse."

  My mind is a whirlwind of questions but I don't want to get into the lot of them with my friends present. I say a polite hello to George and Alice, not wanting to be rude but still feeling irked from being railroaded into doing things I would not normally agree too.

  The rest of the day goes by easier with less drama. Alex spends most of his time on his laptop and cell phone conducting business while Jane, Jax and I play a few games of Gold Fish and Monopoly thanks to the nurses who have a slew of games hidden away.

  During our second game of Monopoly, Jane nonchalantly mentions that she spoke to my stepbrother Daniel while I was still unconscious. Laying my cards down beside me, I stare up her wide- eyed and curious. "Why are you just now telling me this?"

  She shrugs her shoulders. "I did not want to overwhelm you. You have so much to deal with already. I wanted to wait but last night over dinner Jax convinced me you needed to know." With another shrug she adds, "So now you know."

  Glancing at Jax I mouth," thank you," then stare back at Jane openmouthed urging her to tell me more. "What did you two talk about?" I frown feeling a pang of jealously that Jane got to talk to him before I did.

  "He called your cell phone wanting to set up a time and place to meet. I am not sure if you Roger said anything but unless my radar is way off, I am pretty sure he is batting for the other team. I didn't ask, but if he is there is, a friend of mine from the gym that I would like to try and set him up with." Seriously?

  "No, Roger never went that in-depth about him. Could you please let me get to know him a bit before you try and play match maker?" I muse. "I need details. What else did you learn about him and what did you tell him about me?"

  "He seems nice. He grew up with your dad and his mom until he was eight, then she left your dad and ran off with a friend of his. Karma had a hand in that if you ask me," she says wagging her eyebrows. "He seems really curious about you and wants to meet you. I hope you don't mind but I told him what happened to you and he seemed genuinely worried and actually wanted to come visit you here. I talked him out of it and promised to get you two together once you got back home and recovered."

  I sit on the bed gripping the scratchy white sheets underneath me while staring at the board game not knowing what to say. I am excited at the chance to meet him, yet terrified to learn more about my dad. My mom always had such great things to say about him and over the years I built up this large image of him that I am afraid might turn out to be false. A small voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me that I need to call my mom and let her know about Daniel, but I push it back down. I promise myself that I will visit with her and let her know everything after I meet with him and have more to tell.

  Jax taps me on the arm giving me a sympathetic look and asking me if I would like help packing up for our trip back. Catching the time on the clock above my bed, I graciously accept and thank him for being such a good friend.


  I am thankful we are not going home on a commercial flight considering how much luggage we have in tow. I would hate to see how much extra I would have to pay to claim this many bags. The limo deposits us right next to the plane and I feel excitement course through me as I board Alex's personal jet. I have never been lucky enough to fly anything other than coach so this is an experience I will remember forever.

  Walking into the main cabin behind Alex I stop for a moment letting Jax and Jane bypass me so I can take in my surroundings. I have never been in a jet before and the idea of flying home in one excites me. I glance around in awe at the swank lounge seats, mini bar, and decadent dark chocolate and caramel colored decor. I am not sure what I expected but everything I am seeing far passes my expectations. Alex nuzzles against my ear murmuring," The door in the back is my own personal bedroom in case you feel up to joining the mile high club."

  His lips twitch with a naughty smile as I clamp my thighs together trying to shut out the heat traveling through them. Ever since the accident, Alex has treated me tenderly acting as if I might break. I appreciate his thoughtfulness but I miss and crave his rough demanding nature.

  A small petite brown hair doe eyed flight attendant greets us and takes our in flight bags before disappearing with them towards the front of the plane. We all span out taking a seat and order a drink. Not wanting to take a chance on mixing my medication with alcohol, I order water and take out my tablet needing something to distract me from the flight. To say I am scared of flying would be a total exaggeration but the takeoff and landing always make me nervous.

  I turn and look out of the window watching the sun as it sets against the cloudy blue sky. My thoughts feel scattered and a million miles away as I feel Alex graze his fingers against my cheek. I turn and smile at him feeling the heat of embarrassment fill my face realizing I never noticed him move into the seat beside me.

  "Thank you," I say softly.

  His brows pull together. "For what?"

  "For everything. For taking care of me. For including my crazy friends in your life and for being you." I blink back my unshed tears refusing to ruin the moment by crying.

  "I told you before and I will tell you again," he says his voice now stern and commanding. "You are all mine, my love and I will always do whatever is necessary to take care of you. You might not always agree with my methods but always know that I am doing what I feel is needed to keep you safe."

  I don't know what to say. It feels like our conversation has just deterred into a darker territory and we are no longer just talking about simple plane rides and hiring temporary bodyguards. Feeling uncomfortable and not trusting myself to say the right thing I remain quiet and
lean my head against his shoulder enjoying the warmth seeping through his thin shirt.

  The pilot announces that we are about to take off and I check my lap once again making sure my safety strap is on and secured. Gripping Alex's arm hard enough to leave indentions I watch out the window as the plane ascends into the air.

  "Jess you are cutting off my circulation," Alex chuckles under his breath.

  Ignoring his remark I move my hand to cup his jean clad cock and hear him take a sharp intake of breath. "Would you rather me hang on to you here dear?" I ask in my sweetest voice as my eyes dance with laugher.

  He makes a coughing noise as he covers my hand with his and whispers in my ear," Do that and I will blister that sweet ass of yours leaving my mark and a sweet sting that will remind you each and every time you sit down who you belong to."

  "Mmmm...," I say feeling a pool of desire build between my legs. It has been too long since I have made love to Alex and my dry spell is beginning to bring out the worst in me. We need to rectify this situation soon or I might be begging for things I never even thought I was capable of wanting."

  Thirty minutes into the flight, Alex disappears into his bedroom cabin in the back to make some phone calls. I ease out of my seat and carefully scoot past George and Alice to take a seat on the lounge beside Jax. Poor Jane has already taken her flight required Benadryl and is out snoring lightly.

  "She should be out the remainder of the flight," I say glancing at our friend.

  "Yeah poor thing loves to travel but can't handle the flights," he says giving her a once over before turning his attention to me. "Not to be a downer but you scared the shit out of us baby doll. Don't ever scare us like that again."

  "I will try and keep my impromptu attacks down to a minimum," I say with a small smile tugging at my lips.


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