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Completing Him

Page 4

by C. Shell

  Hmm...Interesting. Five questions are not a lot but if I choose the right questions I have a decent chance at uncovering something of value. Oh Lord where to begin? I nervously tap my fingers against the pillow in my lap while trying to think up the perfect assortment of personal questions. This is not easy.

  "Ok, first question," I drawl out making my voice sound serious. "What was life like for you growing up?"

  He sighs loudly while sitting down next to me, pulling me onto his lap. I nestle against his chest and get comfortable. "Good question my love. My childhood was complicated to say the least. You already know the basics that my dad died in a plane crash when I was a toddler. I was raised by my mom along with a handful of nannies, cooks, and other household help. What you won't find in any magazine or on the internet is that my mom was as frigid as they come. In public she was doting and motherly but in private she was detached and freakishly controlled. She cared more about appearances and what strangers thought of her than the loved ones in her life."

  I watch as Alex's face fills with a combination of sadness and remorse as he speaks about his mother. I hate that he had to endure such loneliness growing up and it makes me love him all the more. We have more in common than I realized. I rub his arm and he continues. " I know she loved me but I don't think she knew how to show love. I had a few close friends and I was the normal defiant teenager looking for love in all the wrong places which is one of the reasons why my mom made that ridiculous stipulation in her will forcing me into marriage," he hisses.

  Shaking his head as though trying to erase the bad memories he says," On to question number two please, Ms. Grayson."

  "Oh...umm," I stutter trying to recall my next question. "What is your history with Derrick? Every time you two get together I can tell that there is a secret or unspoken resentment between the two of you."

  "Damn you really are not going to go light with the questions are you?" I bite back my smile as I watch him push his hands through his too long hair with frustration.

  "You only gave me five questions so I have to make them count. Now stop stalling for time and spill it Mr. Harlow."

  'Fine," he grumbles. "Derrick and I have known each other since elementary school. We both had a mutual friend who was smaller than most the guys we knew and the bigger bullies around school loved torturing him so it just seemed only natural that Derrick and I would come together to protect him. We were crazy competitive in everything we did but it was always friendly. He was my best friend and we stayed inseparable all the way through high school until one night at a home football game I found him drunk off his ass mixed up in a threesome with my longtime girlfriend and her best friend. Our friendship ended that night. I forgave him because he was drunk but I won't forget.

  Holy Shit. I stare at him slacked jaw and speechless. I knew their issues had to do with something from their past but I was not expecting that. The competition between them does not surprise me at all. Both men ooze dominance and a competitive edge but I never would have guessed that they would have let a girl come between them. A ping of jealously slices through me knowing she must have been pretty special to drive them both to end a long time friendship.

  "I am not making light of the situation but don't you think you have punished him long enough over his mistake?"

  "I understand it was a mistake but that does not excuse what he did. He betrayed my trust and that I do not forgive." His clipped tone and rising voice make me regret delving into this line of questioning and I quickly shoot out question number three to try and lighten the mood.

  "Question three, Mr. Harlow. What is your favorite cartoon character?"

  A wave of confusion then surprise drifts over his face and I breathe a sigh of relief. "I admit to finding an interesting assortment of cartoon covered boxers hidden in the bottom of your drawer a while back," I giggle. "I never pegged you for a cartoon man."

  "I never pegged you for a snoop, Ms. Grayson," he says with a smirk.

  "I wasn't. I was looking for a shirt of yours to throw on and dug a bit too far down trying to find one that would fit me better." I say shifting my body so I can stretch out my legs. "You haven't answered my question yet," I remind him.

  He rolls his eyes and looks down at the floor. For a quick moment he looks so much younger than he really is. I wish I could see him more like this every day. More carefree and less like a man with the weight of the world sitting on his shoulders.

  "Growing up, my mom refused to let me watch any kid type of television shows. She said they were immature and beneath me. My days were spent learning various instruments, sports, and languages. It was beyond boring and whenever I was able to go to a friend's home I would spend hours soaking up all the cartoons and silly shows I could before having to go home and endure more adult topics. I loved cartoons and to answer your question my favorite cartoon character is The Roadrunner.

  "Why?" I ask surprised and curious by his answer. I really thought he would have chosen Super Man or Batman, some heroic super hero before an everyday cartoon character.

  "Is that your fourth question, Ms. Grayson?" He asks with an arched brow.

  "No, never mind. Don't answer that. I am sure it has to do something with how cunning he was or maybe you're envious of how fast he ran." I concede shaking my head and laughing at the face he makes at my assumptions.

  Back to business. Narrowing my eyes on him I say," Fourth question. Why me? You are insanely handsome and successful and could have your pick of any girl so why me?" I hide my face in his chest and await the truth he promised me. I bite my bottom lip refusing to show any emotion but inside I am shaken and nervous.

  Roughly gripping my shoulders he pulls me away from him laying me down on my back and pinning me in place by straddling my hips. I look up at him expecting to see him angry but instead his face is lined with worry.

  "Why do you always think so little of yourself?" he asks softly searching my eyes while stroking my cheek. I naturally lean into his touch and place a light kiss on the palm of his hand instead of answering him. I can feel the tears building up behind my eyes and I concentrate on my breathing as I fight to keep them at bay.

  I have never thought highly of myself as a person. I know I am great at my profession and I am a pretty good friend to others but I don't understand what others see in me. It is hard to see yourself as something special after growing up your entire life hearing from the one person that is suppose to love you unconditionally that you are worthless and the reason your own father ran away.

  I know I am a bit damaged but isn't everyone in some way or another?

  Stoking his hands down my body he breathes, "You fit me. You are beautiful, smart, and unbelievably sexy, Ms. Grayson. No one challenges me or understands me the way you do. I feel a pull between us that I have never experienced with another person. You are amazing and I don't ever want to hear of you questioning your worth again. Understood?" he growls.

  I am so turned on right now. I will never tire of his dominant demanding nature. Wrong or right, I find it very sexy. I glance up at him with apologetic eyes. Not being able to find my voice, I nod a simple yes.

  His hands grip the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head. I watch his eyes darken as he looks over my body. His fingers expertly unclasp my bra slowly pulling it away from my body leaving me naked from the waist up. I suck in a sharp intake of air as Alex's fingers tweak and roll my beaded nipples sending a charge through my body that leads straight down to my throbbing clit.

  I am fighting between giving in and surrendering to the pleasure he is giving me or stopping him long enough to ask my final question. I am afraid that after I ask it he won't want to continue what he has started.

  I manage to find the courage to lift my hands and place them over his own, stilling his fingers as they work at removing my jeans. He gives me a heated warning look but I ignore it and continue with a shaky voice. "Question five, Mr. Harlow. What is the current status of your divorce with Lexy Brill?"
br />   My eyes hold onto his determined to catch any glint of emotion they bestow. He might promise to tell me the truth but I am not stupid enough to think he won't try to sugar coat or play word games with me when it comes to the subject of his divorce. I know Lexy loves him and I don't think for a minute that she will leave Alex without a fight. The question on my mind is how far he is planning to go to be free of her.

  "Smart to end with that question," he hisses pinning me a heated stare that scares me as much as it excites me. "Lexy is making a few demands and doing her best to draw out the divorce proceedings but my attorneys are handling her. We had an iron clad prenuptial agreement set in place before we got married and she can try and bargain as much as she likes but in the end she will only get what I agree to give her and nothing more."

  "Don't be naive, Alex. She does not want what you have. She wants you and as long as she can delay this divorce she gets just that."

  He snorts cocking his head to one side giving me a snarky smile. "She can try but she will not win. My lawyers have been advised to do all that is necessary to make my divorce speedy and quiet. If Lexy wants a fight than she will get more than she bargained for and end up not only lonely but broke as well." Returning to my clothing he unzips my jeans peeling them along with my panties down my legs to join my other clothing already on the floor. "You, my love are the only thing I want and need and I promise you I will strip her from our lives."

  "Ok," I sigh not knowing how else to respond.

  "Less talk more action," he smirks pushing my legs apart and gazing down hungrily at my naked quivering sex. "Question time is over, Ms. Grayson."

  I nervously glace at the closed door remembering that we are no longer alone thanks to my two new bodyguards that will be living with us for a while. "Alex what about our new guests? What if they hear us?"

  He chuckles. "They are paid very well to be discreet. This is our home and you will not hold out on me. I love to hear the sounds you make during sex."

  Holy hell. I swallow hard feeling my sex clench as my body warms and my pussy waters waiting for him to touch me. "You are a bit overdressed Mr. Harlow." I tease running my finger down his chest.

  Smiling he shucks out of his clothes and crawls onto the bed positioning himself between my spread legs. Placing his hands on either side of my head, he cages me in and kisses me deeply. Stroking the inside of my mouth with languid trusts of his tongue, he takes what he wants and sets my body on fire.

  I feel his hard erection bump against my belly as he leans over me kissing me, possessing me. I reach for his cock and stroke him up and down loving the way his velvet soft skin easily glides up and down in my small hand.

  He groans in my mouth as I tighten my grip him and rake my nails down his length.

  On a sharp intake of breath he hisses against my mouth, "I am going to fuck you so hard Ms. Grayson."

  Pulling my mouth from his I repeat to him what he said earlier. "Less talk more action, Mr. Harlow."

  His hooded eyes glaze over with desire as he rises off of me grasps my waist and flips me over onto my hands and knees. Without warning he thrusts hard and embeds himself fully into my dripping cunt before I have a chance to realize what is happening. It is so unexpected I cry out from a mixture of pain and pleasure as he stills himself allowing my body a chance to acclimate to his size.

  My breath comes in short pants as he deliberately moves in and out of me in a slow steady rhythm allowing me to feel every inch of him as he consumes me. A roaring ache builds fast within me and I whimper out with frustration at his consistent slow pace. I push back against him with my hips trying to cause him to lose control and take me harder but he stills my efforts digging his fingers into my hips and refusing to lose control of his delicate movements.

  Bending over my body he rains kisses up my back, shoulders, and neck. Nipping my ear lobe he murmurs," Stop being a naughty girl and take what I give you my love. Concentrate on the feel my cock making love to you. Do you even realize what you do to me baby? What you mean to me?"

  I try to speak but only garbled sounds came out of my mouth. I would have done better playing a game of charades to get my message across instead of trying to talk. I regress to shaking my head again and praying to God he understands that I feel the same way about him.

  "Open your legs wider," he growls and I happily comply.

  Our slow tempo picks up to the point of him slamming into me with everything he's got hitting my g-spot with every delicious thrust. My legs quiver with the impending orgasm building within me as I push back meeting him thrust for thrust. Wrapping a hand in my hair he pulls me back hard against him grinding his erection against my clit and sending us both over the edge and leaving us a mass of tangled limbs spent and breathless.

  Reaching behind me, I pull Alex's face down to mine kissing him lightly on the lips. "You are amazing baby," I murmur totally sated. For once in my life I am reserved to try and live my life for today and have faith that the future, our future will work its way out. Carpe Diem and all that.

  Chapter 4

  I don't know how long we have laid entwined, both us refusing to move, but the moment I hear my cell phone ringing over and over I know it is time to face all the missed calls and emails I have been putting off since the attack. According to Jane, my little night of horror at the club has made the headlines of several national gossip magazines. I am now not only being romantically linked to the handsome millionaire bachelor, Alex Harlow, but now as a good friend to the famous football star, Derrick Johnson, as well.

  The publicity has managed to bring out every crazy and nut job around. We have received calls from many people interested in us doing make-up on everything from a ladies birth of her first child to a group fetish party. I love getting a new client as much as any new business starting out does, but I draw the line at seeing a stranger's vagina while she is giving birth. I didn't want to see that back in high school during sex ed class, and I definitely don't want to see it now that I am an adult. When I have a child I hope I am more concerned about the health and love of my child and less about my mascara being smeared. People amaze me.

  Pulling myself out of bed, I head towards the living room but only make as far as the bedroom before Alex jumps out of bed grips my arm and spins me around with a scowl etched across his face.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" I lash out. "You heard my phone ringing. I can't ignore everyone forever."

  Letting go he throws his hands up in surrender and backs off. "You are right. I just thought you might want to cover up before going out of our room considering we now have live in guests. I never took you for the exhibition type but whatever makes you happy love."

  I don't know what pisses me off more the smirk on his face or the fact that I almost strolled through the main part of his house naked. This is going to take getting used to. I totally forgot that George and Alice are somewhere lurking about.

  "Asshat," I spit out as I walk around him and grab a long, thick robe out of my new set of clothing in the closet. His chuckles do not go unnoticed as I walk into the living room retrieving my phone from my purse. Staring down at the small screen in my hand I want to literally crawl back in bed and not come out for another week. I have missed two calls and neither of them are ones I am dying to return anytime soon. The first call was from my ex Travis of all people and the other is from my stepbrother Daniel.

  Before I change my mind and go climb back in bed I press the button on my phone and listen to the voice messages each of them left.

  Travis: Hey Ladybug, I just read about what happened to you and needed to hear first hand that you are really okay and safe. The thought of losing you forever is too much to handle. The police actually paid me a visit asking about my wear abouts when you were attacked. Surely you know I would never physically hurt you. You might never believe me but I will always love you, ladybug. Call me please. I need to hear your voice.

  Daniel: Umm...Hi Jessica. This is your stepbrother Daniel.
Daniel Grayson. I spoke to your friend and business partner Jane Tillson while you were in the hospital and she said you should be coming home today. I am glad to hear that you are doing better and would like to set up a time and place where we could meet if that is fine with you. I would like to show you some things of our fathers and get to know you. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Letting out an audible sigh I throw my phone back into my purse promising myself I will call my stepbrother back tomorrow and swearing to never speak to Travis again. I am being a coward but I need more time. Daniel does sound sweet. I doubt it was easy for him to reach out to me and yet here I am hiding by ignoring his calls.

  "Tomorrow," I say forcefully. I silently promise myself that tomorrow I will jump back into my old routine and face everything head on and damn anyone who dares to step in my way.

  Feeling warm hands on my shoulders, I startle not realizing anyone was behind me. Jumping, I curse as my heart leaps into my throat and my legs turn to jelly. I am instantly back in the dark hallway of Derrick's club with my attacker. I can feel his hands on my body and his breath on my face as he forcefully pulls me down the hall. I kick and scream but it is of no use against his strength.

  Hearing Alex calling out my name pulls me out of my nightmare. I look around surprised to find him holding me tightly against his chest. I can feel his eyes on me as I look down ashamed that I freaked out on him. A wide eyed, concerned Alice is standing in front of me rigid and alert as though she is afraid I might try and flee. When did she join us?

  "You are safe, baby. I won't let anything happen to you," Alex soothingly whispers repeatedly into my ear as he strokes my hair. I visibly relax into his arms knowing he means every word.

  "Looks like you have everything under control sir. I am going to leave you alone and will be in my room if you need me," Alice says to Alex.


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