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Completing Him

Page 9

by C. Shell

  I stare back at her dumbfounded. She has lost her damn mind coming into my office and threatening me. "If you try and leak that shit I will have your ass tangled up in so many lawsuits it will make your head spin. Not to mention it will violate our prenup and I will have everything I need to end our marriage immediately and you won't be able to stop me.

  "Who said I would dare leak that kind of information baby? I am just stating that some secrets have a way of coming out and I would hate to see your precious Jess get hurt, that's all.

  I stand up and point towards the door needing her to leave before I physically remove her myself. "Get the hell out you spineless bitch and don't you dare try coming back here. You can consider yourself terminated and if I hear of you so much as breathing in the same vicinity as Jessica I will end you," I scream back at her as my adrenaline spikes.

  Gaping at me Lexy finally stands and walks towards the door. She tries to act cool and unbothered by my threats but I can see the tremor in her hand as she grips the door knob.

  I need to calm down. I close my eyes and count to ten trying to rein in my temper and get it back under control. I should have listened to Jessica instead of my lawyers and never hired that twit. Grabbing my phone I call my lawyer James and give him a quick rundown of my latest conversation with Lexy. He does not say much which is never a good sign. I would rather hear him yell or curse than be silent.

  "Do you think she will follow through and go to the media?" James asks obviously sharing the same thoughts as me.

  I visibly cringe at the thought of those animals stalking my sweetness for a comment and my blood begins boiling all over again.

  Fuck! "I really don't know. She is jealous and wants Jessica to hurt like she does. I wouldn't put anything past her."

  "I don't want to put Jessica through any more pain than she has to endure but if Lexy did run her mouth we would be in the clear to precede with your divorce and she wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to stop it."

  "Find another way and while you are at it hire someone to keep tabs on Lexy around the clock. Without her being employed at Glimmer I am no longer have access to her daily activities. I need to make sure she doesn't follow through with her threats."

  "I am on it," he says before hanging up.

  Chapter 10

  I bolt up out of bed wide eyed and exhausted. A full nights rest is becoming a delicacy I am afraid I might never get to indulge in again. Every night I am bombarded by horrifying memories from my childhood. Each dream seems so real it sucks me back into the depths of despair and recklessness that swore I would never have to endure again when I left my mom's home all those years ago.

  As unstable as my relationship with Tyler was back then, he was at least an escape from her. The moment we became serious I stayed either at his place or Jane's so I never had to go back there. Even Jax let me crash with him once or twice when things got too intense. I don't think I would have made it out of there if it had not been for the three of them looking out for me.

  I am so lost in my thoughts of the past that I don't notice Alex enter the room until he is standing before me stroking my hair. I lean my cheek into his hand loving the way his touch grounds me.

  "Bad dream again babe?" He asks softly drawing my gaze up to his. I swear I could get lost in the depths of those beautiful green globes of his.

  "You know?"I ask surprised.

  I don't know why I am surprised not much ever seems to get past him. Some days I swear he knows me better than I know myself. I turn my head not wanting him to see me as weak.

  "You have been talking in your sleep lately," he says concerned. "I can't always make out what you are saying but I have been able to put enough pieces together to know that they all include your mom." He moves to sit down behind me, and pulls me down to lie on his chest. I lay there listening to the steady beat of his heart and it soothes me like no other.

  "She was so mean and horrible," I say softly. Besides Jane, Jax, and Tyler I have never admitted this to another person before. "I could never do anything right so I did my best to stay out of her way. I understood her pain at losing my father and took the blame she doled out without question. I ruined her life so I deserved whatever I got." I keep my head down and eyes his chest not daring to look up at his expression. Drawing small circles across his chest with my finger I continue.

  "Hearing what Daniel said yesterday about my father and the fact that everything thing I thought I knew might all be a lie is tearing me apart inside. I don't know how to deal with this," I confess. "I am barely sleeping and when I do my past and the things she said and did haunt me."

  I try and bury my face deeper into his chest so he won't see the tears pooling in my eyes but he won't let me. Placing his fingers on my chin he pulls my face up to his and kisses me tenderly. I open my eyes and look up at him and all I see is love. Breathing a sigh of relief I kiss him back with all I have wanting him to feel what my words can't express.

  Our tongues tangle and dance with long languid strokes. Deepening the kiss I rake my fingers through the silky strands of his hair and pull him closer against me. No matter how much he gives, I want more. Alex breaks the kiss tearing his lips from mine, and I whimper at the loss.

  "I love you Jessica. When you are sad, hurt or scared I need you to turn to me. I can't fix it or make it better if you hide from me."

  "You can't fix everything Alex. Some things are just broken. My past is broken." I love that he thinks he can correct all my flaws and problems, but the past is what it is and why I am who I am.

  "There is absolutely nothing broken about you my love and I don't ever want to hear you speaking about yourself that way again." His stern voice and tense posture makes me regret upsetting him. I really do not deserve this wonderful complicated man.

  "Sorry baby," I say leaning up and brushing my lips against his resolved to not spoil our day any more with my sullen mood. "Please tell me you have coffee made. I need caffeine."

  He pauses to give me another kiss than grips my hand and pulls me out of bed. "Coffee and breakfast await you my dear. Follow me."

  My eyes feast on the array of eggs, pancakes, bacon, fruit, and breads that take up the entire breakfast bar. He really outdid himself this time. George and Alice are seated at the dining room table in deep conversation with plates of food already surrounding them.

  Remembering the fun they each had with us yesterday while at Six Flags brings a smile to my face. Alice had never been on a roller coaster before, and after screaming her head off the whole time she couldn't get enough. Who knew there was a daredevil hiding beneath all that rigidness?

  Filling my plate with some scrambled eggs and bacon I go and join everybody. "Good morning Alice and George."

  "Morning," they chime back in unison.

  I take a seat next to Alex and tell him all about our big field trip yesterday. He seems extremely pleased that we had a good time and laughs when I tell him about Jax and George competing to see who could ride the most rides within an hour. Jax won in the end, but he cheated and rode a few kiddie rides that had no lines to get his number up.

  "Do we have anything planned today?" I ask reaching for the last strawberry on Alex's plate. He playfully slaps my hand away, but I still manage to grab it before he can stop me. I lock my eyes to his while rubbing the juicy berry around my lips. I take my time and lick all of the sugar off the tip before biting into it. I eat it slowly while darting my tongue out to lick the juice off my fingers. Luckily George and Alice are in their own conversation and don't have a clue what we are up to on our end of the table.

  "You are playing with fire love," Alex growls low so only I can hear. His dark hooded eyes send flares of lust straight to my clenched sex.

  "Am I?" I ask innocently? "I am going to go take a shower Mr. Harlow. I would love it if you would join me?"

  "I can think of nothing better," he mutters. "Go get the water ready and I will join you once I clean up in here."

  "Okay," I say spri
nting back towards the bedroom. I cannot think of a better way to spend my Saturday morning than making love to my man. All mornings and nights should start and end this way. I start the shower and work at getting the water the perfect heated temperature before climbing in. I don't have to wait long before I hear the shower door open and close.

  My mouth waters as I take in the sight of him. My eyes follow the water as it travels down his hard abs, dances across that delicious V between his hips, and slides on down to his sinfully sexy cock. He really is too beautiful for words.

  Alex smiles a wicked grin as he bends and kisses my shoulder pulling me roughly against him. His erection pushes at my belly and a small moan escapes my lips in anticipation. I need to feel him inside me. Filling and stretching me to my limit.

  "Open your legs and turn around," he murmurs against my neck. I turn around and open my legs positioning my hands on the tile wall in front of me and pressing my ass against his heated cock. My breath comes in short heavy pants as I wait for his next move.

  His hands run up and down my skin leaving goose bumps in their wake. "You are so damn beautiful," he says, his voice strained and laced with lust.

  I whimper not sure I can take much more and yet not having near enough. "Please Alex..." I say desperate for him to take me. He groans low in his throat and thrusts into me slow and easy. My fingers press hard into the tile as he pulls out and repeats the delectable move filing me to capacity, and causing me to moan loudly.

  Oh my... He picks up his rhythm and continues slamming into me over and over driving us both to the brink of no return. My pussy muscles tighten around him, and he increases his strokes sending me higher until I can hold on no more. My body explodes around him with a fierce mind blowing orgasm that grips him, and drags him over the edge with me leaving us both spent and exhausted.

  "You're amazing," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of my neck. Eventually he pulls out of me and turns me so that the water cascades down both our bodies. Reaching for the wash cloth and soap he turns placing them both in my hand.

  "You clean me and I will clean you Ms. Grayson."

  "Sounds like a heavenly plan Mr. Harlow," I answer turning around and dropping to my knees. My eyes dart to his as I reach for his softening cock and begin licking and sucking it back to full attention.

  Alex smirks at me with a raised brow. "Always so eager my love."

  "Only for you baby," I respond softly.


  The rest of the day and most of Sunday is spent in a daze of sex, ordering out, and cuddling up on the couch watching old movies. Alex gave George and Alice the weekend off so we could have the penthouse mostly to ourselves. Sunday night we decide to peel ourselves off the couch, and go out and meet Jane and Jax for a late dinner at a new restaurant that opened up downtown.

  Halfway through dinner I decide since everyone is in a good mood and in the same room together now is as good a time as any to tell them all my plans. I have rehearsed what I want to say a million times in my head, but as I stare into the faces of my friends and lover all thought goes out the window and I end up just blurting it out. "I am leaving next Friday to go visit my mom over the weekend."

  You can practically hear a pin drop as all conversation stops and all eyes turn on me. I fidget nervously with the napkin in my lap awaiting someone to say something. I expected Alex to be the first to speak but to my amazement Jax is the first to respond.

  "Don't do it baby doll," he says rigidly. "I know you want answers, but that place is toxic and it will only bring up bad memories for you."

  As Jax speaks my eyes stay trained on Alex trying to gauge his feelings. His face remains stoic and emotionless not giving me an inkling as too how he feels about my decision.

  "I have to do this Jax. Too many questions have been unturned and I need to try and find the answers to them. My dreams are getting worse and I don't think they will go away until I can put all this behind me."

  "What happens if you get there and never find the answers?" Jane asks obviously worried.

  "Then I can at least know that I tried. I have to try."

  "Do something," Jane yells at Alex annoyed with his lack of dialogue. "Tell her she is being crazy. Forbid her, lock her up, tie her down if you must, but don't let her go back to that damn place."

  He frowns at Jane not enjoying her antics. Turning his attention back to me he begins to open his mouth to speak and my stomach drops. I am not sure what I expect for him to say but," I will go with you," was not in the running.

  I am know who is more surprised by his statement, me or my friends. We all stare back at him slack jawed and motionless. "If Jessica needs to do this for closure, than I will go with her and make sure she is safe."

  "You two are both insane and totally meant for each other," Jax states shaking his head in defeat. "Would you like Jane and I to go also?" He asks finally accepting that this is indeed happening.

  "No, but I appreciate the offer. I don't plan on staying any longer than is necessary. I just want to speak with my mom and try and figure out some things."

  Wrapping me up in a fortifying hug that takes my breath away Jane says," You are one crazy nut and I would love to kick your ass for even thinking of doing this, but I love you. Please be safe and don't let that wretched woman upset you."

  "Never again," I mouth wiping tears away from my eyes before they fall and ruin my make-up. "

  Sensing the need to clear the heavy air Jax begins telling everyone about his newest conquest and about how her sister ended up being his college crush. I nod and laugh when prompted but my real attention is nestled on Alex and his devious hand that keeps brushing higher and higher up the inside of my thigh. Half of me wants to swat him away and the other more prominent wicked half wants to open my legs and let me take me right here in front of everyone.

  I clench my thighs tightly together causing his hand to falter before it can reach its intended target. I squirm in my seat trying to drown out the emotions swirling through my body.

  Alex leans over and whispers sternly in ear. "Don't ever close yourself off from me."

  Oh no. I know that tone. That is the steely tone that says I am in trouble.

  I watch my friends praying they cannot tell from my flushed face what is going on right across from them under the table. They are laughing loudly and speaking about Jane's latest client and oblivious to the fact that Alex has once again pushed my legs apart and has his hand up my skirt and in my panties. I take deep steadying breaths as his fingers push through my sensitive folds teasing me relentlessly and causing an embarrassing amount of wetness to gather between my thighs.

  I bite my bottom lip savoring the delicious pressure building and fighting to let go. He abruptly withdraws his fingers leaving me aching and unsatisfied. I glare over at him with an arched brow and he glances back at me blankly as though he did not just have his fingers knuckle deep inside me.

  "What the hell?" I mouth silently at him.

  Leaning into my neck he whispers," That is your punishment for dropping that damn bomb on me in front of your friends instead of speaking with me in private beforehand. I want you frustrated and craving me by the time we get home. Don't ever deny me your thoughts and that beautiful body of your is all mine."

  Hot Damn!

  He sounds hurt and I hate myself for doubting his reaction for one second. I never intended to hurt his feelings I just figured he would try and talk me out of it like my friends did, so I took the cowards way out. This man never ceases to amaze me.

  "I am sorry baby. I didn't mean to disappoint or upset you," I pout. "I love you."

  "I love you too Ms. Grayson."

  Chapter 11 - Alex

  "When?" I bark into the phone at Roger surprised by his news.

  "Late last night. The idiot tried to rob a local liquor store and got caught. They ran his prints and it came back to the ones we lifted at the club."

  Finally! I am elated to know that the scum in off the street
s and Jessica is finally safe from him. I cannot wait to tell her the good news.

  "Have they had a chance to question him yet? We need to find out why he attacked her and if she was intentionally his targeted or if it was random." My thoughts are running a mile a minute as I begin to pace my office.

  "The guy is a smock. The moment he was brought in to the station he starting singing like a canary saying he was hired by some woman to kidnap and kill Ms. Grayson. He is originally from around the Dallas area and followed her and her friend out to Florida."

  "What woman?" I ask half crazed at hearing that he had indeed planned on killing Jess. I always thought that was probably the case but hearing Roger affirming my assumptions make me sick at my stomach.

  "That is the problem. He claims to have never met with her personally. She contacted him claiming she got his number from someone else. They did the whole transaction through scheduled drops at varying locations and used burn phones. We have nothing to trace her with."

  "Damn it," I shout hitting the top of my desk. "I am tired of running into dead ends Roger. We need to find who hired him otherwise she could try it again."

  "Calm down Alex. At least we now have more to go on. We know we are dealing with a woman with enough money to hire a hit. It is not much but it is a start," he says sounding tired but hopeful.

  "Yeah a woman," I repeat, my mind drifting into dark territory. "Okay, keep me updated on anything else you find out and I am going to speak with Jessica when she gets home from work and get a list of her female clients and anyone else knows who could fit into that category. I will email you the list later today."


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