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Completing Him

Page 11

by C. Shell

  I stop again and wait for her to at least acknowledge me. Why is she not saying anything?

  "Mom, did you hear anything I just said?"

  "Yes, I heard it all. I thought you were coming here to tell me something new. I already know all of this."

  "What?" I ask confused. "How and when did you find this out?"

  "Years ago. Your dad sent me money every month after he left. He said it was in case you needed anything, but I know he was really sending it for me. He loved me and that was his way of showing it. I never spent any of it knowing one day he would come back and we could use it to buy a nicer home. A new place where we could start over together."

  I am speechless. She is crazier than I remembered.

  "Once the money stopped coming I tried finding him and that is when I found out about the accident and that other boy he had. I think that lady lied to your poor father and trapped him into staying with her by using the boy."

  "You can't really believe that?" I ask beginning to lose my temper. Throwing the letter and pictures on the table in front of her I ask," You blamed me for him leaving. You lied. He never left because of me."

  "Of course he did," she spats back. "You ruined him and he did what he had to do and because of it he is dead. You not only made him run away you are the reason he is dead."

  I stand immobile not knowing what to say. I refuse to cower to her like I used to. I am no longer that small child she used to beat down to nothing.

  "He loved me," I stand and shout at her. "He loved me not you. You made him leave. You drove him away not me."

  Coming here was useless. I know see how warped and sick my mom really is. Turning I start to head towards the front door when I hear the click. Turning slowly I immediately notice the gun in my mom's hands pointed straight at me.

  Oh shit. I panic not knowing what to do. If I try and run or scream for George or Alice she could shoot me. I opt to try and talk her down instead.

  "Mom, why don't you put the gun down and let's talk."

  "You stupid girl. I have nothing to say to you. You can't do anything right. You couldn't even die in Florida like you were supposed to," she hisses through clenched teeth.

  "What?" My mind scrambles trying to keep up and put the missing pieces together. "You are the woman who hired the hit?"

  "Of course I am. I didn't need all that money for a home anymore after your father died so I used it to hire a hit on you, but you ruined that also."

  My eyes say riveted on the gun in her hands while tears pour from my eyes. "Mom, please don't shoot me." I beg no longer caring about staying strong. My whole life is crashing down around me and yet all I can think about is Alex. I need Alex.

  "On your knees child. I prefer not to see your face when I pull the trigger."

  I contemplate fighting her for the gun. She is so small and frail I am sure I could get it away before she can take a shot. As these thoughts drift through my mind I hear a loud crackle pierce the air and I fall to my knees screaming and crying afraid my time is up. I am not sure how long I stay like that before two strong arms lift me up and carry me out of there.

  The bright sun hits my eyes and the clean air assaults my nose as I inhale it deeply trying to clear away the smoke smell. Glancing up through tear streaked eyes I lock mine onto his green ones and sigh with relief.

  "You saved me," I say weakly.

  "I told you I would protect you didn't I," he says lightly. "Are you okay love? Did she hurt you?"

  Placing me down on the ground I suddenly notice all the police and paramedics surrounding the house. Alex absently begins looking me over checking to see if I have any injuries even though I Keep telling him I have none. He is so sweet.

  "When did all this get here?"

  "After you left yesterday James kept digging into financial records of all the women you are either related to or connected to personally. By a shear miracle he found the money your mom had been hiding. With a little more probing, he was able to trace it back to the hit placed on you." Placing a kiss on my hair he breaths me in. "I was so afraid we would not make it in time. The reception out here is sketchy and I was not able to reach George and Alice on their cell phones to give them a heads up."

  Curling my body against his I watch as the police take my mother away. Luckily she got scared when they entered the house and dropped the gun so no one got hurt. Alex thinks she will most likely spend the rest of her years in an institute for the insane instead of jail time which makes me happy for some reason. She truly believes all her crazy lies and needs help.

  Wrapping my arm around Alex's neck I pull him close to me and look up into those beautiful green eyes of his. "Take me home baby, please."

  "Your home or mine," he asks with a cocked brow.

  I shake my head no and lean in brushing my lips against his. "Our home Mr. Harlow. Take back me to our home."

  With a smile as large as Texas itself he swings me over his shoulder laughing. "It is about damn time you said our home. Now that I have finally gotten you to agree to move in with me, we need to discuss changing that last name of yours. Don't you think Mrs. Jessica Harlow sounds better than Grayson?"

  Oh sweet Jesus. I swat his beautiful ass as hard as I can. This man is incorrigible. "One thing at a time thing at a time."

  Epilogue... 2 Years Later

  "Do we really have to go to this event tonight?" I whine for the umpteenth time tonight. I know I am driving Alex crazy, but I would rather stay home and cuddle up in bed than get dressed up for this event.

  "I know you don't like these things but it is for a good cause. And besides Derrick says he has a surprise for us and we can't miss it."

  "That does not make me feel any better. In fact now I am almost certain I really don't want to go."

  I step back and watch as Alex finishes getting dressed and marvel at how much he has changed over the last two years. After my mom was locked away we came back home to deal with the LexyGate fiasco. Alex's lawyers did an amazing job at revealing her for what she really was to the press. The scam marriage came to light and Alex's divorce was fast tacked and over before we knew it. Looking back now it all seems like a bad dream. Last I heard Lexy moved to Europe and was trying her hand in modeling.

  Alex and Derrick even made up. They aren't as close as they once were, but they are working towards it. I had to plan some sneaky dinners and lunches to get the two of them together, but over time they both thawed and realized neither man was who he once was. Men can be so stubborn.

  Thumbing my finger over my wedding ring I smile. Alex kept his word and relentlessly romanced me until I finally caved and agreed to marry him. I would have always said yes but it was fun watching him work for it. Six months ago we snuck off and had a private intimate ceremony in Hawaii. It was beautiful and exactly what I had always dreamed my wedding would be.

  Sliding on my black high heels I grab my clutch and follow my man out to our private elevator. Glancing over at him I ask," Penny for your thoughts."

  He laughs and entwines his fingers in mine bringing them up to his mouth and brushing light kisses over my knuckles. "I was thinking of all the naughty things I want to do to you when we get back home tonight."

  My body warms and my sex tingles loving the way his mind thinks. This damn charity event really needs to go by quickly. Exiting the elevator we meet Carson out by the limo and I climb in saying a quick hello and asking him to step on it and get us there quickly. Alex gives me a quizzical look.

  "The fastest we get there the sooner we can get back home," I answer with a shrug. "I have a few things I would like to do to you also Mr. Harlow."

  I stroke his cock through his pants the entire ride and by the time we arrive at the event we are both worked up and needy. Alex gives me a wicked grin and whispers against my ear," Go say hello to those you know then find Derrick so we can get the hell out of here."

  "Sure thing baby."

  Taking my hand in his Alex leads us around the main floor. Th
ese events are all about money. They are all alike and very tiresome but in the end they raise a lot of money for good causes, which is why I agreed to come tonight. I spend a few hours mingling and networking until I finally spot Derrick on the dance floor. Tugging at Alex's arm I point out Derrick and as he turns around our mouths both drop in unison.

  Standing on the side of the dance floor we wait until the music has died down and he is making his way to the side before making ourselves know. "What the hell is going on?" I ask glancing between a confused Derrick and embarrassed Jane. "Is she your big surprise?"

  "Umm...Yes," he says smiling big. Oh hell.

  I glance over at Jane and my anger dissipates when I see how happy she is. I would never have thought that she and Derrick would make a good couple. They are both opposites in every way but seeing the smile on her face makes me drop all negative thoughts and instead wrap them both up in a large hug.

  We spend the next few hours dancing, mingling and drinking. Perched near the bar Alex slides up behind me wrapping is arms around my waist and pulls me against his chest. I moan feeling his erection against my backside. "Penny for your thoughts," he murmurs against my ear.

  "I'm happy." I say smiling up at him. "I mean I am truly one hundred percent happy. I have the sexiest husband in the world, great friends, and a thriving business that I love. For once in my life I have it all and I am happy. Oh and I love you more than life itself," I say nipping his bottom lip with my teeth.

  His eyes darken and his breath catches in his throat. "That was beautiful, my love. I think it is time we made our departure Mrs. Harlow."

  "Yes, Mr. Harlow I agree. Take me home please."

  To the Readers:

  Thank you for reading Beneath Him, Embracing Him, and Completing Him

  by C. Shell

  Writing about Jessica and Alex was an amazing journey and I want to thank you for taking this journey with me. I loved watching them grow and learn how to love each other. Through tragedy and trial and error they stayed true to who they were and gained a love like no other.

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