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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Needa Warrant

  “Yeah, Dad—I love you, too. I’m gonna go down to the dock for a bit. Got some thinking to do about all of this shit. I’ll talk to Tears and I want to go to the VA hospital with you next time you go.”

  He looked at his father, but he was already asleep. Thorn felt like he’d been in the worst fight of his life. Hunter dying? That couldn’t be—not his dad. This was all a bad dream…maybe if he kept telling himself that, it would go away.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tears had a summer job cleaning the cabins at the Lodge and it gave her time to see Thorn without her dad giving her any shit. They were able to spend time together and even were able to get laid here and there. This would be an easy week—all she had to do was provide clean towels and sheets to the guests. However, when the guests left she’d be cleaning her ass off. She spotted Thorn sitting by the dock. She needed coffee and decided to go get him a cup as well. Hunter was sleeping on the couch, but there was coffee made. She grabbed two mugs and made two light and sweet coffees. She carefully walked down to the dock. Thorn was watching her and she smiled at him. He had a serious look on his face. She wondered what was going on now. She knew Kima had baby Josie, but all was well with that. Could it be more club business? Her hand brushed Thorn’s as she gave him the mug.

  “Good morning, didn’t you sleep last night?” She tried to be upbeat because something was clearly bothering Thorn.

  “No, somebody was out at Elena’s and Joy’s farm last night. The dogs tracked a car in a pasture they aren’t using yet. I came home and Hunter was waiting for me. We had a talk and I need to ask you something important Tearney. Do you really love me?”

  “Of course I love you. Don’t I tell you that all the time? I can’t wait to be your ol’ lady. I don’t understand why we need my dad’s permission to let us be together. I’m eighteen now. What’s going on?”

  “If I wanted to marry you, what would you say?” Thorn was nervous and he spilled a bit of his coffee on his leg. It burned and he wiped at it.

  Tears looked at him with a big smile. “I’d say yes! I don’t know what Nailz would do, though. He still thinks I’m his baby girl.”

  “Nailz will kill me—that’s what he’ll do, but I want to marry you and have a life with you. I want my dad to see us get married. I thought we’d have a few years of hanging out together to make sure it would work, but Tears—Hunter is dying. He wants to see us get married now so will you marry me? It won’t be the wedding you probably want. He wants to keep it a secret until he passes. I don’t exactly know what’s going on in his mind, but I want him to be happy. He wants us to do it fast, go down to Maryland, register and come back. I planned to make you my ol’ lady, you know that. I figured we’d have some kids one day and do everything in time, the normal way. I know this is sudden, but it means so much to him.” Thorn’s voice was breaking as he looked at Tearney.

  “Oh, my God! Of course we’ll do it right away, Thorn. What is Hunter is dying from?” Tears was in shock and started to cry.

  “Pancreatic cancer and he refuses to let anyone know. That’s why he let Elena leave and he made her hate him. He doesn’t want pity—that’s my father for you. I think we could go down to Maryland today and go back in a few days. When we go for the wedding you can wear a dress and we’ll go out to eat. You need identification and your birth certificate, I guess. Can you get away for a few hours without Nailz knowing? I’ll make a good life for us, Tears—I promise you that. Right now I’ve got to deal with this, can you deal with everything I’m tossing your way?”

  Tears grabbed his hand, “As long as I have you, yes I can. Let’s get Hunter up and I always have my ID and birth certificate in my wallet. I know this is going to be hard on you, but we’ll make Hunter happy, I promise you.” She hugged Thorn and he kissed her but his lips were ice cold.

  Together—holding hands—they walked toward the Lodge. Thorn’s hand was so much larger than Tears’ hand, but she felt it growing warmer. She loved Thorn and she’d do anything to take his pain away. Even though her father would flip out on them, he’d deal with it. They’d have time to figure out how to tell him. Jo would side with her and so would Kima. She thought a moment about Elena.

  “Hunter is the father of Elena’s baby, isn’t he? Is he going to sign the birth certificate? I really hope so!” Tears sounded astounded.

  “Yeah, he is the baby’s father and if he’s here, I’ll make sure he is there and signs the birth certificate. He talked about a lawyer so I think he has everything in order. He’s even planned his own funeral. I don’t know why he’s doing like it like this, but I have to respect his wishes.” Thorn spoke sadly. “I’ll make all of this up to you, Tears—I promise.”

  “Thorn, there isn’t anything to make up. We do what we have to do for the people we love. I love you and Hunter. We’ll make the rest of the time he has with us the best we can for him. I think he’d like to see us happy and not mourning him while he is alive. Actually, that’s it! He wants to be Hunter, not treated any differently. He’s dealing with things we can’t possibly understand so we’ll let him lead the way. In a way, I can sort of understand what he’s doing now and I admire him for doing it his way. It’s too bad we all can’t do it our way. I can’t imagine the Lodge without Hunter here, though.”

  “I’m glad you understand all of this because I still can’t wrap my head around it. I need to do some speed to get us to Maryland unless you or Hunter wants to drive. This is all too fucked up for me to think about, Tears. I hope I can carry on what my grandparents and Hunter did with the Lodge.”

  “I’ll help you handle it all and it will be fine. I know we’ll miss Hunter, but we’ll do what he wants and we love each other. That's all that matters in the end, right?”

  Thorn looked at her, “Yeah, we do and you’re right. It’s all that matters.” He wasn’t as sure as Tears was, but at this point he was willing to go along with whatever she and Hunter wanted.

  Hunter was on the deck watching the couple walk up the path. What a stunning pair they made. Both black haired, strong and healthy. He wished he could’ve stayed to see his grandchildren—the two of them would make beautiful children. Seeing Josette Hunter Finn was a blessing and if he was able to see his child with Elena that’d be an even bigger blessing. He hoped that with all his heart the letter to Elena would help her understand his choices concerning his death. All he wanted was the best for her. He looked up toward the sky and asked silently for just a little more time.

  “Good morning, Hunter. I had some of your coffee. Thank you making a pot. That’s usually my job to make the coffee.” Tears was trying hard to give him a smile.

  “Dad, Tears is ready to go if you are. We need to make this a fast trip. When we go back to Maryland for the wedding, we’ll do dinner and make it a nice day. Do you think you can manage that? I’d like to get some pictures, too.”

  Hunter smiled warmly at Tears, “Welcome to the family, girl. I’m going to rest easy knowing you’re with my son. I hate leaving you both to deal with Nailz, but its better this way. I’m ready to go. Tears, you can drive since Thorn got no sleep.”

  Tears climbed the stairs and hugged Hunter, “I love him, you know.”

  He whispered back, “Give him some space at first. He loves you—I can see it in his eyes. You’re going to have to be strong for him, honey. He doesn’t understand why I’m doing it all my way.”

  Thorn wondered what they were whispering about, but was cutting his dad some slack. He was going to do whatever it took to make his dad happy.

  “If we’re going, let’s move it. The guests can pick up clean towels from the deck today.” He didn’t care if they had clean sheets. He just wanted to get on the road. Seeing the smile on Hunter’s face was priceless, though. If they could pull this off and give Hunter some happiness before he died, it’d all be worth it when Nailz freaked out. Thorn wondered how much of a beating Nailz would be giving him and sighed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Joy came i
n early the next morning and saw her living room was a mess. JJ crashed out on the couch and the place stunk like pot and Red Death. God, she hated a mess. Jersey knew that too, she thought grimly. She’d fix their asses and cook bacon, eggs and pancakes. She put coffee on and began to bang around and clean up after whatever they did to her living room. What pigs men were! They thought it was just fine to leave their messes. Not in her house! She’d have them awake in no time at all. She tossed on ‘Feel like Makin Love’ by Bad Company on the stereo and blasted it. Knowing the men, they’d probably sleep through it, though.

  JJ was groaning as she was slamming around the living room setting things back to their rightful places while the scent of coffee and bacon was filling the air. Joy began to slam things in the kitchen when Jersey wandered out of the bedroom.

  He nuzzled her neck and she pushed him away. “I’m not in the mood, Jerz! Look at this place, my albums are lying all around the place! Not even in their covers! I don’t like messes and if you play my records, you take care of them. Do I go mess up your stuff? No, I don’t. If you want to eat, clean up and get JJ off the couch to help you.

  “Blondie, it was a long night. I tried to stay up in case anyone came back. We decided to drink the Red Death so it didn’t go to waste. Are you mad at me? I loved your dance last night—which was sexy as hell. I hope you grabbed your tips.”

  “Go wipe your nose. It’s got white shit under it. Of course I grabbed the money. After all, I earned it. I didn’t sleep well and that Kat’s moving into Elena’s today. I’m not very happy about that. I know it’s good for Elena, but I don’t like the thought of some chick I don’t know moving on the farm. Nobody asked me and she’d better stay away from my horses. I don’t care if she is Thrash and Veiko’s sister either. If she annoys me, I’m speaking up.” Joy never had a problem voicing her opinion. “You stink, go take a shower and brush your teeth for God’s sake or no breakfast. Good thing I fed the horses since you didn’t get up and you’re lucky you don’t have stalls to clean.”

  Jersey grimaced. The thought of shoveling shit today was not on his agenda. He’d be puking. “I was thinking about paying for a few barn hands since I don’t want Elena or you over working. I can’t always be up every morning in time to feed the horses. Are you good with that? You can hire them for stall cleaning and whatever else you want.”

  “You’re paying for all of this? Because you know I can’t afford it. I need to save up for the winter. I need to stock up on hay and I don’t know when Elena will be able to help out. Where are you getting the money for this?” Joy looked at him, hands on hips.

  “I told you I’d take care of things and I do work. I have a legal job and I save my money. I said I’d pay for everything and I think it’s time to hire help. I’ve got to do some club business and some nights I’ll be home late.” Jersey was hoping she wasn’t going to think he was out fooling around.

  “If you’re paying, the track laid off two older guys I know. I’m sure if we put them in that old trailer out behind the barns it wouldn’t cost as much. That way someone would be here all the time. They’re older quiet men, though. I’ve known them for years. They’re really nice and good workers. I trust them with the horses and they need work. After breakfast, I could go up to the track and talk to them. I feel bad that today is their last day. They had no jobs lined up and lived at the track. I’m warning you they’re a bit odd so your boys better leave my barn hands alone, this is still my farm.” She glared at him.

  “Blondie, I don’t care if they come from Mars. If they do their job, I’ll be glad to pay them. Nobody is going to mess with your barn workers. Now let me shower so I can get a good morning kiss.”

  Joy sighed and began to crack eggs. Screw the pancakes, she needed to go get Pete and Harry. She knew they needed help on the farm, but they couldn’t afford it and if Jersey was willing to pay, that was fine with her. Her mood brightened a bit, but she still didn’t like the idea of Kat moving in. What if Jersey decided he liked this Kat better than her or what if Thorn did? Tears would be heartbroken. A few weeks ago she had come to Joy about getting on the pill and told her she was planning to sleep with Thorn on her birthday. Joy had tried to talk her out of it, but decided getting her on birth control was the best alternative she could do since Tears had her mind set. If Thorn hurt Tears, Nailz would hurt Thorn and Joy would be cheering Nailz on as he beat the crap out of Thorn. She really cared for Tears. She was riding horses with Joy now that Elena and Kima couldn’t ride. She sighed to herself. Girls would do as they pleased no matter who their daddy was. She had—so why would Tearney be any different? She wondered what Nailz expected of Tears. Her grandparents had gotten her a tutor to finish school and she was very intelligent. No doubt, they were busy making a life plan for her. She doubted they knew she wanted to go to school for hotel management and was sure that was not their plan for her life. Tears was planning a future with Thorn and she wasn’t going to like this Kat, either. She’d be keeping an eye out and making sure this girl didn’t interfere with Tearney’s plans or with Thorn. How nobody else saw what was right under their noses, she didn’t know. Nailz and Jo were constantly exhausted and Jo had gotten pregnant again, right away. Jo was crazy, that’s what she was. Joy hoped Kima still had some common sense left. This pregnancy shit scared Joy. One day she wanted babies, but not now. Not as long as she had to dance. She couldn’t see fitting babies into her already busy life. Sometimes she looked at Jersey and thought of what beautiful babies they’d make…but he wasn’t the settling down type of man. She’d be setting herself up for heartbreak, again. Joy shook her head to rid herself of the thought and concentrated on making breakfast. Jersey and JJ could go and clean out that old two-bedroom trailer. She knew it’d come in handy one day and was glad they had left it on the farm. It shouldn’t be too bad. The old owner had let his help live in it. It’d make up for leaving her house a pigsty. Jersey would be so busy doing that he wouldn’t be around to help move this Kat chick in. By the time she got back with the barn help she’d be making sure that Jersey was busy, too. Joy was off tonight and wanted to go out. She had a few things to do today and after she got back she need to go shopping and buy baby presents. Later, they’d be going to the hospital to see the happy couple and their newborn baby. Thrash could move his own sister into Elena’s house. She was his damn problem—not her or Jersey’s problem.

  Jersey startled her with a kiss to her neck. “It smells really good in here, Joy. Thank you for cooking for us. So you’re going to go get those guys? Do you know if either of them drive? It would be good if at least one did. You know, to get hay or feed.”

  “Pete has an old truck, but we have the farm trucks they can use I guess if they had to. We pay insurance on them. What I do need is for you and that snoring JJ to clean up that trailer. I’ll leave some extra blankets, sheets and pillows out for you to bring down to the trailer. There is an old TV up in the loft with a box of dishes and some pots and pans. Just set it all out on the table and they can put it away. I know we cleaned the trailer up when we moved in, but you can make sure there aren’t any mice and there are no leaks. Open the windows and air the place out. It will cure you two of your hangovers. After I come back, I want to shower and bring a baby present over to Kima and Josie. I’m off all night and I’d like to go out with you unless you have other plans. Like maybe taking that Kat out?” She didn’t mean for that to slip out. Damn it.

  “I’d love to take you out, Blondie. I’m yours for the day and night. Do I hear some jealousy in your voice?” Jersey sure hoped so.

  “Oh, hell no! I won’t be made a fool of, though. I was thinking we could go to the clubhouse so they don’t call and wreck our night. We could pick up where we left off last night if you want…” Joy was trying hard to cover her slip up.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll wake up JJ and we’ll move the stuff in and air the place out. Thorn is supposed to come by and check out those tire tracks. It’s going to be a warm night for riding. Wo
uld you like to go out to eat, too?”

  “That sounds really nice, Jerz—thank you. Maybe we could go for a walk on the beach, too? It has been a long since I’ve had a whole day off so let’s enjoy it.” Joy was happy and impulsively hugged Jersey. He took it a bit further and kissed her, his tongue meeting hers and she was kissing him back.

  “Hey, it smells like burned eggs in here, lovebirds. Get that pan off the stove and I’ll dump it out for the chickens. Damn that stench woke my ass up!” JJ was standing there grinning at them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thrash had gone back to his mother’s house with his dad to tell Katri the news about her new niece, baby Josie. He spent the night there and his dad was going to help him move Kat to Elena’s house. After they got her settled, they’d go over to the hospital and see Kima and baby Josie. Kat was getting to know her father, which was a good thing. He had offered to let her to live at his house, but Thrash didn’t want her living in the Ocean Cove. Moving the furniture was the hardest part and Kat had taken everything she owned. It didn’t look like she was planning to return. Mrs. Ross was peeking out of her curtains and Thrash saw his dad flip the bitch his middle finger a few times. That cracked him up. He also found out that Mrs. Ross had played a big part in the breakup of their marriage after her husband died. As his dad explained, Mrs. Ross was a miserable person and misery loved company. He also said his parents had pushed him to marry their mother and it was never a love match. While he didn’t want to leave his children, leaving his wife hadn’t bothered him at all. He was very happy to have them back in his life and he wasn’t inclined to do anything to help their mother at this point. He said from what information he had been able to obtain she was being mandated to the mental hospital because she had some serious mental issues. It was something he didn’t want Veiko or Katri to know about yet, either. Thrash was wondering if his dad thought it might be something hereditary—both Veiko and he had inherited their mother’s evil temper, but were usually able to control it. So far, Kat seemed to be fine, but he had a feeling that she too had a temper. Kat loved Elena’s house and she loved the bedroom that overlooked a pasture of horses. It was a nice large room and her furniture fit easily into it. The plain white walls didn’t bother her and she had been able to use her curtains from her old bedroom. Kat went out with their dad to buy groceries as he was insisting that he help pay her way while she was unemployed.


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