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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

Page 15

by Needa Warrant

  “Thorn, there’s no need for you to come with me today. I ain’t going out far and you can spend some time with your pretty wife. It isn’t like I can’t do this alone, you know.” Hunter was confident and he sounded strong and certain.

  “Are you sure, Dad? I checked the weather and it’s going to storm later on tonight, it might be a bit rough out there. Tears can come with us if she wants.” Thorn didn’t like the idea of his dad going alone, but he also wanted time with his wife. He looked at her and decided what his Dad wanted was right. He could handle the traps by himself. Hunter had done it so many times, that he would be fine.

  “I said so, didn’t I? Go spend some time with Tears, boy. I don’t want my daughter-in-law resenting me.” He was kidding and they all laughed.

  Tears hugged Hunter. “I’d never do that Hunter and you know it. But thank you, I do miss Thorn so much.” Her voice quivered a tiny bit.

  Hunter smiled at her and pushed her toward Thorn. “Go feed your man. I aint a good cook, he’s getting skinny.”

  Thorn looked at his dad and walked over and hugged him. “Thanks, Dad. You’re not gonna be long, are you? I’ll boil the lobsters for dinner.”

  “Nah, couple hours tops. I promised Elena some lobsters, too.” Hunter jumped on to the boat. The engine turned right over. Thorn was untying the ropes and stood there watching as his dad expertly left the dock.

  “How many hours do you think he’ll be gone?” Tears wondered.

  “Four or five hours, maybe less…are you going to feed me?” Thorn was teasing her as they walked toward the Lodge hand in hand.

  “Of course I am and I’ll even be your dessert.” She teased him back.

  Once on the water Hunter relaxed and enjoyed the ride out to where his lobster traps were in the ocean. He made some money selling lobsters to local people and fish markets. The ocean wasn’t as smooth as the bay was and he pulled the first set of traps up carefully. He emptied the lobsters into a huge cooler. Hunter was returning the traps into the ocean when a wave hit the boat. He never felt the rope twist around his leg and he went into the ocean so fast that he never knew what happened. The lobster traps went into the water behind him. His knife lay on the deck of the boat where he dropped it, no good to him now. If he had it maybe he could have cut himself free. If Hunter could have told you, he would’ve said it was a good death—and way better than cancer killing him.

  It was hours later and Tears and Thorn were sitting on the deck watching for Hunter’s boat when they noticed Gus coming up the path. Gus was another lobster fisherman and he kept his boat at the Lodge marina.

  “Thorn, can I come up?” Gus yelled up.

  “Sure, Gus—what’s up?” Thorn was curious because Gus never came up to the Lodge.

  “I saw your pops when I went out to check my traps; he was just starting to pull his traps up. On the way back I didn’t see him so I yelled to him, got no answer. Me and Jerry pulled aside the Lena and he ain’t on that boat, Thorn. I called it into the Coast Guard. I’m sorry. I can take ya out there now. They were heading out and I said I’d bring ya.” Gus was twisting his cigarette pack. He looked with sorrow at them and Thorn tried not to crumble. He knew his dad would expect him to be strong. Accidents happened on the water and it was a part of their lives.

  “Thanks, Gus. I’ll be ready in a few minutes. I’ll meet you at your boat—thanks for checking on my dad. We were watching for him.”

  Gus headed back to the marina as Tears started to cry. Thorn grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

  “Tearney, you have to make some calls for me. Call Veiko, call Elena and your dad. Maybe Hunter was in the cabin or something. I kinda doubt it, though. Baby, don’t cry. I’ll break down and Hunter would be pissed if I did that. I gotta go. Don’t tell your dad about us, either—now’s not the time. You promise me?” Thorn was shaking and hoping that this was all a mistake, but deep inside he knew it wasn’t. Hunter was gone and Thorn figured if he had to die, doing what he loved to do was a better way to die than in that damn VA Hospital.

  “I promise and I’ll make the calls. You’ll be safe out there, won’t you?” Tears looked up at the sky and saw the thunder clouds forming.

  “Tears, the water is a part of our lives same as hunting and the Lodge is. No storm is going to take that boat down. I gotta bring the Lena in. Stay here and wait for the others to come. Elena is going to need you. You should call Joy, too. I gotta go, baby—I love you.” Thorn kissed her and Tears watched her husband stride down the path toward the waiting boat, head held high, shoulders’ back. God she loved him and she hurt for him, too.

  Tears called Elena first. “Elena, there has been an accident. A fisherman named Gus came here. Thorn said you need to come to the Lodge. Gus said Hunter wasn’t on his boat. He went out on the Lena hours ago for lobsters.”

  Elena was silent for a few moments. “There was an accident with Hunter’s boat, no, no, no! Not Hunter, Gus has to be wrong. I’m coming right over. Where’s Thorn?”

  Tears quietly explained Thorn had gone to meet the Coast Guard boat and she was making calls. Elena again said she was on her way and Tears called her dad.

  “Daddy, Thorn said to get over here. Hunter had an accident, they think on the water. He wasn’t on his boat. Another fisherman checked and came for Thorn.” Tears was sobbing her heart out.

  Nailz took a deep breath, “Tears, calm down, I’ll make the calls. You need food? It’s going to be a long night. Everyone will be coming to the Lodge. I’ll stop and get cold cuts and rolls.”

  “Daddy, you better get some whiskey—and I am staying with Thorn. He can’t be alone tonight.” Tears wasn’t leaving Thorn no matter what tonight.

  “I’ll get everything, just hold tight. You can stay with Thorn if Elena doesn’t plan to stay.” Nailz wasn’t about to argue with her.

  When Elena got to the Lodge she handed Rhiannon to Tears and ran out the door. She knew just where she was going—to the beach. The thunder was rolling in and lightning was crackling across the water as she screamed Hunter’s name over and over. She dropped to the sand and cried for him. Her white shirt blew in the wind as she kept screaming for him. Finally she collapsed on to the beach, lying on the sand. She heard the boats coming back and then saw the red flashing lights of the ambulance.

  Thrash stood watching her. He knew he shouldn’t go to her now, she needed to grieve but it was going to storm. Thrash had seen Hunter’s body taken away and was glad she hadn’t. Thorn was a mess and all the bros close to Hunter were at the Lodge. The lightning was dancing across the water as Thrash made his way to Elena.

  “Elena, you’ve got to come back inside now. Rhiannon needs her mother and I’m sure Thorn needs you, too.” Thrash spoke firmly, but kindly.

  “I don’t want to go back there, Thrash. I want Hunter! I can’t go inside that Lodge without him. I can’t help Thorn, I can’t help myself. Just leave me alone out here.” She was crying so hard.

  “Hunter is gone. Wouldn’t he want you to be there for his son and daughter?” Thrash tried to coax her back to the Lodge.

  Thorn spoke from behind him. ”I’ve got this, bro. Go back inside, we’ll be in soon.” Thorn sounded old beyond his years.

  Thrash shook his head and decided it was better to leave the two people who loved Hunter the most together. He walked back to the Lodge.

  “Elena, get up, I need to tell you something. Come on, sitting here isn’t going to bring him back.” Thorn helped her up and they walked toward a cabin.

  Elena sobbed harder. It was the cabin she had lived in when she first met Hunter and his family had given her a job. They sat on the steps, Thorn’s arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. Her sobs slowed down.

  Thorn wiped at her tears with his shirt. He wasn’t going to cover up anymore for Hunter to Elena. She had to know the truth. He took a deep breath and looked at the water.

  “You always told me to be strong no matter what, right? So I need you to be strong now and
what I have to tell you I think we should keep between ourselves for now okay?”

  “Hunter’s dead, isn’t he? I don’t know if I can be strong anymore, but tell me what happened.” She had to know.

  Thorn held her closer. “Elena, Hunter was dying. He had pancreatic cancer. That was why he made you so angry that you left him. He never wanted you to worry or nurse him. I don’t know what happened on that boat today, but it was an accident. I’ll never believe otherwise. He was in such a good mood after seeing you and the baby. He got a rope wrapped around his leg and he went over with the traps, it was quick I’m sure.” There, he had been as honest as he could be with her.

  Elena gasped. “He was dying and he knew it? Damn him. Now I understand the reason he bought all those presents for Rhiannon. He was making sure she had gifts from him for years to come. Oh my god, did he kill himself?”

  “No! Hunter wouldn’t do that! He was going to go to the VA hospital when he got too sick that he couldn’t fool anyone. I don’t think we should tell anyone about the cancer because he didn’t want anyone to know. He left a box I gotta go through. The Coast Guard says it was an accident and that’s how it will stay. Do you understand me? That’s what Hunter would want isn’t it?” Thorn needed her to understand his dad’s wishes.

  “Hunter wouldn’t kill himself. He wasn’t a coward. Nobody needs to know anything besides us, we’re family. He had a terrible accident.” Elena was coming around finally.

  “I gotta tell you something else, but I need your word that until the funeral is over you won’t say anything.” He held his breath waiting for her promise.

  “I promise, but it isn’t more bad news I hope?” Elena was so depressed.

  “Tearney and I got married, Hunter knew we were fucking around and he wanted to see us get married. Nailz is going to kill me, but I love Tears and it was so important to dad. We went down to Maryland and got married there. Dad told me that seeing Rhiannon born and seeing me marry Tears were gifts from God. He really loved you, Elena. I know all of this is so fucked up, but I did what he asked of me. I don’t know his reasons and I doubt I ever will. He said to remember him as he was, not some dying sick man.” Thorn tried to explain it all as best as he could.

  Elena slipped her hand into his. “Your promise is safe with me. Hunter ran everything as he always did until the very end, didn’t he?” She let out a deep sigh.

  “Yeah, he did—and he truly wanted to spare you any worry or watch him suffer. I was so angry at him for giving you pain like he did, but he said it was better for you to not know any of this. It was killing me to lie to you, Elena. I never agreed with what he wanted. I did promise to take care of you and my sister and I will keep that promise. He even arranged his own funeral.” Thorn sighed and Elena tightened the grip she had on his hand.

  “I loved him, Thorn—for so long and then it was like I wasn’t there anymore for him. When he screamed at me for selling the old farm that was his way of getting rid of me, wasn’t it? I should’ve known—I knew Hunter so well. I guess in his way he did what he felt was best. You know the night we met Tears we both said you’d end up with her. I told you that. I’m not mad at you for doing what Hunter wanted. I’m mad at him for not telling me, but I understand it.” Elena felt more at peace now.

  Thorn kissed the top of her head. “I guess we’ll go inside now. You ready for all the ‘I’m sorrys’ and all that? I hate that shit, but I guess it makes people feel better. I just want to get Hunter buried.”

  Elena looked at the sky one last time and watched as a bolt of lightning hit the water. She tossed a kiss toward the sky and whispered silently, ‘Hunter, I love you and I always will.’

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The day of Hunter’s funeral was a nice fall day. He would be buried in the family plot along with his parents and grandparents. He hadn’t wanted an open casket and he asked for just a prayer said at the funeral parlor. It was to be a simple funeral as Hunter was a man who hated a fuss. His wishes were granted and he was buried with his colors on. Thorn had made sure whatever the brothers wanted to send Hunter off with were placed into the casket. He had been the only one to see Hunter before the casket was sealed.

  Kima was thin and not taking Hunter’s death well. She hung on to Veiko the whole time. It seemed like a light had gone out in her and everyone was concerned about her.

  Members of clubs from the surrounding states came along with all the brothers from Bound for Hell MC, Nefarious and Satan’s Attitude were there in full force . Hunter would have been impressed or maybe he might have laughed. He had left money for a party after the burial and it was being catered just as he had planned. In fact, everything was done just as he had expected it to be. He even had arranged for a band to play music and it was one hell of a party. His funeral would be talked about for many years. Hunter had left instructions for live, laugh, love and ride to be inscribed on his gravestone and Thorn wasn’t shocked it was ready to be placed on his grave when he died. That was Hunter for you. He had planned everything.

  Elena stood next to Thorn, her hand on his arm and watched the party. She was dressed all in black, from her boots, and jeans to her black sweater. She too was thin and worn out looking. “He throws a hell of a party doesn’t he, Thorn?” her voice cracked as tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Thorn wiped at her tears. “Hunter was always known for his parties, that’s for sure. I gotta do something, Elena. Why don’t you talk to Kima—she isn’t doing well.”

  “I can try to talk to her again, but I don’t know if it will help. I’ve tried and all she does is cry. He was her other father you know. Poor Kima, do you think Hunter told her the truth?” Elena wondered because Hunter and Kima were so close.

  “If he did, he didn’t tell me—but Kima can’t keep a secret so I doubt it. I need Veiko so go tell her how much Hunter loved her.” Thorn had some business he needed to take care of.

  Tears came up to him, “I want to tell my dad now, Thorn. I’m not letting this go on any longer.”

  “I’m taking care of it now. Go help Elena with Kima. Your dad will know shortly. I promise you.” Thorn kissed Tears and watched as she went to Kima and Elena. Joy, Dusty, Jo and Deidra were all standing in a group near Kima and Elena.

  It took him some time, but Thorn got Tramp, Darko, Thrash, Veiko, Nailz and Jersey together finally. He explained they all had to meet inside the Lodge—that Hunter had left them something for each of them, and walked into the Lodge.


  The bikers were sitting around the long handmade, wooden table in the dining room of the Lodge. Thorn had asked Tramp, Darko, Thrash, Veiko, Nailz and Jersey to come to the Lodge because Hunter had left each of them something. A large bottle of Jack Daniels sat in the middle of the table with shot glasses lined up in front of it. Next to the bottle was an old metal box that looked like it had seen better days. The bikers were somber as they took seats and looked around the Lodge, not quite believing their brother Hunter was dead. The last few days had been hard on them and it showed in everyone’s face. All of them wondered what Thorn had for them and waited as he began to pour shots.

  “My dad left letters for each of you, but he had them numbered in a certain order for you to read. I don’t know why either, but I’m doing it as he asked me so just bear with me.” He opened the metal box and handed Tramp a letter.

  Jersey looked Thorn dead in the face, “Hunter, didn’t off himself did he? Thorn, please don’t tell us that.” His voice was almost a plea.

  “Fuck you, Jersey. You say that shit again, we’ll be in the yard fighting. My father was dying from cancer and he didn’t have much time left, but he sure as hell didn’t kill himself. I’ll try to explain it as short as I can. He found out he was in advanced stages of pancreatic cancer and decided not to tell any of you, but I figured out something was wrong and confronted him. He wanted to die on his terms. That was a fishing accident. Hunter had more time left because he was planning to go to the VA hospital when
he couldn’t fool us anymore. He wanted everyone to remember him as he was—the Hunter who was your bro. I agreed to help him because it was his dying wish. You got that? My dad never would have killed himself. He wouldn’t do that to any of us, but mainly his kids and Elena. He had his reasons—maybe they’re in your letters—I don’t know as he had them sealed and I respected his wishes. What the fuck would any of you have done? Tramp, he wanted you to go first.” Thorn sat staring out the window, watching the waves in the distance.

  Tramp held the letter in his hand. He wasn’t gonna read this out loud if his bros expected that. He got up and moved into the living area. He chose Hunter’s recliner to sit in. Opening the letter, he began to read,

  Tramp, hey bro,

  If you’re reading this, I’m gone. Sure had a good time riding with you and I need you to do me a few favors. Look out for my son and don’t let Nailz kill him. I did the right thing and made sure my son did. I see times changing brother, make sure the club stays together. I see jail time for many if you don’t find ways to go more legal. I’m not about to tell you how to run the club, but I think you know exactly what I mean. Watch the rats and the greedy brothers. You have to meet with my lawyer. I left the clubhouse a lease, he’ll explain it all, but there’s land put aside for parties. We sure did see a lot in our days even though we didn’t ride together for long in this club. But I remember you from other days and plenty of parties. You make a decent president and you always had my respect. This cancer shit eats at you, brother. I figured I’d better write these letters now while I could, some days are better than others. I got a bunch of pictures together of all of us from back in the day. Watch out for Elena and my daughter too. I hope you get your son and figure out shit with Jules. I hope one day I’ll see ya again.

  Ride free, ride safe… Hunter.

  Pictures were in the envelope and as Tramp looked at them, he laughed at some of them and others he just stared at. The information for the lawyer was there, also. Carefully he placed it all back into the envelope. Walking back to the table he stopped and laid both hands on Thorn’s shoulders. “You did good by your old man, Thorn. Don’t let nobody tell you different.” Tramp sat back down, grabbed the bottle, and downed a shot. “For Hunter.” He banged the shot glass down and looked at Thorn.


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