Her Rebel Heart

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Her Rebel Heart Page 13

by Shannon Farrington

  "€œBreathe deeply,"€ he said. "€œSlowly."€

  She tried but it was difficult. Her corset, once comfortably drawn, now felt painfully restrictive. Her lungs ached for air.

  "€œLook at me,"€ she heard him say. His voice was calm but firm, his gaze fixed. "€œThat man is gone. He isn'€™t coming back. Elijah and Elisha are making their delivery."€

  She felt his arms tighten around her, could smell the warm scent of his shaving balm. Giving in to weakness, Julia leaned into him, surrendering fully to his embrace.


  Sam'€™s heart was pounding. She was shaking all over, even more so than that day on Pratt Street.

  "€œW-what a h-horrible man,"€ she stammered.

  His mouth soured at the way the soldier had spoken in front of her, at the way he had frightened Elijah and Elisha. He was coarse and arrogant, obviously more concerned about showing his power then safeguarding the city.

  She lifted her head from his chest. Her blue eyes were wide and wet with tears. "€œTh-thank you for b-being here, S-Samuel. If I h-had been alone'€”"€

  "€œHush now,"€ he said, tenderly tracing the outline of her face with his fingers. "€œDon'€™t be frightened. It is over and done with."€

  He wanted to heed his own words but he shuddered to think of what could have happened. He wanted to hold her tightly, to shelter her but the soldier'€™s warning still pounded in his brain. The street was no place to stand. He needed to get her back to the churchyard as quickly as possible.

  "€œTake my arm."€

  She did so though her movement was unsteady.

  Sally must have gone to fetch Dr. Stanton for he was descending the church steps. Sam led Julia to her father and explained what had happened. His face drained of all natural color but the predominant emotion in his eyes was one of disgust. Sam understood. He felt exactly the same thing.

  "€œThank you, son, for looking after her,"€ Dr. Stanton said. "€œCome, child. Let'€™s get you home."€

  Her hand brushed his arm as she slipped away. Sam stood where he was, torn between keeping the promise he had made not to visit her home and following after her to make sure she was safe.

  He was certain that would be the end of their working together'€”sure that after today'€™s confrontation, Julia would withdraw from service. He understood why she would do so but his heart selfishly ached at the thought of her absence.

  He wanted her beside him now and always, serving the Lord together. Her smile buoyed his courage and brought a light to this otherwise dark world.

  But Your will, Lord, not mine. I want to do Your will.

  His faith, however, was again strengthened when Julia returned the very next day with a basket full of bread on her arm.

  "€œI wasn'€™t certain you would come,"€ he said. "€œBut I am pleased that you have."€

  "€œI had to,"€ she said. "€œI had to make certain that Elijah and Elisha are safe."€

  He wasn'€™t sure the slave children were ever safe but he didn'€™t tell her that. Julia'€™s focus concerned the incident from yesterday. He didn'€™t want to give her anything else to worry about.

  "€œI have been praying for them,"€ she said.

  "€œSo have I."€

  She offered him a tender smile. It was all he could do not to reach for her. She had felt so good in his arms.

  From her basket she drew a small, brown paper package. She handed it to him. He peeked through the paper and twine. It was two pairs of gray stockings and boiled milk rolls.

  "€œI hope that will be acceptable,"€ she said. "€œFather asked for them with supper tonight and the recipe makes so many."€

  "€œIt is perfectly acceptable, although I must confess that I will have a difficult time not eating them myself."€ He loved her milk rolls.

  Again, she smiled.

  He set the package beneath the table. She then placed a linen cloth, long and full, over where they were standing. He wondered if it was her way of hiding the extra socks and rolls from prying eyes. He supposed in this case caution was wise.

  Sally came up beside them with the set of cups.

  "€œOh, that looks pretty,"€ she said.

  "€œThank you,"€ Julia replied.

  The three of them filled cups, sliced bread and offered it to those who passed along the way. Julia engaged in polite conversation with the visitors but Sam could tell her heart was not fully in it. She was worried about Elijah and Elisha.

  "€œThey should have been here by now,"€ she whispered to him at one point.

  "€œThey may have taken a different route or perhaps they had other work today."€

  "€œPerhaps,"€ she said softly but he knew she did not believe that was the case. In truth, he was just as concerned. Had his eagerness to show God'€™s kindness caused the children harm? Had their master learned of Sam'€™s assistance? Was he punishing them because Sam had carried the grain?

  "€œGod knows where they are,"€ he said, more for his benefit than hers. "€œJust keep praying."€

  She nodded. "€œI will."€

  About half past noon they spied them, coming south on Charles without any grain. Julia quickly collected two slices of tea bread. He stopped her. The Federal captain'€™s warning to remain in the churchyard rang through his mind. Sam didn'€™t want Julia to be in danger but he, in good conscience, could not ignore the children.

  "€œWait here,"€ he said.

  "€œI brought them candy."€

  "€œI will take it."€

  She handed him two rolls of candy wafers which he promptly dropped in the left pocket of his frock coat. He gathered the bread and cups then started across the street.

  Midway across he glanced back at her. Julia'€™s eyes were sweeping the area, searching for any hint of Union blue.

  Oh, Lord, he prayed, please don'€™t let any soldiers come today.

  He met the two boys on the far sidewalk. Their conversation was a quick one, just long enough to exchange the bread, water and candy and a few words. Elijah and Elisha then hurried on their way.

  Sam turned back to cross the street. Julia'€™s eyes were on him. She was standing at the churchyard'€™s perimeter, a look of eagerness and concern on her face.

  "€œAre they well?"€ she asked as soon as he joined her.

  As well as a slave can be, he thought. "€œThey are fine. They traveled up Hanover Street today to make their delivery. They didn'€™t want to get us into any trouble."€

  Her shoulders fell with a grateful sigh and her countenance immediately settled into a smile. "€œBless their hearts,"€ she said.

  "€œThey said to thank you."€

  "€œThank you, Samuel."€

  "€œIt is my pleasure."€

  Knowing the boys had escaped the clutches of that surly Federal soldier now put her in a happy mood. She returned to her bread. After a moment or two she was humming.

  The hour passed all too soon. Sam did not want Julia to leave. He debated over asking her to walk with him again. Sally carried off the tin cups for a good scrubbing as Julia shook the bread crumbs from the tablecloth. She packed it in her basket.

  "€œIs there any word yet when your classes will resume?"€ she asked.

  "€œNot yet, but I have found temporary work."€

  "€œOh! That is wonderful. Where?"€

  "€œTutoring my colleague'€™s relative for a few hours each week. A young lad who is having trouble with his history."€ The pay wasn'€™t much but it was enough to get by. For that, he was thankful.

  She rocked back and forth on her feet, her skirt and petticoats rustling. Her blue eyes were full of encouragement.

  His heart beat a little faster.

  "€œWell, I am certain the boy will be a scholar in no time at all,"€ she said.

  "€œThank you. Do you have a busy afternoon?"€

  "€œOh, yes. Father is taking me to Madam Fontine'€™s for a dress fitting."€

  His balloon of buoyancy burst and a lump lodged in his throat. If she was going to Madam Fontine'€™s then it was for a new ball gown. There was an upcoming party. It stung to realize he would not be her escort.

  Whether the emotion showed on his face or Julia herself regretted sharing such information, he wasn'€™t sure. She bit her lip then hastened to explain,

  "€œIt is for Dolly Moffit'€™s coming-out party. I really don'€™t want to go. She is so high society but Father says that since we were invited it would be rude to decline."€

  "€œYes,"€ he said, absentmindedly.

  She looked at him. He looked at her. Neither seemed to know what to say to the other. Sam cleared his throat.

  "€œWell, I hope you have an enjoyable time,"€ he managed. "€œThank you again for the socks and bread."€

  There was another awkward silence. It was Julia who finally broke it.

  "€œI thank you, Samuel."€

  "€œFor what?"€

  "€œFor being such a gentleman."€

  Sam nodded to her then picked up the empty water barrels. He walked to the cellar as her words repeated over and over in his mind.

  Such a gentleman.

  It was an improvement over the word coward yet it still stung.


  The pale green silk rustled as Julia turned in front of the large looking glass. The ball gown fit but it didn'€™t feel right.

  Madam Fontine fluffed Julia'€™s crinoline and underskirts. "€œYou look exquisite in the gown,"€ she said. "€œAlthough the purpose of this ball is mademoiselle Moffit'€™s debut, I have no doubt that the gentlemen'€™s attention will be on you."€

  Julia flushed, embarrassed by the proclamation but further embarrassed that she had mentioned the ball to Samuel in the first place. She had seen the hurt in his eyes and regretted her words immediately. They both realized what the ball meant.

  It was the first social event Julia would attend without him.

  True, she had attended other balls while he was away at school, but only to dance with her brother, sample the sweets and socialize with her friends. Never to dance and converse with other men.

  She knew this day would come. She just didn'€™t understand why it was so hard. She stared into the looking glass while the dressmaker continued to primp her skirts. Julia did not want to dance with other men. Could it be because deep down she secretly hoped things would work out between her and Samuel?

  Could he come to realize that their convictions were one and the same? He liked the Federal Army no more than she did and if the abolition of slavery meant that much to him, couldn'€™t he let the individual states decide that themselves?

  That was all Edward wanted. That was all she wanted.

  She looked into her own face. No. That isn'€™t what I want. I don'€™t care who chooses what. I only want my family to be whole.

  Her mind drifted back to several years ago, to a cold, snowy February day, one more bitter than usual. Samuel'€™s parents had both taken sick with the typhoid fever. Julia and her mother were in the kitchen making soup to send to them when Samuel had knocked on the door, snow dusting his hair.

  They could tell immediately by the look on his face that the worst had happened. Julia'€™s mother had hugged him.

  "€œOh, my boy, I am so sorry."€

  He hadn'€™t cried but neither could he speak. He simply sat down at the kitchen table, a lost look in his eyes. Not knowing what else to do, Julia had ladled out a bowl of soup then cut a slice of cornbread, which she set before him.

  "€œThank you,"€ he'€™d said simply. Then he bowed his head to pray.

  Julia had stared at him, her own heart aching. Sixteen and all alone, she had thought. What will happen to him now?

  By God'€™s grace, Samuel had pressed on. He'€™d worked. He'€™d finished school. He'€™d become part of Julia'€™s family.

  Standing in front of the dressing mirror, she realized that she still considered him so. For the first time since Edward'€™s enlistment, Julia entertained the thought of compromise. Samuel said he could accept her support for Edward. He had given his word that he would not report the sewing circle'€™s activities or her letters to the Federal Army.

  Wasn'€™t that enough?

  I don'€™t know. I just don'€™t know. It isn'€™t as if Samuel has chosen to wear a blue uniform. He isn'€™t actively endangering Edward or the rest of my family.

  Madam Fontine'€™s heavy French accent pulled Julia from her thoughts.

  "€œThe new corset is comfortable. Oui?"€

  Julia stared at her hourglass figure. The gown bodice was shapely and snug, just as it should be. "€œYes. Thank you."€

  The woman then held up a length of delicate white lace. "€œNow this is the finishing you have chosen."€

  "€œYes. That is correct."€

  "€œThen I will add it to the edges of your sleeves, along with the contrasting piping'€¦then I will add two rows to your skirt."€

  "€œYes,"€ Julia said.

  "€œI will have the gown delivered to your house on Tuesday. Oui?"€

  "€œTuesday, yes. Thank you."€

  "€œIt is my pleasure, mademoiselle."€

  Julia stepped from the looking glass, melancholy and deep in thought. She wished she could make decisions about her life as easily as she could choose the trimmings for her ball gowns.

  Chapter Eleven

  Julia changed back into her rust-colored taffeta tea bodice and skirt and walked to the front of the store. Her father was waiting for her.

  "€œAll finished?"€ he asked.


  His mustache drooped. He could tell something wasn'€™t right. "€œWeren'€™t you pleased with the gown?"€

  She took his arm. She tried to sound a little more enthusiastic. "€œOh, yes. It is beautiful. The color reminds me of the first leaves of spring. Thank you for buying it for me."€

  He patted her hand. "€œIt has been a while since you have had a new one."€

  They had just stepped out onto the sidewalk when Thomas Wilkerson came hurrying up to meet them. Julia was pleased to see he was feeling better.

  "€œHow are you, Mr. Wilkerson?"€

  "€œFine. Thank you, miss."€ He then looked straight at her father. "€œWe are concerned."€

  Dr. Stanton let go of his daughter'€™s arm and stepped a few paces from her. Julia stayed where he had left her but was most curious to know what or whom the men were whispering about. At one point, her father looked at her. An uncertain expression covered his face. He then looked back at Mr. Wilkerson.

  "€œI will come immediately,"€ he said.

  Mr. Wilkerson expressed his thanks, then hurried off in the direction from which he had come. Thomas Stanton turned to his daughter.

  "€œThey have need of my services. You will have to come with me."€

  "€œOf course,"€ Julia said. It wasn'€™t the first time an outing with her father had been extended due to a medical emergency. She was prepared. She always kept a small carpetbag in the carriage filled with embroidery or other handy projects. "€œI have my knitting."€

  He didn'€™t respond. Whoever was ill must have been seriously so for her father'€™s usually happy face was lined with concern.

  Julia climbed into the carriage and her father then sped off in the direction of Fell'€™s Point. She prayed while the wheels wobbled. Lord, I don'€™t know who needs You but please help them. Please let my father be an instrument of Your healing.

  The carriage stopped in front of a factory worker'€™s house with sagging shutters. Julia quickly gathered up her ruffled skirt and her father helped her out.

  "€œHurry,"€ he urged.

  With carpetbag in hand, she followed him to the front door.

  "€œI want you to wait in the parlor,"€ he said, "€œand under no circumstances are you to come upstairs."€

  "€œYes, sir,"€ she said.

  An eerie feeling wash
ed over her. Who was so ill that she had been warned not to intrude? Was it so contagious that her father should be concerned for his own well-being?

  An old woman dressed in black answered the door. She quickly motioned them inside.

  "€œThis is my daughter,"€ Dr. Stanton explained.

  The woman did not give her name but gestured to the parlor.

  "€œPlease,"€ she said, inviting Julia to sit.

  Before Julia could even thank her, the woman ascended the staircase. Dr. Stanton followed close behind.

  Julia removed her bonnet. Stepping into the tiny sitting room she glanced around. The parlor was furnished with only the bare necessities. There were four wooden chairs, a small table and a lamp. Faded paper covered the walls. In one corner it was peeling.

  She assumed the closed door at the end of the room led to the kitchen. She could hear the sound of muffled voices coming from that direction. Above her was the sound of her father'€™s heavy feet.

  Whose home is this? she wondered. And how does Mr. Wilkerson know them?

  With answers unavailable and not knowing how long she would be waiting, Julia sat down in one of the chairs. She took out her knitting needles and yarn. Since she had already begun another pair at home for Edward'€™s men, she decided to make this new set for Samuel. The soft white yarn would be more suitable for a young child or lady.

  Within a moment she was well into her first row. Her fingers raced as quickly as her mind. Who is upstairs? Who is in the kitchen and why are they whispering so? Again Julia prayed for her father and for this family that was obviously so in need.

  She tugged at her ball of yarn. It wasn'€™t long before her thoughts once again settled on Samuel.

  I never should have mentioned Dolly Moffit'€™s party. I wasn'€™t thinking clearly. I can never think clearly when he looks at me that way.

  Samuel looked at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. Despite all that had happened in the recent weeks, it was obvious that his love had not faded.

  When it comes down to it, that is really all that matters in this life, to love and be loved in return.

  Sally'€™s words echoed in her mind and Julia couldn'€™t help but think about whoever was ill upstairs. If that was me, who would I want beside me?


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