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Her Rebel Heart

Page 24

by Shannon Farrington

  Sam laughed. "€œIt is, sir."€

  "€œWhat happened?"€

  "€œI am not exactly certain. All I know is that I was called to see the lieutenant colonel and the next thing I knew, I was free."€

  "€œPraise be to God!"€ he said once more.

  Mrs. Stanton heard the commotion and came running. "€œThank the Lord!"€ She gave Sam a hug, as well, then stepped back to give him the once-over. "€œMy boy, the soldiers have not been feeding you."€

  Sam chuckled when Esther then added, "€œYou look terrible."€

  "€œHe looks a mite better than he did the last time I saw him,"€ Dr. Stanton said with a grin.

  Sam ran his hand over his smooth chin. "€œA bath and a shave do wonders."€

  They all laughed.

  "€œWell,"€ Esther then said, "€œI will fetch you something to eat."€

  "€œI don'€™t think he came here for food,"€ Dr. Stanton said. He then looked at Sam. "€œShe is in the garden."€

  Sam did not waste any time. He quickly hurried through the foyer to the back door. He peered through the glass panels.

  Julia was sitting on the bench beneath the cherry tree, sewing. The afternoon sunlight painted her in a warm tone. Her dark brown curls swayed slightly in the breeze.

  For a moment Sam simply stared. She was the most beautiful woman in the world. And she has promised herself to me.

  He opened the door very slowly and moved down the steps. He quietly snapped a red rose from one of the bushes then stole in behind the bench. Julia'€™s head nodded slightly as she moved her needle through what appeared to be the lace-trimmed bodice of a white wedding gown. Knowing Julia, she would want to wear the latest fashion.

  He moved in closer and slipped the rose over her shoulder.

  She gasped and quickly turned. Tossing the gown aside, she bolted from the bench and ran for his arms.

  "€œOh, Samuel! I can'€™t believe this! Is it really you?"€

  He covered her face in kisses, only stopping to tuck the fresh blossom behind her ear.

  "€œI am home,"€ he said. Taking her hands he then stepped back. He looked down at her bare feet and grinned.

  She immediately turned three shades of crimson. "€œDon'€™t look,"€ she said and then she remembered the gown that she had left on the bench. "€œAnd don'€™t look at that, either."€

  He laughed. "€œThen will you please tell me what I am permitted to look at?"€

  She smiled bashfully and he led her to her previous seat. Julia'€™s stockings were tucked inside her shoes. She pushed them beneath the bench. She then tried to hide them and her pink toes with her skirts. Sam laughed even harder.

  "€œWhen we read in the newspaper that Marshal Kane had been arrested we did not know what to think."€

  "€œYes, I know. I felt the same. I was worried that the army would step up their fortifications, that there would be further trouble."€

  "€œI have been praying and praying."€ She sighed happily, eyes filled with contentment. "€œAnd now the soldiers have let you come home."€

  "€œI think one of the police commissioners put in a good word for me,"€ he said.

  "€œThank the Lord."€

  "€œYes, indeed. He is the one who is ultimately in control."€

  She squeezed his hand. "€œI have heard from Edward."€

  "€œYou have? Is he well?"€

  "€œYes. He received your letter and he greatly appreciated it. Would you like to see what he wrote?"€

  "€œI would."€

  She pulled the letter from her pocket and handed it to him. As Sam read, his forehead furrowed. Julia watched him, happily.

  Oh, how I have missed that.

  When he had finished reading, a peaceful expression filled his face. He placed the letter in the envelope and handed it back to her. "€œI am glad we have his blessing."€

  "€œI would have married you without it."€

  He smiled. The look in his eyes made her heart flutter.

  "€œI have something that belongs to you,"€ she said. She then pulled out his watch, which she had been carrying with her all this time.

  He chuckled. "€œI was looking for that. I wondered where it had gotten off to."€

  "€œI kept it with me after they arrested you. It made me feel close to you."€ She placed the watch in his open palm then closed his fingers around it. "€œI am so glad you are home."€

  "€œYou don'€™t know how much it meant to me that you came to see me. I can'€™t even begin to express what I felt,"€ he said.

  "€œYou don'€™t know how much it meant to me to be forgiven. You are a selfless and honorable man, Samuel Ward."€

  He brushed a soft curl from her face. "€œDo you know what I have always loved about you?"€

  "€œThat I am foolish and impulsive?"€

  He smiled, then his expression warmed into something deeper. "€œThat you determine what is right and then you stand on your convictions. You are a brave person, Julia."€

  "€œYou would not have thought so if you had seen me at the front gate of Fort McHenry. When I saw the soldiers, Father had to turn the carriage around."€

  "€œBut you came back."€

  "€œI had to. My future depended on it."€

  She laced her fingers through his. So much had taken place since they had last sat together in this garden. War still raged and uncertainty lay before them both but they were united in purpose, in faith and in love.

  "€œWe have the rest of our lives together,"€ Sam said.

  "€œI want that life to start right now."€

  "€œSo do I."€

  He was ready to kiss her once more but he held off. "€œDr. Carter visited me after you left the fort. The school has found another location, the old Catholic convent in Mount Washington."€

  "€œOh, that is wonderful! When will your classes resume?"€

  "€œIn two weeks."€

  She smiled slowly. "€œThen that gives us just enough time."€

  He moved in closer, sliding his arms around her. "€œYes. Provided that your wedding gown is ready."€

  Her blue eyes twinkled. "€œI will sew all night if necessary."€


  Two days later the church bells chimed as Julia and Samuel descended the front steps for the first time as husband and wife. Their hearts were light and joyful. Sam shook hands with his guests. Julia hugged her parents goodbye before riding off in her husband'€™s carriage.

  Her father smiled at her but his eyes were misty with emotion. "€œI knew this day was going to come,"€ he said. "€œI suppose, though, a father is never quite ready for it."€

  Julia'€™s chin quivered ever so slightly. As Samuel approached, Dr. Stanton gave him his daughter'€™s hand.

  "€œTake good care of her,"€ he said.

  "€œI will, sir. You have my word."€

  She tossed her bouquet of blossoms high into the air. It landed squarely in the grasp of Sally Hastings. Those in attendance cheered. Sally immediately blushed.

  Sam leaned close and whispered in his bride'€™s ear, "€œIs that a sign of what is to come?"€

  Julia grinned, her joy uncontainable. "€œI hope so."€

  He helped her into his carriage and, with a final wave goodbye, they drove away. The well wishes of their friends and family followed after them. Samuel traveled up Charles Street. Men on the sidewalk stopped to lift their hats and women waved their handkerchiefs as the young couple rode by.

  Julia glowed with happiness as she snuggled close to his arm. The carriage rocked gently from side to side. She couldn'€™t help but giggle.

  "€œWhat is so amusing?"€ he asked.

  "€œI was just thinking. Do you remember our first carriage ride together?"€

  "€œThe one that Edward took us on?"€


  He leaned his head back and laughed. Julia could hear the love in his voice. "€�
�I will never forget the look on your face when I told you I wanted to make certain that you didn'€™t fall out of the carriage."€

  She grinned. "€œThe two of you had that planned. I am certain of it."€

  "€œNo, actually, we didn'€™t but it worked out in my favor."€

  "€œDid you know then that this is how it would all turn out?"€ she asked.

  "€œI hoped it would,"€ he said.

  Samuel rolled the carriage to a stop in front of their home. Julia took a deep yet peaceful breath, knowing the rest of her life was about to begin.

  "€œGod has a plan for us, Samuel. I know He does."€

  He smiled at her. "€œThat He does and I look forward to discovering it with you."€

  "€œAs do I."€

  He jumped from the carriage and came around to her side. Before Julia could step to the cobblestone, Samuel scooped her up into his arms.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Faith had sustained her. Love had led her home.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for choosing Her Rebel Heart. Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated by the American Civil War. Although one of the darkest times in our nation'€™s history, it was also a time filled with spiritual awakening, great courage and sacrifice. At the beginning of this story Sam and Julia are at odds, yet they eventually find common ground for the sake of the citizens of Baltimore. With prayer and cooperation, lives are changed for the better.

  In the twenty-first century, our nation faces its own set of problems and uncertainties. May we always remember that our strength ultimately does not come from military might or political power. It comes by way of God'€™s Amazing Grace. It is my prayer that we may set aside our differences, be they church traditions or political ideology, for the sake of our country and future generations. How can we begin to do so? Seek God'€™s guidance. Be kind to others in word and deed, then watch as miracles unfold.


  Shannon Farrington

  Questions for Discussion

  Sam dislikes the Federal Army'€™s tactics, yet he cannot fully support the States'€™ Rights position of the Confederacy. Have you ever been caught between two opposing views? How did you decide which path to ultimately take?

  In what ways did you sympathize with Julia'€™s decision to break the engagement?

  Julia is fiercely loyal to her brother Edward. How is family loyalty a good thing? In what ways can it be bad?

  Sam is a sincere Christian yet he ends up breaking the law. Is there ever a time when it is acceptable for a Christian to do so? Are there any examples in Scripture to support your position?

  Why doesn'€™t Sam simply tell Julia the reasons why he is so opposed to slavery? Should he have done so?

  How does the Pratt Street Riot and the continued presence of Federal soldiers in Baltimore affect Julia physically? Emotionally?

  Why do you think Julia is attracted to Charles Moffit? In what ways does he differ from Sam?

  Have political differences ever put you at odds with someone you love? How did you reconcile those differences?

  Why didn'€™t Sam allow Julia to speak up on behalf of Elisha? Why didn'€™t he defend the child in front of the slave owner?

  Why does Julia decide to visit Sam at Fort McHenry? How does she finally overcome her fear of the soldiers?

  Which character changes the most in this story? In what ways do they mature in their faith?

  Do you believe prayer can bring about reconciliation? Does God have a plan for each of our lives? For our nation?

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-8260-5


  Copyright "© 2011 by Shannon Farrington

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author'€™s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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