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Dream State

Page 3

by K. Z. Howell

  The day dragged on slowly. Monday was always one day that seemed to never end, but the illusion passed as it always does. The rest of the week Will had at least one class with Jennifer every day and all four could get together for lunch. Having the monotony broken up by presence of the others made the time move more quickly. In the end, the day was over and Will found himself back in Professor Bench’s office trying to hold in a sneeze. The Professor must have been looking for something among the dusty tomes that lined the walls and covered nearly any vertical surface available. Books lay scattered in various piles and leaning stacks, ready to tumble at the slightest provocation. The professor himself was not there. Will assumed he had gone to the lab and would return shortly, so he set out to tame the worst of the leaning towers of print.

  He had managed to reorganize about half the disaster when Professor Bench wandered into the office. He had a cup in one hand and a ream of EEG logs in the other. The old man made it to his desk before he realized that he was not alone, and that he had not tripped over the piles of books he had left laying about. He noticed Will and smiled excitedly.

  “This is amazing, William!” he said in an excited tone, “They are cooperating! They are really cooperating in the dream state! There is no other explanation for these readings! Did you know they were cooperating?”

  Without waiting for an answer, the excited scientist continued “Of course you knew! That’s why you left the urgent message. You are friends and probably talked about it. Sit, tell me everything.”

  Will told the professor everything that had occurred. Halfway through his report the professor stopped him and had him start over while the old scientist took notes. As he talked, Will listened to his own voice tell the story and he grew more amazed and more uncertain as he progressed. By the time he got through the part about Kathryn eating the cookies, he had almost talked himself out of believing it. It wasn’t really possible was it? People couldn’t really insinuate themselves into the dreams of others and plant ideas. Could they? Will finally wound up his tale and fell silent. The only sound the tracing of the professors pen across the paper as he finished his notes.

  Professor bench eventually finished his record keeping and looked at Will, the obvious question on his mind. “In the last experiment they tried again. What was the goal? Do you know if they succeeded?” He asked.

  “They didn’t tell me what it was, only that they had focused on one person and that we should know whether it worked or not before the next scheduled dream state experiment.” Will said as he reached into his book satchel and pulled out a sealed envelope.

  Handing the envelope to the professor, Will said “They gave me this the morning after the last attempt. Jennifer says it is the details to what they did and what they wanted to accomplish. She also said that if they succeeded, there would be no doubt.”

  The professor took the envelope. Written in Jennifers hand on the front was “Do Not Open Till Wednesday morning.” It was heavy for a letter, he thought. She must have detailed several pages of description.

  “The mystery deepens!” The professor exclaimed, “Looks like we will just have to wait a bit longer for answers. In the meantime, we should begin considering a test regimen to validate the effect and how it occurs.”

  Will nodded his agreement. He had already considered a few ideas and the professor was certain to come up with a few novel tests himself. They spent an hour discussing methods of testing the reality and repeatability of the dream influencing concept, both men had the question in the back of their minds, but neither voiced it.

  What if it was true? What then?

  When Will and Professor Bench finished the discussion and left the science building Will headed for the campus library. The others were to meet up with him there before they all went to Will and Jennifers apartment for dinner. He hadn’t gone far when heard his name called out.

  “William!” said Dr. Mills, “How are you this evening? I had hoped to catch you and Professor Bench together. Has he already left for the evening?”

  “Yes, Dr. Mills, you just missed him.” Will replied

  The pretty doctor put on her pouty, sad look “Oh. Too bad. I’ll just have to catch him in the morning. What about you, William? I was just going to get some dinner. Would you join me and keep me company?” she said with a coy smile.

  Will was used to her thinly veiled come on’s, he held up his book satchel and told her “Sorry. I have an economics test and was just heading to the library.” Neither statement was a lie. He did have an economics test, in three days, and he was on his way to the library.

  The doctor made an even more exaggerated sad face “Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe some other time.”

  “Sure Doctor, maybe some other time.” He said as he stepped around her and hurried off toward the library.

  He didn’t look back but he felt her eyes on his back until he rounded the corner into a dark area where one of the street lamps was out. He stopped and turned, looking from the shadows at the figure of Dr. Mills as she stood under a lamp, staring in his direction. The lighting was poor and he was nearly a hundred yards away but it looked as though she were gritting her teeth in a snarl at his back. He turned and hurried on through the darkness, his friends were waiting and the lady scientist’s anger management issues were none of his or Jennifers concern. He hoped.

  Stepping into the well lit library was a jolt to his night adjusted eyes. Will squinted as he quietly walked past rows of students sitting at the tables. He began to sweep the room with his eyes, looking for the familiar faces of Jennifer, Kathryn and Benji. He couldn’t spot them among the crowded tables and began to wonder if he was the first to arrive. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket drawing annoyed glances from several of the nearby tables. Ignoring a rude one fingered salute from a bespectacled and acne riddled math major, he looked at the screen. The text box just said “Look Up”.

  He looked upward, toward the second floor area and spotted the familiar blonde buzzcut of his friend Benji. His phone buzzed again, “Meet you at the entry.” Filled the box this time. He turned and walked back to the main doorway and waited for the three others to make their way down the curving staircase. Jennifer and Kathryn were laughing and whispering to each other while Benji body blocked a pair of guys that Will recognized as part of Kathryns usual entourage of lovestruck suitors. It amazed Will that some men would behave like lovesick puppies even when they knew that they stood no chance. Jennifer had the same problem at times with men, but that usually ended swiftly when Will showed up. He was not quite as musclebound as Benji, but he was 6’3” and no slouch.

  Kathryn never deliberately led her hangers on by the nose but her personality was a magnet for them. Like Jennifer, she was outstandingly attractive but their personalities were polar opposites. Jennifer was the quiet, reserved type. Kathryn was what Will’s dad called a firecracker. Beautiful, friendly, and social as hell. She would talk to anyone that interested her and that open attitude created flocks of would be suitors. He and Jennifer had spoken before about why Kathryn and Benji hadn’t ended up as a couple. Not that either had ever acted like they wanted to, but Will thought their demeanor was so well matched that they would be perfect together. Jennifer had laughed at the idea.

  She had said that she and Will were good together because they had grown up together and while they were similar in personality in some ways, that was because they had paired up as children and developed a similar mindset, but they were very different in attitude and interests. That was what made them work. But Benji and Kathryn didn’t share a common upbringing and were too much alike. Their outgoing personalities and wild, physical manner would create nothing short of a nuclear explosion. Hot, bright and devastating when it came apart.

  They walked out into the darkness together, Will, Jennifer and Kathryn getting into Wills car and Benji revving the engine of his Shadow motorcycle. Will and the girls went west to the local pizza parlor to pick up the order Jennifer had made earlier whil
e Benji rode to the convenience store for beer. Their tasks done, all four met back at the apartment within minutes of each other. Benji didn’t wait for them to finish eating. He began asking Will about his conversation with the professor between bites of pizza and swigs of beer. Will answered, though there really wasn’t much to tell other than that the professor had seemed excited by the prospect. He told them that he and Bench would revise a few tests to verify their claims and hopefully start with the next scheduled experiment session Wednesday evening.

  He also told them of his encounter with Dr. Mills. They all agreed that Kendra Mills leaving for another job would be good. Jennifer especially would like to see her gone. She had no worries that Will would stray, but if the doctor found out about Will and one of the program participants being involved she could cause problems. Kathryn and Benji simply did not like the woman scientist. She was always haughty towards them and was particularly snide when dealing with Kathryn.

  After dinner, Benji began probing Kathryn for hints at who her new boyfriend was. The blush on her cheeks belied her denial. She claimed that she was just spending some time with another friend. Will and Jennifer were amused at Benji’s attempts to get a confession. Will because he was curious as to why the young wild child woman would be interested in a man nearly twenty years older. Professor Powell was a brilliant economist and a great Professor, one of Will and Benjis favorites. But he was also very mature, there were never any rumors around campus of him being one of those older professors that hounded after the young college students. Kathryn didn’t even have any classes with him. After a few fruitless rounds of twenty questions about the fiery girls love life, the ladies went to the bedroom to study and the men got out their economics books and began prepping for their mid terms.

  Just after midnight Will woke up with a jerk. He must have dozed off for a second and his heavy text book falling snapped him back to wakefulness. Benji was in almost the same state, staring blankly at the pages, his eyes almost shut. Will picked up his book and placed it on the coffee table and stood, stretching his arms and yawning widely. Placing his hand on his friends shoulder and giving him a gentle shake Will said “Hey, Benji, grab a blanket from the closet and just crash on the couch if you want. I’m exhausted. See you in the morning.”

  Benji mumble something incomprehensible and stood, looking around with bleary eyes before flopping onto the couch and closing his eyes. Will locked the door and turned out the lights before quietly entering the bedroom. The room was dark except for a sliver of light coming around the bathroom door. He could just make out the forms of Jennifer and Kathryn under the sheets of the king sized bed. Good, he thought, they left room for me this time. He really hated sleeping in the chair. He saw his pajamas draped across the footboard of the bed and took them into the bathroom to change. He brushed his teeth quickly and turned out the light before leaving the room. When he slipped under the sheet Jennifer stirred, turning toward his warmth and draping an arm across his chest. In minutes Jennifers warmth and his own tiredness had him fast asleep.

  He heard it again. The words were too faint for him to make out but he knew they were meant for him. He didn’t recognize the place. It was a dry, stony place. There were no trees, just low brush and the occasional stunted cedar looking thing. The sound came to him again, flowing on the breeze like oil over water. It spread from one place and became thinner as it reached him. He took a tentative step along the path that ran between the cracked sandstone rocks. He slowly walked upward, following the trail of jagged stone. He heard nothing but the echo of the voice that led him upward. He realized that he should hear his steps on the jagged white and brown stones, he should hear the soft sigh of the wind as it made its way through the boulders and around the flat topped hill. There was only the voice, which came again now, louder, more urgent. He must be getting closer, he could almost make out words. He hastened his steps, trying to move up the path to the voice but the stones were loose and he couldn’t get traction. It came again, that urgent voice spurring him on to try harder. It needed him, he didn’t know how he knew that it needed him, but he knew. He dug his feet in, straining his legs to drive him upward and forward but the loose stone of the path just rolled under his feet. The voice came again. Clearly, urgently. “Will” it cried out. Again and again, but fading back to no more than a whisper of a thought of sound.

  He snapped awake, sitting up in the bed and looking around wildly. The disorientation faded as the familiar feel of the room and Jennifer beside him chased away the dream fear. Jennifer sat up and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Bad dream, babe?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He replied “Not really a bad one, just odd.”

  Just then the alarm beeped its 6:00 a.m. warning. Today they all had early classes, no time for psychoanalyzing his rapidly dwindling memory of the rocks and the voice. Benji got up and told them he would see them later before heading to his dorm to get ready. Kathryn stayed over often and kept several changes of clothes in the apartment, she and Jennifer showered while Will fixed breakfast and coffee, then took his turn while the women ate. The three arrived in the campus parking lot with several minutes to spare. Jennifer and Kathryn headed off to the Arts building while Will went to his Literature class. He and Benji had different first classes today but the rest of the day they both had the same schedule. Will was to meet with Professor Bench after his last class at 3:00 p.m.

  The highlight of the day was the lunch hour. All four met at the campus commissary and took their lunch outside to the greensward near the library. Sitting under a tree to eat and talk about anything but their classes. They had grown so close over their time together that none were really sure how they would get along without the others. Will and Benji were both Business majors while Jennifer was studying Healthcare management. Kathryn was determined to be in movies or television. The dream state program had allowed them to work together for quite a while as well as being friends and they had come to rely heavily on the advice and companionship they received from each other.

  Just as they were getting ready to head off to their next set of classes, Kathryn spotted Professor Powell coming out of the library and smiled as she called out for him to come over. The Economics professor was not a standout physical man. He was as average as average could be except for his build. At forty two years old he had no paunch and was as fit as a man half his age. His manner is what set him apart. Rumor around campus was that he had been a Ranger or Special Forces operator before coming here to teach. He looked the part and the air of supreme confidence and capability surrounded him. He smiled broadly at Kathryn as he approached the group. He greeted Will and Benji, recognizing them from his class and Kathryn introduced Jennifer. She asked if he would walk her and Jennifer to their next class and each woman took an arm, telling Will and Benji they would see them later.

  As they walked away Kathryn slipped her hand into the professors. Will saw the look of sudden enlightenment on Benji’s face and laughed out loud. “Come on, Benji. It can’t be that big a surprise. Kathryn can have nearly any man she wants.”

  “It’s not that he wouldn’t want her. But why would she want him? He’s nearly twice her age and about as laid back as it gets. She’s as wild as they come.” He asked.

  “I’m not sure, Benji. Jennifer swears that for most people opposites do attract. I guess he offers her something that she wants.” Will said.

  “I know what he wants, that’s obvious. But what could he possibly offer her?” Benji mused.

  “Why Benji, are you jealous?” Will teased.

  “Jealous. Hell, no. It’s just… unseemly.” Benji stammered.

  Will stared at his friend in mock shock. “Unseemly? I know you didn’t just say, unseemly. You, the guy who once dated twins and their mother should never, ever use the word ‘unseemly’ against another human.”

  Benji grinned sheepishly at the reference. “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t be throwing stones. I just hope she doesn’t give the old guy
a heart attack. He’s my favorite professor. Hell, if he’s hittin’ that he’s my freaking hero!”

  Both men laughed all the way to their next class and were still chuckling when they took their seats.

  Professor Bench was waiting when Will arrived after his classes. He had been busy designing a set of checks and controls to test the dreamers ability to reach out and influence other people. He had considered one aspect that had not even crossed Wills mind. Did the target subconscious have to be asleep to be affected? The very idea stunned Will.

  “How would that even be possible, Professor? There have been hundreds of experiments on telepathy, none of which ever yielded a single, repeatable result.” Will asked incredulously.

  “Those experiments all revolved around directly contacting the waking brain. To my knowledge no one has tried influencing the subconscious. Our brains never truly sleep. You see the EEG’s lighting up with activity more powerful when the body isn’t taken up so much energy. I have always suspected that the dream state is the brains way of reaching out beyond the body to gather information of some sort. Einstein himself described his epiphanies as “thought experiments”, Tesla attributed his genius to having the designs for his inventions come to him fully formed in his quietest moments.” The professor said. “What if they were somehow tapping into the gathered processing power of a million human brains that were in the active period of the dream state? No computer on earth can match the processing power of a single human brain in its wakeful state and our brains operate at far higher levels in the dream state. If our young subjects can reach out reliably in the dream state, why would there not be exceptional brains that can do so in a different manner?”

  “Okay, maybe. But what you’re looking at is reaching out to an awake brain. That’s different, right?” Questioned Will.


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