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Kink Aware (Kiss of Leather Book 9)

Page 4

by Morticia Knight

  As soon as Neal and Liam were out of hearing range, Ray turned his attention to Cruella. “So, you’re a member of Kiss of Leather.” He swallowed hard. “Not that it’s any of my business.”

  And I don’t need to hear about how you’ve met so many hot Doms and couldn’t be bothered with my vanilla ass. Ray furrowed his brow. Is Cruella a submissive? Since he was clueless about how the roles worked out between play partners, he decided making assumptions was probably a stupid thing to do.

  Cruella shook their head. “No, not a member. I’m taking a class, that’s all.” They bit their bottom lip as they regarded Ray.

  Jesus. Don’t do that.

  Getting aroused wasn’t going to help him remain coherent. “Oh.” A spark of understanding went off in his head. “Shibari? Isn’t that some sort of rope thing? I remember seeing those flyers at the shop.”

  Silence stretched out between them as Ray frantically searched his mind for something less dull to say. Ask them out again, remember? He sucked in a breath to speak right as Cruella stepped closer.

  “That’s why I couldn’t get together tonight.” They laid a gentle hand on his arm. “The only reason I couldn’t.”

  Ray arched his eyebrows, staring at the spot where Cruella touched him. Wait. “You mean…” He lifted his gaze, locking eyes with them. “So, you’d like to get together some time?” It wasn’t the slickest invitation he’d ever made, but it was better than nothing.

  A slow smile spread across Cruella’s face. “Yes, hon. I would.”

  Ray’s stomach fluttered and he fought the trembling threatening to take over his body. “Is now a good sometime?”

  Cruella’s smile turned into a grin. “A perfect time.”

  Chapter Five

  Cruella stared down at the herbal tea that remained almost untouched. They kept their hands folded in their lap and shifted on the wooden chair where they sat across from Ray in the trendy West Hollywood coffee house. Ray had tried to order them a sandwich, but they’d lied and said they’d already eaten. Even on the rare times they ate after two in the afternoon, they doubted they’d ever have the nerve to do it in front of Ray. Cruella pushed down the voice trying to cut through, the one that told them they’d have to do such a thing at some point.

  If he wants to take things any further, that is.

  Ray wiped his lips with a napkin then set it down on his empty plate. “Are you sure I can’t get you anything? Some dessert maybe?” He pushed his dish to the side.

  Cruella was horrified at the suggestion, but kept their expression impassive. “No, thank you. I’m fine.” They took a sip of the orange spice tea. “This is wonderful.”

  Ray ran a hand through his dark hair that hung to one side, almost touching his shoulders. In all the time Cruella had worked at Rogue, they’d never seen Ray wear anything other than his jeans and a scandalously snug tee that hugged his magnificent muscles and showed off the ink that covered him from neck to collar bone, from shoulders to hands. And I imagine several other places as well. They licked their lips. What a treat it would be to do the same thing to Ray’s colorful skin.

  But it seemed as if Ray had chosen the black silk shirt he wore to meet the dress code that existed at Kiss of Leather. Cruella had been so shocked to see him there after overhearing him tease Neal several times about the scary club, or comment how he was glad the lifestyle worked for Neal, but he had no interest in it. Not that I was eavesdropping or anything. But after Ray’s explanation that Neal had only invited him to dinner, Cruella had worked out that it was probably due to their rejection of Ray earlier.

  Ray clasped his fingers together then rested them on the table. “Okay, so here’s the thing.” He shifted in his own chair. “I’m sure you’ve been able to guess that I like you, that I have for a while.” He glanced up as if to check whether he’d just made an egregious assumption.

  Cruella offered him a reassuring smile. “I’d hoped. But I wasn’t sure whether you just enjoy looking, or if it was more than that.”

  “Oh, I enjoy looking.” His cheeks flushed. “But that’s not the only reason. Not by a long shot.”

  “Same here, hon.”

  Ray straightened and his features brightened. “Seriously?”

  Cruella couldn’t remember the last time they’d smiled as much. “Seriously.”

  “I hope I didn’t come off like a creeper or anything.”

  Cruella leaned in, their long-dormant flirt skills springing to life again. “I hope I didn’t either.”

  Ray chuckled and finally appeared more relaxed. “Cool. I didn’t want to be yet another guy who made things difficult for you.” His eyes widened. “I mean…not that your ex is any of my business.”

  Poor thing. “Ray, we’ll never get to really know each other if you assume every subject is taboo.” Cruella nudged Ray’s foot under the table with the toe of their boot and held in a laugh when Ray jumped. “I’d love to dig deeper into the mysterious world of Ray.”

  Ray snorted. “It’s not all that thrilling, I promise you.”

  “Stop.” Cruella tapped their bottom lip with one finger, not missing how Ray’s own lips parted slightly as his gaze homed in on the move. “Let’s see. I know you’ve won awards for your artistic skills, and I have the ink on my body to attest to that fact. And obviously, I know you own a tattoo and body mods shop.” They narrowed their eyes. “But what about your social life? Surely, such a handsome man as yourself isn’t without plenty of company on any given night?”

  Ray tugged on the small silver hoop in his ear as he glanced around the room. “No, I pretty much do my job, take care of the shop then crash when I get home.”

  Cruella arched their eyebrows. While they’d never seen Ray with anyone, they’d always assumed it was because he didn’t want to bring them around the shop, that they might be casual flings rather than anyone serious. They couldn’t deny how relieved they were to hear that Ray wasn’t seeing anyone, though.

  “That’s a true shame, hon. I’m thinking we might need to do something about fixing that situation.”

  Ray quirked a smile. “What did you have in mind?”

  Cruella was about to make a suggestive comment when they remembered the brazen move they’d made earlier at class. “My mind is awhirl with ideas.” They shifted in their seat. “However, can I ask you about something else?”

  “Of course.” He appeared sheepish. “I didn’t exactly give you much info about my social life. What I meant is that it’s been a while.”

  Cruella mused that it was too bad they weren’t sitting next to each other so they could give him a reassuring hug. “Don’t worry about it, hon. What I’m curious about is how much you know, or are interested in, the type of stuff that goes on at Kiss of Leather?” Cruella’s stomach twisted as they awaited Ray’s answer.

  “Oh.” He rubbed his bearded chin. “By interested, do you mean as in me participating?”

  Cruella nodded. “I’ve never been in a BDSM relationship, or done much more than mild kink, but…” Just ask. “I’ve always thought shibari was beautiful and the class I’m doing requires a partner. I thought maybe, you know, you and I…?”

  “Partner?” A crease formed on Ray’s brow. “I don’t know how good I’d be at it. I’m not very proficient when it comes to tying knots. I failed a sailing class I took when I was younger.” He gave a shaky laugh.

  “Actually…” Cruella decided a full explanation was needed. “You wouldn’t be the one doing the tying.”

  Ray tilted his head. “What would I be doing?”

  “Ray, do you know what shibari is?”

  He slumped. “No.”

  Cruella couldn’t stand it. They reached across the table and laid a hand on Ray’s folded ones. “It the Japanese art of erotic rope bondage. The patterns can be quite complex, so it’s much more than tying knots. And…” Cruella searched their mind to find something that would make it less odd that Cruella had thought of him as a potential subject. “Well, it’s not
something everyone can have done to them. The person being tied should be in good shape and able to handle a long period of time being tied in the same position, especially for the more intricate and complicated ties.”

  Ray seemed to have frozen, the tension palpable as it poured off him. After a few awkward moments, he spoke. “Yeah, I guess I knew it had something to do with being tied up. I glanced over the flyer when Liam put them out. But I thought, I don’t know, that it was to learn the knots for tying someone to a bed?”

  Cruella held in a smile at Ray’s clear discomfort, the red filling his cheeks once again, the color highlighting his lightly tanned skin. God, he’s adorable.

  They leaned back in their chair. “Of course, I’m not all that great at it yet. I’ve only taken four classes and all I can do is one beginner pattern and a few knots. I’ve even learned one that can be undone with one quick tug. That’s also one that’s used in any type of bondage. It keeps the submissive from getting out of the ropes, but at the same time, is an emergency method of setting them free if they begin to panic or are in some kind of distress.”

  Ray rubbed the back of his neck. “Submissive, huh? Bondage?”

  Good one, Cruella. “I don’t mean that I think you’re a submissive. Or that you’re into bondage.” Ray’s color had deepened, and Cruella wondered if they’d made a hasty assumption about Ray’s kink interest level. “And if you’re into giving that a try, that’s fine too.” They gave a one-shouldered shrug as they ventured into new and potentially dangerous territory. “I wouldn’t mind exploring that with someone.”

  Ray lifted their gaze. “Would I be that someone?”

  Cruella didn’t dare hope. “Yes.”

  Ray sucked in a deep breath then slowly let it out. “Okay. I’m in.”

  As Ray drove Cruella back to their apartment, listening to one of his Depeche Mode CDs that Cruella had chosen, he focused on keeping his eyes forward. Shibari, huh? He wondered if he was too old to start getting into something like that. From what Neal had told him, the guy had been into the whole BDSM thing since he was in his teens. Ray had just hit thirty-five and other than letting a guy tie his wrists to the headboard one time, he’d been the epitome of vanilla.

  The memory had him half-hard. If I even glance at Cruella, I’ll bust a nut. He’d only dated that guy a few times and he’d never had the nerve to ask any other lover for the same thing since. Maybe he was kinkier than he’d first thought. Because the mere suggestion of being tied up by Cruella, helpless as they manipulated his body however they chose, at their mercy once he was completely restrained—made Ray swipe the back of his hand across his forehead as he wriggled in his seat.

  Cruella lowered the volume of the music. “You okay, baby?”

  He nodded jerkily. “Fine. It’s hot in here, though, isn’t it?” Ray turned on the fan. “Must be my leather jacket.” A subject change was in order. “You said to turn left on Vista?”

  “You can drop me off at the corner. It’s impossible to get a place to park this time of night, and anyway, you need a resident permit.”

  Ray frowned. “I could at least stop in front of your building, so you don’t have to walk.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind.”

  Maybe they’re concerned I’ll try to finagle my way inside?

  Ray pulled up to the curb and let the car idle. He was in the yellow zone, so he figured they could linger there for a short time before he ran the risk of getting hassled by the cops.

  Cruella angled their body to face him better. “Thanks again for the ride and the tea, hon.” They reached across the center console and clasped his hand. “But I really appreciate you agreeing to be my shibari partner.” They squeezed his hand then let go. “I want you to know that if you change your mind, though, it’s all right. I promise. No pressure. What would be the fun in that?” They offered him a soft smile.

  “I’m looking forward to it, for real.” Ray pressed their lips together. “Um, you know when we sort of touched on our situation earlier about me being your boss and going out? I feel like we never came to a definite conclusion on that subject.” Ray winced. “Are you sure it’s all right? I don’t ever want to place you in an uncomfortable position.”

  Cruella’s smile turned devilish. “Even if I end up doing that to you for the class?”

  Ray blinked a few times as he took a moment to absorb Cruella’s statement. He snorted a laugh. “Right. Even if.”

  Cruella took his hands again. “I shouldn’t joke, but I’m sure there won’t be a problem. We’ve been eyeing each other the entire time I’ve worked there, and we’ve been fine.”

  “But you’ll go to Neal if you’re having a problem with me?”

  Cruella patted his arm. “I promise, baby. I will.”

  Ray had a moment of panic. Should I try for a kiss? Too soon? Not advisable due to the extreme awkwardness of leaning over the center console?

  Before Ray could come to any decision, Cruella took the leaning initiative and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “Thanks again. Friday after work?”

  Ray almost couldn’t make his mouth move, but recovered before the pause became too weird. “I’ll pick you up at the end of your shift.”

  Ray usually took Fridays off so he could cover the crazy Saturday shift instead, and Thursday was one of Cruella’s days off.

  Cruella opened the vehicle door and glanced over their shoulder as they climbed out. “I can’t wait.”

  Ray waited, watching as Cruella made their way down the street until they disappeared into one of the apartment buildings sandwiched between many others.

  What just happened?

  Somehow, he’d gone from crushing heartbreak to complete elation in less than twelve hours.

  He planned on keeping it that way.

  Chapter Six

  Cruella kept sneaking glances at the time on the computer at reception. Twenty more minutes until Ray gets here. If Mike was late for his shift again, they were going to have a meltdown. They slid open the top drawer where they kept their compact and verified—yet again—that their face was perfect.

  Liam appeared from the breakroom. “Is Ray here yet? Do you want to leave early? I can watch the front for you if you do.”

  Cruella beckoned Liam closer with their finger then pointed at the other office chair. His face fell, but he did as Cruella bade him. After he was settled, he peered up at Cruella.

  “Are you mad?”

  “No, never at you, baby. But I want to make sure me and Ray get off to a good start, that if we end up together in a more official way, that I don’t get treated differently than any of the other employees here. It could create problems for you, Neal and Ray if the other people here feel as though I have an unfair advantage over them.”

  Liam’s mouth formed an ‘O’. “Neal kept telling me to stay out of things between you and Ray, and now I can see what he meant.”

  The ringer went off and Mike stumbled in. He seemed to need to steady himself before he shut the door behind him. He regarded them both with a scowl.

  “What? I’m not late.” Mike dug through the pockets of his denim jacket, cursing under his breath as he swayed on his feet. At last, he plucked out his cell phone and squinted at the screen through what Cruella could tell were red eyes. “Look. I’m even ten minutes early. Shit. I’ll go outside and grab a smoke, then. Be right back.”

  Cruella’s shoulders dropped. I can already see where this is going. Mike had been getting much worse lately and his current state was unacceptable. They couldn’t leave the shop under his care. He and Liam exchanged glances, the pain on his face unmistakable as they locked eyes.

  “I need to get my Master. I’ll be right back.”

  Liam took off and scurried up the stairs. Cruella recognized how stressed out Liam had become. Whenever he referred to Neal as his Master at work, it meant he was upset. From the beginning, Liam had made it clear to everyone that he wouldn’t be able to handle anything regarding the staff.
Any sort of confrontation was out of the question for him.

  The door opened again, but this time, Cruella’s heart lightened at the sight of Ray, grinning at them.

  Oh dear. I might have it bad.

  Gone was the nervousness that had plagued them before they’d known what Ray’s true intentions were. Now they could greet them with the excitement they’d always felt and not worry they were being out of line.

  Ray blew into his hands then shook them together. “Hey, it’s great to see you. You look fantastic.”

  Cruella had never seen Ray so animated before.

  “Man, it’s freezing out there, the weather really took a turn.” Ray jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “I see Mike managed to make it here on time, so I won’t take off my jacket since your shift is almost over.”

  Cruella tucked their hair behind their ears. “Um, you might want to check in with Neal and Liam first.”

  Ray regarded them with a puzzled expression then jumped as Mike burst back into the shop.

  “Whoa, hey there, boss.” Mike let out a grunt. “Almost ran you over. Thought you were off today.”

  Ray crossed his arms, his eyes narrowed as he sniffed the air around Mike. “Mike, I need to see you in the breakroom.” He turned to Cruella. “Would you give me a moment, please?”

  “Of course.” They quickly turned their attention to the schedule open in front of them in an effort to mask their awareness of what was happening between Ray and Mike.

  Not that Mike has a clue. In the state he was in, Cruella doubted he’d even remember any conversation that went on between him and Ray.

  Almost as soon as Mike and Ray disappeared into the back, someone could be heard coming down the stairs and when Cruella checked, they saw it was Neal, sans Liam. The only other person there was one of the two additional tattoo artists who had been hired on after the shop had been purchased. Between managing the place and working there, it had become too much for Ray to handle on his own. Neal had also been the only piercer and body mods person, but they’d finally found someone else who met their standards, so both Neal and Liam didn’t have to practically live at Rogue anymore either.


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