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Kink Aware (Kiss of Leather Book 9)

Page 19

by Morticia Knight

  Cruella swallowed past a lump in their throat. They’d been wanting to discuss getting a place together in the new year, but in truth, they didn’t want to wait another day either. “We might have hit a bumpy patch there, but in my opinion, it made us stronger. I’ve never been as close to another person before, never had that ‘a-ha’ moment where I knew that this is the one, this is the man who I was meant to be with. You’re that man, Ray. Of course, I’ll live with you, for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Ray broke into a grin. “How does forever sound?”

  Cruella’s own smile was so wide, it hurt their cheeks. “Sounds perfect, baby.”

  They both leaned in for a kiss at the same time, their cool lips and noses warming as their exchange deepened.

  “Oh! Sorry.”

  Cruella chuckled against Ray’s lips, then turned to face Liam. “What is it, hon?”

  “Gavin is making some big announcement, so I thought you’d want to hear.”

  “Then we’d better come inside.”

  Liam regarded them with a questioning gaze. They imagined their smile appeared a bit unhinged, but they were so damn happy.

  Once they’d all made it back to the main living area, Cruella stood with Ray at the edges of the proceedings. They had never been officially introduced to Gavin’s sub, Kyle, and they’d only conversed with Gavin the one time when they’d taken the Kiss of Leather tour. However, Neal and Liam had helped fill them in about the couple. Gavin and Kyle were also full-time as Dom and sub, but even more so than Neal and Liam, in some ways. Cruella had been told over and over that the practice of the lifestyle was a unique experience for everyone and couldn’t be boxed in, but Gavin and Kyle’s power exchange struck Cruella as much more regimented.

  Maybe it’s because Neal is so laid back in contrast.

  Gavin glanced around the room then angled his head toward a tall, film-star handsome blond who Cruella knew was Josh. Also one of the club owners, he and his sub, David, were responsible for bringing Taro and the shibari classes to Kiss of Leather. Cruella’s eyes darted to Taro, who stood alone by the eggnog. Now there’s someone who could get out more. Not that he knew all that much about the Master, but Cruella had been snoopy enough to notice that Taro always went one way, and the rope bottoms another, whenever class was over.

  Tai strolled past with a tray of filled champagne glasses and they all took one. Gavin and Josh exchanged some words, laughing, then Kyle strolled over and kneeled at his feet. Without breaking his conversation, he placed a hand on Kyle’s head, petting him and encouraging Kyle to lean against his leg. The beauty of the moment was heightened by how intimate their exchange was, how unafraid they were to share their complete devotion to each other with everyone present.


  Ray whispered to them, “I want to do that for you someday, if you’ll let me.”

  Cruella jerked their head around to find Ray gazing at them with a soft smile, with nothing but sincerity radiating from his expression. Right as they were about to respond, Gavin spoke up.

  “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Since Lucas, Tai and Elliot were gracious enough to host a party tonight, I thought I’d take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate two things beyond the holiday. As we all know, this is the one-year anniversary of the grand opening of Kiss of Leather. Let’s all raise our glasses and give a toast to that!”

  A small cheer went up as everyone held their champagne glasses high before taking a drink. Gavin used one hand to try and quiet the loud, happy chatter, with Josh doing the same.

  Josh cut in, “Does everyone still have some champagne left? If not, raise your hand because we have one more very important toast to make.”

  Derek’s hand shot up. “I didn’t know I was supposed to save any.”

  A smattering of chuckles filled the room while Elliot scurried over to fill Derek’s glass.

  Josh spoke up again, “All right. Most of you will also remember that last year was when Gavin proposed to Kyle, and of course, he said yes.”

  Ooh. Didn’t know that.

  Ray tightened his hold on Cruella’s hand and they wondered what was going through his head. They filed it away for later.

  “So,” Josh continued, “you can imagine how thrilled I was when Gavin and Kyle finally set a date after all this time.”

  Derek piped up, “Out with it!”

  Josh rolled his eyes. “As I was about to say, Gavin and Kyle will be celebrating their marriage on Valentine’s Day.” Josh raised his glass. “Congratulations!”

  Everyone toasted and cheered for Gavin and Kyle, and once things had quieted down again, Gavin interjected, “Thanks, everyone. The day that I will forever consider my luckiest was the day I was sent to meet a bondage furniture builder in the Valley.” Gavin chuckled as he regarded someone on the other side of the room, a lean, attractive blond man who was seated on an older, bald-headed man’s lap. “So, I suppose I’ll always have to forgive Marshall, no matter what hi-jinx he gets into, for suggesting his friend Kyle for the job.”

  The bald-headed man yelled out, “His hi-jinx days are over.”

  “That’s because he’s no fun.”

  Marshall tried to jet off his Master’s lap but was yanked back by his waist and held firm.

  “I’ll show you fun later.”

  Marshall snickered. “My work here is done.”

  Gavin shook his head. “Good luck with that, Stone.” He continued, “I had no idea how that day would change my life for the better. For this past year, my boy and I have discussed when and where we wanted to have our ceremony. We figured that since we already did our collaring at Kiss of Leather, and I proposed at Kiss of Leather, then we should do something different. But the more we tried to think of the so-called perfect place, the less certain we were that another location would be any better or more special.” Gavin gazed down at Kyle. “So, on Valentine’s, we’re going to close the club and we’d like to invite all of you to our special day.”

  Everyone applauded, and Cruella wiped a finger under their eye. They’re so sweet together.

  As the party-goers gathered round Gavin and Kyle, offering them congratulations, Ray tugged Cruella back over to the Christmas tree.

  He faced them then gathered their hands in his own. “I know you don’t want me to buy a membership for you, and I understand. But is it okay to tell you how excited I am to be a part of the club, even if it’s still a few months away?”

  “Not at all.” They gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll confess I’m pretty damn excited too. I even gave up one of my clothing purchases this month at R & R. Now that’s commitment.” They chuckled. “I’m even considering not buying anything at all from there, or anywhere else, for a while. While I’m saving for the membership, I’d like to take Taro’s intermediate shibari class in January. That way, we can keep practicing.” Cruella winked.

  “Um.” Ray cleared his throat. “Did you ever do that thing when you were a kid where you were allowed to open up one present on Christmas Eve?”

  Cruella blinked a few times. “That was random. But yeah, I know what you mean. Why?”

  “Can I tell you what one of your gifts is? It’s in the stocking at home, but I don’t think I can wait.”

  “Oh dear. What did you do, Ray?”

  Ray grinned. “Go ahead and buy yourself something nice next month. I bought us the shibari classes already.”

  Cruella pulled Ray closer, nipping at his bottom lip. “I guess I never said you couldn’t do that, did I? I suppose that means I can’t punish you.”

  A flush of red bloomed under Ray’s cheeks. “I wouldn’t go that far…”

  Cruella rubbed their nose against his. “Does that mean my naughty baby needs a good spanking?”

  Ray groaned. “How long do we need to stay here before it’s no longer rude to leave?”

  “At least five more minutes.”

  “Hmm.” Ray sighed. “I’ll try to hold out that long.”

Cruella let out an easy laugh, marveling out how wonderful the year had turned out after all. They were in love with someone who loved them back with all their heart. But more importantly, a man who respected them, who was willing to go to great lengths to honor them, a man who accepted and loved them for who they were.

  “I love you, baby.”

  Ray rubbed his thumb across Cruella’s lower lip, his eyes shining as he stared into theirs.

  “I love you too, angel.”

  Want to see more from this author? Here’s a taster for you to enjoy!

  Rocked Hard

  Morticia Knight


  “He’s the one I want, Ed.”

  Tapping his index finger on a photo of the author of a Rolling Stone magazine article, Aubrey King stared down his manager.

  “Shouldn’t the two of you meet first, see if you click before you make such a momentous decision?”

  Really? Has the man ever met me before?

  Aubrey didn’t answer. He merely raised one eyebrow and pursed his lips ever so slightly. The look was one he’d learned over the years would make almost anyone fall at his feet, make them clamor for the privilege of doing his bidding. Ed, fans, straight men…

  “Ed, please. Bryan Gallagher is the man who will write my memoir. I don’t want to waste any more time on this subject. Give his agent a call and set something up—the sooner the better.”

  “But what about Conrad Jensen? He’s very edgy and has a lot of buzz right now. I thought he did a great job on your comeback interview.”

  “I hate that shit, Ed.”

  Ed sighed. “What shit, Aubrey? Am I using too much industry speak for you?”

  “God, yes. Please stop.”

  “Aubrey, I’ve managed your rock singing career for, what, twenty years? I’ve been there from the first hit Falling in Stereo ever had, through the gruesome break-up then all the way to your glorious comeback.”

  Aubrey snorted. “I’m reserving comment as to how glorious this comeback actually ends up being.”

  Frowning, Ed continued, “Regardless, I’ve used industry speak that entire time. It’s as ridiculous to criticize me for its use as it is for me to question whether you should do something when you’ve so obviously already decided.”

  Ed arched his eyebrows back at him and Aubrey let out a bellow of laughter.

  “This is why we’re so perfect together.” Aubrey chanced a sly peek at Ed and winked. “As manager and client, that is.” He ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair. “And you also know how much I despise labels. Categories. Boxes that people are forced into. It’s what killed the band.”

  After the music had become dulled and artificial due to the endless demands of touring, recording and the pressure to crank out the hits, Aubrey had needed to take a break, re-evaluate everything. All he’d ever wanted was to make music that mattered, music his fans yearned for. The other band members strongly disagreed, since only he and Chuck—the lead guitar player—wrote any of the songs. The tours were how their bandmates made the real bucks.

  Aubrey had tried to convince them to give the band a breather, that it would become revitalized and would be best for everyone in the long term. However, the party rock star life his bandmates had been living had made it impossible for them to take any breaks—their money had already been pissed away. Everyone, with exception of Jimmy, the bassist, had all decided they could do just as well by going off on their own and forming solo projects. However, their plan hadn’t worked out the way they’d hoped.

  In Aubrey’s case, he’d taken the time off he’d proposed the rest of them do. His disillusionment with the industry had been so all-encompassing that he’d stayed off the music radar for close to ten years. It remained to be seen if he could ever recover from his self-imposed absence.

  He glanced up to see Ed gazing at him, nodding.

  “I know, I get it. You take care of your music, I’ll take care of the business. If Bryan Gallagher is who you want, I’ll make sure you have him.”

  Aubrey lifted the corners of his mouth in a satisfied smile. It wasn’t about him being a prima donna. It was about knowing what the best course of action was for him. Bryan Gallagher’s writing style, his taste in music, his understanding of the emotion behind rock ‘n’ roll—all of it made the sexy young writer he’d been lusting after the only one who should tell his story.

  At least the parts I’m willing to reveal.

  In the spot where he sat at the busy West Hollywood outdoor café, the sun blazed in Bryan’s eyes. Even with his shades on it was uncomfortable. He could tip his head to one side so the blue and white striped patio umbrella blocked the glare. However, he would have to keep shifting the angle of his head and body in order to prevent himself from being blinded as the sun descended to the horizon.

  His primary goal for the upcoming hour was not to make a complete ass of himself in front of his all-time favorite singer—rock god Aubrey King. The thought of the star’s name alone made Bryan shiver. When he was only twelve years old, Falling in Stereo’s third album had come out. Even though they’d been popular prior to that, the record-breaking success of Drive Another Nail In had eclipsed their previous achievements and made them superstars.

  Falling in Stereo—and more significantly Aubrey King—had become an absolute obsession for Bryan even though he was already a huge music lover. The combination of the intensely personal lyrics and dark-edged alternative rock Aubrey created had touched Bryan in a way that nothing had before or since. He credited the singer with being the one who had inspired his dream of becoming a rock journalist.

  Eventually, Bryan’s fanatical love of music and the artists who created it had led him to aspire to more. He wanted to one day be considered the ultimate rock historian. So far, he’d been fortunate enough to write two critically acclaimed rock bios, and also had a very popular music blog. Essentially, he was considered the expert on any rock-music-related topics. Yet, he’d never interviewed—or even met—his writing muse, the man who had single-handedly led him to the love of his life, music.

  Only Conrad Jensen had the potential to rival him as a writer in the rock music world. The author had scored an exclusive interview with Aubrey right as he’d been beginning his bid to make a comeback. Aubrey had emerged from his self-imposed retirement to embark on a solo career and there were plenty of people waiting to see if he still had it after being absent for ten trend-changing years. At forty-two years old, Aubrey was no longer the fresh young face of alt rock, the leader of millions of angst-ridden teenagers. It remained to be seen if he could transcend musically into a more mature songwriter while still retaining his core base of fans.

  Bryan mulled over his current situation. At any moment, Aubrey would be approaching him to discuss whether Bryan would be given the opportunity to collaborate with Aubrey on his memoir. When he’d received the call from his agent, he’d assumed it must be a joke. No one on the inside had known Aubrey was considering such a thing. To think he might get to work closely with his idol on the personal details of his life was more than he ever could have imagined for his career. For himself.

  I can’t get too worked up before he even gets here.

  Bryan was grateful he wasn’t currently in a relationship. Any woman he’d ever been with eventually tired of his all-consuming drive toward his career—some quicker than others. Many had claimed it was like sharing him with a particularly voracious mistress. He’d tried to only become involved with women who were as enamored of music as he was, but so far, he hadn’t met anyone he was that interested in who attached as much significance to the deep inner meaning of songs as he did.

  God, Aubrey’s songs were so much more to him than simply a set of words to a driving melody. It was as if they dug deep into his soul and embedded themselves there. When he recalled some of the fights he’d gotten into over the years due to his obsession with the rock star, he’d never understood why some had suggested that what it really amounted to was him
having a big hard-on for Aubrey.

  He snorted to himself. It was rather silly. He’d never thought of a man that way, had never even considered experimenting. Besides, he knew plenty of guys who became hardcore fans of a male musician or a sports figure without wanting to do them. It didn’t mean anything other than an appreciation for that person’s talent. His elevated heart rate and kid-like excitement over seeing his rock idol at any minute was nothing more than a strong dose of fan worship.

  A flash of light, possibly a reflection, drew his attention and he glanced up. The moment he spotted Aubrey winding his way through the café tables, he was transfixed. As the singer sashayed across the patio, his steps were performed with the same panther-like grace he’d used for many years on stage. Bryan had always assumed it was a part of his well-practiced act. Yet it appeared so natural on him that Bryan couldn’t discern whether it was how he’d always carried himself, or if it had become a part of him as his years in front of an audience had gone by. His lithe body with long limbs and torso were the perfect vehicle for his languid movements.

  Aubrey sported a pair of black sunglasses that couldn’t conceal his sharp and chiseled features, but did keep Bryan from detecting how much his face may have succumbed to the inevitable onset of aging. Having carefully hidden from the public eye for the previous decade, there weren’t many recent photos of him available. He wore a loose, teal-colored shirt buttoned only part way up with what appeared to be a black tank underneath. The ensemble topped incredibly skin-tight, dark-chocolate-hued leather pants that rode low on his hips. The barest hint of a pelvic bone peeked out of the top of his waistband on one side where the edge of his shirt fluttered in the light breeze, and Bryan quickly lifted his gaze.

  A bronze medallion of some sort of sun image dangled around his neck on a long black cord. His brown shaggy hair hung a bit past his jewelry-adorned ears—about two or three inches shorter than he’d worn it in the past—and was embellished with red streaks. Bryan could only make out parts of the ink he knew was emblazoned across Aubrey’s chest. A teaser of the flames, a fiery wing, a talon—all pieces of the intricate phoenix that was Aubrey’s most talked about tattoo. Bryan had to admit that the vision approaching him was like all his rock ‘n’ roll fantasies coming true.


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