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Outright Assassination

Page 41

by Adel Beshara

  12 Ibid.

  13 Sabah el-Kheir, Beirut, 7 July, 1980.

  14 See Antoine Butrus, Qissat muhakamat Antun Sa’adeh was i’damehe (An Account of Antun Sa’adeh’s Trial and Execution). Beirut: Chemaly & Chemaly, 2002: 178–181.

  15 See articles 349–362 of the Lebanese Criminal Code.

  16 Antoine Butrus, Qissat muhakamat Antun Sa’adeh was i’damehe (An Account of Antun Sa’adeh’s Trial and Execution. Beirut: Chemaly & Chemaly, 2002: 178.

  17 Three examples would suffice: In January of 1623, Antonio Foscarini was posthumously exonerated by the Council of Ten several months after it had unanimously found him guilty of treason and had him executed (see Murray Brown, “The Myth of Antonio Foscarini’s Exoneration.” Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme; Societe Canadienne d’Etudes de la Renaissance, Vol. XXV, No. 3: 25); In 1980, 347 years after he was condemned by the Roman Inquisition for teaching as fact the Copernican hypothesis that the sun is the center of the planetary system, Galileo was given a retrial and exonerated (See “Galileo Retrial: Now the World Turns.” In Science News, Vol. 118, No. 18 (Nov. 1, 1980): 277); In the post-Stalin era, over a dozen leading figures of the 1930s, as well as those purged in the 1940s, especially those involved in the so-called ‘Leningrad Affair,’ were fully rehabilitated (See Samuel A. Oppenheim, “Rehabilitation in the Post-Stalinist Soviet Union.” The Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Mar., 1967): 97–115).

  18 Brian Harris, Injustice: State Trials from Socrates to Nuremberg. London: Sutton Publishing, 2006: xii.

  19 Bohdan Kordan, “Righting Historical Wrongs.”Canadian Speeches: Issues of the Day, September 1993. doc-095.html

  20 See Jennifer Earl, “Tanks, Tear Gas, and Taxes: Toward a Theory of Movement Repression.” Sociological Theory, Vol. 21 (2003): 44–68.

  21 J. Bowyer Bell, “Assassination in International Politics.” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Mar., 1972): 82.

  22 Fikr, Beirut, No. 73, 1 July, 2000: 76.


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