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Page 2

by Ashlyn Chase

  Leaning forward, she laved his cock with her tongue. The intent was to get him wet enough to slide down her throat, but one taste and she continued to lick around the velvety head in a lazy circular motion. Paolo had, without a doubt, the sweetest, smoothest cock she’d ever had the pleasure of sucking.

  When she was finally ready to move on, she held the base tight and slid her mouth over the length of his shaft. Paolo leaned back and moaned then grabbed onto her shoulders. She applied generous suction as she withdrew. His groan was almost as big a turn-on as having his cock touch the back of her throat.

  She repeated the motion, guiding his shaft in as far as she could take him, then she swallowed, creating more of a vacuum before pulling back. He let out an involuntary sound, almost a gurgle. She continued the sweet torture with long slow sucks until he begged her to either stop or finish him.

  “Since you put it that way…” She lay back from the edge of the bed and balanced on her elbows. Then she opened her legs wide, inviting him to eat her pussy.

  Paolo dropped to his knees and simply stared at her, his only movement the increasing rise and fall of his chest. With a deep growl he nuzzled her inner thighs and inhaled deeply. “I have been studying this beautiful pussy, wanting to taste it for hours.” He licked at her outer labia and scooped her buttocks into his hands. He made an appreciative mmm sound as if her honey had reached the back of his tongue.

  Darcy draped her legs over his shoulders and lay flat. Closing her eyes so she could concentrate on every sensation, she enjoyed each caress and flick of his tongue. He squeezed her right buttocks and withdrew the other hand, which he used to part her folds.

  As his tongue slid deep inside her, she cupped her breasts then pinched and rolled her nipples. The combination of sensations forced a moan from her throat, and her legs quivered. At last he teased her clit with one lick and she let out a gasp.

  With a short laugh of triumph, he hastened his attention to her burning cleft, his fingers running along the folds. His tongue continued to circle and tease her clit with quick little darts but no focus. She came close to orgasm so many times she wanted to plead for release, beg him to finger-fuck her, but the desire to see what he would do next won out. The Italian tease knew exactly what he was doing.

  At last he sank two fingers deep into her cunt and mimicked fucking her while making an all-out assault on her clit. He sucked it and flicked his tongue across it so fast a hummingbird would have had trouble keeping up.

  She thought she’d prepared herself but Darcy’s whole body shivered as she arched and writhed under his skilled ministrations. Involuntary moans grew in volume and frequency until her orgasm exploded over her. Not a gentle rush like she had with her own hand or a vibrator. This overwhelming loss of control blanked out all rational thought. She screamed, bucked and thrashed. Violent quivers remained long past the last aftershock. Paolo looked on, a satisfied smile pulling his shining wet lips wide.

  A knock on the door silenced her panting. Paolo whipped around to stare at it in irritation.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Darcy whispered.

  “No. Not a person knows I’m here except the gallery owner. But why would he come here? I have a mobile phone.”

  “I was pretty loud. We may have frightened the people next door.”

  They shared a nervous chuckle, then Paolo jumped to his feet and struggled into his jeans. Confining his enormous erection seemed unpleasant, even dangerous. It was definitely a shame.

  The knock sounded again, this time more frantic. On his way to the door, a female voice called out something in a foreign language and he froze. He must have recognized the voice, because he pivoted toward Darcy and his face blanched.

  “Get dressed,” he hissed.

  The knocks grew in urgency to steady pounding.

  “Who is it?” she whispered.

  “My fiancée.”

  Chapter Two

  “Your—” Darcy vaulted out of bed and into her clothes faster than she’d peeled them off, cursing under her breath the whole time. “That’s just great. You could have mentioned her before I got all hot and lusty for your cock.”

  The pounding on the door increased. Paolo rushed to the only window and opened it. “Go out this way,” he gestured frantically.

  The woman outside the door began shouting in what Darcy assumed was a fast and furious Italian tirade. Paolo yelled something in reply as he shooed her out the window onto the fire escape.

  It all happened so quickly, and with her mind still numb after her world-class orgasm, it took her a minute to realize what she was allowing. Her hesitation lasted just long enough for Paolo to smooth the bed sheets and open the front door.

  The woman was surprisingly tiny, if one didn’t count the height of her hair. Rapid-fire Italian shot at Paolo in a tone set to kill. He was calm in his response, though she couldn’t understand him either.

  Until he called the other woman “cara”.

  Darcy slid right back in through the window and gave it a good slam in the off chance she hadn’t been seen. The silence that followed was decipherable in any language. So was the crack of an open palm across Paolo’s cheek and another slam as the other woman made her dramatic exit.

  Darcy was pretty sure she’d just learned some creative Italian slang.

  “Oh no you don’t, cara.” Paolo dared to grab her arm when Darcy tried to leave.

  “Don’t call me that.” She swung out with her other arm to give him her own smack. Yes, she loved fucking, but until today she’d never broken her rule about poaching on someone else’s territory.

  He easily caught her hand before she made contact, then walked her backward until he held her immobile against the closed door. He wasn’t hurting her and neither was he going to let her hurt him.

  “I did not deserve that from Sophia and I deserve it less from you, who I only brought pleasure.” He had the audacity to nuzzle her neck. “And there is more pleasure to be had.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re engaged. Go stick it in her!”

  “I do not want to ‘stick it’ in her. I want you.”

  “And I want you…to stick it in your own ass!”

  Paolo looked at her like she was from another planet. “I do not own a donkey. And my marriage to Sophia has been arranged since birth. We do not love each other.”

  “Oh please. Nobody does that anymore.”

  “The Santoris do. For over two hundred years, the firstborn son has married a Tortucci and taken over the combined family business. You have no idea what trouble you have caused by showing yourself.”

  “That still doesn’t— Wait a minute… What trouble I caused? You knew you were engaged when you stuck your tongue up my pussy. I had no idea your cock was promised to someone else.”

  “Please, it is not like that. She was not the invited guest but she did not have to see you. I don’t want anyone to be hurt.”

  Something about the way he said it took the wind out of her sails. He sounded…desperate? “I must be crazy, but why don’t you tell me how it is, then.”

  He took a deep breath and a step back at her words, looking into her eyes like he wanted to read her soul. “Yes. I will tell you. As a friend. I could use a friend right now.”

  She’d never tried to be just friends with a guy she wanted to fuck. But she wasn’t heartless and the man had given her a megaorgasm. “Fine, but don’t try anything funny or you’ll be sipping gelato through a straw for a week.”

  Paolo’s smile lit up his face. Damn, he was gorgeous! He turned and led the way back to the futon, giving her a great view of his ass in jeans. And she didn’t mean his donkey, though damn, he was hung like one.

  Darcy reined in her lascivious thoughts and took a seat on the futon where she gratefully accepted a glass of wine. He joined her, looking a little desperate again.

  “My time here is borrowed,” he began. “It will be even shorter if I cannot sell any of my paintings at this showing. If nothing else,
you must still model for me.”

  “Keep talking and I’ll think about it.”

  “Si.” He nodded and took a long swallow of his wine. “As I said, I am the firstborn son of a Santori. It is my duty to carry on with tradition. I will honor that duty. But my heart, it only wants to paint, to capture the beauty of what I see before me and bring it to life on canvas. Cara, you have the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen. The most delicious I have ever tasted. I must paint it. You are my only true inspiration since I arrived in this country.”

  Darcy decided the endearment could slide for that one. “You want to paint my pussy?”

  “Si.” He groaned the word, his gaze hot with yearning. “I see you on the bed with your legs spread, your back slightly arched so your hard red nipples point toward the ceiling. Your chin will be lifted so it is all one can see of your face. The focus will be on your exquisite pussy, swollen and wet from my tongue.”

  It was Darcy who couldn’t stifle a groan this time.

  Paolo pressed his advantage. “And if you will allow it, I will paint another vision of beauty. The same pose, the same focus but your pussy will be weeping our juices together after a good, hard fucking. I am so erect just thinking about it, I am leaking.”

  He was leaking? Darcy was so wet her entire pussy had turned to liquid. She refused to let him off the hook that easily, though. The man had shoved her out a window!

  “I have a question for you.”

  He winced but motioned with his open hand to go ahead.

  “I understand wanting to do your duty, but marrying a woman you don’t love and living a life you don’t want? Why not just say no and make your living painting?”

  “Ah. Home is a tiny but thriving village in Italy. We do this by growing crops, fishing and my family business.”

  Was he going to make her ask how his family made their living? Paolo was swarthy but he hadn’t the leathery skin of a man who spent daylight hours on the sea or in the fields. Could they be Mafia connected?

  Darcy steeled herself for whatever answer he might provide. “I don’t see you as being a fisherman or a farmer. What is your family business?”

  “You are thinking wine or cheese, no?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “We are a global plumbing supply company. We sell what you would call toilets but only to those willing to pay the price for the best.”

  Darcy tried. She really tried to hold back any jokes at his expense but she just couldn’t do it. “So you’re willing to take your seat on the family throne, drop a few kids in the family pool, even though you’ll be flushing what you want right down the drain?”

  “Are you finished?” He rolled his eyes.

  “In a second. I’m still wiping the jokes from my mind.”

  “I promise you I have heard them all before. As for staying, my visa was arranged by my family. It will run out by the end of the year and they will make sure it is not renewed. Besides, I like it here but my village is home—if I am still welcome there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Paolo sighed and ran a hand through his thick black hair. “Sophia, she will do everything she can to make me pay for this insult. She followed me to America against my wishes. I do not…” His breath hitched as though the words stuck in his throat. “I have never said it aloud before but I do not even like her. She is a shrew, willful and spoiled, though I have to believe she is not stupid enough to jeopardize her future. Pardon.”

  Darcy realized his cell phone was ringing and she watched Paolo brace himself, slug back the rest of his wine then walk to the kitchen counter to pick it up. She could decipher enough from body language to instantly tell it wasn’t a pleasant conversation.

  What if Paolo were telling the truth about Sophia? It was strange to think of a grown man having no choice with his future but she didn’t know enough about his culture to judge him for it. Besides, the conversation occasionally grew heated on Paolo’s side, so he appeared to give as good as he got.

  She was beginning to wonder if she should leave when Paolo muttered agreement a few times then flipped the phone shut.

  “That was my father. He heard about our, how you say? Intimacy.”

  “Sophia didn’t waste any time, did she?” Darcy remarked. She rose and strolled to the counter then set her wine on it, prepared to leave. “She actually called your family in Italy?”

  Paolo nodded. “Papa reminded me of my duties and I reminded him that Sophia was the uninvited guest. She deserved what she got by coming here. He agreed but asked me to be more discreet.”

  “And me, Paolo? Do I deserve this?”

  “What Sophia said to my father about you, no. But when you climaxed before she arrived,” he reached out and tilted her chin up with his finger. “Si, you deserve that and so much more. Let me make it up to you now. My future I cannot control, but right here, right now I have what I truly want.”

  Darcy gazed into those melted chocolate eyes and made up her mind.

  She was so going to fuck him.

  Only one little matter to clear up first. “Did you ever actually ask Sophia to marry you?”

  He startled, taken aback, as though he’d never even thought of doing so. “No.”

  “Have you slept with her?”

  Paolo started to laugh then coughed. “No. The Santori and Tortucci fathers guard their daughters’ virginity as part of the dowry. It was not a problem, as I have never wanted her.

  “Then, in my opinion, you’re not engaged yet. Your heart hasn’t been promised to another.”

  “No. But my life has and I will honor the promise.”

  Darcy gave him her best version of a European shrug. “I appreciate your honesty. Strip.”

  Paolo remained still for all of three seconds. One blink later he tugged at his open jeans and that mouthwatering cock of his sprang free. Now she was the desperate one. Desperate for another taste.

  She knelt and licked her lips to moisten them. Darcy didn’t know what he mumbled in Italian as he watched her but she understood his cry of elation when she took him to the back of her throat in one move. When she withdrew, his sweet pre-cum coated her taste buds and she teased his slit for more.

  Paolo shuddered with a deep groan as he leaned forward and gripped the edge of the counter for support. Darcy drank in the rapture on his face, felt it in his wild shudders as his control grew more difficult to maintain. Was it cruel to show him what he’d be missing in his bleak future? No. He would think of this moment, of this night, often. She certainly would.

  “Come for me, Paolo.” Darcy tongued his slit again, stroking that glorious length of wet cock with her hand. “Come now, then lick my pussy so you can paint me like you described.”

  “Si. Aahhh, si!”

  Darcy doubted he was aware he was speaking Italian and she took it as a compliment. With great reluctance she let go of his cock, sad to part with it even for a moment. Grasping the open waist of his jeans, she pulled them down his legs then scraped her nails all the way up the backs of his thighs. He quivered and moaned then tried to stab his cock between her lips. She dodged him and continued to tongue and lap at his leaking slit, nibbling all around the head to make it leak more. Delicious.

  She could have kept at it all night but Paolo was clearly losing the battle for control. She cupped her palm to his ass cheek for leverage and deep-throated him while her other hand slid between his legs to fondle his balls.

  “Ahh. Dio, sto venendo!”

  No translation necessary, he was coming. The frantic throbbing of his cock, the smooth tightness of his balls and finally the sweet bursts of heat down her throat announced his orgasm. She stayed with him, refusing to let go of her treat. At this point she’d had men beg, scream for mercy, including one memorable stud who passed out.

  Not Paolo. He begged all right, begged for more. Then he did the one thing she’d fantasized about since she’d discovered her female power to drive a man crazy. He completely lost control. He let go of
the counter, clasped the back of her head and ground his cock deeper down her throat as he spurted—again!

  Darcy was the one who finally pulled away, though Paolo’s groan could have meant either denial or relief.

  “Dio, cara.”

  “English,” she demanded hoarsely. Losing her voice was no surprise after the pleasurable abuse to her throat.


  She laughed. It wasn’t an exact translation but she understood.

  “Do you need a rest?” she asked.

  “That is what I want but not what I need. Go prepare yourself as I described. I will ready my paints, then I will ready your pussy.”

  The latter wasn’t necessary but Darcy didn’t argue. Anytime Paolo wanted to bury his head between her legs she’d welcome the good time.

  A few minutes later, as he knelt on the bed between her spread legs, he groaned. “You are so lovely. Honor me, cara. Touch yourself.”

  Darcy didn’t know what he had in mind but really, who cared? She licked her finger and rubbed her sensitive clit. She had barely fallen into a rhythm when Paolo leaned closer to lap at her opening, so gentle and slow she thought she might scream. Instead, she held her breath for the next lap, then the next, before he closed his entire mouth over her slit and sucked hard. Then he wriggled his tongue inside, impossibly deep, and licked at every reachable crevice along the way.

  It was too much. She retracted her finger from her clit but he simply replaced it with his own and doubled his efforts. He’d show her no mercy until ready to grant it, just as she had shown him none.

  Thank God.

  With a powerful cry of pleasure, she arched her back and flooded his mouth as she came long and hard. Male grunts and the wet sounds of feasting filled the air, interrupted only by more cries when he pinched her clit and compelled her to climax again. Finally he latched on to her clit with his mouth and devoured her.

  By the time he pulled away, continuous orgasms had rolled through her and her pussy had never felt more wet, swollen and sated. Paolo had to lay her body out in the position he wanted before he could begin to paint.


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