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Impulsive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 4)

Page 10

by K E Osborn

  “Anna?” He nods. “It’s okay, answer it.”

  Neon rolls his shoulders, stepping back from me, then swipes his cell. “Anna, I’m kinda in the middle of—"

  “Slow down, what do you mean?” He changes direction when he says, “Well, who the fuck is he?” Neon’s tone is not happy. “Dammit, Anna! Come to the clubhouse, bring some clothes with you in case you have to stay…

  “Yes, I’ll tell Zero. But I swear, Anna, if this is some twisted stunt… okay, but you know I had to say it.”

  He scrubs at his face like he’s frustrated, then exhales. “Yeah okay, see you soon.” He ends the call letting out a groan. “Well, this is going to go down like a lead fucking balloon.”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Apparently Anna met someone, but when she tried to break it off with him, he threatened to burn her house down… with her inside it.”


  “Yeah, now I have to go tell Zero his ex-fiancée is coming to stay with us…” He swipes his hand over his head. “This should be good.”

  “Want me to come with?”

  “I better tell him in private. I don’t expect it to be pretty.”

  “Good luck. I’m gonna go shower.”

  “I’d rather join you.”

  “Maybe next time you can?”

  He groans, subtly rearranging his cock in his pants. “You’re gonna be either really bad for me or very, very, fucking good. I can’t tell which one yet.”

  “Maybe a little of both.” I can’t help the smirk that forms on my face.

  He leans in kissing me again before turning to walk off.

  Neon will be a good thing for me…

  … but I might just be the worst thing to happen to him.


  After working out with Oakley, then all that sexual innuendo, I’m rock hard and horny as fuck. But the memory of Anna’s call flashes in my mind and, just like that, my boner is gone. I’m fucking furious I have to find Zero and tell him about my sister. I know what he’ll say because I’m thinking the same damn thing.

  Walking into the main room, I find Zero with Cherry sitting on his lap. Great, just what I need. I step over to the loved-up couple.

  Zero bobs his head in greeting as I approach. “What’s up?”

  “Got a call. Can we go talk in the chapel?”

  Zero sits taller, Cherry instantly tensing. “Business or something else?”

  “Something else.”

  “This from someone we know?”

  “Pres, can we go to the chapel?” I don’t want to hurt Cherry by bringing up Anna in front of her.

  Cherry leans in kissing Zero on the cheek. “It’s okay, babe. This is about Anna, right, Neon?”


  Zero groans. “I don’t want to hear it, Neon.” He cuddles into Cherry, smothering himself in her.

  Grimacing, I roll my shoulders. “She’s coming to stay for a while at the club.”

  Zero jerks back, glaring at me. “The fuck she is!”

  “Zero, she’s in troub—”

  “Babe, c’mon, go talk it out. Be reasonable. I dislike her as much as the next guy, but all that aside, there’s history there. She’s a part of this club. Hear what Neon has to say.”

  Zero rubs at his face with a deep groan. I understand. If there’s one thing I’m all too aware about, it’s how Anna likes to cause trouble. It’s a pastime for her, and it drives me fucking insane.

  “Fine.” He lifts Cherry from his lap and stands, then turns to me. “You should have asked my permission before telling Anna she could stay.”

  “You don’t even know the situation, pres.”

  He scoffs. “What I know is it’s probably all bull-fucking-shit!”

  We enter the chapel, and I close the door behind me.

  It still hurts to see my best friend so fucking angry at Anna. I thought they were going to make it. They were in love. She adored him, still does. One mistake tore our happy trio to shreds. Anna’s never forgiven herself. It changed her. Made her manipulative, emotional, and her self-esteem at an all-time low. She blames everyone else for her mistakes. She’s a shell of who she was. This sweet girl we grew up with is gone, replacing her with the body of a broken-hearted disaster.

  “I understand your anger toward her, Zero. But for one second, can we just go back to being Krew, Asher, and Anna? The three kids who grew up together, who would do anything for each other?”

  “But that’s the problem, isn’t it? The three of us have changed from the kids we once were.”

  I exhale pulling out a chair, then slam my ass down into it in frustration. Zero follows my lead sitting next to me. “I understand more than anyone here your hatred for my sister. When she did what she did, she hurt me, too, Zero. It killed me to see you in pain like that, but I had to be there for the both of you.”

  Zero shifts uncomfortably like that thought has only just come to him. “I know. I made it all about me for a while there.”

  “You had every right, Zero. What Anna did to you… that day before your wedding? Honestly, I’m not even sure if I’ve forgiven her for it. But I have to find a way to be her brother, the guy she can always count on because she has no one else… not anymore.”

  Zero dips his chin in understanding. “She leans on you too much.”

  “I know, but she hasn’t been right ever since your breakup, you know that.”

  Zero exhales, leaning his elbows on the table. “Yeah, I do. I’ve watched her morph into this woman I don’t even recognize.”

  “Then you get it, that she needs help. Because she does stupid things.”

  “What’s she done this time?” Zero rubs the back of his neck.

  “She was dating some guy, she left him, and apparently he said he was going to come to her house and burn it down with her inside.”

  Zero grumbles under his breath. “You know anything about this guy?”

  “Honestly, I didn’t know she was seeing someone.”

  “Find out what you can about this so-called boyfriend. If he’s a danger, we’ll pay him a visit.”

  That’s exactly what I was hoping he would say.

  “Thanks, Zero, I mean it. I know it ain’t easy for you.”

  “Anna can stay. But keep her on a tight leash, will you?”

  “I can’t make any promises.”

  “No one can make any promises when it comes to Anna.” We both chuckle, and I stand. “Asher?”

  I turn back, surprised he’s calling me by my name. “Yeah?”

  “I’m glad you stayed. Seeing me spending time with Wraith would have been hard. I was a fucking asshole to you by default. You did nothing wrong… you just—”

  “Reminded you of Anna,” I finish his sentence.

  With that, he nods, rising from his seat, and I follow to pull him into a man hug followed by back slapping and all. “I understand, Krew. I always did. It’s why I stayed. I love you, man,” I clear my throat. “That’s sappy as shit, but it’s true.”

  He pulls back, with along exhale. “Love you, too, brother. Always did. I just ask one thing…”


  “Make sure Anna is set up miles away from mine and Cherry’s room. You got it?”

  I let out a booming laugh. “Sure thing. Maybe we’ll bunk her in with Damir in the closet.”

  Damir is Wraith’s biological brother, but they had no clue about each other until a few months back when Damir and his Triglav clan decided to attack the club to take out Wraith. It’s a long story that revolves around their birth mother and her untimely death at the hands of Wraith. Long story short, Wraith had the chance to kill Damir after the attack, and he didn’t take it. Now, we have him hostage in the club girls’ dressing room known as ‘the closet’ which is split into two sections. ‘The closet’ and the main room, ‘the boudoir.’

  Zero raises his brow. “Actually, that’s not such a bad idea.”

  “You want to lock Anna in with a crimi
nal… at night? No, Zero.”

  “We will split them. Put Damir in the closet and Anna can have the boudoir. We’ll even cuff Damir in if it makes you more comfortable. It will make me feel better knowing she can’t come into our room at night. Neon, for the sake of my relationship, I’m asking you… let me do this? I could, of course fucking enforce it, but I am asking. During the day Anna can come and go, but at night, I want her in the closet… for Cherry’s sake.”

  I get it.

  Anna’s tried to come between Zero and Cherry before. She’ll more than likely try again. I need to ensure things go smoothly this time. “Okay, but during the day she can move about.”

  “You got yourself a deal then.”

  “Fuck! I need a drink.”

  “Me, fucking, too.”

  Not only because Anna’s coming, and Zero and she have this crazy history, but Anna coming here means she’s going to meet Oakley. Anna is extremely protective over me, so I can only imagine how she’s going to go to town on Oakley.



  God help us all.


  After showering, I’m refreshed, but the idea I’m going to meet Neon’s sister hangs over me. From all accounts, Anna is troubled. I hope we can find common ground in Neon. That me liking her brother is enough for her to be okay with me.

  Sitting at a table with Prinie while she feeds baby Sephy, I smile at the doting mother. She’s so calm in herself as I watch while sipping on my beer.

  “Man, I would give anything for a whiskey right now,” Prinie whines.

  “Oh, want me to get you one?”

  She moans like this is the best idea ever. “If only! With breastfeeding… what I ingest, Sephy ingests. So, better not. I haven’t had a drink since I got pregnant. Honestly, I want everything that’s bad for me right now.”

  “But you’re doing such a great job. Look at that angel. It’s all worth it.”

  “You don’t know the half of what we went through at the start of my pregnancy. Sephy really was a miracle baby.”

  Warmth floods my senses at the way Prinie is staring at her child. “Well, you’re doing a fine job with her, Momma.”

  “Thanks… you want kids one day?”

  “My parents practically demand it.”

  “Family running your life, huh? We know all about that, don’t we, Sephy?”

  I exhale sitting back taking in the calm atmosphere of the clubhouse. “What is it like?”


  “Being a part of the club?”

  Prinie tries to hide her smile. “Oh, that… well, for the longest time I fought it. This place can be a nightmare when we’re attacked. It’s hard to lose people we love, and that thought is always at the back of my mind. But the rest of the time, we’re the closest family unit you’ll ever know. Every guy has his own quirks, but that doesn’t mean we love anyone more or less than the other. Brotherhood means unity, family, kinship. We’re united in everything… always having each other’s backs. There’s something so fucking soothing in that.”

  My entire body alights in pride. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard. At the Heathens, it was all infighting and chaos. Here, they really do love and respect each other.

  A commotion erupts suddenly from the entryway of the clubhouse.

  Prinie and I both glance over to see Neon and a beautiful woman walk in. She’s tall, has shoulder-length black hair, and is so done up she’s like something from a Kardashian television series. She’s gorgeous. I scan down at myself in my ripped jeans and white tank—plain old Jane—and grimace. She’s going to think I’m nowhere near good enough for her brother with how fancy she is.

  Anna enters the room.

  Everyone stops.

  The atmosphere instantly tenses.

  Most of the guys turn their heads toward Zero as Anna walks in, waving her hands about while she talks. Zero grunts, turning and storms over to the chapel shutting himself inside.

  “Oakley… prepare for it to be tense here the next few days while she’s here. Anna tends to raise hell wherever she goes,” Prinie informs me.

  “One person can’t really be that bad, can she?”

  Prinie snorts. “Was Rage really that bad?”

  I grimace. “Fair point.”

  “Just be careful, okay? If you like Neon, don’t let Anna bully you. Stand up to her.”

  I hope I am up to the task. I’m not sure if there’s anything between Neon and me, other than chemistry, but I don’t want it to fizzle before I have a chance to find out.

  Neon and Anna walk past me toward the kitchen, Neon carrying two large suitcases as if she is going to be here for a long-ass time. Neon winks at me as he passes, and I smile at him. Anna notices and scowls at me as they walk through the kitchen together. I inhale trying to figure out my next move. Do I sit here and wait for them to come to me, or do I be assertive and go to them?

  I turn to Prinie. “I’m gonna go… um, introduce myself.”

  She snorts. “Good luck, hon… ‘May the odds be ever in your favor,’” she quotes the line from The Hunger Games.

  I chuckle, giving her Katniss Everdeen’s Mocking Jay salute. She laughs as I turn heading for the kitchen. Making my way over, I have no clue what to say or how to act. I’m officially winging this. Stepping through the main room, Sunshine walks with a little girl toward me. I smile at them as she frantically ushers the little girl toward the exit. “Hey, Oakley!”

  “Hey, Sunshine. Who’s your little friend?”

  “This here is my step-daughter, Sadie.”

  “Hi!” the little girl with adorable little ringlets, coos. “We were baking cookies. Then the lady started yelling, so Mom said we should go upstairs to see Dad and Lucas.”

  Sunshine grimaces.

  “Neon and Anna?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty heated in there.”

  “Which room?”

  “I think they’re holding Anna in the boudoir. Listen for the yelling, you should be able to tell which one.”

  “Thanks, Sunshine… nice to meet you, Sadie.”

  “I know!” she boasts, then skips off.

  Sunshine mouths, “Sorry,” then rushes off after her.

  I laugh and make my way through the kitchen, the yelling now becoming exceedingly apparent.

  “But that doesn’t tell me anything, Asher! Why was she smiling at you like that?”

  “Seriously? Why does it matter? We’re here right now for you, Anna, because of the mess you’re in. We are not discussing my love life.”

  “But your life is important to m—”

  “Don’t worry about what I’m doing, Anna. I need to hear about this guy. Why is he threatening you?”

  “Ash, we can get to that. I just need to know… is this serious? You haven’t told me about her at all! You’re keeping things from me, and I don’t like—”

  “You kept that you were seeing a guy from me. Now, he’s threatening to burn down your house with you in it. So… I guess we’re even.”

  “Exactly! That’s what I don’t want for you. Who is this girl? Can she be trusted? How do you know she won’t turn on you like my guy did with me?”

  I race forward knocking on the door, halting their argument in its tracks. It’s quiet for a few seconds, my pulse pounds furiously as I wait for the door to open. When it creaks back, Neon pops his head through, his eyes lighting when he sees me. “Now’s not a good time.”

  “Who is it, Ash?” Anna asks.

  “I just want to introduce myself. Say hi. Welcome her to the clu—”

  “Who the fuck is…” Anna pulls the door back, her eyes droop in disappointment. “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Hi, Anna.” I place my hand out, walking into her room. “I’m Oakley. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “Finally? What do you mean finally? You’ve obviously heard of me, but I’ve yet to hear anything about you. Which can only mean one thing…”

  “Oh y
eah? what’s that?”

  “That you are of little or no consequence to Neon. Therefore, you are none to me… you may go,” she snaps dismissively.

  I widen my eyes at her contemptuous tone.

  “Anna!” Neon berates.

  “What? It’s true, isn’t it? You didn’t talk to me about her, she means nothing, right?”

  Neon glares at his sister. “Not true. It means I didn’t want your judgment so early on in my relationship.”

  “So, she does mean something to you?” Anna scoffs.

  I snap my head to Neon, and he smiles at me. “Of course.”

  Anna grunts. “Well, I hope you’re willing to always come last, Oakley.” She enunciates my name mockingly.

  “What are you talking about now?” Neon questions.

  “The damn club. This place always comes first. Then the brothers. Fuck, even the club whores come before me—”

  “You’re being overly dramatic. Zero never treated you that way.”

  She throws her hands in the air. “I felt it, Ash. As an Old Lady, and I felt it as a sister. I fucking felt it! The club is your priority… yours and Zero’s. I see myself as nothing but trash to you both, that’s all I was worth. So, for trash like Oakley, it’s all she’ll get, too.”

  I jerk my head back in shock at her cutting tone. Neon’s face turns bright red as he reaches out for my hand, but I flinch it away. He shakes his head, appearing deflated. “Oakley—”

  “It’s fine. She might see herself as trash, but I don’t see her that way. I see her as broken. A shell of the woman she was. She’s lashing out at anyone she can to make herself feel better. You might think I’m trash, Anna. Sure, I race bikes and dress casual. Hell, I even fight like a man, but the one thing I will never be is fucking trash. You don’t think I’m good for Neon? Well, that’s your business. May I suggest you go ahead and mind it.” I turn to walk for the door, opening it to walk out.

  “Oakley… Nic?” Neon calls, but I shut the door with a firm click, then continue heading straight to my room to calm my ass down.


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