Lauren laughed loudly. “About time. He’s gotten me a few times. I’m glad he took the bottles though.”
“Me too. We should do this more often.”
“I’m A-Okay with you taking the night shift whenever you want.”
“I think we should go out on a date night soon.” He wagged his brows.
“Don’t push it.” She scowled, marching into the kitchen. “Put him in his bassinet. I’ll make us breakfast.”
One year later….
Balloons and streamers covered nearly the whole downstairs. Max was in his highchair, happily covered from head to toe in cake and giggling. Connor stood against the wall with a beer in his hand, watching Lauren work the room handing out cake and ice cream. Amy was busy cuddling her new baby, another girl, while Riley helped their three older kids settle in at the table.
Bryce had just walked in the door with a lady on his arm, taking them all by surprise. Riley couldn’t resist giving him a hard time, but Connor chose to sit back and observe instead. The women, on the other hand, were sharing those secret looks that only women comprehended. A full conversation transpired between the girls without a word spoken out loud. Bryce was going to be in a world of trouble when Amy or Lauren finally sunk their teeth into him and pressed him for details. Connor didn’t feel the least bit sorry for the man either.
‘Yeah, things are pretty good,’ Connor thought to himself.
“Cake?” Lauren asked, bumping into him on purpose before planting a kiss on his lips.
“Chocolate,” he groaned, tasting the icing from her lips. “Little Minx.”
Lauren giggled and handed over the plate of chocolate cake. Connor sat his beer bottle down before taking a bite. His brows furrowed as he looked at the cake and then back to Lauren. Her smile widened.
“Why are they sprinkles shaped like rattles and booties?” he questioned. “The cake I saw had trucks and planes on it.”
Taking his hand, Lauren tugged him into the privacy of the kitchen before pulling him close and giving him another kiss. “That would be because that piece was made especially for you, Daddy.”
“Lauren,” he groaned in frustration, still not sure what she was getting at.
“Oh come on,” Lauren snorted with humor. “I’m pregnant, you dork!”
“The fuck.” He bit back his own laughter. “We’re having another baby?” His eyes lit up as a smile lifted the corners of his mouth.
“Yes. We,” she kissed him, “Are,” another kiss, “having,” she kissed him again, “another baby,” she rushed the words out before landing another kiss on his lips.
Connor wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her from the ground and spinning her around. “We’re having another baby!”
Lauren’s eyes filled with tears as she beamed at him, nodding her head. “We are.”
“Fuck. I’m so damn happy.” He sat her down and pinned her against the counter, rubbing his hard on against her. “Damn shame there is a house full of people here right now.”
“Stop it, caveman. There will be plenty of time for that tonight after Max crashes from his sugar high.”
Connor was about to protest, but their moment was interrupted by Eliot coming to find them. “Um, I think Max is done, and I love him and all that, but I am not giving him a bath.” He smirked before running out of the kitchen.
Lauren quickly freed herself from Connor’s embrace, leaving him standing there while she retrieved Max. She almost laughed when she heard him groan behind her.
Another baby.
They were having another baby.
His wife was pregnant again.
Lauren had been acting…differently lately. For the past few weeks, he found himself wondering more than a time or two if she was pregnant. But when they decided to try again, and it hadn’t happened in the first few months, she took it hard— harder than he expected her to. While she was beginning to worry, he enjoyed all the ‘trying’.
He had brushed off her recently increased sex drive to the fact that she was really into baby making and determined to get pregnant. It seemed as if he had been wrong and those crazy pregnancy hormones were back again.
Connor smiled and shook his head. He was one lucky bastard.
“Hey,” Bryce stepped in the kitchen with his phone his hand.
“What’s up, man?”
“I gotta roll. Duty calls and all that shit.”
“I hear ya,” Connor chuckled. “You ever gonna give it up, man?”
Bryce looked over at Lacey, the woman he had brought with him. They hadn’t been there more than a few minutes when she hit it off with Amy. Now she was cuddling little Rosie like it was second nature. Bryce could imagine her soothing their own children one day. For the first time in his life, he could see something existing for him outside of the Army.
Connor noticed that glint in his cousin’s eyes immediately. This one was going to be a game changer. It was quite possible that Bryce had finally met his match.
With a shrug he answered, “Who knows? I ain’t as young as I used to be, that’s for sure.” He was trying to play it off as if marriage and babies never crossed his mind.
“You got that right, old man.” Connor slapped him on the back.
“Used to be easy to leave. It’s not the same anymore. Might be time to try something new.” Bryce paused. “Anyway, I’ve got to hit the road, get her back home, and get my ass over to the base. I’ll check in when I can.”
“All right. Take it easy over there and come safely home in one piece. Love you, bro.” Connor hugged his cousin, telling him the same thing he did every time he left. “I’ll let Lauren know. Shit, wait, before you go. Since it might be awhile until I talk to you, Lauren’s pregnant again. Top secret, but I wanted you to know.” He winked.
“Fuck, man. Congratulations. Make sure you email me and keep me posted. I’m happy for you.”
Connor nodded and watched as Bryce wrapped an arm around Lacey’s shoulders and said his goodbyes.
A week later, everything changed. One phone call was all it took to wreck Connor’s world.
“I’m calling to speak with Connor Matheson,” a stern voice stated.
“This is Connor.”
“Mr. Matheson, this is Master Sergeant Joshua Stone. You’re the next of kin for Master Sergeant Bryce Louis Matheson. I’m calling to inform you that he’s been injured in action. He’s stable and being transferred to Landstuhl Army Medical Center. Unfortunately, I have no further information at this time. Once he has arrived, or if anything changes, I’ll be able to contact you with an update.”
“Holy shit,” Connor whispered under his breath.
In all the years Bryce had been in the Army, Connor had never received a call like this.
To Be Continued…
When I started putting these words on paper, it was just a wild dream, but more than a year later – here I am. I wouldn’t be here without my wonderful team behind me. I’m hoping I don’t leave anyone out, and please don’t hate me if I do. I mean it when I say, each and every one of you reading this has meant the world to me.
Someone who has become very near and dear to me, my friend, Maria Vickers – you have played such an inspirational role in my journey toward hitting publish. From talking me off the ledge, to pushing me forward, all the advice and most of all your friendship. You, my friend, are simply amazing.
My blog squad – the girls at Smokin’ Hot Reads Book Blog. Krista, Jamie, and Maria – you all took a chance on me and welcomed me into your world. Letting me blog beside you and sharing your friendship. I’ve learned so much about the industry from the backside and have a new-found appreciation for the bloggers who truly make this Indie world go around. Your support means the world to me. I had no idea when I joined on that I was also finding three very awesome friends too.
My betas – Becky, Brittany, Lisa, Amber, Kaitlyn and Maria. Your suggestions and input is truly invaluable. You each have helped mold this book into what it is. You ma
ke me better ;)
Kimberly Bracco and T E Black – you two, where can I even start? I have met so many wonderful people because of the connections I’ve made thru you both. I hope I’ve got half the talent in my fingers as the two of you. I have loved every minute of our friendship and your mentorship.
My husband – you refused to let me give up this dream. Your encouragement is unsurmountable. Thank you for being you, for sticking by me and even inspiring the ideals of some of my characters. Your excitement when I share any book news with you keeps me going. I love you!
The Twins – may you never read more than this paragraph right here. You both inspire me to be a better person. You show me what true perseverance is and you’ve allowed me the opportunity to do what I do.
My mom – my original beta reader. Oh good Lord, I cannot believe I let you read what I’ve wrote. But it was all worth it to hear you say you were proud. Even if you might be a little biased.
To all the bloggers – THANK YOU! Seriously, I wouldn’t be here without you.
Jenn W– thank you too for every piece of help and advice you gave along the way. I cherish our friendship.
Kennedy at Cover Crush Designs – thank you for knocking this cover out of the park. It’s been a blast working with you. I love your imagination.
To my girls – Kimberly, Ashley, and Crystal, you’ve always had my back and cheered me along. Thank you for supporting my kind of crazy.
Aubree Valentine lives with her husband, twins, and her dogs in Southcentral Pennsylvania. She’s has always been a writer, from short stories to just ‘words’ from her heart, wanting nothing more, than to one-day push publish on a work of her own. The desire to chase her dreams only grew as she got her start in the Indie world as a PA for two amazing authors, and began blogging along with the girls at Smokin’ Hot Reads Book Blog. As her kids approached school age, she decided it was finally time to take the leap of faith. When she’s not writing, she can be found chasing after her twins or her dogs, curled with a good book or still working with some of her favorite authors.
She loves meeting new people and interacting with other readers.
For More Information:
Take Back My Heart (Come Back To Me) Page 17