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Philip's Rules (Bridal Discipline Book 1)

Page 13

by Golden Angel

  Chuckling, her husband released her nipple, leaving both of the buds looking like dark, ripe berries on the soft mounds of her breasts.

  "Oh no, sweetheart. Your whole body is mine to touch and claim." His hazel eyes bore into hers, glowing with an inner, golden light. Cordelia quaked at the absolute confidence in them as he massaged her little hole, making her gasp with mortification.

  Marjorie had told her to be open-minded, but this was too much! She squeaked and tried to twist away, tugging at her bonds, not even realizing that her pussy was creaming even more as Philip touched her so inappropriately. Not that it would have mattered; Cordelia was too modest to care that it aroused her or that it felt good, in fact, that reaction would only embarrass her more.

  "Mine," Philip said, his voice brooking no room for disagreement. He scooted down the bed, settling himself between her legs. This was something Cordelia was more comfortable with - until he slid his hands beneath her bottom and lifted her up, tucking a pillow under her to hold her in place, and pressed his mouth to the same spot his finger had been teasing!

  Her body bucked as she shrieked, entirely helpless to stop him from the scandalous activity.

  Even worse, she was finally starting to notice how good it felt.

  Her legs kicked, but Philip wrapped his arms around each of her thighs, his shoulders pushing against the backs of them, and he actually lifted her lower body, spreading her buttocks even further as his tongue lashed at her.

  "Please, Philip! Nooooooo..." Her denial was directed more to herself as her body shuddered with the kind of hot arousal that preceded an orgasm.

  But she couldn't possibly... it was too perverse, too dirty... no matter how much of a hussy she'd become, this was just wrong!

  She sighed with relief as he let her body drop back down onto the pillow, and his mouth moved up to the folds of her aching pussy. Still quivering from the shocking realization that he could pleasure her other, more private area, Cordelia was even more flabbergasted when his finger suddenly pressed against her anus as he slid his tongue up the center of her wet slit. Crying out, her body tightened and then relaxed, allowing him to actually push his finger inside of her.

  It felt so strangely full, having something inserted into her fundament; there was a slight burning sensation as her bottom hole stretched and all the nerve endings around it came to life.

  "Oh no... Philip... no, I can't... please..." Cordelia wailed as his lips closed over her clitoris and she climaxed, humiliatingly with his finger in her bottom.

  The ecstasy washed over her, swirling around her, making her bottom tighten around the invader and sending her pleasure soaring higher – and, for a few glorious moments, she forgot to be embarrassed.


  Groaning, his mouth coated with his wife's sweet honey, Philip slid his finger out of her grasping, virginal ass. He knew he'd outraged her sense of modesty, but he'd needed to know how she would react. Because one day he was going to claim every last inch of her body, including that forbidden hole, and he didn't want her fighting him. Considering her mortification and pleas, he might preserve her bottom for punishments... going by her reaction, it was sure to be effective.

  Her whole body was flushed from her climax, her lips parted as she panted for breath, pussy glossy with her cream. And he was as hard as a rock.

  The pillow he'd placed under her ass tilted her up in the most delightful way, making it easy for him to press his cock to her glistening folds and slide right in, all the way to the hilt with one thrust. Cordelia shrieked, her back arching and thrusting her breasts up to him, exposing the long line of her neck, as he rubbed himself all along her swollen, sensitive tissues. She was delightfully sensitive from her orgasm, her clit stood out, red and puffy, from her pussy folds, and he reached down to rub the little nubbin.

  The inarticulate cry she let out as her pussy clamped down around him was half pleading, half begging, with just a touch of denial. Helpless before him, she was his to torment with erotic pleasure, his to conquer and possess, and his to use for his need. She was so sensitive from her orgasm that touching her clit so directly made her look almost pained as she writhed for him, her pussy rippling around his cock, massaging the entire length.

  Giving the little bud one last pinch, Philip leaned forward and began to plow into her as hard and fast as he wanted to - as he needed to - knowing she could take it. Cordelia wailed as he split her open, his cock pulsing thickly with need as he pounded into her, her legs wrapping around his hips as she hung on for dear life. He knew if her arms were free, they'd be doing the same...

  One day he was going to tie down all four limbs and play with her body to his heart's content.

  The very image sent him over the edge, and he let out a hoarse cry as his seed boiled up from his balls and went shooting into her womb. Cordelia was already shuddering around him, screaming out her own pleasure for the second time, tears leaking from her eyes at the intensity of her orgasm. She'd enjoyed the rough ride as much as he had - maybe even more. The knowledge had his cock squeezing out several more ropes of cream, before he half collapsed over her, his forehead pressing against her shoulder.

  Cordelia whimpered, shuddering beneath him as the last quakes of her pleasure shivered through her. Her legs tightened and released, reminding him that her arms were still bound. and his cock jerked inside of her.

  Keeping her like this, tied up and at his mercy in their bed, was all too tempting.

  Chapter 9

  Scowling, Philip sent the maid scampering from the room to fetch Gabrielle, with the stricture that if she didn't come down for meals then from now on she would go without, and Cordelia bit her lip in worry.

  "Philip, perhaps we should let her have another night..."

  "No," he said firmly, taking Cordelia's hand in his, his fingers trailing over the large pearl bracelet she had on her wrist. She wore a matching one on the other wrist, concealing the slight redness that lingered on her skin from the night before.

  Just looking at the bracelets made her blush. She still couldn't believe some of the things he'd done to her last night. Touching her in her most private area. Licking her there. Putting his finger inside of her... And then the savage way he'd taken her afterwards... which she'd responded to with a kind of madcap passion that had her questioning her sanity. But she'd loved it. Loved feeling him lose control...

  Then he'd kept her tied down and crawled up to kneel over her chest, putting his half-hard member to her lips and having her lick him clean. It had been utterly scandalous, but she'd been so hazy with pleasure, so desirous of pleasing him, that she'd done it immediately. The taste of their sex had been decadent and wicked, and his eyes had glittered while he'd watched her do it.

  When she'd finished, his cock had been on the rise again, and he turned her onto her stomach, spanked her bottom a half dozen times - not very hard at all, but enough to remind her she'd been spanked much harder the day before - and then taken her from behind. With her wrists still tied to the headboard.

  All of it had been shamefully exhilarating. Which was probably why she blushed just to think of it.

  Her blush deepened when Trevalen entered the drawing room, Mr. Hood directly behind him. Not that any of them could read her thoughts, of course, but just to be thinking about such things in the presence of others...

  She was not used to this at all.

  "Mr. Hood," Trevalen announced before bowing and retreating.

  "Felix, good to see you," Philip said, releasing Cordelia's hand and going to greet his friend, giving her a moment to compose herself.

  Philip had invited his friend over for dinner, which Cordelia was glad about. He could have just as easily gone out and left her alone at home, with Gabrielle, but he seemed loathe to leave her. In fact, he'd been incredibly attentive all day, seeing to her every need and being quite gentle with her. She couldn't help but wonder if he felt guilty for how rigorous their love-making had been last night, as she'd told him she was t
oo sore to accommodate him this morning.

  Even now her womanhood throbbed gently, although she felt much more comfortable than she had earlier in the day. Certainly she didn't mind the after effects, she felt the pleasure had been more than worth it.

  "Lady Dunbury," Felix said, as Cordelia lifted her hand to meet his, and he bowed over it. He gave her a rakish wink that had her giggling and Philip growling in mock disapproval.

  "Mr. Hood," she replied, giving him a serene smile. As handsome and charming as he was, for her, he didn't hold a candle to her husband. "Please, call me Cordelia. As you are my husband's closest friend, I'd prefer to dispense with the formalities."

  "Then you must call me Felix," he replied, giving Philip another grin and a wink.

  His dark eyes moved to the doorway and widened, making Cordelia and Philip both turn round to see what he was looking at. Gabrielle stood there, in a cream colored dress that made her skin look like ivory, her light brown hair seem richer in color, and her green eyes even brighter. Of course, the brightness in her eyes might have something to do with the way they were flashing at Felix.

  Sensing a tantrum, Cordelia stepped forward, putting her brightest smile on her face. "Gabrielle, you look lovely. I'm so glad you felt well enough to come down for dinner. You remember Mr. Hood?"

  Sniffing haughtily, Gabrielle focused on Cordelia, snubbing both Felix and Philip by not greeting either of them. "I have a megrim, and I would have preferred a tray in my room." She blinked, pressing her fingers delicately to her temple.

  Cordelia made a noise of sympathy, but Philip gripped her arm, and she subsided, biting down on her lip again.

  "Thank you for braving the pain to join us," Philip said, but, unlike Cordelia, his tone was flat and frankly disbelieving. Gabrielle looked at him, color rising in her cheeks, and then her gaze skittered away. "Let us adjourn to the dining room. Felix, if you wouldn't mind leading Gabrielle in?"

  "I would mind," Gabrielle snapped, her megrim apparently forgotten as she glared at Felix with plenty of heat, not looking at all pained, as he stepped forward. His black brows snapped down, making him look quite threatening, Cordelia realized. No wonder Gabrielle was wary of him. After all, he had threatened to spank her before, and now that she'd experienced it under Philip's hand...

  "Being rude will not get you sent to your room, but it will get you something else," Philip said, his voice stern. All color drained from Gabrielle's face.

  "Here," Cordelia said, intervening desperately. As much as she appreciated Philip's appreciation of herself, she did think he was rather hard on Gabrielle at times. "Philip, darling, why don't you lead Gabrielle in, and I will take Felix's arm." She smiled at the other man. "After all, I am the hostess for the evening, it would be unkind of me to leave our guest bereft."

  Truthfully, it would only be a social faux pas if this were an actual gathering; with it being such a small and intimate dinner, Cordelia wasn't actually playing hostess, but it was the only excuse she could come up with so quickly. Philip frowned at her, but nodded his head, acquiescing to her wish. To her relief, although Gabrielle still looked unhappy, she didn't protest. Despite the fact that he was the one who had actually spanked her, she obviously considered Philip the lesser of the two evils.

  As Philip led the way towards the dining room, Felix smiled down at Cordelia, her slim fingers wrapped around his arm. "I hope my friend knows how lucky he is to have such a charming and thoughtful wife." He lowered his voice to a loud whisper, which was clearly audible despite his pretense. "If he doesn't, you could always run away with me."

  Giggling, Cordelia blushed, shaking her head at him as Philip shot a superior looking glance over his shoulder at Felix.

  "As if she'd choose a scoundrel like you over an upstanding gentleman like me."

  "Upstanding?" Felix scoffed. "Why, Cordelia, the stories I could tell you -"

  "Don't you dare!"

  What could have been an actual argument between friends was, instead, filled with mirth, teasing looks, and entirely empty threats. Cordelia couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. While Philip was certainly quick-witted on his own, Felix did bring out an even more playful side to him. The two of them were highly entertaining together, the only tension coming from Gabrielle. Cordelia managed to smooth over each instance of rudeness from her stepdaughter, but it was becoming more and more stressful as the meal progressed.


  Despite enjoying having his friend over for dinner, Philip was becoming more and more concerned about both Gabrielle and his wife. Somehow, Felix seemed to be bringing out the worst in Gabrielle, and the more charming he was, the more agitated she became, and the more conciliatory Cordelia became. His wife was spending far too much time trying to placate her stepdaughter, to the point where she was almost dismissive of him.

  It was not a pleasant feeling to have his wife more concerned with someone else's state of being over her husband's.

  Gabrielle was more than old enough to take responsibility for her own behavior, but for some reason Cordelia couldn't see that. He realized she thought he was unnecessarily harsh with Gabrielle, but she didn't seem to realize how her own behavior fed into Gabrielle's rudeness. It seemed if she had to choose between him and Gabrielle, Gabrielle was going to win.

  Keeping a pleasant expression on his face, he did his best to ignore the way Cordelia catered to Gabrielle throughout their meal.

  He also decided he would have to have a talk with his friend later. While Felix wasn't doing anything other than being particularly charming, it was clear his charm was grating on Gabrielle for some reason. It seemed Felix was enjoying needling her, but it led to rudeness on Gabrielle's part, glowering on Philip's, and then Cordelia doing her best to deflect. Which, while Felix wasn't to blame for Gabrielle's incivility, he wasn't helping the situation either, and Philip wanted to know why.

  Normally, in the face of rudeness, Felix would ignore the perpetrator. And Philip hadn't forgotten that his friend had, in a roundabout way, offered for Gabrielle with just two of Philip's hunting pups as a dowry. At the time, Philip had thought Felix found the girl beautiful, which she was, but had been joking all the same. Now he couldn't help but think that perhaps Felix was attracted by the disdain of a woman, since normally the female sex fawned on him.

  All in all, the dinner was filled with highs and lows for Philip. He was glad his wife and his best friend were becoming fast friends themselves, and worried over Cordelia's continued supplication to Gabrielle's moods. Especially because he could see covering for Gabrielle's rudeness made Cordelia distressed. Surely she realized neither he nor Felix thought Gabrielle's behavior somehow reflected upon Cordelia?

  Then again, perhaps she was just worried that Gabrielle might erupt from barely concealed snideness to an actual tantrum. Which was not her responsibility to prevent.

  It was rather eye opening, even if it did leave him feeling disgruntled.

  After the meal, the ladies retired to the drawing room, leaving Philip and Felix to their cigars and port. Philip couldn't help but glower at his friend.

  "Sorry, old chap," Felix said, although he didn't exactly look abashed as he shrugged. "Something about the girl gets under my skin."

  "Well if I can't take you to task for not controlling yourself, how am I supposed to justify doing so to her?" Philip asked irritably, although that wouldn't stop him if he really felt it were necessary. He'd been tempted to do so tonight, but Cordelia's little pleading glances had stopped him every time. At some point, he was going to put his foot down. If Felix hadn't been here tonight, he probably already would have, but he hadn't wanted to distress Cordelia further by asserting himself in front of company.

  "I was nothing but charm and civility personified," Felix pointed out.

  "Especially after you realized how much it bothered her," Philip retorted dryly.

  His friend shrugged, giving him an unrepentant grin, but there was a crease in his forehead as well. As if he couldn't underst
and why Gabrielle was so set against him. Philip was fairly certain it had something to do with the spanking Felix had threatened her with; he was quite sure Gabrielle was the type to hold a grudge. Although, he could certainly attest to the fact that a spanking improved her attitude somewhat. She'd done her best to pretend Philip didn't exist, and he absolutely considered that an improvement over her previous attempts at manipulation and rudeness.

  "Females," Felix said, shrugging again as he sipped his port. "Who can understand them?"


  "I can't believe you let that man humiliate me like that!" Gabrielle spat out, glaring at Cordelia as she stalked through the drawing room, too wound up to sit down.

  Sinking down onto the chaise, Cordelia put her fingers to her temples. She had a throbbing headache. The dinner had started off pleasantly enough, but by the end of it she'd been despairing of keeping the peace. She also knew Philip wasn't happy with her for protecting Gabrielle the way she had, but at least he hadn't stopped the dinner or taken Gabrielle to task during it. That would have only resulted in an eruption from Gabrielle and a much higher level of unpleasantness. Yet, somehow she felt Philip was somehow disappointed in her for trying to keep things pleasant, and she didn't understand that at all.

  "Cordelia! Are you even listening to me?!"

  "Yes, Gabrielle, but I don't understand why you think Felix humiliated you," Cordelia said, rubbing her temples, which brought her a modicum of relief.

  "He was mocking me the entire evening! You know very well that he threatened to beat me, but all evening he was prodding me and pointing out all of my deficiencies! 'The balls are absolute crushes, Miss Astley, as I'm sure you'll discover.' 'Lilac is already the fashionable color of the Season, Miss Astley, did you know?' 'Everyone is talking about Kean as Shylock, perhaps you'll be able to see him this Season, Miss Astley.'" To Cordelia's surprise, Gabrielle actually did a fairly creditable imitation of Felix's purring tones, although she didn't remember Felix sounding quite as condescending as Gabrielle's mimicry made him sound. But if that was how Gabrielle had heard him, she could understand how Gabrielle ended up feeling mocked.


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