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Starfire and The Planet Killer

Page 11

by Christine Westhead

  "I always knew it would happen."

  "Hey," said Raan, as he looked at his comlink. "We'd better get ready for this banquet or the guest of honour is going to be late."

  "I would prefer to stay here, Major," began Delta Ten, making another choice against the group majority. "If you could convey my apologies to his highness and think up an excuse for my absence, I would like to search the Palace for the main computer. I have seen several terminals, but they are for service use only. There must be a control here somewhere."

  "While everyone is at the banquet would be the perfect time to look," admitted Erion. "I'll say you have to check on the ship or something. Just keep in touch." She disappeared into her dressing room and returned half an hour later, dressed in her finery.

  "How do I look?" Erion gave her audience a twirl.

  "Wow!" grinned Raan. "You'll knock 'em dead!"

  "Naturally," smiled Erion. "Zip me up, would you, Lieutenant."

  "You look like a great big cake," smirked Starfire.

  "Well, actually I think it is rather overdone too, but the dress was sent by the King's personal messenger. It has some sort of special significance." Erion studied herself in the full length gilt mirror on the wall. A skin tight, low cut bodice of hand embroidered pure white satin tapered down to be gathered in a wide, pale blue sash. Yards and yards of frothy silk and lace ballooned from her slender waist to trail across the floor behind her. She wore a diamond and sapphire tiara and further diamonds glittered at her ears, throat and wrists.

  "You don't look so bad yourself," she said to Raan, who was wearing the full dress uniform of a Katraian Captain, complete with ceremonial blue sash and a wide bladed cutlass. The whole ensemble was finished off with knee high shiny black boots complete with silver spurs.

  "Look at the hired help," he sneered at Hal and Starfire. The latter gave a lofty sniff and elbowed him away from the mirror to examine herself. Dismissing out of hand the idea of wearing a dress, she had dispatched Delta Ten to fetch her grey silk, trouser suit from the ship. Her only jewellery was a diamond brooch which depicted the Terrellian star system, with a rare yellow diamond in the centre for the sun. Apart from changing his shirt for one of soft, white cotton, Hal was dressed as before. They both retained their gun belts and weapons and Starfire still wore her flat shoes.

  "You look like pall bearers," Erion sighed. "Haven't you anything more jolly?"

  "No." said Hal, darkly, giving the opinion that even if there was something more jolly available, he would rather eat broken glass than wear it.

  "Well, it's too late to change now." began Erion, "just walk a long way behind us that's all."

  "Well thank you most to death, Your Highness," said Starfire, sarcastically. "Let's get to this shindig. I can't wait to meet Prince Charming."

  Prince Charming was waiting for them at the huge double doors which led into the hall. If anything, he was even more handsome than his hologram. Giving Erion a dazzling smile, he stepped forward and bowed low, his long dark copper hair brushing her hands as he took them in his own and kissed them both.

  "You are even more beautiful than my father described," he said. He looked up at the other three and bowed slightly to each in turn. "I would like to thank you for bringing Erion to us." He raised his arm, "I should by rights escort my sister in to the ball, but alas, she is late. Would you do me the honour?"

  "Of course, your highness," answered Erion, as she placed her hand on his.

  "Please, call me Farrell." The little party stepped through the doors to the accompaniment of blaring trumpets playing a fanfare. All eyes turned their way and Starfire felt extremely out of place. Raan, however had cultivated his 'extremely handsome, dashing young Captain' pose and strolled at the Prince's side as if they had been close friends for years, smiling broadly. Several tables were dotted about the ballroom, all covered with a sparkling white cloth, on which were silver plates, serving dishes and cutlery. There must have been over fifty people sitting at them, and they all rose as the party entered and bowed or curtsied as Farrell and Erion walked by. Facing them at the end of the room, was a long, oak table, piled with food and fruit, standing on a raised dais. Four high backed chairs were behind it, one of which contained King Lendus, who rose and took Erion's hand as they approached.

  "My dear, you look lovely. He placed Erion next to him, with Prince Farrell on his other side. He turned to Raan. "Young man, the other chair was for my daughter, who unfortunately cannot be with us tonight. An empty place at a banquet top table always draws the eye. Please sit at the Prince's side in his sister's stead."

  "I would be honoured, sir," said Raan solemnly. He duly took his place next to Prince Farrell and hid a grin at the sight of Starfire and Hal sidling off to a small table in the corner, well out of the public eye. The banquet began to the sounds of a pleasant string quintet. The food was delicious and lively conversation abounded. At length, the food was removed and the tables were moved to the side. The little orchestra struck up a lively waltz and Prince Farrell led Erion to the floor to the sound of polite applause.

  As more couples rose to dance, it began to get warm in the hall and two pages walked the length of the massive room to open the twelve foot high glazed doors which ran the whole length of one wall. The sun had almost set and the heady scent of local blossoms wafted into the ballroom from the gardens outside.

  Starfire and Hal sat in their corner, next to a large potted plant, watching the colourful scene. Starfire soon started to get bored, and her gaze wandered across the crowded hall, looking for Erion on the dance floor. A movement from outside one of the windows caught her eye and she leaned forward, wondering if she had been mistaken. She turned to Hal and opened her mouth to tell him, but she caught the look in his eye. He had seen it too.

  "Come on," he muttered, dragging her up onto the dance floor. They weaved through the dancing throngs, caught Raan's eye on the way, then slipped quickly through the end window and out onto the terrace.

  "What is it?" asked Raan, softly.

  "There's somebody out here," whispered Starfire. They stepped out of the window's light and hugged the garden wall, walking towards the darkened corner of the terrace. They followed Hal as he made his way silently down the terrace steps and onto the lawns below. They all crouched down in the dark shadow of a low stone wall and peered into the darkness, eyes and ears straining. Starfire was just beginning to think she imagined it all when she heard the faint sound of something heading towards them. They crouched like statues in the darkness and their eyes gradually made out several figures creeping slowly towards the terrace. Starfire felt Hal tense at her side then he peered over the wall and shouted out,

  "Hold it right there!" He ducked quickly back behind the wall as a rain of bright blue laser bolts flew in their direction. They returned fire, unaware that the music had stopped behind them and curious frightened faces now peered from the comparative safety of the large ballroom. Starfire heard someone shout,

  "Throw it!" and a dark shape ran forward, holding a small humming sphere.

  "Cover me!" yelled Raan and he threw himself forward, drawing the fancy sword at his side. He swung the cutlass, two handed, as if it was a baseball bat, and hit the sphere with the flat side of the blade. There was an echoing, metallic sort of sound and the small sphere rebounded off the side of the cutlass, reversed its direction and headed away from him in a graceful arc. Instantly, the other figures turned and ran away from the Palace and Raan threw himself in a dive back up the steps. Starfire felt herself grabbed by the waist and brought down by Hal, who lay on top of her body behind the terrace wall. In that split second, she realised what was happening and her thoughts turned to Raan, who was out in the open.

  A percussive crack rent the air, making the ground heave and showering them with cascading clods of earth. The screams of those inside the hall added to the din and a thoughtful Estrada turned on the floodlights, which were part of a light show intended for later in the evening. Hal eased him
self up from Starfire and lent her a hand to rise before holstering his own gun. They stepped cautiously out into the brightness, then rushed towards the sprawled figure of Raan, who lay face down, covered with earth and bits of turf, twenty feet from the edge of a small, smoking crater on the lawn below. Ignoring the Palace guards, who were rushing about the grounds, firing their guns in careless abandon at anything that moved, they knelt at his side and Hal gently turned him over. His eyes slowly flickered open and he gazed up at Starfire, who was bending anxiously over him.

  "What the hell happened?" he muttered.

  "You batted away a sonic detonator with your cutlass. You threw yourself back here just before it went off," answered Starfire. "Can you move? Is anything broken?"

  "I'm okay," he muttered and put out his hands for Hal and Starfire to take and heave him onto his feet.

  "Are you all right?" gasped a worried Erion, who had run to them as fast as her flowing dress would allow.

  "Do I look all right?" he asked, darkly, brushing earth from his clothing.

  "Well, now that you ask..." began Erion. At that moment, they were joined by Prince Farrell and his father, the latter looking very confused.

  "What on earth has happened here?" he asked, looking around in a dazed fashion.

  "The rebels attempted to blow us all up, father," began Prince Farrell. "If it had not been for these brave people, many of us would have been killed."

  "We must give them all medals," began the old king, "bestow upon them our highest honours."

  "Yes father, of course we will," said Farrell in a soothing voice. He turned the old king back towards the Palace and led him gently away, throwing the others a look, which said, 'I'll settle the old fool down and see you later.' They nodded and Erion said gently,

  "We'll be in our rooms if you need us."

  "Oh no we won't," snarled Hal out of the corner of his mouth.

  "Why not?" asked Erion.

  "I recognised one of those rebels. It was that bitch of a princess."

  "You mean she was going to blow up her own father?" gasped Starfire. She glanced at Erion. "I don't think much of this family you're marrying into."

  "I'm not struck on them myself," she answered. "Bloodthirsty lot."

  "Well, we can't stay out here all night," began Raan. "Let's head back to our rooms, find Delta Ten and see if he's turned anything up."

  "Here he comes now," said Starfire. They turned and walked towards the Palace, meeting the android as he ran to join them.

  "I gather that rebels planned to blow up the Palace," he said.

  "Yeah," began Raan. "Hal saw the Princess running away."

  "I saw her on my way here," put in Delta Ten. "She was with the King's adviser, Estrada."

  "Did you see where they went?" asked Raan.

  "Yes, I can take you there."

  "Let's get changed first," said Erion, swinging the huge skirt around and heading off up the steps.

  "Good idea," muttered Starfire. "I miss my comfy old boots."

  "Right," began Raan, "we'll change into our fighting gear, then we'll go pay a visit to our little princess."

  Chapter 9

  "There is nobody in the immediate vicinity," stated Delta Ten as he peered around a tall, marble pillar.

  "Good, let's go," snapped Erion. They set off, one at a time, scuttling from pillar to pillar down a wide, marbled hall. They had changed their clothes and Starfire felt much better in her flying suit, bomber jacket and Marine issue boots. Hal was dressed all in black again and added a dark coat that was short enough to allow access to the tied down gun on his right hip. Erion and Delta Ten were dressed in grey, Aurian Marine casuals but Raan wore dark jeans, a white silk shirt and a dark, embroidered jacket. Delta Ten stopped opposite a pair of high, wide, oak doors, carved and inlaid with Golden Bearmyl.

  "Wicked waste," muttered Erion as she joined him. As the name suggested, Golden Bearmyl was the colour of burnished gold, but it glowed and shone with a luminescence like moonlight. It was extremely rare and used mainly in medical instruments, and to see it plastered over the doors like paint aroused her disgust. She nodded to Raan and Hal, who positioned themselves either side of the massive doors. Raan leaned over and banged a door with his gun butt. A loud, hollow thud echoed down the corridor and a male voice called out,

  "Who is it?"

  "Us!" They burst into the room, guns aimed at Rigondal and Estrada. Erion, Starfire and Del quickly followed them and the android carefully closed both the doors and stood with his back to them.

  "You used up your free go, Princess," snarled Hal, aiming at the young woman. She raised up her head, proudly and shouted,

  "You may take our lands and our people, but you will never take our souls!"

  "What?" said Erion.

  "Your evil may have poisoned our planet, but our hearts will remain pure," Princess Rigondal struck a pose like a heroine in melodrama and Erion turned to Estrada,

  "What is she talking about?"

  "Your Federation of Planets!" snapped Estrada.

  "It isn't our Federation of Planets," said Erion.

  "You lie!" Rigondal spat and pointed to them all in turn. "You are Major Erion Dubois, daughter of Colonel Dorian Dubois, you are Captain Neall Raan and you are Lieutenant Tehr Starfire of the Aurian Marine Corps. You," she pointed to Hal, "are wanted for murder all over the galaxy. You are obviously a paid killer for the Federation and you…" she pointed to Delta Ten and tailed off, "well anyway, you are obviously in the employ of the Federation in some way or you would not be with them."

  "Got it all worked out, haven't you?" gritted Raan. He looked at her with disgust. "Your information is out of date, you stupid little fool. We were with the Aurian Marines, but we aren't any more. We're with the Rebel Alliance."

  "You lie!" she spat.

  "Your father's message reached me at a rebel base," stated Erion.

  "Your highness, I think they are speaking the truth," said Estrada.

  "No, they must be with the Federation!" yelped Rigondal, terrified that she might have planned to injure potential allies.

  "We are not with the New Federation," said Erion, drawing herself up to her full height, "nor will we ever be."

  "This is a trick to gain our confidence," stated the Princess, desperately. "All you want is for me to take you to our secret camp, then your troops will come and wipe us out."

  "What troops would these be?" asked Erion, suspiciously.

  "The troops that came here over a week ago and are hiding in the Palace dungeons," put in Estrada, nearly sure that Hal wasn't going to blow his head off. "But surely you would know this."

  "The King has Farrell's ear and he told Father all about it," snarled Rigondal. "Father swore me to secrecy, but my loyalty to Katraia outweighs my loyalty to that traitorous dog of a brother."

  "He has Farrell's ear?" put in a confused Starfire, Royal Court etiquette going right over her head.

  "She means his trust, Lieutenant," explained Erion.

  "Well, I don't care if he's got his ear or his arse," snarled Starfire, "but I do know what will happen if the Federation finds us here unprepared."

  "You're right, Lieutenant," began Erion. "We must get to the ship. We'll have a fighting chance there at least." Hal led the way to the door, opened it and peered out.

  "All clear." They had taken just a few steps down the corridor when Rigondal called them back.

  "Wait!" They turned. "Look, I still don't know whether to believe you or not, but if you are with the Federation, you will know anyway, and if you are not, well you should be told."

  "Told what?" asked Raan.

  "Your ship has been surrounded by Galactic Police troops since this evening."

  "Damn it!" gasped Erion.

  "I knew it," muttered Starfire. "This is a trap for us!"

  "I can't believe that the Federation would attempt to ruin a whole planet just to trap five people," said Estrada quietly. "It is just not economic."

conomics have nothing to do with this, man," began Raan, "this is purely personal."

  "And if Roland can nab another planet of slaves, well it's just a bonus," added Starfire.

  "The question is, what do we do now?" mused Erion to herself. She turned to Rigondal. I have no wish to know the location of your secret base, but can you tell us anywhere we can hide ourselves? At least until we can formulate a plan?" Rigondal still looked doubtful and turned a troubled face to Estrada.

  "What should we do?" Estrada put his arm gently across her shoulders.

  "Take them to the underground caverns and hide them there. I will stay here and continue to inform you of the Prince's plans." He guided the Princess towards his desk. "I will get a message to Raemond and tell him where you have gone." He turned suddenly, whipping the Princess round with him, and pressed a small knife to her throat. "Put your guns down please," he demanded, almost amiably. Five weapons of various types tracked him as he walked across the room, dragging the amazed Princess with him. He reached his desk and stooped slightly, still keeping the knife in its place. He opened a small drawer and took out a little pistol with his free hand. Using the Princess as a shield, he aimed the gun at Hal, whom he rightly perceived as being the most dangerous.

  "I said, put your weapons down," he snarled. This time it was an order. Rigondal appeared to be in shock. Her face paled and she began to tremble in the man's grasp. This fact seemed to please him and he smiled wickedly. "I have triggered a hidden alarm. Guards will soon be here to see what is wrong."

  "But why, Estrada?" Rigondal turned a pale face toward him. "Why would you betray me like this? Only yesterday we planned another attack on my brother."

  "You little fool!" spat Estrada. "You think nothing of Katraia, only of yourself. The New Federation has Kataraia's best interests at heart. With Farrell in control, we will prosper and grow; take our rightful place in the galaxy as equals!"


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