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199 Steps to Love

Page 15

by Pauline George

  “I do taste good, don’t I?”

  “Yes you do.”

  “What about you, Frankie?” Lucy moved down the bed, straight to the apex between Frankie’s thighs. No preamble, but an unquenchable resolve to taste the nectar that was Frankie’s.

  Her hips lifted in a non-verbal communication and Lucy smiled.

  “Don’t be so impatient.”

  With that Lucy pushed Frankie’s legs wider. She could see Frankie’s wetness on her soft curls and she couldn’t wait and let her tongue play over the silky smooth folds. Staying a tease away from Frankie’s clit, she traced her inner lips and pushed her tongue inside.

  “Oh, baby, please, don’t make me beg.”

  “I won’t, just be patient.”

  Lucy sucked on Frankie’s clit and then filled her with two fingers pushing in and almost all the way out. Lucy kept up a rhythm to the thrusts of Frankie’s hips until Frankie tightened around her fingers. Her body went stiff as she shuddered violently into her orgasm. Lucy gentled her thrusts until Frankie relaxed and went limp. At that moment she licked Frankie’s clit until she felt hands on her head stilling her.

  “No more, baby, I think all my bones have melted.”

  Lucy moved up the bed to lie beside Frankie and looked into her eyes. Lucy was a little embarrassed, even after what the pair of them had been up to.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was worried I would disappoint you.”

  “Lucy you wouldn’t have disappointed me at all. Well only by not coming back for a night cap.”

  “My god, Frankie, I’m still turned on big time. What are you doing to me?”

  “Well I know what I’d like to do with you, now I’ve got my breath back.” Frankie's voice was husky with need.

  “Anything, Frankie, anything.”

  “Are you serious, Lucy?”

  “Yes, but I do draw the line at pain.”

  “You and me both, and I know this won’t be painful.”

  Frankie got up and opened her bedside cabinet drawer and pulled out a harness and dildo.

  “Oh my, is that what I think it is?”

  “It is, and if you’re not comfortable with it, I won’t be offended.”

  Lucy thought about Frankie fucking her with the cock and felt her wetness pooling between her legs. Her clit jumped and she knew she’d be comfortable with it.

  “Oh I think I’ll be fine. Why don’t you put it on and you know—” Lucy suddenly came over all nervous, a bit like the first time she had sex with her boyfriend.

  “Lucy, you’re really going to enjoy this. I’ll make sure of that, but you have to tell me if you want us to stop.”

  “The way I’m feeling at the moment, I’ll probably kill you if you stop.”

  Frankie quickly put the harness on and stood looking at Lucy.

  “Well, what do you think? Say something, Lucy. I’m beginning to feel like a fool standing here.” Frankie suddenly looked very embarrassed.

  “I don’t know, Frankie, I was up for it—” Lucy’s voice faded away and she lowered her gaze to the sheet which she pulled up over her bare chest.

  Frankie undid the harness and let it fall to the floor. She climbed on the bed with Lucy and put her arm around her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Frankie. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I suppose I’m not feeling as liberated as I’d like to think.”

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I guess I was caught up in the moment too. Maybe we can save it for another time.”

  “I—maybe we—later—” Lucy didn’t want to upset Frankie.

  “It’s okay honestly, let’s just cuddle up.” Frankie pulled Lucy to her and made sure they were covered.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Lucy woke up with a start and at first was disoriented, then as she came to a little more she realised where she was. Frankie was flat out on her front with her left hand possessively across Lucy’s stomach. Remembering what they’d been up to last night, Lucy was hit with arousal and positioned Frankie's hand on her breast. In response to this Frankie started to roll Lucy’s nipple between her thumb and fingers.

  “This is a nice way to wake up.” Frankie leaned over to kiss Lucy who deepened it.

  “Oh yes, it certainly is, but I have to get back home.”

  “Spoilsport,” Frankie said, as she slapped Lucy’s retreating backside.

  Lucy stood in the shower and grinned to herself as she lathered soap all over her body.

  “Not bad for sixty-two, eh?”

  “Not bad for any age.” Frankie joined her in the shower to help her wash, well that was the intention anyway, until Lucy started to lather soap all over Frankie.

  “Lucy, my god, woman you’re insatiable.”

  “And here I thought you were the sexy young thing.”

  “Mmm, we’ll see about that.”

  They were beginning to turn prune-like when they finally got out of the shower to dress.

  “I can let you have some clean clothes if you want.”

  “You know what, Frankie, I think I’ll be brazen and go commando, but I’ll grab a sweatshirt as you’re offering" .

  Frankie handed her a blue one, which felt very soft against Lucy’s skin as she pulled it on causing her nipples to react. Frankie was right, she was insatiable.

  Lucy dressed then joined Frankie in the kitchen for coffee. They sat opposite each other quietly. Lucy finished her coffee, then sat looking at Frankie.


  “I was wondering what happens now? Is it the protocol to say thanks, I had a great time and I’ll call you, or what?”

  “Let me see, did you have a great time?”

  “Oh god, Frankie, you must know I did.”

  “So yes it’s okay to say that. Next bit, will you call me?”

  “Yes if you give me your number.”

  “Of course I will, and I’d like to see you again.”

  Lucy got up and leaned down to kiss Frankie on the cheek. Frankie twisted her face and captured Lucy’s lips in a deep kiss.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” But even though Lucy still felt aroused she knew that if she was going to be seeing Frankie, then there had to be more than sex between them. Lucy thought that there could be more, despite the age difference, and wanted to explore that.

  “Right, I’ve to go now. I’m having Sunday lunch with Alexi and David so I need to get that completely ravished look off my face. God knows what I’m going to tell her about you.”

  Frankie laughed. “Lucy you’re the mum and Alexi the daughter. Tell her you had a good time, which I take it you did, and leave it at that.”

  “I already told you I did, so stop feeling insecure. If anything I’m the one who should be feeling that way.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well it looks like I may be going out with a woman almost twenty years younger than me.”

  “Don’t tell her if you’re worried about her reaction.”

  “Of course I’ll tell her. I’m not ashamed of it, in fact it’s really good. What do they call a woman going out with a younger one? If I were a man I’d be applauded by my peers and the jealous ones would probably call me a dirty old man.”

  Frankie smiled.

  “Okay I’m off now.” Lucy gave Frankie a quick kiss on the lips and moved out of reach.

  “So do you want to do something during the week? We don’t have to be out late.” Frankie said with a low, suggestive timbre to her voice.

  “As long as I’m in bed by ten, I’d love to do something.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

  “Mmm, I’m sure it can.”

  “I’ll set something up and call you.”

  Lucy took Frankie's phone and keyed in her number.

  “Okay, now I really have to go, thanks for a fantastic night cap.”

  “You’re more than welcome.”

  Lucy walked out the door and down the path.
br />   “Wait up, Lucy, how are you getting home? I can give you a lift if you want.”

  “I can walk, I’m sure it’s not that far and there’s bound to be a bus stop nearby, so don’t worry.”

  “Turn right at the bottom and there’s one just a few yards along the road.”

  Lucy waved as she continued down the path.

  FRANKIE WENT BACK inside and closed the door behind her.

  Lucy seemed to be well into the kudos of going out with someone younger. Mind you, it didn’t bother Frankie as she wasn’t in it for the long haul. She wanted to have a laugh and Lucy was fun to be with. She hoped she and Mandy could get Lucy into bed with them, and soon. Frankie was looking forward to teaching Lucy more about sex with women.

  “Nice one Frankie, Lucy’s a great find. A bit of a shame she didn’t go for the strap-on but—. I just love these newly-out-of-the-closet lesbians. They just can’t get enough sex and boy did she learn fast—wow. She liked my little girl lost act as well, so that should work in my favour.”

  Frankie liked Lucy and enjoyed her company, but couldn’t envisage herself seeing her after the weekend, especially if she could orchestrate a threesome with Mandy. Both Frankie and Mandy had been talking about this recently and wondering where they could find a willing participant with no attachments. Sure they could advertise, but that was not without its problems and they didn’t want to involve any of their friends as they felt that would be too incestuous. Frankie would have to tread very carefully to set it up. The more she thought about going to bed with both Mandy and Lucy the more aroused she became.

  I’ve got to arrange this sooner rather than later.

  With the images of both Mandy and Lucy in the throes of orgasm, Frankie decided to take matters into her own hands and went to find her favourite vibrator.

  Chapter Twelve

  LUCY ARRIVED HOME just as Alexi pulled up in her car.

  Oh dear, now I’ll have to face the music.

  Lucy walked up to the car to greet her.

  “Hi, love, how are you?” Lucy gave Alexi a big hug. “You’re early aren’t you?”

  “I think you’re a bit late, actually.” Alexi grinned. “Oh don’t look so worried, Mum. Did you have a good time?”

  Lucy was feeling a little embarrassed, so she kept quiet until she’d unlocked her front door and they both went inside.

  “I—er—well—er—I stayed at Frankie’s, and before you ask, neither of us slept on the sofa or in the spare room.” Lucy felt better for having got it out into the open. “So do you want tea while you wait for me to get ready?” She went and put the kettle on.

  Alexi followed her into the kitchen and sat at the table as Lucy deliberately busied herself with making the tea.

  Lucy carried on with her task, wondering if she’d said too much. Children didn’t want to know their parents were sexually active and especially didn’t want to know the details.

  Maybe I’ll just keep quiet.

  “So you had a good time, where did you go?”

  Lucy described her evening out with Frankie, stopping at the point where they went back to Frankie’s for a night-cap.

  “I didn’t think you were a fan of one night stands, Mum,” Alexi said.

  If Lucy was surprised at Alexi’s comment, she didn’t show it.

  “I’m still not, and what makes you think it was a one night stand?”

  “You mean you’re going to see her again?” She couldn’t keep the incredulity out of her voice.

  “Yes, and why would you be so surprised at that? Before you say anything, I know there’s an age gap, but neither of us is worried about that. Would it be better if I was going to be seeing someone older than me? I suppose you’d be happier if I was baking cakes and crocheting toilet-roll covers.”

  “Whoa, Mum, that’s not what I want. The age gap isn’t such a big deal, not these days. What I’m worried about is you being with Frankie.”

  “Why, is she some kind of axe murderer?”

  “No, it’s just that she has a bad reputation. She only ever has one night stands, that’s why I’m surprised she wants to see you again.”

  “That was four years ago when she did some work for you. Frankie’s already told me and how she’s changed.”

  “I know, and yes I do realise people can change, but she was also known to be a little more than adventurous about sex.”

  “What on earth do you mean?” Lucy asked. She thought back to Frankie and the strap-on, and blushed at the memory, not to mention the reaction she was now getting.

  “Where did you get all this information, it’s not like you run in lesbian circles?” Lucy knew she sounded terse but she couldn’t help it.

  “From some of her crew, and from Julie, who first introduced me to Frankie. I learnt later that Julie had a fling while her place was being decorated.”

  “Well, maybe she’s turned over a new leaf.”

  “Maybe she has. I hope for your sake that’s the case, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I will anyway, you know that. Mainly because this is all very new for you and your judgement may get clouded with that newness.”

  What Alexi said did make sense, and Lucy knew she was behaving like she’d never had sex before. In a way she supposed she hadn’t, not in the sense of the fulfilment she was now feeling. And the passion, my god it was so much more compared to what she’d had with men. She was enjoying her newly emerging self, and certainly enjoying the sex.

  My god, Lucy you are so bad.

  She brought her thoughts back to what Alexi had said.

  “I know. I would worry about you if the positions were reversed, but honestly, love, I can take care of myself.”

  “Like you did in Yorkshire with Jamie?”

  At the mention of her holiday, Lucy knew it was totally different in as much as it was her heart that needed looking after. With Frankie it was perhaps her sexual well-being that Alexi was referring to. Not surprising, as Frankie and Jamie were as different as chalk and cheese. Frankie was definitely adventurous regarding sex. She was bold and knew what she wanted, and was happy to ask for it. On the other hand, Jamie wasn’t. But then that may not be true for all Lucy knew. Although they’d made love a few times, it was more about exploring what each other liked. It was if they were learning which touch enhanced what pleasure, and then locking it in their memory for later. Maybe there was also the factor that this was all new to Lucy, which Jamie respected and didn’t want to overwhelm her. Frankie didn’t seem to have that thoughtfulness. Lucy came to the conclusion that Jamie wouldn’t be backward in coming forward with regard to sex. Perhaps if Lucy went back to Yorkshire to be with Jamie, they would be more experimental with each other. As it was, if Jamie had paraded around her bedroom in a strap-on would Lucy have run away from her?

  “Yes I would.”


  “Sorry, love, I was thinking out loud.”

  “Look, go and get ready and we’ll be off. I’ve left David in charge of dinner.”

  Lucy went to have a shower, then realised she’d had one at Frankie’s. The memory of which set her juices flowing, and if it wasn’t for Alexi being downstairs—She mentally berated herself for behaving like a horny sixteen-year-old who’d just discovered sex.

  But that’s what had happened. Lucy had found her passionate sexy side and she loved it. She loved sex, and now she couldn’t seem to get enough of it. She’d never felt this way before and was enjoying where her new life was taking her. Lucy knew there would come a time when she’d slow down a tad, but at the moment she was at warp speed. She’d discovered her sexy side and loved the feeling of touching herself, and learning about her body. Not to mention the mind-blowing orgasms she was experiencing. If she didn’t know what she liked, she couldn’t tell her lover what she wanted. She knew what felt good for her so—

  However, Lucy wasn’t naïve enough to think it was going to be roses all
the way. Part of her was worried that she would throw a wobbly, ending up a sobbing mass somewhere. How come she wasn’t like that now? She’d seemingly just fallen into this way of life without a second thought. Well maybe one if she counted running out on Jamie that first time. Frankie had said older women who discovered their sexuality late in life had a high sex drive. Perhaps the answer was as simple as that.

  These thoughts were not helping, so Lucy put them away to get ready for dinner with Alexi and David.

  IT WAS NEARLY nine before Lucy returned home, feeling as if she’d been grilled by the best. MI5 could learn a thing or two from Alexi and David. They’d had their Sunday roast and after the table was cleared, he started the questions. Lucy was sure Alexi had been on the phone with David, giving him all the details while she’d been getting ready. How else would he have known what had happened the night before? She knew they were just concerned for her and wanted to be sure she wasn’t rushing into anything. Lucy had to agree on that front, as it had barely been a couple of weeks since she’d discovered her sexuality, and now she was behaving totally out of character. But she was having fun. It was true, Frankie was very adventurous, and maybe that’s what Lucy needed at the moment. That made her thoughts turn to Jamie and what she’d told Lucy to do. At least she’d been getting some experience that was for sure.

  Lucy suddenly felt as if she was being unfaithful to Jamie but then pulled herself up. Jamie had told her go and explore life in the gay world, and it wasn’t as if they were an item. She ran off before they could actually start anything.

  At that thought, Lucy wondered what might have happened had they not parted. If she was honest, she’d wanted to see where their budding relationship was going to take them. But Lucy was realistic enough to know Jamie was right in not wanting anything to happen until Lucy was really sure of who she was. Playing what ifs wasn’t very productive, especially bearing in mind the long distance nature their relationship would have to endure. That argument didn’t hold water, as there were plenty of relationships that stood the test of time and distance.


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