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6+ Us Makes Eight: A Teacher and Single Dad Romance (Baby Makes Three)

Page 61

by Nicole Elliot

  We were finally getting somewhere.

  “Anyway,” she continued. “He came in a while ago about his knee injury. I probably shouldn’t tell you this…”

  “Now you have to tell me.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “If you don’t tell me, I’ll ask him about it.”

  “No! He’ll know I told you something.” That caught her attention.

  “You worry a lot about what other people think, don’t you?”

  “And you don’t?”

  “Well, people usually love me. Why worry if that’s the general opinion?” I grinned.

  She looked back down at her nearly empty plate.

  “I need to get back. Thanks for dinner.” She placed her napkin on the table and pushed her chair back.

  “Me too,” I said, not wanting to let her see how much I was actually enjoying myself for once. “I’ve got this formula figured out, and I think I have a pop-quiz in one of my classes tomorrow.”

  She looked up with a smile and made eye contact.

  “Sounds like a smart system.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  I left payment on the table and took her back out to my car.

  * * *

  I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, I expected her to invite me in, but she didn’t. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  “That’s not necessary, Austin. But you can call me.”

  “I will,” I said.

  She shut the door. I watched her ass shake back and forth as she walked to her porch.

  I was going to tap that before the semester is over. She would be my ultimate end game.



  When I got inside the apartment, I slammed the door and slid back up against it. Jocelyn looked up from the couch.

  “What?” she asked.

  “He was an asshole, but there’s something about him.”

  “You know he’s just trying to bang you, right?”

  “Why do you always have to be so crude? You’re ruining my mood.”

  “I’m trying to look out for you. He’s fucked almost every girl on campus. Sure, he uses protection, but what about the emotional damage he’s doing?”

  Fine, she had a point. So why when he was with me at dinner did he seem so…normal? Sure, there was tension, but the good kind. The kind that made me ache for more. But he was a player, I was a nerd. We would never work. And Jocelyn was right, I was just another conquest. He wasn’t really into me. But I wouldn’t mind imagining he was.

  In my own private domain, I locked the door and undressed. Naked, I retrieved my Rabbit from my nightstand and slipped under the covers. Before turning it on, I lightly ran my fingers over my stomach then my breasts. My nipples hardened as I imagined Austin completely naked.

  What would he look like hard? I pinched one nipple then the other as I imagined him laying on me and biting them.

  Before I turned the toy on, I heard a buzzing noise. What the hell? My phone! I threw back the covers and dashed to grab it out of my pants pocket.

  Out of breath, I answered with, “Hello?”

  “Hey, Brooke. It’s me.”

  “Oh, hey, Austin. How are you?”

  “You just get done running a marathon or something? I dropped you off only a few minutes ago.”

  “No, no…” I laughed. “It was me…I mean, I was…What are you doing? Do you need something?”

  “I can let you go if you’re busy.”

  “No, I’m not. I mean, I was, but…”

  I sighed, taking a deep breath.

  Why couldn’t I make sense when talking to him?

  “Remember to breathe. I can’t bite you over the phone.”

  “You know what? I’m an adult. You’re an adult. I was getting ready for bed.”

  “Oh? Tell me more.”

  “What do you do before bed?”

  “That’s personal and private.”

  “Can’t say that I wouldn’t like to know.”

  “I’m sure you would.”

  I crawled back into bed, accidentally sitting on the vibrator. It turned on, buzzing loudly.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “Um, nothing, it’s just…hold on.”

  I dropped the phone on the mattress and fumbled to turn off the vibrator. When it finally died, I thought briefly about just hanging up on him and turning my phone off. Instead, I picked it up.

  “Are you still there?” I asked, half-hoping he had hung up.

  “I’m still here,” he said in a low, throaty voice. “What are you wearing right now?”

  He didn’t waste any time, did he? Was he really interested? Or was I another notch in his bedpost like Jocelyn said?

  I had to know.

  “What are we doing Austin?”

  “Talking, on the phone. People do it all the time.”

  “People don’t usually ask me what I’m wearing when I talk on the phone.”

  “You’re not talking to the right people then.”

  I sighed.

  “Brooke, we’re having fun. That’s all, no strings attached.”

  For some reason, I was okay with that. I could have fun. Be fun. I could have a good time and let him go. Maybe I was supposed to be another notch on his bedpost. And maybe that was all either of us needed this to be.

  For now.

  “Ask me again.”


  “Ask me what I’m wearing.”

  “What are you wearing, Brooke?”

  “Nothing,” I whispered back. “My eyes are closed. I’m completely naked and under the covers.”

  “If I were there with you, I would turn that back on and run it over your nipples, teasing them.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I moaned.

  My fingers moved between my legs as if they had minds of their own.

  “Go on.”

  “You have a toy there, don’t you? I’m running it lower, across your stomach. It’s still buzzing and vibrating so fast and furious.”


  I rubbed faster, already so wet.

  “When I run it across your pussy, I look up at your face.”

  “Kiss me,” I hissed.

  “I’m kissing you now and rubbing you with my fingers. You’re so wet. I slip my middle finger in your tight, wet pussy.”

  “Yes, Austin…”

  The sound of his name on my lips as I heard his sexy voice in my ear made me rub harder.

  “I wouldn’t be able to stand-by and watch for long.”

  “What would you do to me?”

  “I’d crawl between your legs and look into your beautiful green eyes…”

  “They’re hazel,” I interrupted, breathing heavily. “But go on.”

  He chuckled then continued.

  “I’d put my big dick inside you. Each time I thrust, it hits your g-spot perfectly.”

  Is he touching himself now? That cock. I wanted it inside me.

  “You like that?” he asked then moaned.


  Dirty words were replaced with moans and groans for a minute or so.

  “Say my name,” I begged.

  “Oh, Brooke…”


  “I’m fucking you so hard.”

  “Fuck me, Austin.”

  He grunted. The primal sound pushed me over the edge.

  “Yes, yes, yes…”

  I stifled my cries, almost forgetting Jocelyn in the next room.

  “So,” he said, trying to catch his breath. “That’s safe-sex, huh?”

  I laughed, overwhelmed with joy, confusion, fear and other emotions without names.

  “Oh my, I can’t believe we…”

  “Shhh,” he said, cutting me off. “How do you feel about pizza on campus tomorrow night?”

  “At Marticello's? You’re not ashamed of taking me there with all your friends?”

  “I wouldn’t ask if I were ashamed of you in an
y way. Don’t you get it? You’re so damn hot, and smart.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “I’ve just heard things about you.”

  Why do I keep laying everything on the line with him?

  “Yeah, I have a reputation, but I’m always safe. I work hard and play even harder.”

  This was something, I don’t know what exactly this was, but I should go. “I’d love to have pizza with you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll send you a text in the morning.”

  “Do that,” I said. “And let’s keep this…”

  “…a secret.”

  Did he just finish my sentence?

  “Goodnight, Austin.”

  “Night, Brooke.”

  I had no idea what had gotten into me. But if things with Austin were supposed to be fun and simple, seeing him two nights in a row was anything but.



  The next night, he picked me up in his flashy Camaro that fit his attitude so well. On the way to Marticello's on campus, we made small talk, neither of us mentioning what had happened on the phone the night before.

  In the parking lot, he took my hand in his and proudly led me down the main drag in the middle of campus. All the rich students, jocks and superstars of one sort or another hung out there constantly. People like me, a boring sports med student, did not belong.

  “Don’t look so nervous,” he said, squeezing my hand. “We’re on a date.”

  “I didn’t agree to a date, did I?” I teased.

  He laughed.

  “You did, and I’m holding you to it. A good slice of pizza and some fun with friends will be good for both of us.”

  “I’m surprised you eat pizza at all.”

  “Like I said last night, I eat what I want and make up for it later in one way or another.”

  As I walked next to him I couldn’t find argument with his system. Especially if I could be the focus of his next workout.

  “Here we go,” he said, opening the door for me.

  I let go of his hand and walked inside, immediately feeling sick as seemingly everyone turned to stare at me.

  “You okay?” he asked as he stood beside me, sensing my discomfort.

  “Yeah, I don’t do well in crowds.”

  “Noted,” he said. “You want to leave?”

  “No, we’re already here. I’ll be fine.”

  Why is this guy even with me?

  “Come on, Trey is over there.”

  I followed him through the crowded establishment, stopping at a booth on the other side. Trey looked up and smiled, his black hair cropped short.

  “What’s up, Austin?”

  “Gonna grab a slice and hang a bit. You know Brooke, right?”

  Trey turned to me and nodded.

  “Yeah, I do. You don’t come here often, do you?”

  “No, too busy working and studying. How’s that knee, by the way?”

  His face grew pale.

  “Fine,” he said. “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

  “Yeah, see ya, fellas,” Austin said then turned.

  After we had walked a few feet to another booth, he whispered into my ear, “You have to tell me that story about Trey.”

  “I can’t. Patient and doctor confidentiality and all that.”

  “You’re not a doctor, are you?”

  “No, but I plan on being a Nurse Practitioner, which is practically the same thing.”

  He sat down. I took a seat on the bench across from him.

  “You have a lot of years of school left then, huh?” he asked.

  “Too many. I’m going to be in debt for years.”

  “Unless you find a rich husband.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. Luckily, a waitress walked up, leaning her weight all on one leg, her hip sticking out.

  “What can I get you two?” she asked, a pen in her hand poised above an order pad.

  “Two slices of the Thin Max Style and a pitcher of water,” Austin said then turned to me. “Did you want something else?”

  I shook my head, loving that he took charge.

  “That’s great.”

  “Be right back,” the woman said.

  “Thanks, Janice.”

  After she walked away, I asked, “You know her?”

  “Not well, but I’m in here enough. It’s the place to be social if you don’t drink alcohol.”

  “You don’t drink? Ever?”

  “Not during season. Sometimes in the summer. I don’t get all the fuss. It can be fun, but it destroys your body for days afterward.”

  “Yeah, but enjoying a glass of red wine once in a while is healthy.”

  “Hell, they’re even saying coffee and chocolate are healthy these days.”

  “You mean they’re not?” I asked with exaggerated shock.

  He laughed.

  “You’re funny.”

  “There you go with the compliments again. You trying to…”

  I stopped talking mid-sentence, not wanting to bring up anything sexual after the night before.

  “We can talk about that later,” he said casually.

  Was he always this calm, cool, and collected??

  The waitress returned with our slices on two paper plates, a pitcher of water with ice, and two glasses. After she set them down, she rushed to the next table, looking frazzled.

  “I do love their pizza here,” I said.

  “Right? It’s the sauce.”

  “Totally the sauce.”

  I picked up a slice then set it back down.

  “Hot, hot, hot…” I said, waving my hand.


  He picked up the pitcher and poured me a glass of water and ice.

  “Wrap your hand around that,” he said.

  I giggled.

  “You tell that to all the women, right?”

  He cracked a smile.

  “Just do it.”

  I did, my hand feeling better.

  “I’m a nurse. I do know cold helps with burns.”

  He poured himself a glass of water.

  “Take it back, bitch!” someone yelled across the restaurant.

  I spun my head around. My heart sank as I saw one of the guys who had accosted me. He was holding a plate toward Janice. She glanced around looking nervous.

  To my surprise, Austin got to his feet and walked over to the commotion. I stood and followed, standing five or ten feet away from him. Derek, the asshole, noticed me and grinned.

  “Here’s another worthless bitch. Did someone blow a dog whistle or something?” He turned to the waitress. “Take this shit back.”

  “Just throw it away. I’ll bring you another slice.”

  Derek threw the plate and pizza at her. It landed on her chest then slid down.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Austin asked, stepping closer to their table.

  Two other guys, also wearing polo-shirts, sat across from Derek. Austin stared at them all one by one as if daring any of them to make a move. I felt scared and excited at the same time even though he wasn’t standing up for me.

  “Let’s go, Austin,” I said, grabbing his arm. “You don’t need this shit.”

  “Yeah. Listen to your bitch.”

  In one fluid motion, Austin grabbed the pitcher of beer in the center of their table and threw it on Derek, soaking him. He stood up, pulling his shirt out.

  “What the hell, man?”

  “Oops,” Austin said, shrugging innocently. “Accident. Sorry.”

  “Fuck you it was an accident.”

  Austin glanced to the left then right.

  “You guys saw that, right? I tripped over his pizza slice on the floor and almost killed myself on their table.”

  Derek scowled, his eyebrows pointed down toward his nose and his brow furrowed deeply.

  “You’re going to pay for this,” he said then stormed off toward the door.

  His buddies got out, making sure to stay out of Austin’s way as they scurried after thei
r preppy friend.

  “You okay?” Austin asked Janice.

  “Yeah thanks. I wish they wouldn’t come in here anymore though. Something is always wrong with their order.” She sighed. “I better go clean up. Your pizza’s on me tonight.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Austin began before she stopped him.

  “Yeah it is.”

  “Fucking assholes,” he muttered as she walked away.

  We made it back to our table and finished eating. The rest of the patrons acted as if nothing had happened. By the end of the meal, we were laughing and joking together again.

  * * *

  Back at the apartment, I invited him in, justifying it by telling myself I didn’t want to deal with Jocelyn and all her questions. If I brought Austin in, she would retreat to her bedroom for the night. At least I hoped so as I unlocked the front door.

  “Excuse the mess,” I said as I walked inside.

  Jocelyn looked up from the couch with a smile on her face. It faded as Austin stepped in behind me.

  “Hey, Jocelyn. This is Austin.” I turned to him. “Austin, this is Jocelyn, my roommate.”

  “I’ve seen you on campus, I think,” he said in a friendly tone.

  “I doubt it,” she snapped.

  As she stood and fled to her bedroom in the back of the house, I didn’t even attempt to hide my smile. Austin shut the door then followed me into the living room.

  “Was it something I said?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “She’s just a bit judgmental.”

  I pointed to the couch. “Have a seat.”

  “I’m still not sure what we’re doing here, Austin,” I said, glancing his way.

  We sat down next to each other.

  “You’re not digging my company?”

  “No, no. I had fun. I mean, I’m having fun.”

  He put his hand on my thigh.

  I stared into his dark brown eyes. He leaned forward, tilting his head slightly to the left. I mirrored his actions. Gravity, or some force, drew our bodies closer together.

  Our lips met then moved back before pressing together more passionately. I felt his hand sliding higher, aiming for between my legs. My heart beat faster.

  “Can you two go to your room at least?” Jocelyn asked.

  I glanced up and saw her in the disgusting brown robe with her hands crossed over her chest.

  “Do you mind?” I asked her.


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