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Stolen Hearts

Page 3

by Karen Erickson

  “Tell me you have it now. It’s the least you could do for your old man.”

  “Look, Dad, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are a lot of complications I have to deal with. Give me time, let me finesse the owner before I swipe the bracelet from her display case.” Alex turned the key in his motel door and walked inside the tiny room.

  “Finesse the owner my ass. I heard she’s a pretty little thing. Stop wasting your time trying to get in her panties and bring home that bracelet now, Alex.”

  Alex sat heavily on the edge of the bed, the cheap mattress groaning from his weight. “I’m not trying to get into her panties. That’s your method, not mine.”

  “Ha. Smartass. Listen—you get that necklace back to me within the next seventy-two hours and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “What are you talking about?” He perked to attention at the words “worth your while”, he couldn’t help it. It was part of his nature, the greed, the lure of the money. Yeah, his father had given him a couple grand to make it through his time in Santa Augustina but he hadn’t talked actual payment for the return of the bracelet.

  His father was so eager to have that bracelet he figured the payoff on delivery would be well worth it. Give him enough money to get back on his feet, establish himself so he wouldn’t have to resort to working for his dad on a permanent basis.

  He loved dear old Dad, worried about him and all that but he’d be damned if he was gonna fall back into this life all over again. He needed to start over, start fresh…redeem himself, damn it.

  Problem was, the easy money was hard to stay away from.

  “Ten K for you, but you need to bring it to me in three days’ time.” Alex Sr. paused, his breathing ragged over the phone line. His father wasn’t in the best of health but damn if he didn’t sound outright awful today, worse than usual. Yet another reason to make his dad proud—he wanted to do this before he lost him for good. “Are you up to the challenge, boy?”

  “I’ll try,” he said with a sigh.

  His father grunted. “You’d better do more than try, you’d better get it. And fast.”

  Yet again his father hung up the phone before Alex could get another word in. Frustrated, he tossed the phone on the bedside table and stretched out across the mattress, folding his arms beneath his head.

  Dumb move he’d made, telling Celeste he was taking her out to dinner in front of the cop. He didn’t know what had possessed him. What he should’ve done was turn tail, bolt out of that store and never look back. Forget about her, forget her beautiful face, the sound of her voice, the scent of her skin.

  Ah fuck all that. He needed to think up a plan to sneak back into that old store with the flimsy security system and snag the bracelet. He knew it went into a safe at night but he’d cracked enough of those in his lifetime to not let that little detail worry him. He’d scoped out what little security she had while in the store and realized it wasn’t worth much.

  He sighed. He was tempted, but no way could he get involved with the very woman who was in possession of the item he needed to steal. Not even a quick fuck, much to his disappointment. How long had it been anyway since he’d actually enjoyed a woman? Six months? Yeah, at least six months. A man shouldn’t go that long without sex. It made him think crazy things, maybe even do crazy things.

  She was so beautiful though, in a classy, prim yet sexy way. He had a feeling she would be a wildcat once he stripped those proper clothes off her. Peel away what could only be a cashmere twinset, unhook the sensible pearls, tug the modest skirt off her hips to reveal her body to his gaze. Stroke her soft skin, taste it, taste the very essence of her. She’d writhe and moan beneath him, trying to restrain herself but unable to. Too consumed with lust for him, just as he would be for her.

  Fuck. He leapt from the bed, trying to ignore the raging hard-on straining against his boxer briefs. He’d be better off buying a porn movie off the motel cable versus dreaming about the very pretty, very unattainable Celeste.

  What a damn shame.

  Gazing at the open door of the tiny closet, he saw the white dress shirt and black pants hanging from wire hangers. When he unpacked, he hadn’t known what possessed him to bring the dressier clothes. Not like he had any semiformal events to attend while stealing a bracelet.

  Now he was glad he’d brought them, though they could be newer. Plucking at the pants waistband, he realized they were a little faded, the shirt not necessarily stylish, rather basic and boring. But they were all he had, and they would have to do.

  He shook his head. He still couldn’t believe the complete transformation from his previous life. A life filled with designer clothes, expensive cars and lavish homes. Big parties with plenty of booze flowing and gorgeous women attending. He’d had it all.

  Lost it all too.

  After the first few bitter months behind bars, he’d realized he didn’t miss any of it, didn’t need all that shit. That’s why he hadn’t run to dear old Daddy the minute he’d been sprung. He’d missed him, though. Even missed his old way of life though he hated to admit that. He’d been happy to hear from his father. Had leapt at the chance to come to this shitty tourist town and steal a bracelet his father so desperately wanted.

  Now the idea of an easy ten thousand dollars made the deal even sweeter.

  Celeste’s image flashed in his memory and he closed his eyes. The way she leaned toward him just before Johnny Jackass Cop burst through the door. The hungry look in her eyes as she’d watched him, the breathless sound of her voice when she’d caught him blatantly checking out her rack.

  His eyes popped open. Crap. That ten thousand dollars didn’t sound so easy anymore.

  Deciding to hell with it, Alex went into the bathroom to take a shower and beat off. Get rid of the frustrating erection he’d had since leaving Anderson’s Fine Vintage Jewels.

  He had a feeling it was going to be a long shower.

  * * * * *

  Alex was prompt, Celeste had to give him that. As he walked through the front door at six-thirty on the dot, she couldn’t help the giddy bubble of excitement that bounced in her already nervous stomach. The smile he shot her way when he spotted her caused that excitement to bloom throughout her body, making her warm all over.

  Pressing her fingers to her lips, she assessed him as discreetly as possible. Unbearably handsome in a white button-up shirt and black trousers, she couldn’t help but sigh with approval. At least he didn’t look like a lumberjack, which his outfit from earlier in the day had reminded her of. A sexy lumberjack nevertheless, all rough and rugged and sexy. A look that was a little uncouth for a nice night out for dinner.

  Hmm, who knew rough and rugged was so tempting, though?

  He cleaned up nicely. His hair was raked back from his forehead, so dark it almost seemed to glisten beneath the spotlights scattered throughout the store. A spicy, purely masculine scent wafted in the air and she breathed deeply, unsure if she’d be able to survive the night smelling him. Intoxicating is what he was. Intoxicating to look at, intoxicating to smell and most likely intoxicating to touch.

  Her hands itched to touch him. She clenched them into fists, physically restraining herself from doing so.

  “Are you ready to go?” His deep, rich voice washed over her, making her skin prickle with awareness.

  “Yes, everything’s in the safe, all locked up.” No way would she admit she started closing up shop early just so she could be ready by the time he showed up.

  “Sell my mom’s bracelet today?” His voice was casual, nonchalant, but he seemed to tense, as if he were holding his breath.

  Rolling her eyes, Celeste grabbed her purse from the countertop and walked toward him. Wishing she could wrap her arms around his waist and snuggle against his broad chest. “I wish.”

  His big body visibly relaxed. “Do you think you maybe have it overpriced?”

  “Oh no, it’s truly the most valuable piece in the entire store.” She glanced around, pretending someone could
have overheard. “But that’s just between you and me.”

  “Of course, don’t worry.”

  They exited the store, Celeste careful as she locked the doors tight. Tugging on the door handle, satisfied when it didn’t give, she finally turned to face Alex. She wasn’t about to take any risks with that bracelet inside.

  “Do you have somewhere in mind for dinner?”

  He glanced at her as they walked down the sidewalk. “I was hoping you’d have some ideas since you’re from here. Me just being a visitor and all, I don’t know what’s good.”

  “Oh, so what brings you here?” When she’d been younger, she’d wished she could’ve escaped the almost strangling confines of the small town where she’d spent her entire life. Now, though, she was glad she had stayed. She liked Santa Augustina in all its quaint, small town glory.

  Though she wondered what made people come here sometimes. Especially single, handsome men like Alex.

  “A little vacation. I needed to get away, needed some downtime.” He shrugged those impossibly wide shoulders and smiled down at her. “I just wanted to escape for a bit, gain some me time, I guess. I live in Los Angeles, a total hellhole and rat race that can eat you up inside if you let it.”

  “So you decided to come up the coast?”

  “Yeah, I jumped in my car and just started driving. Took a little vacation time from work and now here I am. It’s a nice town.”

  “Yes, it is. I like it here. And there’s a good restaurant that’s just two streets over. Do you like Italian food?”

  He chuckled. “With a last name like mine, I would have to say yes.”

  Her brow crinkled. “What’s your last name? I don’t think you ever told me.”

  “It’s Moretti.”

  “Ah, so you’re Italian.” That explained the dark hair and dark eyes, the almost exotic look to his swarthy features. Compared to Alex, the men she knew and hung out with seemed so bland and boring—kind of like herself. Nothing special, nothing exciting.

  Excitement seemed to shimmer off Alex. He was completely different from any of the men she’d dated in the past. Someone she’d consider not her type at all but was undeniably attracted to all the same. An attraction she would normally fight off or ignore but she realized tonight, she didn’t want to.

  She wanted to see where this would go. For once, temporary didn’t sound like a bad idea.

  Stopping abruptly, she rested her hand against her chest, stunned at her own thoughts. Something temporary didn’t sound like a bad idea? A little fling with a man who was on vacation and would leave in a matter of days? This was so far out of her normal realm of thinking she didn’t even know what to do.

  “Are you all right?” Alex rested a big hand on her shoulder, the heat from his touch searing her skin right through her sweater.

  Celeste released a shuddering breath and glanced up at him, a weak smile on her face. The intensity of his gaze, the way his hand still rested on her body, made her feel funny inside. Made her body tingle in all the right places—and go liquid in all the right places too.

  “I’m fine,” she finally said, her voice wobbly as she nodded once. Yes, she was. Really. She could get through this night without attacking him across the table, for instance.

  She could get through this night without drooling at the sight of his handsome face, his dark eyes watching her so closely. Really she could.

  “Are you sure? Is something bothering you?” His hand slid from her shoulder down her arm, sparks of awareness from his touch making her tremble with need.

  Need for him.

  “No, nothing’s bothering me, I’m fine. I, uh, thought I forgot something back at the store and that’s why I stopped. But really, I’m fine.” She gestured to the left, where the sidewalk curved around along the cross street. “We go this way and turn another left at the light and we’ll be at the restaurant.”

  “Sounds perfect.” He smiled at her, his hand dropping away from her and she restrained the groan that wanted to slip past her lips.

  She was in so much trouble.

  * * * * *

  Alex had no idea how he’d sat through that long, torturous dinner without touching Celeste but he did it. The restaurant was small, intimate, seemingly lit with only candles in red cups on every table. The waiter had been more than courteous, familiar with Celeste, offering them the best service imaginable and food that would make his dead grandmother praise the hills of her birth country.

  But he’d barely been able to eat a thing, too enraptured with Celeste’s beauty, her voice, the way she looked at him from across the table. Surprise was one way to describe it. Like she couldn’t believe she sat there with him, talking to him…was attracted to him.

  He felt exactly the same way.

  Finishing off that bottle of good red didn’t help either. He hadn’t been a big drinker since he’d gotten out of prison and he felt like a pansy that a couple glasses of wine had gone to his head. It was some excellent wine, he had to admit. He hadn’t felt this good in a long time.

  Depositing a bunch of twenties on the table, he escorted Celeste out of the restaurant, surprised at the lateness of the hour. They’d stayed at the restaurant for nearly three hours, talking about their lives. Well, she did most of the talking, he just listened.

  No way could he reveal anything about his past. She’d jump up from her chair and run like the devil was nipping at her heels if he mentioned anything about his time in prison for breaking into a jewelry store.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead at the thought, even in the cool fall night air.

  “Thank you so much for dinner. I think you left Sid the biggest tip of his life.”

  “He deserved it.” Deciding to go for it, Alex grabbed her hand, her soft, small fingers clutching around his. “I’m glad you wanted to go there. I’m stuffed.”

  “You barely ate your food.” She smiled shyly at him, the sight of it making his dick jump in his pants and he cleared his throat, squeezing her hand even more.

  “Yeah, well I was distracted.”

  “Distracted by what? All the good wine?” A little giggle escaped her and she covered her lips with her other hand, her gaze drifting away from his.

  “No. I was distracted by you.” He said the words quietly, stopped in front of a small gift shop and turned to face her.

  “Oh.” Her hand dropped from her lips and she looked up at him, her blue eyes even bigger than normal, the color almost the same as the dark blue sky above. Lit by a full moon and tiny sparkling white stars, the night was magnificent, clearly made for lovers.

  He wanted to be this woman’s lover. If only for tonight, then so be it. The urge to be buried deep inside her, bringing her pleasure with his hands, mouth and cock nearly overwhelmed him.

  “Where do you live?” The question came out fast, his voice gruff, his stance tense as he watched her.

  Waiting for her to give him a sign.

  “Where are you staying?” The words seemed to slip past her lips without her even thinking and he heard the tiny gasp that followed them.

  She must’ve surprised herself. Good, he was shocked too.

  Shaking his head, he tugged on her hand, bringing her closer to him. The scent of flowers and fresh rain washed over him, making his cock even harder. “I can’t take you there, it sucks. Tell me where you live, Celeste. Do you have a nice soft bed?”

  Her eyes widened and he saw the pulse at the base of her neck jump erratically. He was so tempted to kiss her there, lick her sweet skin, but he restrained himself.

  “I do.” Her gaze didn’t waver though her pulse kicked up another notch.

  “You want to show me your bed, sweetheart?”


  “Then lead the way.”

  Chapter Four

  Her house was small and on the older side but Celeste had fixed it up nicely so she wasn’t ashamed of it. Besides, she’d bought it for a steal before Santa Augustina’s real estate boom of the last few years an
d it wasn’t too far from the ocean. On a really quiet night, she could even hear the waves crashing against the shore in the distance.

  Tonight was proving to be just such a night. Not only could she hear the waves lapping against the sand but she also had the most handsome man she’d ever seen standing in the middle of her bedroom. Glancing about the room with a seductive look in his eyes, he seemed to fill the entire room.

  All she could do was stand there at the foot of her bed and stare, her arms hanging at her sides, her tongue wanting to hang out of her mouth.

  She kept that last bit under control, thank goodness.

  “I don’t normally bring men I don’t know to my bedroom,” she blurted, unable to stop herself.

  Immediately she covered her mouth with her hands, shocked at her statement. Why did she bring this man back to her home, into her bedroom? Did she really want to have sex with him? Because that’s what this meant, the two of them standing near her bed, their mingled breathing the only sound in the room besides the comforting sounds of the ocean waves wafting through the open window.

  Her silent answer seemed to move through her body, causing her nipples to peak and harden, her panties to grow wet.


  Yes, she did want to have sex with him. Something she’d never done with a man after the first date. Celeste could count on one hand the number of men she’d had sex with in her life. Then she could count on one hand again the sexual encounters she’d had with each of those men.

  Needless to say, she wasn’t that impressed with sex. Didn’t really get it when her friends rambled on and on about the great orgasm they’d had the night before or the amazing moves some guy had in bed. It didn’t compute. She had better orgasms by her own hand, she was embarrassed to admit. How did a man make a woman feel the way they described in the movies, in the romance books she read and hid under her bed?

  “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, Celeste,” Alex finally said, his eyes roaming over her form, seeming to undress her everywhere they roamed. “All I care about is what’s going to happen between us tonight.”


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