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Riley's Redemption (A Moon's Glow Novel)

Page 13

by Christina Smith

  He cleared his throat as he walked around Adrian’s car. “Will, Megan and I are going to show our guests where they will be staying. How about we meet back here for dinner?”

  Will nodded. “Sounds good, Nate.” He glanced at our friends. “It was nice to meet you, we’ll see you later.”

  As we waved good-bye to them, I noticed Nathan watching Marisa and her obvious avoidance of him. I laughed to myself, knowing things were going to get interesting.

  We took Adrian and Marisa to their new home first. I always felt a twinge of emotion when I saw the two-story, stone structure that was tucked away in the trees. It once belonged to my ancestor. She was a friend of Nate’s and was killed the night he was turned into a werewolf.

  The small carriage house had a fairy-tale feel. Either it was the vines that climbed the outside stone or the twin rockers that lined the porch. But when you looked at it, you almost expected a few dwarfs to stroll by, whistling while they worked.

  “It’s charming,” Sadie observed cheerfully, taking Marisa’s hand to lead her forward. “You’re going to be happy here.”

  Marisa stopped in front of the porch. “I wish you could live with us.”

  Sadie frowned and reached out to brush a strand of Marisa’s inky hair that had come loose off her shoulder. “We’ll figure it all out. Give it some time.”

  The steps creaked as Nate climbed them to unlock the door. “Marisa, Sadie will be just over that ridge for a while. It’s only a two-minute walk.”

  Nate’s words seemed to soothe any concerns Marisa had. Her face brightened as she passed Nate, going into the house.

  The house was small, but it did have three rooms on the second floor, with a single bathroom in the center.

  “This is the biggest room Adrian, if you want it,” Nate explained as we all filed into a room decorated with blue striped wallpaper and a large window. Since the building itself was old most of the floorboards groaned as we walked over them. And despite the few air fresheners I noticed, there was an underlining scent of must that seemed to hover in most older homes.

  I couldn’t help but notice Adrian’s eyes flick to Sadie. I grinned at him, while he raised an eyebrow at me in question. “Sure,” he said eventually, after we traded meaningful looks. I wondered what the quick glance at Sadie meant. Was it that he would eventually cave to what Marisa wanted and give her the bigger room, since he was a gentleman? Or was he thinking that it was just big enough for both of them. The grin on my face widened as my thoughts played out in my head. It was fun to see someone else fight this werewolf mate thing, now that I was a happily married woman.

  When Nate looked at me funny, I smoothed my features.

  “And you can choose whatever room you want Marisa,” Nate suggested.

  She squealed as she took off out of the striped one, clearly excited to be settling down once again after the last six months of running.

  “It really is a lovely home. Will they be able to remove the wallpaper?” Sadie asked Nate, as she rubbed her hand over the wall.

  “Yeah, it is a little outdated,” I agreed, leaning against the antique oak dresser.

  Adrian only shrugged; he didn’t seem to care about the aesthetics. “It’s built well though,” was all he added to the conversation.

  “Yeah, it was built by Megan’s ancestors and back then they took pride in their work.” Nate agreed, with a look of affection for the people he used to know.

  Adrian knocked on the wall and looked around the frame of the window. “I guess so. Wow,” he said opening the window. “It still opens. Are these new windows?”

  Nate shook his head. “Nope, I didn’t want any changes here.” He flushed at the sound of his own words. “But I’m fine with it now. Feel free to change whatever you like. I trust your judgement.”

  Adrian smiled warmly at him. “Thanks Nate, I appreciate this.” We all knew he could afford his own house with the remains of his inheritance. But we were like a wolf pack now. We liked to be close to each other and the fact that the house sat on hundreds of acres on which he could run on full moon nights was also a selling point.

  As if reading my mind he asked, “What about next week, what should I do with Marisa? With all of us changing, I’d rather not leave her alone here.”

  Concern flashed in Sadie’s chestnut colored eyes, obviously worried about the same thing.

  “She can stay at the main house for dinner, or even the night. Everyone in the house knows but Nathan. But with so many of us around, Will might consider telling him soon.”

  “Sadie, which one should I pick?” Marisa yelled from the hallway.

  Sadie smiled at us and went to join the excited girl.

  Once she was gone, I glanced at Adrian, a smirk playing at my lips. “So what do you think of the room?”

  He looked around, assessing his surroundings. “It’s nice.”

  I pressed my lips together suppressing a grin. “It’s big too. You could fit two people in here.”

  Nate snorted behind me and Adrian scowled. “Really? Are you going to start that now?”

  I nodded, allowing the grin come out to play.

  He just shook his head and brushed past me out into the hall, his mint chocolaty scent wafting behind him. “Which one did you pick?” I heard him ask his sister.

  Nate and I shared a laugh as he took my hand pulling me out of the room to join the group.

  It turned out Marisa had taste; she chose Lucy’s old room. It was the most feminine, with tiny flowered wallpaper and a window seat. Even the furnishings were meant for a girl; the bed frame was white wrought iron and the aged quilt was white with purple and rose colored flowers.

  “What color do you want the walls?” I asked Marisa. Since she was fifteen and getting to know her over the last few days, I was expecting her to say hot pink or lime green. I was surprised by her answer.

  “I don’t think I want to change it right now. I like it the way it is. It’s feminine and cozy.”

  Sadie appeared as shocked as I was. “Are you sure? I was thinking a pale lilac and cream, or sherbet orange if you want to go bright.”

  Marisa shrugged. “Maybe someday, but I like it like this for now. I can’t wait to put my stuff in here though.”

  “I’ll arrange it as soon as I find a place.” Sadie said softly, patting the girl she considered a daughter on the cheek.

  Marisa shot Adrian a pointed look, but instead of acknowledging it, he moved to the door. “Well, let’s get what we have from the cars and move it in. I’ll take you shopping in a few days to get anything you want to decorate.” He turned to me and smiled, as if remembering something. “After the reception of course.”

  “What is the dress code by the way?” Sadie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, sending particles of dust into the air.

  I grimaced. My mother would probably say black tie, but I didn’t want that. “It’s dressy, but not too fancy.”

  Sadie winced. “I guess a shopping trip is in order.” I wondered about her finances. She was working at a coffee shop when she met Charlotte and since then had been raising a child. I doubted she had a lot of money. Plus she had been on the run for the last six months and I was sure she hadn’t even been working. “No need, I promised Marisa she could invade my closet at home. My mother has a habit of shopping for me, whether I like it or not. You`re both welcome to anything in there you like.”

  Sadie smiled appreciatively. “Thank you. That would be helpful.”

  Pushing myself off of the dresser, I sat beside her on the bed. The mattress dipped with my added weight. “And we can get our hair done too, my treat.”

  Marisa squealed, but Sadie frowned. “I can’t let you do that, you guys have been so helpful already.”

  I laid a hand on her leg, hoping to comfort her. While I have never struggled for money, given my line of work, I understood her apprehension to taking handouts. “I insist. Lauren will be home as well, we’ll make a day of it.”

  Sadie’s face
brightened. Most likely feeling included for the first time since we found them.

  Nate smiled at me, admiration shining in his eyes. Then he focused his attention on Adrian. “So, the fridge and cupboards are stocked.” When Adrian’s eyebrow rose in question, Nate added, “I called when we were on the road to arrange it.” He paused as he moved out into the hallway. “And if you need anything else just give us a call. And if not, meet us at the cottage at about six?”

  Adrian nodded. “Sounds good, thanks.”

  When we entered our house, I practically cried when I fell into the soft cushions of our sofa. It was so good to be home. I leaned back with my feet up on the coffee table as Nate went over everything with Sadie—the spare room, the guest bathroom and kitchen. Once he finished, she excused herself so she could unpack and set up her room.

  Nate fell into the sofa next to me and sighed. “It’s good to be home isn’t it?”

  I nodded my head up and down, staring off into space. I was tired and as I had sat down my body seemed to deflate. I heard Nate turn the TV on and I shifted so I could lean on his shoulder. That was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen


  A knock woke me from my nap. The sound of a strong heartbeat reminded me where I was—on the couch, leaning on Nate’s comfortable chest. The TV was turned off and Joe and Lauren were on the other side of the door. I could smell their combined scents, despite the foggy sleepiness that had settled in my brain. I felt Nate tense under my head and sat up. I watched him rub his face in agitation. His eyes were half glazed indicating that he had fallen asleep as well.

  “Don’t be too hard on him,” I whispered, so the werewolves on the porch wouldn’t hear me.

  “Why shouldn’t I?”

  Instead of answering him, I gave him a pointed, stern look.

  “Fine,” he retorted in a childish, petulant way that I would expect from me, but never from him.

  I couldn’t help the smile that grew from seeing this side of him. He only scowled at me, clearly annoyed, which was also out of character for him.

  We both stood up and I took his hand for support, squeezing his warm fingers.

  When Nate opened the door Joe’s expression was guarded as he flared his nostrils, his eyes darting around the room. He avoided the penetrating glare Nate was giving him.

  “Hey guys, I’m so glad you’re back,” Lauren cried cheerfully, rushing into my arms. She was wearing a sunny yellow sundress and her sandy hair was up in a ponytail. She looked as fresh as springtime. I had just seen her two weeks ago in Vegas, but since I had been so far away, the distance made it seem like it had been much longer.

  “It hasn’t been that long,” I said with laughter in my voice, as the smell of her guava shampoo wafted around me. I pulled away from her and smiled a greeting to Joe, who remained in front of the door, looking reserved. His gray eyes pointed behind me. He must have caught Sadie’s scent.

  Nate closed the door with a soft click as Lauren and I moved to the sofa. Joe remained standing, his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

  “Is there someone else here? I smell another werewolf,” Lauren asked, getting comfortable by folding her legs out in front of her.

  Nate stepped toward us and leered at Joe as he answered Lauren. “Yes. We have a houseguest. Can you guess who it is, Joe?” Although his voice sounded cheerful, the glare he was shooting Joe could scare a child.

  Joe shifted his feet and stared down at the floor. “Nate,” he began, but was quickly cut off by my annoyed husband.

  “How could you lie to me for so long?” You could hear the hurt and anger in his voice, it tore at my heart and I wanted to comfort him.

  “Just let me explain.” Joe’s voice had taken on his thick Irish brogue. It always happened when he was upset. Sometimes it was hard to understand him, other times if he was happy he almost sounded American.

  “Explain what? That you wanted to protect me from a vampire that you knew wasn’t after her. I told you who shot me when I woke up. Why didn’t you tell me then so I could find her?”

  Lauren watched their exchange with confusion. “Vampire?” Her hazel eyes went wide and she gazed at me. “They’re real?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so.”

  Joe’s attention went from Nate, to Lauren and then back to Nate. “For all I knew he was still bloody well after her. She asked me to help protect you, so I did. He may not have been the one that shot you, but he could have been watching her. So I made it look like she died.”

  Joe’s explanation did nothing to change Nate’s demeanour. If anything, he seemed more fired up. His eyes turned yellow and his face hardened with rage. “What the hell did you bury?”

  Joe’s face clouded with guilt, as he looked down at the floor. “A dead wolf.”

  “Are you serious?” Nate spat out angrily. “You think a vampire is stupid enough to fall for that?”

  Joe’s eyes flashed with annoyance. “How should I bloody well know?” His voice rose. “I’ve thankfully never had to meet one.”

  “Well they`re not. If we could smell the difference between a real wolf and a werewolf then so can they.” Nate was now yelling and I could hear movement in the spare room. Sadie must have been sleeping before, but she was up now.

  “Then answer me this Nate, why didn’t you know the difference?” Joe asked. His accent was so thick it was hard to understand. He grimaced when he saw the look that crossed Nate’s face. “I’m sorry, alright?” he stammered.

  “I was shaken by the fact I had just lost my best friend and I was too overcome by sorrow to notice.” Nate’s eyes returned to their natural color, but were now narrowed. “I might understand why you lied when it first happened, but what about all the years since? What else have you lied to me about?”

  “What’s going on?” Lauren whispered to me, gazing at the men in front of us with apprehension.

  I opened my mouth to answer her, but the sound of the spare bedroom door opening interrupted me.

  Sadie stepped into the living room. Her face was edged with uncertainty and her lips were turned up in a shy smile. Her long brown hair was again in a braid that fell over her left shoulder. She had changed into a white peasant, short-sleeved top and a long faded jean skirt. Her appearance must be close to the way it was when Nate met her back in the sixties. The words flower child came to mind. All that was missing was a peace sign.

  We all turned to look at her.

  “Hi Joseph,” she greeted him hesitantly.

  Joe gave her a sharp nod. “Sadie.” His voice was as terse as his expression.

  “What, that’s all you have to say to a girl that came back from the dead; the one that you helped fake?” Nate asked, raising his voice louder. I had never heard him speak to anyone the way he was with Joe, his closest friend. His usual calm demeanour was nowhere to be seen. This angry crazed werewolf was so unlike him. An ache formed in my chest, at the sound of their arguing. I hated seeing him like this.

  “I’ve said how sorry I am. I don’t know what else to say.” Joe ran his hand roughly through his mop of auburn hair.

  “There is nothing to say now. You should have said a lot more for the last fifty years.” Nate’s face went hard, his jaw locked, a vein pulsed in his neck.

  I stood up and moved toward him. “Nate, calm down,” I said gently, rubbing his back. The cotton from his gray shirt bunched up under my hand.

  His eyes flicked to mine and he took a deep breath, his face relaxing just a tiny bit.

  “I’m going to go have a shower before dinner.” He leaned into me and kissed the top of my head. With one more scowl in Joe’s direction he went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him with a bang, causing the windows to shake.

  We all jumped at the loud noise.

  “I’m sorry Joe. I didn’t expect to see him and when he asked me what happened, I didn’t know what to say,” Sadie explained softly, her voice wavering with emotion.

  “It’s alright,” Joe said shaking his head. “He’d have found out eventually.”

  Lauren gazed at me, imploring me with her eyes. She was in the dark and getting frustrated.

  “Lauren this is Sadie, an old friend of Nate’s and the girl that has raised Marisa,” I explained, knowing she was extremely confused.

  Lauren’s mouth fell open in shock. “You’re the one that took Marisa from Adrian?”

  Guilt clouded Sadie’s features as she nodded slowly.

  For some reason I felt the need to defend her. Even though I was and always would be on Adrian’s side, I knew this situation was not black and white. She had had good reasons to keep Marisa from her brother. She just didn’t know that those reasons were lies thought up by a sadistic werewolf set on ruining people’s lives for fun. “Charlotte told her that Adrian killed his parents. She thought she was protecting her,” I explained. “And she’s Adrian’s mate.” I couldn’t help add that little nugget of info. For some reason I was amused at what fate had thrown at Adrian and I could barely hold in a giggle.

  Lauren’s jaw dropped even further. “No way!” she gasped at me.

  Sadie shot me a look of embarrassment, her cheeks flushing red.

  “I invited Sadie and Marisa to invade my closet at home and then do a day of beauty tomorrow. Do you want to come?” I asked Lauren.

  “Sure, it sounds fun,” Lauren replied, eyeing Sadie and then Joe who was now sitting on an arm chair stiffly, staring at his shoes. “What did Nate mean when he said you helped fake her death?”

  Joe closed his eyes and sighed heavily. “I’ll fill you in on the way home. We should be going, so we can go get ready for dinner.” He stood up and held his hand out for Lauren to take.

  She gave me and Sadie a weak smile and placed her hand in his. Together they escaped the tension-filled cottage.

  The room was suddenly silent, as if all the noise was sucked out the door with them.

  “That was intense,” I muttered, hoping to break the awkwardness that lingered in the room.


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