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Saved by the Alpha

Page 34

by Jessica Snow

  "Yes," Keith said. "Luckily I was able to get over to a store and replace the DVDs they had. So everyone who wanted to watch got to watch Enter the Dragon instead, with Interstellar as the second feature."

  "Wise decision, Mr. Roper," Kimberly joked, earning a smile. "Hey, did you know that April Bell wants to ride along as our forward observer during the attack?"

  "No, but let me go talk it over with her," Keith said. "I know you wouldn't be exactly happy with that situation."

  "Happy? I'd rather drop her on the Order instead, except I'm pretty sure it would just be more humane to kill them," Kimberly said softly, making sure nobody else could hear. "All right, let's go check in, get everything ready. When we hit, I'd rather hit fast and hard."

  "Then let's go do our final briefs. We have a night to prepare, and hit tomorrow morning," Keith said. "So let's get a move on."

  Chapter 52

  Melanie felt the blood rush through her veins, pulsing loudly in her ears as she made her way over the rocky terrain. Somewhere, she had garnered the picture in her mind that Great Britain was mostly flat or rolling hills. She was quickly corrected of her misconception as she was told that while England and Wales might be relatively flat, the Highlands of Scotland had earned their name the old fashioned way, with pitched, rocky terrain that while perhaps not as tall as the American Rockies, was certainly challenging enough for her.

  The USAS-12 automatic shotgun she carried was heavier than some of the weapons she had trained with, but not overly so at about fifteen pounds with the thirty round drum magazine attached. The four extra drums she carried in her cargo pockets and in the compact satchel on her back were a different matter, not so much because of weight but because of how ungainly they made movement. Now, half a mile out from the Order's meeting place, she gritted her teeth against the chafe of the ammunition against her legs.

  "You have eyes on the target?" Melanie whispered into her headset. Next to her, Akiko Thornblood had already started removing her clothes to be gathered up by a designated warrior who was staying in human form, carrying them in his own pack for another Lycan. In all, the attack force would be half in wolf form and another half in either human or partial wolf form, in different amounts depending on the unit.

  "Confirmed. The building currently has eight vehicles parked in front, including two armored vehicles with heavy machine guns," Kimberly replied. She was five thousand feet in the air and two miles away. Packed with high-tech sensors, she could easily give them intelligence. "Ground units, I count seventy-five inside. Do you have the same?"

  "We do," Keith replied. "Okay, Unit 2, what's your position?"

  Melanie checked the GPS unit attached by a strap to her forearm, wishing she didn't have to deal with all of this equipment. However, with Akiko shifting into wolf form, it was up to her as her partner to keep the second unit in contact with Keith's wing. "We're in position. Awaiting orders."

  The plan was simple. Melanie and Akiko's Unit 2 comprised about two-thirds of the Lycans who wouldn't change to wolf form, instead using weapons to fix the enemy in position and provide a heavy attack element from the south side of the building. Meanwhile, Keith and the majority of the wolf form Lycans would sweep in from the enemy's exposed flank, using their speed and Lycan abilities to quickly get in and cause chaos. Kimberly in the Wolf above would provide air cover in case the enemy had any helicopters of their own, as well as close air support if the situation called for it.

  "Okay, then on my mark, Unit 2, begin your fixing attack," Keith whispered into his headset. He would remain in partial human form, at least enough that he could communicate via radio if he had to. In the stress of battle and with the chance of injuries, there was no way they could trust just the Link to get them through the attack.

  Melanie wiped her hands on her pants and double checked her shotgun. Armed with alternating shells of double ought buckshot and deer slugs, it would punch a hole through almost anything within a hundred yards of her, except for the armored vehicles. After that, the deer slugs would have plenty of power, but accuracy would be poor at best. She looked over at Akiko, her hand raised. "Ready?"

  Akiko, in her beautiful jet black wolf form, nodded her shaggy head. Melanie had never seen her in her wolf form before and thought she was stunning. Reaching out suddenly, she placed her free hand on the crouching wolf's head and scratched behind the ears. "For luck."

  Akiko somehow rolled her eyes even in her lupine condition and nodded slowly, turning her attention towards the old stone building below. Built in the fourteen hundreds, it had started out as a monastery before becoming a country house for high-ranking members of the Church, and finally falling into the hands of the Order. Part of Melanie was sad that such a beautiful old building would be reduced to rubble by the time the attack was finished.

  "Now," Keith said over the radio. Melanie dropped her hand, and Akiko lifted her snout to the morning sky and letting loose a long, bone chilling howl that echoed off the surrounding mountains and hills. Answering cries from her troops replied, while those who hadn't changed aimed and fired.

  The first shots came from warriors who were carrying light shoulder-fired rockets. From the angle they had, they were able to hit one of the lumbering wheeled armored cars immediately, while other warriors with heavy caliber rifles immediately began peppering the building with rifle fire. The first armored car went up in an exploding pyre while the men on patrol outside the building dove for cover. Unit 2 was too far from the building, however, and Melanie knew what had to be done. Stepping out, she raised her voice. "Advance!" she screamed, bounding down the slope toward the building.

  She didn't know what fueled her legs, or even if anyone was following her, until she saw out of the corner of her eye Akiko's huge wolf form keeping step for step with her. A battle cry ripped from the throats of the attacking Lycans, and suddenly they were moving forward in if not military precision, with heart-stopping bravery. Diving behind a stone outcropping, Melanie pulled her shotgun to her shoulder and aimed.

  Now nearly a hundred meters closer, the Lycan troops were able to fire more accurately, their rifles beginning to have an effect on the Hunters below. Melanie watched as men fell to the Lycan fire.

  Suddenly, the second armored vehicle came around the monastery, not from the west as she'd expected but the east, plunging through the shallow waters of the nearby Loch. The dual fifty caliber machine guns on top began firing, deadly typewriters of death. Lycans began to fall, the rocks of the hillside not enough cover against the heavy guns that could easily reach out and fire through a few inches of crumbly rock. Melanie glanced at Akiko, who growled deep in her throat. Many of the dead were her Clansmen, and she couldn't control her rage for much longer. "Unit 1, Unit 2 under fire. Advance now!"

  An answering howl rose from the hills to the flank of the field while at the same time the battlefield was filled with the whining roar of Kimberly swooping in for an attack run of her own. Her rocket pods fired twice, hitting the armored vehicle once, but not piercing the heavy armor. Still, it distracted the gunner inside as he swung towards the greater threat, the helicopter that could fire into the weaker armor on his top. Melanie was on her feet as soon as the machine guns stopped firing, sprinting as hard as she could across the rapidly flattening field. She could start to see individual movements close to the building, and felt the joy of battle wash over her, heady and sexual in its own way.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Akiko's form pull ahead of her just as her eyes noticed a flash of light, and suddenly Akiko was tumbling, pitching forward onto the dirt and skidding to a dusty halt.

  "Akiko!" Melanie screamed, dropping to her knees and firing her shotgun futilely towards the flash. The maximum range of her buckshot shells was only a hundred yards at most, and she was still at least twice that from the shooter. Dropping down, she crawled over to Akiko, pulling her huge body and turning her over. "Akiko."

  Akiko was hit in the shoulder, her blood spurting out over Melan
ie's hands as she pressed down. Reaching into her tactical vest, she pulled out a thick compress bandage and ripped the plastic seal off, pressing the absorbent cotton to the hole. "Medic! Medic! Goddammit, MEDIC!"

  "No.... medic, Sister," Akiko said, her growling voice strained. "We're Lycans, remember?"

  Rounds began to impact around Melanie and she jerked her head up as she saw the dual machine guns of the armored vehicle pointing straight at them, having decided that killing what was obviously the lead pair was worth more than the risk from Kimberly in her helicopter. Ducking, she heard the fifty caliber bullets smacking into the turf all around her, and sent up a prayer that Keith would raise Jay well, knowing she was going to die.

  A furry, powerful mass grabbed her and lifted her into the air, and she realized that Akiko had somehow regained her feet and was running with Melanie in her uninjured arm, heading towards a four-foot deep depression in the rolling field twenty meters away. They were steps away when another round from the monastery caught Akiko again, this time piercing her body fully before entering Melanie's own. Steely pain hammered into her chest as her stomach filled with fire, and Akiko stumbled the last few feet, tossing her into the ditch before rolling down next to her.

  Melanie had never felt such pain as she screamed. She knew that Keith and Kimberly could both feel her over their Link, but her mind was in such white hot agony that nothing they said could get back. A deep burn coursed through her, and the sounds of the battle faded. She could feel her life's blood draining out of her, when Akiko rolled over, somehow still conscious. Looking her over, Akiko glanced in Melanie's eyes.

  "I'm sorry, Sister," she growled before coughing, a freshet of her blood falling onto Melanie's wound, mixing with her own. Akiko fell over, her eyes fading in and out, and Melanie leaned her head back, shock coming over her. Just as the gray curtain of consciousness started to fall, Melanie felt something pierce her right bicep, and then the heat of explosion, and then nothing at all.

  * * *

  Time to wake up, sleepy head. Four days is enough.

  Melanie blinked her eyes, to find that she was in Lockwood Manor, in Keith's bed. Blinking, she looked around to see nobody was in the room with her. Was all of it a dream?

  No, my Daughter, the voice in her head said. It was one she had never heard before over her Link, and she wondered what was going on. Come join your family in the dining room, and we’ll explain it all to you.

  Melanie got out of bed, her hand going to her stomach as a flare of phantom pain flashed through her. Pulling up the nightshirt on the silk pajamas she was wearing, she looked down and saw no scar, no blemish on her skin, which was weird. She had her appendix removed when she was ten, but she couldn't see the scar at all. Even after more than half her life, it was still there, faintly.

  Looking down at her feet, she swore that something else was different too. Shaking her head, she decided to follow the voice's advice, putting on the familiar slippers and leaving the bedroom. Walking downstairs, she felt like she was constantly off balance, like she was wearing high heels but wasn't expecting it or something.

  Coming into the dining room, she saw Keith first, holding Jay in his arms. The little boy, who was no longer so little but was still a little ways from starting to crawl, cooed and held out his arms, ready to see his Mommy. "Did you sleep well?"

  Melanie shook her head. "Maybe.... but the dreams....."

  "Weren't dreams," a slightly tired voice said to her left. Looking, Melanie had to do a double take as at first she couldn't identify the woman sitting in one of the padded chairs that were normally used in the library. "Yes my Daughter, it's me."

  "Akiko?" Melanie asked, coming over and kneeling down next to her. She looked twenty years older, with hollowed out cheekbones and streaks of gray in her previously raven's wing black hair. "What happened?"

  "She saved your life," Kimberly replied. Melanie whipped her head around to see her and Edward entering the dining room, Kim's eyes mixed with happiness and worry. "After the gunshot, it was the only choice left."

  "What happened?" Melanie repeated, looking around. "And why are you all looking at me that way?"

  Keith brought Jay over and placed the baby in his mother's arms, where he promptly squirmed and smiled up at her, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking while giggling. Melanie felt a wave of love stronger than anything she'd ever felt before come over her, and she hugged Jay closely, stroking the fine hair on his brow. "Welcome to the blood," Keith said softly, kissing her forehead. "We'll help you through it."

  "What do you mean? For blood's sake, will someone here start making sense?"

  Akiko cleared her throat. "Sit down, Melanie. It'll help. I'll tell you everything."

  Melanie took the seat next to Akiko, and Keith came over to stand behind her, his hands resting comfortably on her shoulders while Kimberly took a seat across the table, leaning forward to look at her with concern in her eyes. "After I was hit," Akiko began, "I saw you try and return fire even though you knew you couldn't aim well at the distance. When the other machine gun car began to aim at you, I picked you up and tried to carry you to safety. But before we could get to the ditch, one of the rounds hit me, and then went into you. That was the first step."

  "What first step?" Melanie asked.

  Kimberly spoke up. "Remember when you were pregnant, you asked about being turned into a Lycan?"

  Melanie remembered, and the mental anguish that had been in Kimberly's eyes as she told the story of killing the first man she loved when his change drove him insane. "Yes, I remember."

  "I didn't tell you how it happens," Kimberly said softly. "The first step is that your blood must be mixed with that of the Lycan who is changing you. Akiko ended up doing that twice, once when the bullet went through both of you at the same time, most likely driving some of her flesh into your body, then when she coughed and covered you in blood from her nicked lung. The second part is pretty accurate to the movies, when she bit you."

  "I felt something, when I was passing out. Was that?"

  Akiko nodded, reaching over and patting her arm. "Look," she said, pulling the short sleeve on the pajama top up. There, on her arm, were eight perfect dimples in her upper bicep. Lifting, she saw another six on the underside. "I apologize, usually the bite is done in a much more inconspicuous place, and smaller in general. However, I too was passing out, and knew I had to do it quickly."

  "So..... I'm a Lycan now?" Melanie stuttered, looking around. She saw Kimberly nod, blinking back her worries to smile. "Why?"

  "The wound to your stomach area would have killed you otherwise," Akiko explained. "You would have bled out before we could have gotten you to medical care. Before you lost too much blood, and before I passed out, I made a decision. I knew about Kimberly's feelings towards turning, but I did what I had to do. I have asked for her forgiveness. It’s normally a very grave insult to do what I did to a member of another Clan without their Alpha's permission."

  "And no apology is required," Kimberly added. "Akiko saved my Sister, at great cost to herself." She stood up and looked towards the door. "Hold on, Edward is asking for my help in the kitchen. Keith, you think you could give me a hand? Knowing Edward, he's probably cooked up ten armloads of stuff."

  "Sure," Keith said, kissing Melanie on the forehead once again. "You two have a good talk," he whispered in her ear before leaving. "We'll join back in when we bring brunch."

  Once the door was closed, Melanie turned her eyes back to Akiko, who she saw was more exhausted than she let on. "Is that why you can Link with me now? And what of the battle?"

  "You are my Daughter," Akiko said quietly, smiling. "I lost a son to a treacherous step-daughter, only to gain a Daughter in the end. A fair enough trade, I suppose. You are a fine woman, any Lycan would be proud to call you Daughter. I was proud enough to call you Sister. As for the battle, the enemy was eliminated. After we were wounded, Kimberly reduced that monastery to smoke and ash, while Keith and the others made sure n
one left alive. The UK press is calling it a reawakening of terror concerns, but nobody can figure out who is to blame. The IRA, ISIS, drug gangs, they don't know. Our casualties were light, only twenty. The kinbushi are crushed. Although April Bell was angry with Kimberly. She ended up throwing up all over the co-pilot's seat, and the Melior is having to fake a lot of things to cover the destruction of a very old historical building, but they are dealing with it."

  Melanie thought, and realized that the sense of relief that came with the news was secondary to other more immediate concerns. "So I will change now, beyond my control?"

  Akiko nodded. "And I cannot. The wounds I suffered, they were too grievous. My body, when coupled with the strain of changing you, did not fully regenerate. My kidneys and liver can’t take the strain any longer of changing back and forth. But it is a price I would gladly pay a thousand times over if I was given the same choice again."

  Melanie adjusted Jay in her arms to allow her to reach over and take Akiko's hand. Squeezing, she felt the new member of her Link and realized that Akiko was nearly as strong a presence in her mind as Keith. She also realized something else, in that even more than what she shared with Keith, she was privy to all of Akiko's memories and wisdom, like a living, breathing history of the last seventy years of Lycan life. She saw everything and realized just how much Akiko had given up for her.

  "Akiko..... okaasan..." Melanie stopped, and shook her head in slight disbelief. "So I guess I can speak Japanese now too. Don't have to worry about those lessons we talked about."

  "We'll still practice. Your brain knows, but your tongue needs training," Akiko said with a small laugh. "We can work together at Thornblood Hall."

  "What do you mean?"

  Akiko smirked, a flash of sadness combined with relief on her face. "Like I said, I can never change again. I'll be hard pressed over the next few weeks just recovering my strength and maybe getting this gray out of my hair, forgive my vanity. But Clan Thornblood cannot be headed by an Alpha Female who cannot change, who cannot be a full Lycan. So, while you were recovering the past few days, Keith and I had a talk. I must step down as Alpha Female of Clan Thornblood to become like Valeria was, a Dame of the Clan. Meanwhile, Keith will move into Thornblood Hall. Therefore, you are faced with a very serious choice."


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