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Hosker, G [Wolf Brethren 05] Saxon Slayer

Page 2

by Griff Hosker

  “But what of my home, my son? What of your brother and sister? What of my wife? There is much to consider here.”

  I glanced over to Myrddyn who had kept a stony and impassive face throughout the conversation and discussion. Andronikos saw the glance and smiled, “The Emperor is also keen to meet this famed wizard.” Myrddyn merely looked at the strategos and gave him a polite smile. “The stories of your magic abound in the east and the Emperor and his holy men are keen to speak with you. We are not as intolerant of other cults and religions as the Western Empire.”

  The wizard spoke for the first time. “I am flattered but I fear that I would be a great disappointment. However I can see that the Warlord might benefit from such a visit.”

  I looked at him in surprise. I had expected him to reject the offer. “You are correct in that our enemies are cowed at the moment but that could change. Who would defend my people against these enemies if I was absent?”

  “I would.” Hogan looked at me. “Or do you not think I could defend our home, our family and our people?”

  There was an edge to his voice and I could see a chasm opening before me; if I said the wrong thing then I would fall into it and there would be a rift between my son and me. I would be doing as Iago had done. Andronikos’ eyes flashed between us. “The Emperor also sent another inducement. In the hold of the ship are twenty sets of Cataphractoi armour for man and horse.”

  Hogan almost leapt from the chair and his eyes lit up in excitement. “That would make us invincible!”

  I held up my hand. “The Emperor is a generous man and I am tempted by this extremely attractive offer, however, Andronikos, Stategos of the Empire, you would not expect an answer before I have consulted my advisers and my wife.”

  He nodded his head slightly. “Of course Warlord but my ship and I must sail on tomorrow night’s tide.”

  I had an ultimatum then and only a short time to make my mind up. “I will meet with my advisers after the feast this evening and you shall have your answer by morning.”

  The strategos nodded. “I will spend the time with Brother Osric’s papers. I am grateful for the copies you sent to me but Brother Oswald has found some more and I was most interested in them. They give an insight into how the Saxons succeeded in conquering so much of this land and we Romans can learn from them.”

  As I walked back to my quarters Myrddyn and Hogan accompanied me. I noticed Hogan glancing at Myrddyn and I smiled. “Hogan, speak your mind. There are no secrets between Myrddyn and me.”

  He grinned, “Sorry Myrddyn, I forgot. “ He became more serious. “Father when you sent me to Constantinopolis it was to learn how to become a leader. Since I have returned, have I disappointed you?”

  “No, of course you haven’t but…”

  “And when you were my age did not King Urien give you Castle Perilous with orders to protect his borders? Didn’t you control a larger piece of land than Mona?”

  He had me there and I heard Myrddyn chuckle, “He is right my lord. In fact you were younger than he is.”

  I turned and faced both of them. “I have heard your arguments but I have not yet heard the advice either of my other leaders or of my wife. When I have all the information then I will decide.” I smiled at Myrddyn. “You of all people should know that it is best to sleep on decisions such as this. The dream world has yet to be consulted.”

  Myrddyn nodded and smiled. “Some of my wisdom must have brushed off on you Warlord. You sometimes think like a wizard now and not always as a warrior.”

  As I entered my quarters and changed from my mail I pondered their words. Hogan was, of course, correct. I had commanded a larger land and more warriors when I was younger than he was. I was proud of him and I could trust him. He was the best leader I had and superior even to Garth and Prince Pasgen. What was stopping me? As I changed into my clothes for the feast I knew the reason; it was my young family. I was loath to leave them. I had missed Hogan growing up and my first daughter had died with Aideen my wife. I wanted to watch Nanna and her brother becoming children. I had time for that now. It was a dilemma.

  The door opened and Myfanwy came in. She handed my son to a servant and closed the door. She embraced me and kissed me. “You look good out of armour, my husband.”

  “Thank you and you look good all the time!”

  “Flatterer.” She began to dress for the feast. “Well, have you made up your mind yet?”

  I threw her a look. “Hogan spoke with you.”

  “Of course he did. Am I like Cadfan’s stepmother to be feared? No, your son does me the honour of treating me as his mother and I think of him as my son. Would he talk to someone else perhaps?”

  I laughed, “No. As usual you are right and I am pleased that you are close but I hope he did not worry you?”

  She snorted. “Of course not. But he is ready to lead the people. You know that as well, if not better, than me. That is not the reason you hesitate is it?”

  “No. I have yet to consult the other warrior leaders.”

  “Hah! Do not try to deceive me husband. We both know that they will go along with whatever you say. What is the real reason?” I remained silent and pretended that I was fiddling with the laces on my tunic. Her voice became softer as she came over to tie them for me. “I know that it is the children and me who stop you going. That makes me love you all the more but it is not the reason you should not go. We will be safe here. Hogan will protect us and we will be here when you return. Now if you are afraid of a sea voyage then that is another matter and I can understand that.”

  I laughed and picked her up. “You know me too well.” I threw her on the bed and we kissed. “I do not want to miss the children growing up.”

  She pretended to be outraged. “So, you would not miss me. That is a fine thing to say to your wife.”

  “Of course I would miss you.” I suddenly had an idea, “Come with me! Bring the children.”

  She stood and straightened her dress. “You may not be afraid of sea monsters and falling off the edge of the world but your wife is and besides your son is too young to spend a month at sea.” She kissed me and said, gently, “You go. We will miss you but you know you would regret not going and I would hate to be the cause of regret. It is less than a year you will be away and you will see a change in the children when you return.” I nodded. “Will you tell Andronikos now?”

  “No, I will consult with my leaders and tell him tomorrow. I would not have the Emperor and his strategoi thinking that I dance to their tune.”

  She nodded her approval. “You have grown my husband and you are now wise.” She nudged me in the ribs, playfully, “See what having a clever wife does for you?”

  The feast was well organised as I had come to expect from my wife and Brother Oswald. I could see that Andronikos was desperate for an answer and his silences were eloquent. Hogan too merely picked at his food. I suppose I could have told Hogan before the feast but I thought it would do him good to wonder. As the last platters were cleared Myfanwy said, “Well strategos would you care to watch the sun set from the cliffs? It is particularly beautiful at this time of year.”

  “Of course. I would be delighted.” He took my wife’s arm. She smiled at me over her shoulder as she left.

  When they had left we emptied the hall of servants, I asked Lann Aelle to stand guard at one door while Pol stood at the other. I explained to the assembled captains of the offer of the Emperor and asked for their opinion. Hogan began to rise. I held up my hand. “No, my son, I already know your opinion. Allow others to speak first.”

  Garth began. “I cannot see how we can benefit, Warlord. Hogan and Pol have already given us much knowledge and Miach’s son has brought back better bows.” He shrugged. “Why go? What is in it for us?”

  Tuanthal smiled, “Twenty suits of armour are a nice bribe, Garth.” The horseman wanted to get his hands on the Imperial weaponry.

  A silence descended. “Myrddyn, you have yet to speak. You are a wise wizard; c
an you not give us some advice?”

  “The problem is, Warlord, that I am torn. I would dearly love to see the greatest city on earth and learn of its secrets but I worry about the motives of both the strategos and the Emperor. I could not give you honest advice.” He looked at me with his keen, sharp eyes, “This will be your decision.”

  Ridwyn spoke. “If you do go my lord how many bodyguards would you take with you?”


  Ridwyn was shocked, “But how would your life be protected?”

  I looked over at my son. “Hogan, how many warriors are in the Emperor’s palace?”

  “A thousand bodyguards and another five thousand protect the city.”

  “I think I would be safe, Ridwyn.”

  “But suppose the Emperor had you murdered?”

  I laughed. “I know you and the warriors you command are good but do you honestly believe that fifty of you could protect me from the Emperor’s guards? If he wanted me dead I would have been murdered here but I do not think he wishes my death.”

  “But he does have an ulterior motive, Warlord.”

  “You may be right, Myrddyn, which is why I am glad that you and your wisdom will be with me.”

  Hogan let out a shout and slapped the table. “You are going? What about Myfanwy?”

  They all looked at me expectantly. “I have already spoken with my wife and she approves.”

  Lann Aelle suddenly burst in. “You will take me too my lord!”

  I laughed. “Yes I will take you and I will leave my son Hogan as Warlord in my place until I return and you will all obey him as you would me.”

  They all chorused, “Aye my lord.”

  With that the decision was made and I would sail to the other side of the world to visit the centre of the greatest Empire known to man.

  Chapter 2

  Andronikos was delighted when he heard of my decision. Having made it I realised what a short time I had to prepare things. Myfanwy, Hogan and Brother Oswald all took charge of the various parts of my life and made it much easier for me. It allowed me the morning and afternoon to play with my children. My brother, Aelle, did not live far away and he could easily ride to see us off. I had sent messengers to my brothers, Prince Pasgen and Mungo to let them know of my orders regarding the defence of my land. Aelle and his wife rode over to say goodbye to their eldest son.

  Lann Aelle had grown both in size and in his maturity since he had become my squire. He was now a confident young warrior and not the nervous youth who had come to me to be trained. I was happy that he would be accompanying me but I knew what his parents would be going through. It was the same as my own feelings for my son and daughter. They spent the afternoon together. We all travelled to Caer Gybi in the middle of the afternoon. Hogan, Pol and Tuanthal were anxious to see the suits of armour which were being unloaded. Myfanwy wanted to make sure that my chests were stored to her satisfaction. We made quite a cavalcade as we headed to the Imperial ship, ‘Augustus’; it dwarfed every other ship in the small harbour. Andronikos went aboard to arrange the landing of the cargo and we stood on the quayside. It was both sad and exciting. Nanna was excited about seeing the huge ship but she clung to my hand as though she knew that something was going to change. Children do not like change; I had learned that much already.

  While Myfanwy was on board Aelle took a package from the horse he had brought with him. He handed it to Lann Aelle. “This, my son, is my gift to you. It is the sword I was given after your uncle killed King Aella of the Saxons. I used it rarely but it is a symbol of our victory and it is our family’s sword. You are now a man and need a man’s weapon. Wear it with honour.”

  He handed it over and Lann Aelle unwrapped the sheepskin in which it was protected. I had not seen the sword for many years and it was magnificent. It was not Saxon Slayer but it was a weapon worthy of a king. The blade was as long as the Slayer and the hilt had the warrior rings won by King Aella. My brother had left them there, even though he had not earned them. He felt that our defeat of the Saxons had earned us the right to display them.

  I worried that Lann Aelle would break down and weep in front of all the people. There was nothing wrong with tears but I knew that he would feel embarrassment later on. He held them back and embraced his father and then his mother. “I swear that I will wield this sword with honour and prove to be a worthy heir to the great Lord Aelle of Glanibanta.”

  His mother could not hold back the tears and they flooded from her eyes. Nanna whispered to me, “Why is Lann’s mother upset? Has she hurt herself?”

  I picked her up and hugged her. “No, my pet, Lann Aelle is going away and his mother will not see him for some time. She will miss him.”

  “I will miss him too.” She suddenly looked at me. There was fear in her eyes. “You are not going with him are you?”

  “Well my brave little girl, we cannot let your cousin go there all alone can we?”

  She burst into tears and threw her arms around me. “No! You have to stay! Please don’t go!”

  Myfanwy came down the gangplank, having supervised my chests. She shook her head, “I see you have told her then?”

  Nanna looked at her mother. “Don’t let him go please!”

  My wife prised her away from me. “Well, my sweet. He is going to a beautiful city and he has promised that he will bring us some wonderful presents back. How would you like that?”

  She sniffed, “Can’t we go with him?”

  She whispered in Nanna’s ear. “We wouldn’t like it my pet. It is a bit dirty and smelly. It is fine for men but not for ladies like us. Hogan is staying and he will look after us.”

  My daughter looked over at her brother and he nodded. “I will be here little sister and father will not be away long. Now hide those tears and give him and your cousin a kiss for I can see the captain needs to go.”

  My son was now a man. Nanna nodded and rushed over to me, “I love you. Come back soon.” As she kissed me I fought back my own tears.

  My wife grabbed me and kissed me. “And that goes double for me. Keep safe. You are too good a man to lose to the sea.”

  I could not speak. I turned and gave a wave. Myrddyn put his arm around my side and helped me aboard. “Do not worry Nanna, Lann Aelle and I will look after him. Farewell.”

  Andronikos stood awaiting us. “It will not be long, Warlord, and you will have much to tell your children when you return.”

  I looked to the land as the gangplank was hauled on board. My family seemed so small and vulnerable as the captain gave orders to cast off. The last time I had said goodbye to a family was when I had buried my mother and father. This felt worse. I was slightly comforted by the sight of Hogan with his arm around his stepmother whilst holding his little sister. My family were in safe hands, my family was in the hands of the next Warlord.

  The ship we were travelling in had huge sails but in the tricky and narrow waters of the harbour the captain was relying on the oars of the rowers. This was an Imperial ship and was fully manned. With every rower rowing, the ship would, I imagined, fly across the water. It was a worrying thought that there were more rowers chained below than there were in the rest of the crew. When I mentioned this to Andronikos he smiled, “We have thirty Imperial troops on board as well as thirty crew members. We can deal with the rowers. You just enjoy the voyage. I think that you will find it illuminating.”

  I saw that Myrddyn and Lann Aelle were already exploring the huge ship which was twice the size of ‘The Wolf’. I wanted to explore the ship but I needed to watch my island, my Mona, disappear behind me. I wanted to keep the link with my family even though I could no longer see them now as we headed south through the darkening waters. The sun slowly set and I stood at the stern watching the darkening waters spread like blood behind me. I wondered if it was an omen.

  Andronikos came to find me. “Warlord, come with me and I will show you your cabin. Myrddyn and Lann are both there.” He put his arm around my shoulder and I was struck by t
he strong smell of perfume. “Your family will be safe. Your son is a good man. I got to know him well and I would trust him with my life.”

  I shook myself free from the trance that was Mona. “You are right and I am behaving like a woman. Take me to my cabin. I will explore the ship tomorrow.”

  “Yes we have many days at sea although the next few days will be interesting for you as we sail around your island. You will see parts of Britannia you have never seen before.”

  When we ate our first meal on the ship Lann Aelle was full of excitement and Myrddyn was full of questions. People have often asked me what a wizard is. I suppose the honest answer is a very clever man. That was Myrddyn. He always wanted to understand how things functioned. Once he knew that he could begin to think of ways of making them better. He also had an insatiable appetite for knowledge.

  Lann Aelle was just excited. He was on the cusp of being a man. His body was almost there as was his mind but he still had the wonder of a child at seeing new things and I was pleased that I had brought him. He would return as rounded as Pol and Hogan had from the exotic experience.

  As for me, I sat silently through the meal. I did not even taste the food. My mind was torn between my family and the new land to which I would be going. I was seeking a reason for my summons from the Emperor. He was a great and powerful man. He could have just sent me a message but he wanted to meet and speak with me and I wondered why. My dealings with treacherous leaders such as Morcant Bulc and Iago ap Beli had made me wary of a smiling face. True, I had met noble and honest kings like King Urien and Rhydderch Hael but I had learned to wait until I knew them to offer a judgement.

  “You are quiet Warlord. Was the food not to your liking?”

  “I am sorry Andronikos. The food was delicious it is just that this is the start of an adventure and I am pondering its direction.”

  Lann Aelle said innocently, “East?”

  I laughed and it broke the mood. “Of course nephew. Your uncle must be losing his mind. Go and fetch your new sword. I know that the strategos would be interested in the blade.”


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