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Swinging Saved Our Marriage

Page 18

by McCurran, Kirsten

  Kyra laughed. "You'll get your chance." They were silent for a while, until she finally said, "I missed you when you went up here with Ami." She hugged Ethan tightly.

  "It was hot wondering what you and Rob were doing, but it was hotter seeing it."

  "Yeah, I guess one of us could always get drug off, but I prefer doing this with you here."

  "That's because you love to have me watch," Ethan laughed.

  "Is that bad?" Kyra crinkled her brow.

  "No, I like watching you. I can't quite describe the way it makes me feel, but I do like it." I'm just not as into it as you are, that's all, he thought.

  "I really liked watching you tonight, hon," Kyra said, reaching for his spent cock. "Seeing how you fucked Ami made me want you so bad."

  "I'm going to need time to recover, but I'm all yours for the rest of the night, sweetheart. I love you so much."

  "I love you, too. Now let's get cleaned up before they use all the hot water."

  They did not get into the shower together. Ethan sat out while Kyra climbed over the tub and turned on the water. But he did keep the curtain open so he could watch her shower. He really did love his wife's curvy body. Watching her lather up her full tits and round ass got his blood pumping and his prick showed signs of life. When she soaped up her bald pussy, Ethan thought about how much he liked her shaved mound. He could see how wet and swollen her sex was from all the fucking and it made him feel like he had his own little porn star. He was glad she decided to stay with the look.

  Kyra invited Ethan into the shower when she saw the effect watching had on him. She gently soaped his body, paying special attention to his cock. She couldn't quite get him up, so she went down on her knees. It felt naughty to suck his cock after he'd been fucking another woman, even though he was washed clean. She did get him to rise with her talented mouth, but he stopped her before she could finish him. Kyra wanted him to cum in her mouth and was disappointed, but smiled when Ethan said, "Let's pick this up when we get home."

  Ethan's clothes were in the bedroom, but Kyra had to stay wrapped in a towel, which barely covered her, until she could retrieve her clothes. Ami and Rob were in the bedroom when they came back from their showers. Ami was braless in a little white cotton camisole and lace-trimmed boy shorts, while Rob was in loose pajama pants. Ami looked fetching and Ethan was having fresh dirty thoughts about the fit blonde. Ami suggested a nightcap before the other couple took off, and they all agreed it was an excellent idea.

  Kyra snuggled into Ethan's chest on one couch, while Rob and Ami shared the other. Kyra had dressed when they went downstairs, even though Rob said he liked the towel much better.

  "You guys feel good about tonight?" Rob asked, running his fingers through Ami's long, damp hair.

  "What's not to feel good about?" Ethan laughed.

  "Tonight is how I pictured being with another couple. Fun, and light, and everyone enjoying themselves," Kyra said.

  "That's why Rob and I only play with couples we really like. We've met some hot couples, but there was no connection beyond just sex, you know?" Ami said.

  "I know what you mean," Ethan agreed.

  Kyra thought about Alex. There was a connection there, but she wasn't sure it was a good one. She shouldn't lose herself like that, not with another man.

  "So just how many other couples do you guys play with, anyway?" Ethan asked.

  "We have a core group of three couples. Sometimes people move on, sometimes new couples come in. We've all gotten really close over the last couple of years. Rob and I, and another of the couples still go out and meet new people, like you guys, but one of the couples, Jeannie and Kevin, they only play in our group," Rob said.

  "We'd love for you to meet them, if you think you're ready, that is," Ami said.

  "Yeah, you guys would fit right in. Everyone's around the same age, from early thirties to early forties, and everyone is clean. I think you'd find everyone attractive," Rob said.

  "Especially Sarah. Every guy likes her," Ami chuckled.

  "I don't know. We're only just getting started, we might not fit in," Ethan hedged. He had visions of a Roman orgy, with everyone just dropping their clothes and going at it in a big pile. It wasn't what he pictured when he thought about swinging with Kyra. Did they have enough experience to go into a situation like that? Things slipped out of control so easily with Leanne and Alex.

  "It's not like some crazy swingers' club where people are only out for one thing. We all genuinely like each other and no one is pressured to do anything," Rob said, as if he were reading Ethan's mind.

  "That's right. I mean, I've never even been with Kevin. He's just not my type, and he's cool with that. It's just people hanging out and whatever happens, happens," Ami said.

  "But you guys are there for…" Ethan said.

  "Well, yeah," Rob replied. "Hey, don't do anything you're not up for. Ami and I are perfectly happy to keep you to ourselves for now."

  Kyra had been listening, but chose not to speak. She wanted Ethan to hear their friends out, and hopefully have his concerns addressed. She hoped he would warm to the idea, because it sounded exciting to her. She was getting wet again just thinking about the possibilities. Where Ethan was afraid of what could happen, Kyra was excited by the unknown. She hadn't planned on fucking Alex, so when it happened it was thrilling. And when she was with Leanne it was hot and erotic. Although she'd never given much thought to other women sexually before, now she'd been with two women, counting Sunny, and she'd enjoyed it both times. Kyra didn't think she was becoming a lesbian or anything, but she was open to it if something happened. She was beginning to realize she was open to just about anything.

  "It sounds like a great time," Kyra chimed in. "We'll talk about it and let you know." Ethan gave her a look, like she was speaking out of turn, but she didn’t care. She knew she would get her way.

  "Ok, but let us know soon. We're all getting together at the end of the month and I'd like time to run it by everyone else. We need to make sure everyone's cool with a new couple coming in," Rob said.

  "But we know they'll all love you guys as much as we do," Ami enthused.

  They finished their night cap and Rob and Ami saw them to the door. Ethan and Ami shared an embrace and a long, sensual kiss, while Kyra and Rob did the same.

  "Hope to see you guys soon," Ami said, giving Ethan's butt a quick squeeze.

  "You definitely will," he answered. Ethan was already thinking about getting Ami back in bed.

  "Maybe at the end of the month," Kyra teased, after nibbling on Rob's lower lip.

  "I hope so. The other guys would love you, Kyra," Rob laughed.


  “Do you know what any of the other chicks look like?” Charlie asked. He wound back and cast out his line as far as possible.

  Ethan thought he felt tension on his line, but realized it was a false alarm and returned to his beer. “You’re missing the point. It isn’t about how hot the other women would be.”

  Charlie shot his friend a skeptical look. “Isn’t it?”

  “Okay, of course it is a little bit,” Ethan grinned. “But I think going into something like this might be too much for us at this point. Think about that night we had at that restaurant. Things got out of hand pretty quickly.” He’d told Charlie about the night with Leanne and Alex, only leaving out the most explicit of details about the end. He was afraid of how his friend would look at Kyra if he knew everything that had happened.

  “Trust me. I think about the night all the time.”

  “Can you be serious for one minute?”

  “I can try, but it’s a hard thing to be completely serious about.”

  “The future of my marriage is a pretty serious topic.”

  “Oh, is that what we’re talking about? I thought we were talking about you guys going to some kind of swingers’ party. So what are you so scared of? It sounds like you and Kyra have been getting along better than ever.”

  “We hav
e. People really do underestimate the importance of a happy, healthy sex life to marriage overall. Since we’re so sexually satisfied, we’re just happier in general and that’s led to our communicating better and just getting along better. Kyra’s like a new woman these days. She reminds me of the woman I married, not the sullen, quiet woman I’d been living with.”

  “Okay, what’s the problem then?”

  Ethan was hesitant to tell him for the same reason he hadn’t told Charlie about the threesome that ended their encounter. He didn’t want to make Kyra sound like a nymphomaniac, or a slut. He didn’t look his friend in the eye when he spoke.

  “I’m afraid Kyra might be enjoying all of this a little too much,” he finally said.

  “You think she likes strange cock so much she’s not going to want yours anymore?”

  That was a blunt way of putting it, and it wasn’t quite accurate. Kyra had shown no signs of losing interest in sex with her husband. The opposite was true. Her libido seemed limitless. There were times when she wanted to make love and Ethan was just too tired. And with their newfound openness, she would just go upstairs and break out her toy, while he was downstairs watching television with the kids. When the kids wanted to follow their mother up, the code was, “Mommy’s going upstairs to relax.”

  The issue for Ethan was that Kyra might never stop wanting to push the boundaries. Ethan could not shake the look in her eyes when she was on that table between Alex and Leanne. There was something wild there he’d never seen before, even on their previous adventures. It was like nothing could have dragged her from that room. He thought of a junkie preparing their next fix. And if Kyra was a junkie for crazy, kinky sex, would she be able to stop if he asked? But all those worries were too dark and too intimate to share, even with his best friend.

  “No, I don’t know. I’m just uneasy about the whole thing,” he simply said.

  “I get it. If I was married, I don’t know that I would be able to watch my wife fucking other guys. But then, you do get the benefit of banging other chicks. Still…”

  “Yeah, it’s hard to describe what it’s like to see Kyra doing that. I think I could live without it. Some couples who swing do it in separate rooms, but Kyra seems to be into watching me, and I know she wants me to watch her.”

  “Wow. Who knew she had all that going on?”

  Yeah, who knew, Ethan thought. “Hey, don’t get me wrong. I’m making it sound like it’s all her, and it’s not. I’m as into this as she is, but I’m just a little more cautious.”

  Charlie shrugged. “So tell her. Maybe she’ll dial it back.”

  “Maybe,” Ethan replied thoughtfully.


  Kyra looked at the outfits laid out on the bed, wondering which one she would wear for the party. She leaned toward the low cut wrap dress, because it flattered her figure and it would be easy to remove. But she really liked the short, peach summer dress she’d just bought. It was short enough that she’d have to be careful about sitting or kneeling, and a cut-out pattern in the décolletage would offer tantalizing glimpses of her cleavage, probably her bra too. The short dress wouldn’t be so hard to remove, either. It just pulled up over her head. She would model both for Ethan and let him pick. The party was still over a week away and she was counting down the days like a child waiting for Christmas.

  Their discussion about the party had been brief, the night they returned from seeing Ami and Rob. Kyra could tell Ethan was wary of going and meeting the other couples, but Kyra wanted it so badly. She went into overdrive to convince her husband it was something they should try.

  “Is there a reason you don’t want to go?” she asked. “Are you having second thoughts about this lifestyle?”

  “No, it’s not that. Crazy as it is, I like what we’re doing. It’s hot and I like where it’s brought us. I just think we should have limits, and we haven’t been very good about that.”

  “We can have rules before we go.”

  “We had rules before, remember? We weren’t planning on fucking Leanne and Alex, but we did that. We’d agreed on always using condoms, and we haven’t been doing that.”

  “But…” Kyra started. She felt defensive.

  “I’m not saying it’s you. I’ve been a full, willing participant in everything. I guess our willpower is weak, and that could be trouble.”

  Of course our willpower is weak, she thought. If they had willpower, neither of them would have been doing what they were doing before all this started. I would have never returned Bill’s advances. I knew it was wrong, no matter how I felt at the time. If she couldn’t resist that, there was no way Kyra could resist what she felt when they were swinging. She didn’t make Rob go get a condom because she couldn’t stand to wait even five minutes to get him inside her.

  “Maybe, but I think if we made some hard rules we would follow them. We’re both having a good time. There’s no reason for anyone to get hurt.” Kyra didn’t see the problem if they just let go. They were both adults and knew what they were doing. They both enjoyed themselves. There was no reason for anyone to feel hurt, unless Ethan was beginning to feel jealous.

  “Okay, what about condoms? Are we using them or not?” Ethan asked.

  “I think as long as we’re with couples we trust it shouldn’t be such a big deal. I’m on the Pill, and neither one of us likes the way condoms feel. That’s why I’m on the Pill in the first place.”

  Ethan chuckled. “We shouldn’t be doing anything with people we don’t trust anyway.”

  “That’s true, but I was thinking that if we ever branch out and try something else, somewhere down the line,” Kyra said. Ethan looked perplexed, but she didn’t bother to explain herself. She didn’t think it was the right time to tell her husband that she thought it might be fun sometime to go out and try to pick up another couple, or maybe go on some kind of swingers’ cruise. It might be a while before he was comfortable doing something like that. “What else should we be clear on?”

  “How did you feel when we split up? We never really discussed doing things in separate rooms.”

  “I had fun, but I like it better when we’re together. What did you think?”

  “It’s hot when we’re together, but I don’t need us to be in the same room. Once I got past the fact that you were off doing something on your own, I kind of liked it. I was able to concentrate on Ami completely.”

  “Did you like it better?” Kyra was disappointed. She liked watching Ethan with other people almost as much as she liked being watched. Playing the wicked slut wasn’t the same without an audience. Being with someone else, a man or another woman, wouldn’t be as much fun without Ethan there.

  “In some ways. It’s like watching you, and fucking someone else are two different things. Maybe I’m not good at multitasking. It was just fun to be alone with Ami for a while, that’s all. Why? Don’t you want to separate?”

  “No, it’s okay, as long as we still play together some of the time. I don’t want to just go somewhere and go off on our own all night.” Kyra didn’t tell the whole truth because she didn’t want to make it all about her.

  “Yeah, that would be weird,” Ethan agreed.

  “So we’re definitely going to the party?” Kyra asked hopefully.

  “Sure. I don’t see why not.” He still sounded less than convinced, but he said yes and that was all she needed.

  The conversation didn’t answer all of her questions, but enough for the time being. Kyra wondered if this swinging lifestyle really would be good for their marriage in the long term, or if it would eventually pull them apart. She was confident they could see the signs of trouble far enough out that they could avert disaster. In the meantime, picking an outfit for the party had her thinking about the possibilities in and that, in turn, had Kyra aroused. Is there time for a quick orgasm before Ethan comes in with the kids? She wondered. He was playing the kids in the backyard, while Kyra was supposed to be doing laundry. As she reached for the bedside drawer, she heard the squ
eals downstairs, signaling time was up.

  Kyra was buttoning the short khaki skirt, she mostly wore skirts these days, when Ethan came into the bedroom. She caught him staring at her plump breasts and smiled. The plain pink bra wasn’t exciting, but it did shape her well and it was unpadded, leaving her nipples prominently displayed.

  Ethan forced his eyes up and said, “I’m going to help the kids wash up. Could you get dinner started?” Seeing his wife half-naked, he wished they had a few minutes to be alone together. Whatever the negative side effects of their lifestyle might be, there was no denying the positive benefits. He loved the way Kyra dressed and took care of herself now.

  “Sure, I’ll be down in a minute.” Kyra saw him turn to go to the bathroom, where she could hear the kids giggling and splashing, she knew that if he didn’t get down there quickly the bathroom would be wrecked. But still, she stopped Ethan and asked, “What do you think? Which is hotter for the party?”

  Ethan tried not to stare at her tits and instead evaluated the dresses she held up on either side of her. He actually preferred the wrap dress because of how it would hug her chest and show off her cleavage, but he knew the very short dress was more daring and better fit Kyra’s new personality. No way she would have worn something as short as that peach dress in public, probably not even around the house. He thought of the admiring glances his wife would get while showing off all that creamy, porcelain skin and the choice was easy.

  “The short one, definitely,” he said. “I really should see them on you, though.”

  “Maybe I’ll put on a little fashion show after the kids go to bed.”

  “That would be awesome.” A sharp squeal came from the bathroom. “Uh oh, duty calls,” Ethan said with a laugh.

  Later that night, Kyra took a long, hot shower and took careful care grooming herself, since she knew she would be posing for Ethan. As she drew the razor over her mound, she reflected that maintaining the smoothly shaved look was as much a pain in the ass as she'd expected, but the reactions were worth in. It was the way sexy women take care of themselves these days. It was just one more thing, like growing her hair out, that made her feel like a woman, instead of someone's wife or mother. The towel barely covered her body while she stood in front of the bathroom mirror blowing dry her long, white-blonde hair, which was down past her shoulders now. It was the longest she'd worn it since she was a teenager, and she thought it gave her a glamorous look. She did not bother with makeup. Her complexion was flawless and she knew they would just being going to sleep when they were done.


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