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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

Page 3

by K E Osborn

  Luv me xoxo

  P.S. Thanks for the imagery of He Who Shall Not Be Named! It was exactly what I needed!

  I hit send and get to work. Every now and then Aiden would slip back into my mind, and I’d start to daydream again; however, the phone or a customer always interrupted. I look back up at the clock. It’s five thirty. Shit. I hadn’t noticed that it was time to leave an hour ago. I start to pack up my desk, all the other workers having already left for the day. This daydreaming is bad, and it has to stop. I quickly check my emails again; I see one last one from Sarah.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Sarah Carlisle

  Subject: WTF?

  Hey you,

  First things first, Mother Teresa died? Man when did that happen? I really have been out of touch with the world! When u get home I want all the juicy gossip!

  Luv, your BFF.

  I smile at the email, close the program, and shut down the computer. I realize that I need a taxi as my car is in the repair shop. Damn it! I rummage around in my fake Guess handbag until I find my cell phone. Luckily, there is a bench out in front of the office I can sit on. I dial the number for the taxi service.

  As I am about to start up Facebook on my cell phone, it rings. It’s Sarah. I’m sure she’s in a panic.


  “Oh my god, where are you? Have you been in another car accident? Are you okay?”

  I laugh, which doesn’t impress her. I let her rant on until she stops.

  “Don’t laugh at me. I’m worried about your safety! You said you would be home around five, and it’s now five forty five. You’re never late! Where are you?”

  “I’m fine. I’m at work still. My car’s in the shop, and I have to get a taxi. I’ll probably be another thirty or forty minutes.”

  She exhales with relief. “I can come and get you if you want me to. I’ll have to get dressed. It’s not like it’s far, and then you can give me all the gossip about this ‘mighty fine’ guy who came in today. Chris is going to cook us dinner. Cancel that taxi, and I’ll be there in twenty minutes, okay?”

  Before I’ve time to say anything in response, she hangs up. I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me and dial the taxi service to cancel. I sit back on the bench, rest my head on the wall, and close my eyes against the burning sun.

  Suddenly I’m pinned against the wall. Aiden’s bright blue eyes stare deeply into mine, and my arms rush up around his neck. He kisses my lips with such sensual force that my knees feel like they are going to give way. He proceeds to undo my top button then my second button while kissing my neck intently; I start to moan again, “mmm,” as he undoes the third and fourth buttons. He caresses my breast while kissing my neck.

  “Oh, Jeni,” he whispers. I pull his face to meet mine, and we kiss feverishly. His hand starts to pull my black skirt up, skimming his fingers along the inside of my thigh.

  Chapter 3

  “Jeni...Jeni... Jen! C’mon get in!”

  I wake from my reverie abruptly. Sweat beads atop my forehead, and I note that I’m quite out of breath. Sarah honks the horn.

  “Hurry up!”

  I jump up from the bench and walk over to Sarah’s red Ford Fiesta, wiping my hand across my brow as I get into her car.

  “It’s hot today,” I say breathlessly.

  Sarah looks at me strangely and turns on the air conditioning.

  “Spill. What are you all hot and bothered about?”

  I take in a deep breath as the cool, fresh air fills the car. I look at Sarah and laugh.

  “Oh. My. God. You should’ve seen him. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Pretty much the perfect male.”

  “Is he better than Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer?”

  “Oh, you have no idea. Smokin’ is the word that comes to mind.”

  Sarah puts on her blinker, and pulls out into the traffic.

  * * *

  We pull into the driveway. Sarah is singing along with the radio to Kelly Clarkson. She turns off the ignition and looks at me.

  “Look, be nice to Chris. I really like this guy, so be good. Oh, and go out with Mr. Eye Candy when he calls you. Get yourself out there again. It’s time, Jeni! Don’t spend your life scared of guys being like Jason - oops, sorry, He Who Shall Not Be Named. There are some good ones out there, and you don’t have to look hard to find them.” Sarah smiles her big, bright smile at me. She can see through me so easily. Chris opens Sarah’s car door.

  “See? There are some nice ones.”

  I get out of the car.

  “Hi, Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer,” Sarah says before smacking Chris with a giant, wet kiss.

  I look away and blush for the fifth time today as they embrace in a steamy lip-lock.

  “Hey, baby,” he says back to Sarah when they finish locking lips but still holding each other in a bear hug.

  I try to walk past them without them seeing me, to no avail.

  “I bought you some milk, and I’m cooking dinner for you tonight as an apology. Forgive me for stealing the last of your milk?” he asks with a grin like the Cheshire cat.

  “Depends on how good your cooking is,” I say back cheekily.

  “Challenge accepted.”

  Sarah smiles at me like I’ve done her proud.

  I walk inside, leaving the happy new couple to cuddle outside. I open the front door and walk into the hallway. To the left is the main bedroom, Sarah’s room of course. I walk down the hallway and put my keys and handbag on the buffet. I continue into the open-spaced kitchen/dining/living room and walk to my bedroom, which is off to the left. I get changed into something a bit more comfortable and less stained with coffee.

  I lie on my bed and start thinking about today’s events. Maybe I could start to think about dating again. I mean I’m only twenty-six. I guess Sarah’s words are true; not every guy is like Jason. They’re not all controlling scumbag cheaters and liars surely? I pick my cell phone up to call my mom when a message comes through from an unknown number.

  Hi, Jeni, this is Aiden O’Connell. Thought I’d send you my cell number so you have it for the insurance claim if you need it. See you Friday, Aiden.

  I sit up straight on the bed, feeling elated at the sight of his name. I read it and re-read it multiple times wondering if he’s talking about Friday for dinner or Friday to pick up the car, I sit on the edge of the bed, puzzled, trying to decipher the message.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Sarah says, knocking on my door. She sees my confusion and comes in. “Are you okay?”

  I sit still, staring at my cell phone. “I got a text from him.”

  Sarah shrieks with excitement and jumps on to my bed next to me. “O.M.G. What’s it say?”

  I shrug.

  “Hmm, guess it’s not a good text then?” she asks with a saddened tone.

  I shrug again and hand the cell phone to her so she can read it. She looks at me questionably and reads the message. Her face lights up.

  “‘See you Friday.’ That means the date is on, right?”

  I shrug again, feeling deflated.

  “Oh stop shrugging and talk to me.”

  I sigh. “It’s either to see me on Friday for the date or to see me when he picks up his car.”

  “Hmm, maybe we need a guy’s perspective on this one,” Sarah announces, and before I get a chance to say no, she calls out to Chris.

  “Hey, Chris, can you come tell us what this text means?”

  “Yeah, sure, I’ll be right there,” he says, yelling through the food in his mouth. He’s nearly unintelligible.

  I give Sarah the dirtiest look.

  “What? He might be able to help.”

  I flop back on the bed lying with my legs dangling over the side. My mind wanders to the feeling of electricity when my hand touched Aiden’s.

  I hear heavy footsteps on the wooden floorboards as Chris approaches my room.

  “How can I help?”

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” I say

  “Don’t be silly. Let me see!”

  Before I can take my cell phone from Sarah’s grasp, she hands it to Chris. I roll my eyes at the thought of how lame I must seem to him.

  “Hmm,” he mumbles. “What seems to be the issue?”

  Sarah speaks up quickly.

  “This guy said he would take her out for dinner on Friday night, but he’s also picking his car up from her work on Friday. Do you think he means see you on Friday for the dinner or for picking up the car?”

  Chris laughs and looks at Sarah in a puzzled way to see if she’s joking, which he quickly realizes she’s not. Chris stops laughing and clears his throat.

  “It could mean a couple of different things. One being that he means both, I’ll see you Friday to pick up his car and to go out, or...” He pauses.

  “Or what?” Sarah shouts out, following his every word.

  He takes a deep breath in.

  “Or he’s only talking about seeing her Friday at work. I say this only because he doesn’t mention anything about it being for dinner. Otherwise, he’s playing it cool and waiting for your reaction.”

  I look at him, intrigued.

  “Waiting for my reaction?”

  “Yeah, he might be waiting to see how you react to the message. To see if you’re keen to go out with him on Friday night or not. He’s waiting for your return message.”

  I look at Sarah, and she shrugs at me.

  “Should I say something about Friday night in my return message then?”

  He chuckles. “No, play it cool. Write back something like ‘okay’ or ‘yep’ or ‘thanks’ but wait a couple of hours before you reply. It’ll drive him nuts, but in a good way. That way, it’ll make him bring up the dinner, if that’s what he wants.”

  I look at Sarah as she looks at me.

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “Trust me. It’ll work,” he says positively. “Now, dinner’s ready. Come and see how good it is.” He looks at me, twisting my words from earlier.

  “Bring it on!”

  We laugh and head to the dining area to start eating.

  “Did you know Chris is a chef at Vinchenzo’s on Main Street?”

  I cough and splutter, forcing a piece of potato out of my mouth, which then lands in the middle of Chris’ cheek. How embarrassing.

  “Oh, Chris, I’m so sorry,” I yell.

  Sarah cracks up into hysterics as Chris uses a napkin to wipe away the potato. He looks angry with me. I bite my lip, waiting for him to yell at me or something, but nothing happens. He keeps staring at me with an angry face until he cracks.

  “Got ya! I was trying to look pissed, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer.” He bursts out laughing.

  I relax back into my chair and take in a deep breath.

  “You had me for a second there,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  I look at Sarah, amazed; Vinchenzo’s is our favorite restaurant. I shake my head, and we get back to our meals. A general conversation takes place, mostly about Chris and how long he’s been working there. We find out he has three sisters, all younger. They still live with his parents. Chris lives on his own in a tiny inner-city apartment on Main Street, close to Vinchenzo’s. He isn’t rich by any means, but he gets by on an apprentice chef’s wage. He’s very into cars, so we have a fair bit to talk about, not that I know about the mechanics of cars, but I know enough to hold my own when talking to car nuts.

  * * *

  We finish our meals, and while Chris is clearing the plates, Sarah and I both get up from our chairs.

  “I’m on dish duty tonight. You girls sit back, relax, and chat.”

  We smile at each other and sit back down.

  “Yes, sir,” Sarah says and smacks him on the ass.

  He looks back and blows her a kiss. She returns the gesture, and he continues to the kitchen to clean up.

  Sarah leans in toward me again and whispers, “So what do you think?”

  I let out a small laugh. “He’s okay, I guess.”

  She looks at me. “You guess?”

  I start laughing.

  “Joking! He’s amazing. He cooks, he cleans, and he’s very polite. He seems to have the trifecta.”

  Sarah giggles. “Don’t forget totally gorgeous.”

  I look over at him standing over the sink in his white tank, which is now slightly wet from the water and becoming see-through. My eyes brighten as his muscles start to show through.

  “Um, yeah, totally gorgeous.” We both laugh loudly.

  “I hope you’re not talking about me, ladies.” Chris glances at us.

  “Nah, you’re not worth talking about,” Sarah says cheekily.

  Chris gawks at her answer, skims some bubbles from the sink, and throws them at her. Of course he’s too far away for them to reach her, but the message is clear, and we start laughing.

  * * *

  After a couple of glasses of Pink Moscato, Sarah and I head to the living room. We sit on the brown suede love seat and turn the TV to MTV. “Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance is playing.

  “I love this song,” Chris yells out.

  Sarah turns up the volume so he can hear it in the kitchen. Being slightly tipsy from the wine we had with dinner, Sarah decides it’s time to dance. In her typical style, she jumps up off the love seat and starts to head bang and jump around the room like a teenager. I giggle to myself, as she looks like a fool. She gestures for me to come and dance with her.

  “No thanks, I’m not drunk enough to do that,” I yell over the music.

  Chris walks in with his slightly wet shirt, showing off his perfect muscles. My jaw drops at the sight. He’s grinning from ear to ear as he leans down toward me to talk over the music.

  “Is she always like this?”

  “Yup. Whenever there’s alcohol, there’s bad dancing.”

  He looks at me and laughs. He walks over to her and taps her on the shoulder. She looks up with embarrassment and stops dancing. He grabs her around her waist, looking into her eyes.

  “Dance with me?” he asks as the song changes to something a little slower, “My Immortal” by Evanescence.

  “Sure thing, baby.” She wraps her arms around his neck, and they slow dance together in the middle of the living room.

  “You’re all wet!” Sarah points to his stomach. He lets go of her, pulls his tank off, and throws it to the floor.



  He pulls her close again, and they continue to dance. Feeling a bit like a third wheel, I make my way slowly through the kitchen into my bedroom. I shut the door and collapse onto my comfy bed, feeling lonely. I pick up my cell phone from my pillow and dial my mom.


  After a few seconds, I hear the muffles of her trying to pick up the phone then a bang.

  “Oh crap,” Mom yells.

  “Mom, Mom! Are you okay?” I hear more muffles.

  “God damn it. Stupid phone.”

  I relax and start to laugh as I realize she’s dropped the phone.

  The thing about my Mom is, let’s just say I get my clumsiness from her. Finally she picks up the phone.

  “Are you there, honey?”

  I laugh. “Yes, Mom, I’m here.”

  “What’s that racket? Are you at a party? I hope you’re being safe. You know what I mean by safe, don’t you, Jenifer?”

  I shake my head. “No, Mom, I’m not at a party. Sarah’s in the living room with Chris dancing. And, yes, I know what you mean about being safe.” I giggle to myself. She’s so over-protective.

  “Chris, who’s Chris? Is he her new beau? Or new fling?”

  I sit there shocked. “Mom! I think he’s her new beau, but they only met yesterday. It’s hard to say.”

  Mom laughs. “Guess you’ll know in a couple of days or so.”

  Mom knows Sarah so well. “I don’t know, she seems different with this one. He seems different from all the others.”

nbsp; “I do hope she settles down soon, dear child.”

  I laugh at my mother’s sincerity.

  “You didn’t answer me. Are you being safe, Jenifer?”

  I roll my eyes. “Mom, I’m not having sex with anyone. I haven’t since Jason, so, yes, I am being safe, by not having sex.” I can hear her exhale with relief. I shake my head.

  “Really? Not since Jason? You’ve got to get out there and find someone. At least someone to keep you satisfied, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh my god, Mom. Yes, I know what you mean. I’m not getting a fuck buddy!” I interject, shocked.

  Mom laughs. “It’s not a fuck buddy; it’s friends with benefits. Get it right!”

  Shocked by my mother’s knowledge of such things, I interrupt again. “Okay, Mom, I’m going.”

  She laughs and yells, “Go get yourself a man, Jeni.”

  Oh my god. “Okay, Mom, bye.” I put my head in my hand.

  “I love you and, remember, be safe.”

  I sigh. “Love you, Mom.” I hang up the cell phone.

  Chapter 4

  I sit on the edge of the bed, shocked, but laughing at the conversation that just took place. I lie back down on the bed and look through the pictures on my cell phone. I continue to scroll through the photos when I see a photo of Jason and me at our engagement party. I sigh and put my cell phone down onto the bed. Tears start to well up in my eyes when Aiden pops into my mind. I pick up the cell phone again, remembering what Chris had said.

  Play it cool. Write back something like “okay” or “yep” or “thanks” but wait a couple of hours before you reply. It’ll drive him nuts, but in a good way. I look at the time the message was received, six forty five.

  I look up at the clock on the wall, eight thirteen. “Hmm.” I re-read the message.

  Hi, Jeni, this is Aiden O’Connell. Thought I’d send you my cell number so you have it for the insurance claim if you need it. See you Friday, Aiden.

  I read it again a few more times and decide to write back. I sigh and do as Chris said. If Aiden O’Connell wants to play games, I can play them just as well. I type, yep, and hit send. Instantly the panic sets in. What if he’s interested and I’ve made it seem like I’m not? What if it’s too late to text back and he gets annoyed that I’ve text him late? Oh my god, I’ve totally screwed any chance I had with him. I sigh.


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