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Love, Your Concierge

Page 4

by Jessica Ingro

  “No, Sir. Not very often. I was visiting with some friends. Were you there the other night?” In an attempt to regain my composure, I chose to play dumb about seeing him there. Maybe he would think it was all a misunderstanding. He was far enough away where I could still pretend I didn’t recognize him. We were in a club, damn it. There were people all over the place, dancing in and out of my line of sight. It was a real possibility.

  “Oh, I was there Ms. Ward. And you very well know it.” He sat in his chair behind the desk and leaned back, clearly amused that he backed me into a corner with no choice but to acknowledge my behavior.

  “Hmmm… perhaps you do look familiar.”

  I sat, shocked when he tipped his head back and laughed. The sound was beautiful. Damn.

  “Yes, perhaps I do. So, Ms. Ward…”

  “Elizabeth,” I interrupted him and prayed he was going to put me out of my misery and change the subject.

  “Elizabeth,” he conceded. “I noticed you were friends with Valentina Leokov. Are you close with her?”

  When he mentioned Nik’s wife, Tina, I was surprised. It was as if we were playing twenty questions, and I wasn’t enjoying it. What did he care if we were close? I needed to shut this down.

  “I suppose we are. I’m not sure that has anything to do with–” I couldn’t finish my thought before he cut me off.

  “I’m just trying to get to know you, Ms. Ward. Elizabeth.” He added my first name after my censured look.

  “Whereas I appreciate you wanting to know more about me, that doesn’t really change our professional relationship. As I told Ms. Litchfield, I am prepared to take on any tasks you might need. Laundry, dry cleaning, running errands, planning events, and whatever else you see fit. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a full day and had to rearrange my schedule so that I could deliver your work to you.”

  I stood and extended my hand, the picture of professionalism. Grant took my hand and raised it to his mouth. His sensuous, full lips grazing the skin there and causing my whole body to break out in goosebumps.

  “I wouldn’t want to keep you, Elizabeth. I look forward to seeing you again. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Spinning from how quickly he dismissed me, I walked on numb legs down the hall and out to the elevator. That man was confusing as hell.

  Chapter Four

  Flowers Are a Girl’s Best Friend

  “I’ll take a cup of the Red Velvet Cupcake coffee, please. Cream only.”

  I felt like I should have coffee injected straight into my veins thanks to my lack of sleep. My coffee of choice wasn’t the one most laden with caffeine to keep me awake. However, whenever it was on the menu I couldn’t resist the sweet goodness of Red Velvet coffee from my favorite coffee shop, Java Girl.

  It had been a week since my encounter with Grant in his office, and I found myself still shaken up whenever I thought about the way he looked at me. Anything and everything that had to do with him had me flustered and crazed with need. It was absolutely ridiculous that I was reacting this way to a virtual stranger. Exercising control, I’d been able to push those thoughts away. But when I was sleeping, they took over.

  Without Matt around to take the edge off of this all-consuming need that had been encompassing me, I hadn’t had a good night sleep since the White Rabbit. My dreams were hot, sweaty and left me hopelessly turned on. Whenever I couldn’t regulate my body’s reaction to Grant in my dreams, I had to take matters into my own hands. My vibrator had been getting a workout lately. Seeing how it was a Thrusting Jack Rabbit, I knew it was up for the task. The orgasms were nice, but they left me empty and wanting more. What that “more” was that I craved, I was trying not to think about. Ignorance was bliss… or so I heard.

  After paying the girl and taking my cup, I stepped out onto East Sixty-Sixth Street and raced towards my first client of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen were heading out of town for a vacation with their three kids. I had the task of packing for all three of their children. I wasn’t completely sure I was qualified for said task, seeing as how I had no children and most of my friends were childless, but hey… a job was a job.

  Regardless of the seemingly odd request, the Jensen’s had never been anything but gracious and welcoming to me. Pamela Jensen had invited me not only to dinners, but to birthdays and holidays with their family. And their children were surprisingly grounded for growing up in one of the more wealthy families in New York. Typically, well-to-do kids in New York ended up spoiled, entitled, pretentious, and dare I say complete assholes?

  Standing in six-year old Claire’s walk-in closet, I surveyed the clothing options and started picking out garments. Trying to picture what Greece would be like at this time of the year, I decided to pick staple pieces that could be layered if needed. I figured even as a young child, that simple fashion rule would still apply.

  With a little girl’s bikini in one hand, I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my ringing phone with the other. Glancing at the screen, I saw it was Maya. I smiled because it had been a few days since we connected, and I was always glad to hear from her.

  “What’s shaking?” I asked after swiping my finger across the screen of the phone and activating the speakerphone. I hated Bluetooth headsets. My ears were too small, and they always ended up sore when I wore one.

  “You tell me. I haven’t heard from you in a while. Are you avoiding me?” Never one to mince her words, Maya laid it all out there.

  Truth be told, I was avoiding her. The whole thing with Grant turning me inside out and Matt declaring his love for me had me confused, and I needed time to think and make some decisions. Of course, the time I was taking wasn’t really helping anything, so I should have known better.

  “Sorry M. I’ve been out of sorts. I’m assuming you know about the Matt situation. I was totally thrown for a loop with his declaration of love and the whole asking me to move thing.” Remembering that Matt said Maya encouraged him, I asked, “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “If I had warned you, then you wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to at least think about it. You would have immediately started erecting walls around yourself and coming up with reasons why you two shouldn’t try something long term. You know I would miss you dearly if you moved, but I think Matt is good for you. He’s the only one you’ve connected with in years, E. Years. That has to mean something.”

  I hadn’t really thought of it that way. Matt was gorgeous, sweet, kind and when I let myself relax, we had great chemistry in bed. Was that really enough to make a relationship work though? My parents loved each other fiercely. You couldn’t look at them and not know it. It radiated from them, and it cast a warm glow around anyone who came in contact with them. I always believed that love wasn’t worth it unless it was that beautiful and real. Before I could give myself to someone, the feelings they evoked in me and vice versa needed to be a physical thing that everyone could see.

  With Matt, I didn’t have that. I had familiarity and someone to listen to me whenever I needed it. A friend to share time with and lean on when necessary. What I didn’t have was earth shattering and soul crushing feelings for him. That was how I knew I had to let him go. So one day he could find that intense kind of love with someone who deserved it. Someone who would love him back the same way. I couldn’t let him settle for anything less than what every one of us deserves.

  “I take it you told him no?” Maya broke into my thoughts. I thought for sure Matt would have told her what happened seeing as how they conspired behind my back initially.

  “You would be correct. I just couldn’t do it. He deserves better than what I have to give him. Besides, there is no way in hell I could pick up and leave New York. My mom is still here, and she needs me. Not to mention, my job is here.”

  “Jobs exist in Chicago too. I’m sure a majority of your clients could have given you references for people in Chicago who could use your services. So don’t use that excuse.”

  “Look, I love you dearly, but I don
’t want to talk about this anymore. Okay?”

  She sighed heavily and knowingly. Whenever my mind was made up, there was no changing it. “Fine. That isn’t why I called anyway. I met up with Derek, that director I slept with a few times when we were doing the off, off Broadway rendition of Annie. Surprisingly enough, he is working on the very Broadway play, Wicked now and gave me two tickets for tonight’s eight o’clock show. You game?”

  I didn’t really feel like going out tonight. What I wanted to do was go home, eat some Chinese food from the place down the street and drink a couple of bottles of wine in hopes of passing out and getting some sleep. I didn’t say all that though. I knew how much Maya liked The Wizard of Oz. If I didn’t go, she’d miss out and be disappointed. I hated being the source of her disappointment, especially after all the times she had been there for me. I was used to taking care of the people I loved since my dad died. When they needed me, I was there for them, no matter what I was feeling.

  Maybe going out would get my mind off things. I had hope, even if the last time I agreed to go out I ended up with my head more messed up than it was before the night started. Besides, if I wasn’t lucky enough to pass out tonight, I would just obsess about the man taking over my every waking thought. If I went with her, I could still get a drink and relax. Maybe have a few laughs and be tired enough to fall asleep on my own.

  “Sure,” I agreed before giving my conditions. “I’m in need of a drink. Or two. Or hell, maybe ten. We have to grab dinner and drinks first.”

  “Deal. We can go out for drinks with the cast afterward too. It will be fun. Just like old times,” she said with a voice full of sorrow.

  My heart went out to her in that moment. Maya struggled on a daily basis with her choice not to focus on acting full-time. I knew she missed it, but the rejection wore at her after awhile. And something must have happened during her last big role, because she abruptly quit the show and came to work for me. I inquired, trying to take her pulse on what had happened. She insisted that I leave it alone. Knowing that she was normally open with her troubles, I figured that whatever happened was epically bad if she couldn’t discuss it with me. I just hoped she discussed it with someone. I couldn’t stand the thought of my friend suffering alone in silence.

  “It’s a date,” I confirmed before hanging up and completed my task of dressing a little girl.


  I was pissed. Seething really. So unbelievably ready to kick someone’s ass that it wasn’t even funny. And I had absolutely no right to be.

  It all started with a phone call from Grant’s secretary.

  “Hello, Ms. Ward,” she greeted me cheerily.

  “Please, Ms. Litchfield, call me Elizabeth.” I hated formalities when they weren’t necessary.

  After a few minutes of silence, I almost looked at my phone to see if I had lost the connection. When she finally spoke she seemed genuinely surprised by my personalization of our relationship. “Thank you, Elizabeth. Please call me Madison then.”

  After agreeing with a smile both on my face and in my voice, Madison proceeded to pull the carpet out from under me.

  “Mr. Morgan is in need of three sets of flowers to be delivered. I was hoping you could take over the task of arranging this for me. I also need you to go to Tiffany’s on Fifth Avenue and pick up a gift as well. When you go there, ask for Greta. She’ll give you what you need. Then I need it delivered to Corinne Hughes. I’ll email you all the addresses. Could you have all this done no later than tomorrow?”

  I froze. Could this actually be happening right now? Was I being asked to get Grant Morgan’s conquests a gift? It was highly unlikely he had four sisters I would be getting flowers and gifts for. My mouth opened and closed several times before I was able to find my voice. A voice that sounded slightly strangled even to my own ears.

  “Ye... Yes…” I stammered my response. “Please send the email and I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”

  Oblivious to my inner turmoil, she gushed, “Thank you so much, dear. You have no idea how much you have helped me out. It’s been so long since I’ve had this much free time. Hiring you was one of the best decisions Mr. Morgan has made in a very long time. I’ll email you right away. Thanks again.”

  I barely murmured a goodbye before she disconnected. My mind was still reeling from the fact that I was about to send four different women a gift from the man who was occupying my thoughts day and night. The man who made me want to throw all my rules and beliefs out the window just to see what could be. Was I delusional to believe I could stop his womanizing ways? Probably. But I don’t know one woman who would look at him and not feel the same way.

  My hand trembled, and my stomach was a bundle of knots. I felt bile creeping up my throat, and I gave a self-deprecating laugh at my extreme reaction to this task. It didn’t make any sense that I would have such a strong reaction to the thought of Grant with multiple women. I set the phone down on a table and closed my eyes. Breathing slowly and deeply I calmed my turbulent emotions.

  I could do this. There was nothing between Grant and me. He was my client, nothing more. These crazy and stupid fantasies that were running my life needed to stop. I was better than this. Even if I was stupid enough to throw my career away by getting involved with a client, I would hope I wouldn’t throw it all away for a man with obvious commitment issues. I was delivering four gifts to four different women today for goodness sake. If that wasn’t a wakeup call, then I didn’t know what was.


  As I waited for the doorman of Corinne Hughes’ exclusive high-rise to approve my arrival, I fought back the anxiety that had been enveloping me since hanging up the phone with Madison that afternoon. It was easier to deal with now that the flowers were delivered, although finding out what was inside this fucking Tiffany’s box definitely made it spike.

  When I stopped at my florist of choice – thanks to both their efficiency and fast delivery – I quickly picked out three bouquets of various wild flowers with a few roses mixed in. I chose deviations that were similar, but different so that each girl technically received a unique gift.

  I cringed when I had to read off the names and addresses of the three bimbos, as I liked to call them. First up was Bridgette. All I could picture was a blonde bombshell airhead. She was pretty, but vacuous. Yes, I’m sure that would be his woman of choice. Next came Mona. I envisioned Grant thrusting into a stick thin brunette and moaning her name. And last was Kiki. Don’t even get me going on the redheaded woman reminiscent of Carmen Miranda with the fruit hat on her head. Or at least that is what she was in my mind.

  The shop owner looked at me with a wide smile and said, “Flowers are a girl’s best friend.”

  To which I replied, “Or their worst enemy. The cards should all read, ‘Thank you for a wonderful time’. Signed Grant Morgan.” I raised my eyebrow and gave her a knowing look. She immediately looked contrite and nodded her head in agreement. Then again, who wouldn’t agree with that assessment? It was deplorable the way he was treating these women.

  My next stop at Tiffany’s didn’t prove much better. Once I was escorted to the floor where Greta was working, she quickly went in the back and came out with a small wrapped gift for me. As she slipped it into a bag, I asked her what was inside of the box. If I had thought about my request instead of letting curiosity get the better of me, I would have been better off.

  “Oh, they are the most exquisite earrings. Mr. Morgan has wonderful taste. Here, let me show you.”

  I followed her around to a counter where she unlocked the display and pulled out earrings that were indeed exquisite.

  “Tiffany round diamonds in a platinum setting with pear-shaped diamonds dropping underneath them. They are one of our more expensive pairs. Whoever he is giving them to is one lucky lady.”

  “Indeed she is,” I pushed out past my gritted teeth and then proceeded to get the hell out of there.

  What I didn’t understand was how one woma
n was receiving beautiful, expensive earrings, while three others were getting only flowers. You would think that the three others would be non-existent if he had a woman he was going to spend that much money on. But whatever. It was none of my business and I’d do well to remember that.

  “You can go up now, miss,” the doorman said. I gave him a quick thank you and hurried towards the elevator. The quicker I gave the earrings to this bitch, the quicker I could get on with my life.

  The elevator arrived at the penthouse floor, and I took a deep breath before stepping off into the open entryway. The sound of heels clicking on the wood floor drew my attention to the left of the open, clearly expensively decorated room.

  “I hear you have a package for me,” a tall, gorgeous brunette said to me. She was elegant and classy in every way. Her hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders and framed her face perfectly. Her makeup was subtle and served to enhance the beauty of her features, which were perfectly symmetrical. Her eyes were a sparkling blue, and her lips were full and pouty. Her voice was cultured as her words filtered into my ears. The dress she was wearing was lavender and accentuated every curve of her body, while the neckline showcased large and unfortunately real breasts.

  She was like a real life brunette Barbie. And I hated her. She was everything I was not. There was no way Grant would want me when he had her. Not that I wanted him to want me. I silently amended that thought.

  “Is that for me?” She asked with annoyance in her voice when I didn’t answer her the first time. Clearly, Corinne was used to getting what she wanted.

  “Yes, this is from Mr. Grant Morgan.” I held out the bag, and her perfectly manicured hand took it from me with a knowing grin on her face.

  Totally off my game after coming face to face with a woman who obviously meant something to Grant, I stupidly stood there and watched her eye the bag. Apparently, I was going to wait for her to open it. I must be a glutton for punishment.


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