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Love, Your Concierge

Page 30

by Jessica Ingro

  “Whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it wrong,” she announced once she arrived in front of my desk.

  “Come again?”

  “With Elizabeth. Whatever it is you think you’re doing to show her you care, it isn’t working. Oh, and never ask a woman to marry you because it makes sense.” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

  “Maybe we should start at the beginning and explain to me what you’re doing here.”

  “Ugh. You really are dense sometimes. I just had a conversation with Elizabeth in which she told me that all you do is fuck her brains out and she thinks that is all you want from her. She believes you’ll never be able to forgive her for hiding Vivi from you and that you still think she had an affair with Travis. I can’t believe you two haven’t done more than the bump and grind all these months. Stop thinking with your dick and start talking with your mouth. God!” She threw her arms up in the air exasperatedly.

  “Whoa. She told you all that?”

  “Uh, yeah!”

  “I thought for sure I was making headway with her. We’ve been acting like a family. We sleep together. We spend time together. I show her affection.” I held up my hand to keep her silent when her mouth opened to speak. “Outside of the bedroom. How could she not know I still love her?”

  “Have you told her?”

  “Well, maybe not with words.” I hesitated for a moment while I thought back on the fact that I hadn’t actually said the words.

  “I see it’s starting to make sense to you. Now look, you need a new game plan and you need me.” She pointed her thumb towards her chest.

  I sighed and leaned back in my chair again. I supposed it wouldn’t hurt to have more reinforcements in pulling off my plan. And she had proved she could be a worthy adversary.

  “I’ve been putting a plan in motion for the last couple weeks. I’m going to have to make a few adjustments given this new information, but I think it will still work.”

  “Ooooh! Plan? I want in.” She rubbed her hands together, and it made me smirk. I really did like Maya, and what a good friend she was to Elizabeth.

  I proceeded to tell her every last detail and how I thought we could modify it.

  “Oh my God. It’s perfect.” She waved her hands in front of her face. “I think I’m going to cry. Shit. You’re so romantic.”

  “Well, thank you.” I adjusted my tie and sat up straighter. I enjoyed compliments as much as the next person.

  “Let’s get to planning!”

  We spent the next couple hours finalizing everything in hopes of securing Elizabeth’s place by my side forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Starlight Room


  “Look at me, Elizabeth,” Grant demanded, and I opened my eyes and attempted to focus on him. We were on the settee in his room. He was straddled over the chair, and I was in his lap with my legs wrapped around him. I’m not sure how we ended up here, but I’m glad we did.

  It was late, very late. I came back from taking care of Vivi and Grant wanted me. Never one to complain, I took him up on his offer.

  The moonlight was streaming through the opened windows and was bathing our bodies as they moved in sync with one another. He was buried deep inside me. It felt so right, that I had to beat back the emotions it was causing.

  “Do you feel it, Elizabeth? Do you feel what I’m saying to you with my body?”

  I stared into his eyes, confused by his words. What was he talking about? I couldn’t focus on his words, only on what he was doing to my body. Each time I rocked over him, I was closer to losing my mind with how phenomenal he felt.

  “Grant. Make love to me.” I wrapped my arms tighter around his shoulders and tilted my pelvis to change the angle.

  “I am, love. Feel it. Every time we come together, it’s us making love. It will always be more than just sex.”

  “Yes,” I breathed as my orgasm shook and tightened my body. I rested my forehead on his and held his gaze when his washed over him. He planted himself inside me, holding me down on him tightly while his cock throbbed inside me.

  “Elizabeth. Please tell me you felt that connection.”

  I nodded, and my forehead rolled on his. Maybe he did want to be more than fuck buddies. My heart leapt with the thought. I really wanted to ask him, but I needed my rest, and I had it all planned out for tonight when we didn’t need to worry about being interrupted by Vivi.

  “Good,” he whispered. “Elizabeth, we need to–”

  I put my finger over his lips to silence him. “Let’s talk about this later. I don’t want to ruin this moment in any way, shape or form. It was perfect.”


  He kissed me softly and tenderly before lifting me off him and going to take care of the condom.

  When he joined me in bed, we curled up together. His chest was to my back. Both his arms wrapped around me, and our hands interlaced. For the first time in months, I dared to feel hope.


  I woke up alone in bed. Stretching I took in the bright morning sun and mentally prepared myself for tonight. I was anxious to work things out with Grant. I didn’t imagine the passion in his eyes last night or the intensity of his gaze. I had to believe for Vivi and for me that we could make this work.

  A knock on my door had me pulling the sheets up. Grant would never knock.

  “Come in,” I called out and was surprised to see my mom pop her head in.

  “Good morning, sweetie. Rise and shine. We have a big day ahead of us.”

  “What are you talking about? And what are you doing here? We were supposed to be visiting you next weekend.”

  “Oh, I know, dear. I thought it would be fun to explore the city. Besides, I have an appointment with that new cardiologist Grant found for me. And I really wanted to see my granddaughter. So here I am. Now get up. You have a date tonight, if memory serves me and you’ll want to be all primped and ready to go.”

  This was so weird. I knew she had a doctor’s appointment this week because I offered to meet her there when George drove her into the city for it. She had been feeling tired and winded lately, so we weren’t taking our chances and wanted her to see the best physicians she could. This was my mom. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  That still didn’t explain why she invited herself to stay over for a few days. It was Saturday, and her appointment wasn’t until Tuesday morning. That was a long time, especially if Grant didn’t know about this. We’d been having sex all over this apartment. That was one of the things I loved about him, his spontaneity and the fact that he was so creative when it came to sex. I wasn’t so sure he’d be thrilled about curbing his intimacy with me, but we’d see.

  “Hand me my robe.” I pointed towards my robe on the chair across from the bed. When she gave it to me, I put it on as discreetly as possible and got out of bed.

  “Where’s Vivi? She should be hungry by now.”

  “Don’t worry about her. She’s with Jennie right now. I fed her a bottle from the stash in the fridge. Now come on. You need to shower.”

  “Why are you pushing this? I don’t have to be ready for hours, Mother.” I looked at the clock and back to her. “Eight hours to be precise. You need to settle down.”

  Another knock on the door and this time it flew open before I could say anything. Maya came waltzing in with two women behind her. “Chop, chop sleepyhead. You need to shower. Then you’re getting a mani, a pedi, a facial and a massage.”

  My mouth hung open as the women began to set up tables and other accouterments. What was going on here?

  “I don’t understand,” I said because I didn’t.

  “It’s a gift from Grant for being such a good mother. He wants to pamper you and I say let him. Now shoo. Get in the damn shower already. And shave real good. Trust me. Just do it.”

  Totally baffled by the turn my morning took, I jumped in the shower and did as I was told.

  Hours later when I was pri
mped, massaged and painted, I sipped on a glass of champagne while looking out at the views of Manhattan. I couldn’t remember a time I had been more relaxed.

  “Okay, sweetie. Before they do your hair and makeup, we have a gift for you.” My mother walked into the walk-in closet and came out with two boxes. One was massive, and the other definitely held shoes of some sort.

  I walked to the bed where she set them down and carefully opened the larger box. My heart was racing with anticipation. If I knew Grant, this was going to be something special.

  I pulled out an elegant and sleeveless white gown with a modified boatneck. The back was a beaded cowl design that would showcase my freshly buffed and smooth back.

  I held it up in front of me and its length swept the floor, and it appeared to have a smallish train in the back.

  “Holy cow,” I breathed in wonderment. This was the most breathtaking dress I had ever seen in my life.

  “I know, sweetie. I thought the same thing.”

  “Me too,” Maya chimed in as she walked in with yet another box. This one clearly containing jewelry.

  “Here. Open this one first.” My mother handed me the shoe box. Inside was a gorgeous pair of Louboutin shoes covered in Swarovski crystals. They were my favorite style of peep-toe sling back and they were enough to give a girl an orgasm.

  “I already had a dress and shoes for tonight.” I stupidly pointed out. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, I know.

  “Grant wanted you to have something special, sweetie. I think it really is something. I loved your father dearly – may God rest his soul – but he never treated me like a princess after I bore you. He might have shown his appreciation a time or two in the bedroom afterward, but this is a whole other level of appreciation.”

  “Lalalalala. I can’t hear you talk about sex with my father. Lalalalala.” I covered my ears and Maya laughed.

  “My turn.” She thrust the jewelry box into my hands, and I opened it.

  Inside sat a sapphire and diamond choker style necklace, matching drop earrings and ring. It had to have cost a fortune. There were so many diamonds and sapphires. It was amazing.

  “It was his grandmother’s. Devereaux gave it to him when he died. He wanted you to wear them tonight.”

  Tears filled my eyes as my finger gently traced the necklace. He wanted me to wear his grandmother’s necklace, something that meant everything to him. And he trusted me with it.

  “I was thinking we would go old Hollywood glam for your hair with waves around your face,” the hairstylist chimed in from across the room.

  “And we’ll mirror that look with your makeup. Nothing too heavy, just a lot of glamour,” the makeup artist added.

  The next hour was a flurry of activity while they coiffed and styled me. It seemed a bit more than was necessary for a fundraiser, but Grant was over the top sometimes so I decided to roll with it.

  Once I was dressed, I couldn’t believe how unbelievably perfect the dress and everything was on me. I remembered back to the way I felt all dolled up for the gala that first night with Grant. I had felt beautiful and sexy, but it was nothing compared to this. I couldn’t wait to show my appreciation to him. Hell, I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he saw how I looked.

  Speaking of which, I checked the clock and felt a knot of nervousness in my stomach. Grant was late. We needed to leave, and he wasn’t home yet.

  I headed out towards the Great Room. George was standing in the entryway, grinning at me.

  “You look beautiful, Ms. Ward.”

  “Thank you, George. If you’re here, where is Grant?” I looked around him and into the room. Only my mother sat with Vivi on her lap. No Grant and no Maya.

  I didn’t have time to wonder why my friend hadn’t said goodbye. I looked back to George.

  “I’m to escort you, Miss. But first I need you to put this on.” He held up a white slip of fabric.

  “What’s that?” I eyed it suspiciously.

  “It’s a blindfold, Miss. Mr. Morgan insisted.”

  “Just do it, Elizabeth,” my mother scolded from across the room.

  “Fine but if he messes up my hair I’m going to scream.”

  George blindfolded me and led me out to the car. The whole way to wherever we were going, my anxiety grew. I wasn’t good at surprises. Especially ones I couldn’t see. Not having any idea what Grant had up his sleeves was giving me serious heartburn.

  The car stopped and George helped me out onto a sidewalk.

  “Ms. Ward,” a friendly male voice greeted me. “I’m Marcus and I’ll be escorting you the rest of the way.”

  “Nice to meet you, Marcus. George is this alright?” I asked before letting him wrap my hand around the unknown man’s arm.

  “Yes, Ms. Ward. He’ll take you to Mr. Morgan.”

  “Thank you,” I muttered and the man led me into a building and up some stairs, which weren’t exactly easy to navigate when you couldn’t see where you were going. I might have stumbled a time or two, but I refused to think about how ridiculous I looked. It would be mortifying if I did.

  I heard an elevator ding and assumed we got on the car when I heard the doors close. Unable to stand the silence, I spoke. “Marcus, mind telling me where we are or where you’re taking me?”

  “Sorry, Ma’am. I have strict orders not to answer your questions. I assure you you’ll enjoy it once we arrive.”

  “I sure hope so,” I mumbled under my breath, feeling a bit like a petulant child.

  When the elevator doors opened, we stepped off and he ushered me down a corridor of sorts. After a few minutes, he stopped me, and I felt him step away.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I heard muttered off to my side and then I heard a door close.

  “Grant?” I asked, a bit unsure of where I was or what was going on. All I knew was Marcus left me potentially alone.

  “You look stunning tonight, Elizabeth.” Hot breath fanned across my cheek and neck. I felt Grant’s warmth as his body neared mine. My body instinctively swayed towards him, wanting more contact. I breathed deep and took in his masculine scent mixed with his expensive cologne. Such a potent mixture.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. My anxiousness was completely gone. My body strained for his and my mind shut off. He always had that effect on me.

  I felt him reach up, and the blindfold fell away. I blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting and gasped in surprise at where we were.

  “What?” I breathed as I spun around and took in the candlelight all around the center room of the Starlight Lounge at the Waldorf. We were in the middle of the room that was completely empty except for the candles and white rose petals. There were hundreds of both surrounding us.

  Grant was wearing a black tuxedo that made him look even more G.Q. than he usually did. The effect was devastating.

  “This is where we started, Elizabeth. You, me, and the stars. I lost my heart to you that night and I’m standing here now to tell you that you can keep it. I want you to have my heart forever.”

  A sob left my throat and tears pooled in my eyes before spilling over.

  “You do? But Travis and my hiding Vivi from you… you can get past all that?”

  His hands cupped my face, and his thumbs brushed tears from my cheeks. “I know you never had an affair. If I had really thought about it that night, I never would have said those horrible things to you. For that I ask your forgiveness. For not believing in you the way you always believed in me. For not being the man whom you deserved. I regret that night and the months we spent apart more than I could ever relay to you. I backed you into a corner back then. I know your heart, Elizabeth. You would have never kept our daughter from me once she was born. Forgive yourself because I forgave you a long time ago.”

  “I love you, Grant. I never stopped and the last few months I thought you only wanted sex from me. I think that hurt worse than the things you said to me that night. I have to have more. With you I have to have it all. Anything less isn�
��t acceptable.”

  He placed a tender kiss on my lips and then fell to a knee in front of me. I gasped and covered my mouth with both hands.

  “I’ll never make you settle for less than you deserve. If you’ll only say yes, I’ll give you everything.”


  “All of me. Forever. Please say you’ll marry me.” He opened the box he pulled from his coat pocket. Inside sat a cushion cut diamond ring surrounded by smaller diamonds with diamonds all the way around the band. It was easily four or five carats. It was amazing.

  “Yes! Always yes!” I began bawling when he placed the ring on my finger.

  He jumped up and gave me a toe curling kiss, dipping me backwards with his enthusiasm.

  The door behind us opened and we broke apart. Jennie, Vivi, my mom, Maya and Travis, Tina and Nik, Nat and Asher, Mimi, Lola, Madison and an older woman I had never seen before all fell on us with kisses, hugs and well wishes. They were all dressed up, even Vivi, who was wearing a white dress with lots of frills and little pink bows. She even had a pink bow in her hair.

  I couldn’t have asked for a better engagement celebration.

  “It’s time!” My mother cried enthusiastically. I looked back and forth from her and Grant as people from the hotel streamed in from the north and south terraces of the room. On the north side, the divider came down to reveal tables set up lavishly with fine China and a table with a huge cake atop it. The south side room divider was taken down to reveal more rose petals, candles and an elegant archway at the far end of the room. It too was covered with flowers and twinkling lights. Underneath stood a minister holding a book.

  “Oh my God!” I shouted.

  “I don’t want to wait to be a family in every sense of the word. That’s why everyone is here tonight. To witness you becoming mine forever.”

  “But a marriage license?” I couldn’t process how this was all happening so quickly.

  “Is all taken care of,” he interrupted me. “Meet Gladys Sherman, the city clerk.”

  “Hello, dear. Don’t worry about anything besides making this young man happy. You can sign everything today and I’ll be sure to process it accordingly. My lips are zipped,” the stranger who had filed in with our friends and family said with a smile.


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