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Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives - Extended Edition

Page 12

by Various Various

  She pushed hard against his solidly muscled chest, impatient to know what her present was.

  He broke off from her lips by a mere centimetre, Charlie’s breath still against her mouth. She stared up into his adoring eyes.

  “I want to know what my surprise is.”

  Charlie chuckled and kissed her hard on the mouth once more, before stepping back and grabbing her hand. His fingers traced patterns on her skin in a familiar, affectionate way that made Sienna relax into him.

  “A friend of mine from university called me the other day to say he was in town.”

  He paused for effect and Sienna’s breath caught in her throat.

  “You don’t mean…”

  She trailed off, not even sure how to say the words that sprung to her mind.

  Are we having a threesome with your friend?

  “I do. You get to be the centre of attention tonight. I know Brad well and he’s a good guy. A little bisexual, but he knows I’m not into that.”

  Sienna nodded in understanding, though her brain was struggling to compute what Charlie had just said. She blinked in slow motion, waiting for the penny to drop.

  Charlie’s sex drive and good looks were the first things that had attracted Sienna to him. That, and his money of course.

  But a small part of her had known from the start that her attraction was never that shallow. He had a heart too. He pandered to her, bought her gifts, gave her compliments. But then again, most of her boyfriends did. The difference came when he wiped her tears away when her puppy died, and would hold her tight when she woke up amidst a nightmare. There was more to their relationship than anyone knew, and it seemed that for tonight, their bond would welcome in one more.

  “Is he…?” Sienna didn’t know how to ask what was her first thought. What if she didn’t find this guy that Charlie had picked attractive? What if he was ugly? Or fat? Or, God forbid, old!

  Charlie chuckled and began pulling her back towards the front door.

  “Come meet Brad. This night is just for you sweetheart. If you don’t like him, then I’ll find someone else, but…I’m pretty sure you will.”

  Charlie grinned at her, showing the utmost confidence, and pulled open her front door. There, standing in her private foyer, was a magnificent male specimen. Tall, broad-shouldered and almost the exact opposite in colouring to Charlie.

  Charlie had black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Brad was dirty blond and had the bluest eyes Sienna had ever seen. He was hot, extremely so.

  “Hey.” Brad greeted her with a sexy, slow smile and a deliciously husky voice.

  Sienna’s pussy moistened and throbbed. She was going to have sex with this guy?

  Not that Sienna hadn’t had sex with a lot of men before. When she was younger, she’d often enjoyed a one night stand with a hot stranger, but it had been a long time since anyone had seen her naked except Charlie.

  “Hi.” She managed to respond, stepping back so that he could enter.

  Brad swaggered in and looked around, shaking Charlie’s hand. Sienna took a closer look at the man Charlie had chosen for them. He was wearing ripped jeans and a blue singlet speckled with paint. Not exactly the sort of guy she usually went for.

  “Whoa, this place must have cost you a fucking mint!”

  Sienna rolled her eyes and walked towards the kitchen. This was the man that Charlie thought would fulfil her ultimate fantasy? Seriously?

  She was supposed to jump into bed with some random guy she didn’t know? And who was more than likely some common labourer.

  “More money than you’ve ever seen, I’m sure,” she threw over her shoulder as she walked away.

  There was silence behind, followed by some whispering. How dare Charlie try to set this up without telling her, or at least asking for her choice of a man. Brad looked like some guy you’d pull out of a corner bar and make sure he had a shower before he even kissed you. She’d never been with anyone like that.

  “How’s everything with you, Brad?” Charlie asked in the kitchen.

  “All good, mate.”

  Sienna headed to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Heavy eye make-up, bright blue eyes, and newly fashioned brunette bob stared back at her. She was Sienna Poauche-Groves. Scandalously born between the marriage of old money Michael Poauche and the gold-digging Kerry Groves.

  “And you are neither,” she told herself in the mirror, grinding her teeth together in frustration. She’d never exactly fitted in anywhere.

  She tried to ignore her mother’s background, but it came up on occasion at social events. That didn’t mean Sienna let anyone take advantage of her.

  She was more cunning than her father, and less intelligent than her sister. She didn’t want to be anyone other than who she was, but that didn’t mean she had to fall in with this plan.

  “Just go out there and tell Charlie you want Brad gone. He’s not suitable. Not one little bit.”

  That was it.

  Sienna nodded at her reflection, checked her make-up and hair once again with a critical eye, and headed back into her living quarters.

  Charlie had moved into the small bar in the corner of the sitting room and Sienna clenched her teeth and snorted through her nose. What the hell was he doing?

  She stepped up in front of the glass-topped bar, crossed her arms and tapped her foot hard enough that the sound ricocheted around the room.

  She opened her mouth to tell her boyfriend exactly what she thought of his ‘Christmas present’ and he looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

  Charlie smiled, shaking his head ever so slightly, and reached for the white crème de cacao.

  “Espresso martini, my love?”


  Sienna snapped shut her mouth and threw up her hands. She could still toss Brad out of the place, after she’d had her drink.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  She collapsed into the white plush couch and crossed her arms once again. She felt uncomfortable and vulnerable, two feelings she absolutely hated. How dare Charlie bring some obnoxious, uncouth, man into her home!

  “Here you go, beautiful.” Charlie handed her a large, long glass full of her favourite cocktail.

  “These aren’t the martini glasses.” She frowned and moved to the front of the couch’s lip, reaching out for the beverage.

  He winked and smiled his charming smile. Sienna’s anger turned down another notch.

  “True, but I thought you may want a slightly larger one.”

  Clever boy.

  Sienna took the straw between her lips and sucked, the combined taste of white crème de cacao, vodka, kahlua and cold espresso exploding across her taste buds.


  This is going to get messy.

  She drank a little more and held the glass in both hands. The balance of tastes was perfect; Charlie had made it exactly how she liked it. But there were at least two cocktails in this one glass. At three standard drinks per cocktail, she’d be past tipsy if she wasn’t careful.

  Sienna took another sip and coyly looked up at Charlie through her eyelashes. Was her boyfriend really doing all this for her? She wasn’t sure she wanted to go along with his plan yet.

  He was still standing behind the bar, clinking whisky glasses with Brad and sculling the golden contents.

  Maybe that was the point of the cocktail? Was Charlie easing her way into a path she’d told him she wanted to explore? He’d probably known that she’d buck the plans he made. She did like to run the show. A few drinks to ease the atmosphere may be just what she needed.

  Sienna inhaled hard and sucked, downing three quarters of the drink in a few swallows.

  As she placed the near empty glass down on the table, Sienna’s head began to lighten a little. Yes. She’d definitely had enough for now. She was warm but knew exactly what she was doing.

  “How you feeling, gorgeous?” Charlie called over and Sienna waved at him, pushing herself back and letting the white plush cus
hions envelope her.


  She relaxed further back and let the warmth of the alcohol work its magic. She drank regularly, and knew her limits.

  Charlie moved around the coffee table and sat down, pulling her into his lap in the same move. He felt solid and good, warm and strong. All the things she loved about her boyfriend.

  Charlie dropped his head and whispered into her ear. “Tonight is only for you, my love. If you are uncomfortable at any time, you tell me and I’ll stop everything immediately.”

  She turned her head and kissed his smooth cheek.

  “I know, baby. Let’s see what happens.”

  Together they lifted their heads and watched as Brad swaggered toward her. For the first time she noticed the rather large package in his ripped, cheap jeans. He may have sounded like a bit of a Neanderthal, but the body beneath the clothes looked divine.

  “I’m sorry about before. Didn’t mean to sound like an idiot.” Brad said, standing before her like some repentant schoolboy.

  She liked that. He was waiting for her permission to join them. A strange laugh rose up and she rolled her eyes at him.

  What the hell. You only live once.

  “Just sit down. It’s cool.”

  And it was. She’d overreacted and he’d been nervous, or something like it. She didn’t care at the moment.

  This was her fantasy, and the last thing she needed to do was sabotage it.

  Brad dropped into the chair opposite her and Sienna’s eyes once again dropped to the body beneath the shabby clothes. Brad’s arms were massive, his biceps bulging even as he sat casually.

  Sienna ran her nails along Charlie’s thigh and let the tension between them build.

  She looked directly at Brad. “So, am I what you expected?”

  He grinned, his straight white teeth flashing as his face became transformed. He was gorgeous when his face was lit up like that.

  “You’re much more beautiful, actually. You sure you wanna stick with Charlie there?”

  Sienna laughed, looking up at her lover with as much emotion as she could.

  “Charlie gives me everything I need.” He smiled down at her and Sienna felt the love she was projecting return to her tenfold. “I love you, Charlie. Thank you.”

  The words slipped out of her lips and she inwardly grimaced as she realised they weren’t alone. She hated showing weakness in front of other people, yet Charlie had created such an intimate atmosphere between the three of them now that it had felt natural to say the words aloud.

  Charlie chuckled and drew her head towards his, their lips meeting in a soft kiss.

  “As I love you, my beautiful one.”

  “Hmmm,” Sienna hummed in her throat and pressed herself closer, heat curling low in her belly as Charlie deepened the kiss and slid his tongue between her parted lips.

  The couch dipped behind her and Brad’s mouth found her neck, kissing up the side until he reached her ear.

  “You two look so hot. Mind if I join in?”

  Charlie must have heard Brad as well, because he drew back and looked at her, the question clear in his eyes. She had all the power. She chose what happened from here on out, and that knowledge filled her with eagerness to see where this night could go.

  “No.” She turned her head and twisted a little more, waiting while Brad’s tongue slid up her neck and his eyes lifted to hers.

  This was it. The moment she would know if she could do this or not.

  Sienna tilted her head and leant forward, Brad’s lips surging towards hers and connecting. Yum.

  He didn’t rush or deepen the kiss, just connected with her, heat and passion swirling in the air around them.

  She opened her lips and felt his groan as his tongue slipped into her mouth, again unhurried. Tasting her and letting the natural chemistry work between them.

  Charlie’s hands moved on her breasts, kneading the flesh there and tweaking her nipples through her top. She rarely wore a bra, she didn’t need to. Her tits were small and firm.

  Cool air brushed against her breasts and she tore her mouth away from Brad to look down on Charlie, her red halter pooled around her waist.

  She cocked an eyebrow and asked him, “Time to move this to the bedroom?”

  Charlie’s face was alight with excitement, his eyes bright and his cheeks slightly flushed.

  A small voice in the back of her head called for caution. She didn’t want to lose him over this. Men tended to get jealous over this sort of thing, didn’t they?

  It was the only thing she was worried about, but the alcohol was doing its job and the worry was fading into the background quickly.

  “Hell yeah.” Brad stood up behind her and Charlie gripped her arse, standing up with her still wrapped around him.

  Sienna squealed, squeezing her legs tight around his waist and grabbed onto Charlie’s broad shoulders, giggling as he staggered to the bedroom. She wasn’t heavy, she knew. He was as tipsy as she was.

  They passed through the door to her bedroom and Sienna turned her head to see Brad pull back her pristine white doona and Egyptian cotton sheets with heavy movements.

  “Got enough pillows?” he asked with a laugh as he stared at her king-size bed laden with twelve pillows. It probably did look a bit much for a guy with paint on his top. Then he pulled his blue singlet off over his head and Sienna forgot caring about what he said.


  Sienna slid down Charlie’s body and gave a sexy wiggle as she let her top slither to the floor.

  Charlie was built like any good AFL footballer, muscular, cut and lean. Brad was built like he played League, massive shoulders, huge arms and wide chest. His abs were so cut she would be able to run her tongue around every one of the eight defined muscles.

  Holy wow!

  Her eyes ate up the size of the man in front of her. Inches of tanned skin and over-developed muscles bulging out for her pleasure.

  “You gonna lose the pants?” Sienna asked, placing her hand on her hip and affecting the most arrogant pose she knew—one eyebrow raised and her hip sticking out to one side.

  Brad grinned and pulled at his belt, opening it up and letting his jeans slide effortlessly to the floor.

  Oh, God.

  He was huge. His cock hung over his balls, long and thick already. When she had him hard, how big would he get then?

  Charlie’s naked chest pressed against her back and Sienna moaned with the feel of his hot flesh.

  “You know I love you.” Charlie whispered into her ear as his hands slid her skirt and knickers down her thighs, leaving her in only her heels.

  Brad’s eyes darkened as his cock began to thicken and rise.

  Sienna tossed her head and stuck out her tits, loving the attention and the overt knowledge that both men wanted her.

  Charlie picked her up once again and she fell backwards, laughing in excitement as her back hit the soft mattress and she bounced in her heels.

  How ridiculous.

  The men walked to the end of the bed and each took a hold of her black stilettos, her legs open for them.

  Thank God I’m waxed.

  Slowly, the men worked the Jimmy Choos from her feet and Sienna’s pussy began to throb. The look on their faces was just too intense. She knew that look in Charlie’s eyes, he wanted her so bad! And Brad, wow. She could smell the arousal coming off his skin and it made her ache deep in her belly. She wanted him, needed both of them, badly.

  The shoes were thrown across the room for good measure and the men crawled onto the bed, one on either side of her.

  Brad’s rough hands ran up her thigh and circled her belly while Charlie cupped her face and kissed her.

  His tongue possessed her mouth and Sienna’s eyes slid shut, a heady effect of alcohol and dream-like bliss assailing her.

  Charlie’s mouth sipped from her lips and tasted her while Brad’s hands tweaked at her sensitive nipples and made heat spiral into her belly.

  Wet heat and stro
ng sucking to her right nipple made her break off from Charlie’s kisses and look down.

  Brad used his roughened fingertips to plump up her breast and she gasped as his lips sucked deeply on her tender flesh. An answering tug pulsed down between her legs.

  “That looks like fun.” Charlie chuckled and slid down the bed, taking her other erect nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh, God!” Sienna cried out and slid her fingers into the hair on both men. She cupped their skulls and held tight, loving the feelings flowing through her.

  Charlie moved further down her body, opening her legs with his hands and settling between them.

  She lifted her head to watch as he took a long lick of her clit.

  “Fuck!” She arched her back and gripped the sheets with her hands. She was too tightly sprung for this—she would never last.

  “Oh, needy baby girl tonight.” Charlie cooed at her and he gripped her inner thighs to keep her open and set his mouth over her clit, flicking his tongue backwards and forwards in a rhythm set to drive her out of her mind.

  She moaned and thrashed, squeezing her eyes shut as her orgasm began to gather in strength.

  Brad moved up the bed and sucked on her neck while his fingers continued to play on her nipples.

  Sienna held onto Brad’s hair and turned her head, loving the way he was laving the skin with his teeth and tongue. Her belly began to clench, tendrils of ecstasy swirling inside her.

  “Charlie! I’m going to come.”

  Her legs had begun to shake and Charlie’s talented tonguing had brought her to the brink in record time. Ripples of heat shivered across her skin.

  Two fingers slid up inside her aching wet cunt and she screamed, her orgasm crashing down on her.

  Waves of white-hot pleasure tightened her belly and made her convulse, her pussy squeezing Charlie’s fingers in erratic contractions.

  Brad moved down her body and Sienna forced her heavy eyelids open to watch him muscle Charlie out of the way and take his place.

  “I just want a little taste.”

  Brad circled her swollen clit with his wet tongue and she moaned, squeezing her legs against his head as the sensitivity of her post-orgasm body buffeted her.

  “Yum.” Brad slid his tongue down, penetrating her pussy with the thick muscle, causing the aftershocks within her body to roll on and on.


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