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Crystal and Gold

Page 5

by Carol Storm

  "Wow. That is so cool!" Pretty little Annie, a lush-figured redhead who was new to the school, gave Crystal May a curious glance. "But if you're the one calling the shots now, why did you let the sexy FBI guy bring you back to Madame Madeline's? It's like you ran away and got caught!"

  "That's just what it looks like," Crystal May confided, ignoring the little flutter in the pit of her stomach. To steady her nerves she took a big drink of cocoa. Annie and the girls always had hot chocolate before bed. It reminded Crystal May of that ice-cold day on the highway, drinking from Madame's silver thermos and falling asleep in her long limousine. "Matt and I are a team now, but this is not official business. We're on our own, and we need Madame because she has the money and the connections to get us close to that dirty old senator. When we get to him, we get to Carla!"

  "I hope we have a big party when Carla gets back," said a dark-haired girl named Debbie. She yawned noisily on the sofa, stretching her arms lazily over her head. "And I hope we all get to sleep late every morning now that Crystal May is back where she belongs!"

  "Well, I'm not back to stay," Crystal May objected. But it was no use trying to explain at this hour. It was nearly bedtime. The other girls were all rubbing their eyes and yawning their heads off. As she finished off her cup of cocoa, Crystal May sank into the softness of a floppy beanbag chair. She found herself wondering if her room was ready, her old bed all nicely made up and waiting.

  "Time for bed, girls." Madame Madeline stood in the parlor door, her smile firm but warm. The sleepy girls rose to their feet, all of them stretching and yawning. Then they lined up at the door, and each one kissed her goodnight as they shuffled off to bed.

  "Not so fast." Just as Crystal May was kissing her perfumed cheek, Madame Madeline took the younger woman's arm. "You've lost your old room, so we had to put you in the Royal Suite."

  "The Royal Suite?" Crystal May blinked up at the headmistress, confused and a bit afraid. The Royal Suite was not for the girls – it was only for honored guests. Now and then a powerful politician or a businessman would spend the night with his wife, the two of them anxious to stage a spanking drama of their own after watching a thrilling dramatic performance by the girls.

  "Come along, my dear. We've got a special treat." There was no use in trying to escape. Crystal May tugged on her arm, but Madeline Charles had a surprisingly firm grip. As they approached the bedroom, the pale, slim blonde dug her nails into her sweaty palms, her legs wobbly. She wondered if she was in for a spanking. Would Madame Madeline choose to discipline her personally for the crime of running away? But why use the Royal Suite for such a purpose? What if Madame wanted her to have sex with a wealthy businessman, or even for her own private pleasure? The beautiful, dark-eyed older woman had never shown any interest in the girls, but still ...

  "You!" Crystal May stumbled and fell forward as Madame Madeline let go of her arm. Unwillingly, she sank down on one corner of the huge king-sized bed.

  "I'm not happy with you, Crystal May," Matt Gold said grimly. The sexy FBI man was standing before her in all his glory. Crystal May had never seen him like this before, wearing only a pair of briefs in a lurid shade of fire-engine red. He looked like the model on the cover of a naughty big city woman's magazine. Every single line of his perfect six-pack abdomen was clearly outlined. And the bulge beneath the tight red fabric was very visible as well. Crystal May could hardly keep her eyes from measuring the size of that huge throbbing mystery. It was like a symbol of male power.

  "Leave us," Matt said to Madame Madeline. It was funny to hear him giving the orders in Madame's house. And not just giving orders like a lawman, but like a sultan or a duke or even a king. And the amazing thing was that Madame actually obeyed, closing the door softly behind her.

  "You set this up," Crystal May said, in a choky-sounding voice. She almost had to force herself to tear her eyes away from the sight of Matt's body. She'd known he was good-looking, of course, but seeing him this way made her dizzy. His body was like every woman's fantasy made flesh.

  "Yeah," Matt grunted. "I set this up. I'm not happy about how you acted today, Crystal May."

  "How I acted?" Crystal May was glad she was sitting on the bed. Her knees felt weak. She had hoped that she and Matt were going to be a team from now on, like they had been on the road. But trapped here in this plush, sexy bedroom she realized she was really a prisoner. His prisoner.

  "You cut right in front of me in that hospital room," Matt accused. He was totally undressed, except for his undershorts, but all his clothes were folded up neatly on a nearby table. He picked up his leather belt and began running it through his hands. "You interrupted me while I was talking, and you made fun of me while Steven Tallarico was right there in the room. You insulted me, Crystal."

  "But ... but that was all pretend! It was all part of an act!" Crystal May fought to hide a shudder as she watched the way Matt stroked the leather belt in his hands. "You said I had to make him trust me, so I could get the information about where Carla is being held prisoner. I did just what you told me to, Matt. Please don't punish me!" Her voice sounded high and squeaky and scared. Crystal May hadn't meant to add the part about being punished, somehow it just slipped out.

  "Don't worry, I won't use the belt on your sensitive bare bottom. I would never do anything that might mark your flesh or cause any kind of permanent injury."

  "Oh." Crystal May slumped her shoulders, feeling weak with relief. "That's very kind of you," she added politely, though a quarrelsome little voice in the back of her head hissed that she had nothing to be grateful for. Why was she being so meek and polite? She wasn't even trying to fight the lure of Matt's beautiful unclothed body or the hypnotic allure of his stupid submissive games!

  "I'm a lot nicer than the guys who are holding Carla hostage," Matt said soothingly, approaching the dazed woman on the bed.

  "A lot nicer," Crystal May repeated. And she realized it was true. Anything Matt did was right so long as it helped Carla get back to Steve safe and sound. They loved each other. Crystal May raised her slender white arms in a daze, allowing the tough lawman to unveil her nakedness by simply lifting her prim white lace night gown over her head.

  "Are you going to spank me now?" she asked, turning her face to one side and modestly crossing her arms over her bare breasts. The nipples already felt puckered from fear and excitement.

  "I'll get to that by and by," the lawman said, with a low chuckle. He sat down facing her on the bed. Crystal May noticed how the crisp dark hair made swirling patterns on his muscular chest. She felt like tracing them with her fingers, and she reached out like a sleepwalker.

  "Naughty girl mustn't touch," Matt said, in a low, sleepy voice. He slapped her fingers away, but there was nothing violent or cruel in the gesture. Something about the way he moved made her feel safe even when she knew she was being punished. And that voice of his did something strange to her as well. It made her feel like she was meant to obey, like she was a girl living in a dream.

  "What are you doing?" Crystal May asked, in a whispery voice.

  "I'm tying you up so you can learn to trust me." Matt was already tightening the leather belt around her slender wrists. "When we get where the bad guys are, we're going to have to pass as a married couple. That means we have to be comfortable with sharing things, intimate things, and doing it with total trust in a natural way."

  "But trust is a two way street!" Crystal May woke up from her dream and gave Matt a sharp, wide-awake look. "You can tie me up and spank me like this because I'm a prisoner. And because I really care what happens to Carla. But you can't expect me to like it, or even pretend to like it, unless I totally trust you. And right now I don't."

  Matt was amused. "And what would it take to make you trust me?" He reached up and just barely stroked one of her tight and aching nipples, grazing it ever so lightly with his index finger.

  "Well, to begin with, I need to know what's really going on. Now stop that!" Crystal May could have screamed at
the way the slightest brush of a finger across her nipple made her feel. But she was a strong, God-fearing girl, and she didn't let herself give in to the sensation. "You keep on toying with me, getting me good and hot, like that's all I want. Well, I've had boyfriends before, and even though there were some almost as good-looking as you I never let any boy touch me unless I knew he respected me enough to tell me the truth about what he wanted. About what he felt."

  "You want me to tell you what I feel?" Matt's strong hand encircled her pale, full breast. It was a gesture that spoke of power, and authority. But his power didn't erase her stubborn courage.

  "Not about me," Crystal May snapped. "I'm well acquainted with the usual lines." Before she met Madame Madeline she would have simply said "I don't want to hear no lines." Instead she expressed herself like a lady, even though she was naked and achingly aroused by Matt Gold's touch. "But you've got to trust me, Matt, and you've got to tell me about your real connection to Madame. And to Steven Tallarico. There's something between you guys, I can feel it. Just like I know there's something between you and Madame. Why else would you care about this dirty little spanking school? I mean, you're a lawman and you're putting your whole career on the line. Your life."

  "All right, already! Jesus, I surrender." Matt held out his hands, palms up, in a gesture of surrender that was playful yet truly respectful. "Crystal May Snow, I swear to tell you everything. After you submit to punishment for your bad behavior at the hospital. If you're going to be the wife who knows all my secrets, you're also going to be the wife who satisfies all my deepest desires."

  "Oh, all right ... I mean, very well, darling." Crystal May slipped back into wife-speak without even thinking about it. She had already made up her mind to take whatever Matt could dish out. The tough lawman rustled up a couple of pillows, and bent her over the bed at just the right angle. Crystal May's hands were tied, and they rested right at the small of her back. She closed her eyes, waiting for the first hard smack with tense unwilling eagerness.

  Crack! "A good wife needs to be meek," Matt intoned, as his hand struck down hard.

  "Yes, Matt."

  Crack! "A good wife needs to be modest."

  "Oh yes!" Crystal May was getting seriously turned on, not only by the hard smacks on her bottom, but by the way Matt kept on saying the word "wife." Every time he said the word she saw lovely old-fashioned pictures of a girl like her cooking his meals, ironing his shirts, even cleaning his house and having his babies. But there had to be love and trust for those pictures to come true.

  "Meek! Modest! Obedient! Silent and submissive! From now on you will be all those things! Not just in public but when we are alone together too. You will be my wife in every possible way!"

  "Yes, Matt, I understand! I understand!" Crystal May didn't know exactly when she started crying, but by the fifth or six hard slap to her behind the tears were really streaming down her face. And the worst part was that she wasn't crying out of anger, or even out of fear. There was just this horrible weak old-fashioned part of her that enjoyed giving in, being or doing whatever Matt wanted. And she could feel deep down that every word she said was like glue sticking the two of them together. He loved her words of submission just as much as she did, even if it was only a game.

  The awful stinging on her ass cheeks wasn't a game, though. That was real, and the sharp slaps were almost crossing the line from being deliciously exciting to agonizingly painful when all of a sudden Matt pulled the plug.

  "Are you ready for the next stage of your training, Crystal May?"

  "Huh?" She didn't get that part about training. All this seemed so much like the real thing, as if she and Matt were really married and she was going to belong to him forever.

  "The two of us will be performing all kinds of roles in the next few days," he clarified, untying her hands and even rubbing her slim wrists for a few seconds to get the circulation going again. He turned her over so that she lay on her back, her legs parted and her glistening sex exposed. "You wanted this, Crystal May. You wanted a silent infiltration, not an armed raid. We will be going in as a dominant husband and a submissive wife. But we are also rich swingers looking for kicks."

  "What kind of kicks?" Crystal May crossed her arms over her breasts, and shot him a wounded look from under half-lowered lids. She really didn't know what Matt was talking about. Where she came from, naughty boys and girls got spanked, and husbands often paddled wives as well. But that was a matter of honor, family values and discipline. It had nothing to do with kicks.

  "Sophisticated kicks," Matt answered, dipping his dark, curly head between her thighs.

  "Sophisticated means smart and up to date," Crystal May supplied, proud that her meager vocabulary had grown so much richer in the past few weeks. But all of a sudden she gave a scream, because somehow Matt's tongue had touched her in a way that nothing had ever touched her before.

  "Easy, baby. Let me show you how the other half lives." Matt's voice was muffled by the golden curls between Crystal May's parted thighs. He went to work again, and the girl on the bed braced for another jolt of lightning-bolt sensation. But this time her lawman turned lover was more careful. He seemed to be lapping from her golden bowl with slow, teasing strokes, not searching for her most inflamed point but rather sending tides of pleasurable tremors washing up against it.

  "Oh, Matt." Crystal May couldn't understand how sweet it felt to have Matt use his tongue so intimately inside her. It was all part of an act, after all. It was all part of her training. Matt was a man who was always scheming and playing a part. But the longer he worked inside her, the wetter she became. And the more it seemed like he was really speaking to her with his tongue, promising trust and truthfulness, tenderness and warmth. On impulse, she reached out to touch his curly black hair.

  "Don't touch, angel. Or do you want another spanking?" Matt's eyes were gleaming, his mouth wet with her own juices.

  "No, no!" Crystal May snatched her hand away, and lay staring up at the ceiling, wondering how she could learn to discipline herself so that she could be in control of her own responses. She didn't dare close her thighs against Matt. And more than that, she didn't want to. As the pleasure washed over her, his tongue circling closer and closer to the nub of her desire, she began caressing her own pert breasts with her hands. Closing her eyes, she imagined that it was Matt who was running his palms across her nipples, Matt who explored the rounded fullness of her breasts.

  "And none of that, either!" Matt was quick to sense her sighs and shifting on the bed. The moment she drew towards climax, he pulled his tongue from inside her, flipped her over on the bed, and gave her six sharp smacks on the behind. They weren't enough to really hurt her, but they stung enough to pull her back from the edge of release. It was like soaking in a warm bath and suddenly getting a bucket of ice water dumped over her naked body.

  "Oh, Matt! Please, please, let me ..." Crystal May quickly rolled over onto her stomach, her golden hair falling into her eyes. Her hands reached out for him, but she didn't even understand what she was asking for. Deep down she had a funny idea that if she could learn to please Matt the way he was pleasing her, that maybe she would not feel so helpless and enslaved. And maybe he would let her have the whole hog instead of just giving her little tiny bites and then taking it away from her.

  But it turned out to be hours before Matt came inside her with his big hard cock. Crystal May felt like a girl running an obstacle course than left her exhausted and panting. First he spanked her, then he pleasured her with his mouth until she was gasping and begging for final release. Then he flopped her over and started all over again. And in between times he suckled on her breasts like a baby, and whispered in her ear how beautiful and pure and sweet she was, how brave and innocent. By the time he'd gone through the whole thing two or three times she was just about out of her mind. She'd forgotten about Carla and her training. She just wanted Matt inside of her, hard and huge.

  "That's it, baby. Now you can have your rewar
d. Now you can have it." Matt slid into her, so hot and deep, and it made Crystal May moan like she'd never moaned before. One or two boys had gotten this far with her back home, of course. When the preacher began spanking her every day for wearing lip gloss it only made her more curious to find out about what sex was all about. But the boys she played around with back home had been so impatient, so much in a hurry. Scared of getting caught or anxious to get back to their friends and boast about what they'd done. This was different because Matt had all the time in the world and didn't need to impress anyone, even her. He took his time filling her up, sliding in and then sliding out, his heavy weight on top of her almost as satisfying as the pressure and heat inside her. Without thinking, she shifted her hips a little.

  "Oh, honey. Yeah, just like that." Matt didn't seem to know he was speaking out loud.

  "Oh, yes!" Crystal May echoed him, not really paying attention. But her mind had snapped awake just as her hips shifted. There was a way to make Matt like it better, like it more. She just had to rise a little higher, and make herself tight around his hardness at exactly the right moment. The exciting thing was that she was awake even while he nudged her up to a higher place. As he shoved in, she let him overpower her, but as he withdrew she tightened to hold him in place. The rhythm of it kept running through her head like a song. It was like dancing and it was exciting but also scary, because the closer they both got the more she was scared Matt would catch on.

  "Yeah. Oh, yeah." Matt's dark brown eyes held hers as he stopped himself in mid-thrust. "Yeah, you got it good now. Show me you're a good girl."

  Crystal May felt like saying she didn't want to be a good girl. But then the slow rhythm started again, and it felt so good. Matt was inside her, and he went so deep. At last the whole world fell apart, exploded in a cascading shower of sparks and stars. Only then did she rebel against him, running her wicked nails down his back. But from the way he shouted, he didn't seem to mind at all.


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