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Crystal and Gold

Page 7

by Carol Storm

  "The name's Gold, not Goodman," Matt replied, coming forward with a grin. "I told you before, Mrs. Huddleston, my wife and I are into all sorts of naughty games."

  "Matt likes it when I misbehave," Crystal May supplied softly. "That way he has an excuse to spank me." She shot her pretend husband a melting look, her big blue eyes shining. She got the whole picture now, and she was plenty angry at the double cross. She had been kept in the dark, as usual. This big fat woman was most likely the real wife of the senator. The two of them were being lured into a trap by the law.

  And Crystal May was the bait!

  "I don't believe the two of you are married," Mrs. Huddleston said skeptically. She looked Crystal May over in her pink and white uniform. "I think this girl is just a baby. She needs discipline, the kind only an experienced older woman can give."

  "You're just saying that because you want to spank me yourself," Crystal May shrilly cried. "But you can't! No one can lay a finger on me except my own husband. Isn't that right, Matt?"

  "A minute ago you were practically begging Mrs. Huddleston to spank you," Matt said, lifting Crystal May's chin with his finger and looking deep into her frightened blue eyes. "Are you secretly into other women, honey?"

  "I'm secretly into you," Crystal May stammered. Her heart was hammering, but her mind was all mixed up. She couldn't tell what excited her more, having Matt spank her or having the older woman watch. She hated Mrs. Huddleston and yet she felt a strange, sick desire to have the older woman witness her humiliation. Crystal May fought to push away the decadent surge of excitement. "Please, honey, take me home and give me the punishment I deserve. See, I stole these keys from some dopey woman by the pool, just so you could see what a shifty little thief I really am."

  "Give me those," Matt snarled. Crystal May could see the flash of genuine anger in his dark brown eyes. She was glad she'd gotten to him, even if she had put the plan in danger. But all he did was toss the keys back into the open locker, and then force her right down over one of the benches. "After I'm through with you, young lady, you're going to march right back to the pool to apologize."

  "Matt, please!" Crystal May wailed, feeling the federal agent's rough hands pulling up her short pink skirt and pulling down her lacy white panties. "Not here! Not in public!"

  Matt smirked at Mrs. Huddleston. The queen of the elephants had been hanging on every word, her heavily lined face with its quivering double chin slowly flushing to a deep brick red shade. Now she watched in a hungry sort of way as Crystal May's quivering white buttocks were laid bare.

  "Don't mind me," the older woman said, a catch in her throaty voice. "Just go right ahead."

  Crystal May howled in protest as Matt began noisily spanking her behind. It wasn't right that he was using her as a decoy, but she wanted to help rescue Carla. Each time his hard hand smacked her bottom, making her soft flesh burn and sting, she tried to focus on her friend's laughing face.

  But instead she saw the hungry, greedy look on the face of Mrs. Huddleston. The big fat older woman was standing close by, so absorbed in the sight of Crystal May's firm young buttocks quivering under the shower of blows, and jerking and twitching, and gradually turning redder and redder, that she didn't even notice when somebody came up right behind her and took the stolen keys out of locker 555. Crystal May couldn't see who it was, though. Mrs. Huddleston was blocking her view, and anyway by the time the spanking was over she was crying too hard to notice anything.

  "Is that enough for you, baby?" Matt finally asked, when the spanking was over.

  "Yes," Crystal May sobbed. "Please stop!" She wasn't even acting by this time.

  "No!" Mrs. Huddleston cried out. The fat older woman seemed to freeze for a second, as if realizing she'd tipped her hand. But then she forced a smile, and a phony laugh, like it was all a joke. "You and your wife are certainly a lot of fun," she said, in her sophisticated, sexy voice. "I do hope you'll be able to make it to our little get together at the ski lodge this Friday."

  "Why, ma'am, we'll be looking forward to it. Won't we, Crystal May?" He gave her a pat with his hand, nothing like the hard ones from the spanking. Just a friendly little tap on the behind.

  But all Crystal May could do was sob even harder.


  "I just don't understand about the switch," Crystal May complained, throwing down her fork. She had just been eating a lonely dinner from a tray in bed when a rumpled and tieless Matt Gold shambled into the Royal Suite. Crystal May reckoned he'd just been having a business meeting with Madame. "Who was the other woman, the young and pretty one? The one I stole the keys from?"

  "You didn't steal anything, Chrissie," Matt told her, in his gruff, soothing way, sitting down on the side of the huge bed. His cynical expression softened as he saw the look in the golden-haired country girl's cloudy blue eyes. "All you did was follow orders and obey, like a good little girl."

  "I hated it." Crystal May stuck her nose in the air, wishing she could make the afternoon memories go away. The moment she got back to Madame's she jumped into a hot bath, wanting to wash away the dirty feeling of having Mrs. Huddleston's eyes all over her while Matt spanked her behind. He'd done a good thorough job, too, smacking her burning bottom until she was red and sore. The long hot bath made her forget about the soreness. But when she dropped off to sleep afterwards, she was still in her towel and lying face-down on the bed. Matt could have come right in and had her.

  But he didn't.

  Instead she had dreams where Mrs. Huddleston was spanking that gray-eyed girl by the pool, only in the dream Crystal May was watching and got seriously turned on. Matt saw her touching herself, lying there in a lounge chair, and he had her right on the pool deck as punishment. It was kind of like being in a movie, with all sorts of people watching. In real life it would have been horrible and humiliating. But in the dream she loved it and was just dying for more.

  And then Matt laughed and turned her over to Madame Madeline in handcuffs.

  "Don't beat yourself up over nothing," he told her now. Crystal May watched his big strong hands moving confidently, carving up the steak on her plate. "You ran into a situation you didn't expect, and in five minutes you had a tougher, older woman completely hypnotized. By the time I came to the rescue, Mrs. Huddleston was practically eating out of your hands! Here, open wide."

  "She really got to me," Crystal May admitted. She opened her mouth, feeling foolish and yet totally protected and reassured as Matt began feeding her the juicy steak one bite at a time. "Matt, the things we do together sometimes ... they're all right with me because I know it's only me and you. I feel safe with you, like I'm cherished and protected. You wouldn't let anyone hurt me, would you?"

  "Honey, you belong to me." Matt fed her some more steak. "You need my discipline. Mine."

  "But who was the other girl?" Crystal May couldn't help liking the way Matt looked at her while she swallowed her steak. He got a thrill from disciplining her, she knew that. He was keeping her safe, feeding and protecting her, and he got a thrill out of that too. She liked that.

  "Her name is Anne Elliot," Matt explained. "She works for Mrs. Huddleston. We were hoping to get her keys, and copy them. And we did it, too. But nobody was counting on Mrs. Huddleston herself showing up, and catching you in the act. That could have been a disaster, if you hadn't played her the way you did. The way it turned out, you and I got an invitation to the party."

  "But Matt, if the two of us go as a couple, won't Mrs. Huddleston and her creepy friends expect us to take part in all kinds of nasty behavior?" Crystal May felt scared and excited at the same time. She looked down at her plate, amazed at how fast she'd gobbled up her steak.

  Matt didn't lie to her. "I could see how bad Mrs. Huddleston wanted you this afternoon," he said, switching over to feeding her crispy green beans and tasty fried potatoes. He switched off on every bite, and he even dabbed the potatoes in some of the steak sauce to make them extra tangy. "Now I want you to know, Crystal May, that I do
n't expect you to make love to another woman." Matt's dark eyes held a naughty twinkle. "Not unless that's something you're really into."

  Crystal May blushed. "You know it's not. I never even heard of such things until I came to Madame's place. But you asked me if I had a thing for women right in front of her!"

  Matt grinned, feeding her some more potatoes and greens. "Well, honey, all I was doing was throwing gasoline onto the fire. Mrs. Huddleston is a lot tougher than her senator husband, and a lot smarter too. But now she's going to be so hot to see you again she won't even notice when our people infiltrate the compound and come in the back way. We'll have Carla out of there in no time. And it's all because you didn't panic when she cornered you down in the equipment room."

  "I thought it was going to be just the two of us," Crystal May said softly. No one excited her more than Matt. But what if he got too turned on watching her make love to another woman? What if she got so caught up in some make-believe role that she actually became some other person? If Mrs. Huddleston made a play for her, would she fight back, or would she submit? And if she did submit, would it only be an act? What if Mrs. Huddleston disciplined her, and she liked it? Would she become a slave? All of a sudden Crystal May thought of the unhappy young woman by the pool.

  "Matt, do you think poor Anne Elliot is mixed up with what Mrs. Huddleston and her husband are doing? I mean, dealing with the drug cartels and holding Carla hostage? I'm sure she'd never do anything to hurt anyone like that. I heard her saying she wants to go away with the senator."

  "Baby, we can't save the whole world," Matt told her gently. "Some people are just crooked, and they stay crooked no matter how much you love them."

  "Maybe that's true," Crystal May said, sensing the pain underneath Matt's cynical attitude. "But why can't we help Anne the way you and Madame Madeline helped me? The two of them like each other, I could tell."

  "You're a sucker for a happy ending, aren't you, Crystal May?" Matt looked at her, intensity in his eyes. Then he shrugged. "When all this is over, Senator Huddleston is definitely going away. But chances are he'll be going away alone. And for a long, long time."

  "What about us, Matt?" Crystal May decided to bring things out in the open. She knew if things kept on like this, Matt might break her heart. But she had to know the truth. It was the biggest chance she had ever taken in her life. "When you spank me, do you really do it because you care about me? Or do you just like hurting me like your daddy hurt you?"

  "I'm as bad as him," Matt acknowledged, his black eyes hard. "Except I'm not as stupid. Mike Gold thought he could go on fooling people forever. In the real world, sooner or later, people see who you really are. When the old man got busted, my mother turned her back on him. She took my little sister and moved away. And she was right to do it. He wasn't the man he pretended to be. Now, maybe I'm as bad as he was. But I won't ever hurt the people I love, like him."

  "But if you don't love anyone ... " Crystal May wanted to say more, much more. Instead Matt kissed her lips, gently closing the door between them. Rousing her desire but at the same time putting a wall around his heart.

  "Dinner is over, honey. It's time for dessert."

  Matt let the kiss turn into something soft and sweet and gentle. He let it linger and die away like a part of himself was dying. Then he lifted the dinner tray from the bed and took it out into the hall. One of Madame's girls was waiting for it, a dark-eyed girl with a saucy mouth who handed him a smaller tray in return. The girl winked at him, murmuring something playful and provocative in a low, husky voice. But Matt didn't even smile in response.

  "What have you got there?" Crystal May asked. She didn't smile or say anything sexy. She just gave him a serious, searching look, as if all her innocence and trust actually made her invincible.

  "Whipped cream and honey," Matt replied. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be in control. Crystal May was already naked beneath the sheets. She was his and he was now going to make love to her. Yet the moment his mouth touched her satin skin he realized there was a change. He was worshiping, not enslaving. His mouth was praising, beseeching, even as he drew designs on her naked body with whipped cream. Even as he encircled her breasts with honey. He put a drop on either nipple, and a drop on her navel. And she sighed as he made her body into his playground. But the sweetness of suckling her nipples, licking her navel, caressing her with his tongue, held more than mere play. It was his soul that was surrendering, not her body. In winning her he lost himself, giving in without resistance. Dominating her flesh he submitted to her completely.

  If only he could let himself love her like this forever ...

  "No, God damn it, no!" Matt shoved himself brutally into her, using his big hard cock like a battering ram. He wanted to knock down her innocence, take down her purity. He wanted to prove to her what a corrupt and dirty man he really was. He surged deep into her honeyed wetness, licking honey from her neck and chest, pushing himself to be as hard and crude and brutal as he could be.

  "Yes, honey. Yes." Crystal May wasn't just accepting all this brutality, she was sucking it up and flourishing. She was wrapping herself around him and making him her own. Matt sensed the part of her that loved this, he felt the tightness in her most intimate muscles. She was the perfect sheath for his desires, fitting herself to him in a way that brought them both the most exquisite pleasure.

  Ye she wasn't taking all this like a naughty treat, a reward for all she had been through at the country club. The rough discipline he meant to keep them apart had actually drawn them closer together. Now, as she coaxed his cock to spurting hardness, and drew him in deeper and deeper, it was clear that she was woman enough to overcome any obstacles a man might throw up in her path. She wanted him, not just his cock. She hungered for the entirety of what he was, and the miracle of it was that when he was in her arms his dirty heart and soul seemed sweet and pure.

  "I can't ... I can't ..." Matt had never said those words to a woman before. In bed he could do anything. He was a star performer, and most of the women he slept with were eager for a repeat performance, even though one-night stands had always been his rule. But Crystal May was so slick and warm. And then she was wet and hot. And as his hard thrusts grew faster and faster, he found he was shouting words that made no sense. I can't ... I can't stop this? I can't control this?

  I can't live without this.

  "Oh, Matt! Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Crystal May's triumphant scream came just moments before Matt's despairing shout, as he broke down completely and shot off uncontrollably, pumping gouts and gouts of his hot sticky seed deep inside her. There was nothing poetic or romantic about bursting apart like this, not when he was crumbling away and collapsing and falling into her arms exhausted.

  Yet even when he was on top of her, crushing her slim body with his hulking form, Crystal May seemed to understand.

  "It's all right, baby," she whispered, over and over. "It's all right, it's all right."

  That was when Matt Gold knew he was in real trouble.

  * * * * *

  Sleep overwhelmed them, a soothing blackness that healed all wounds. When Crystal May woke up, she felt Matt's warm chest rising and falling under her cheek, and she reached out and stroked his nipple, naughtily imitating the skills he had taught her only the night before.

  "Knock that off," he grumbled, cracking one eye. "Or else you'll get a spanking."

  "I reckon I might like one," Crystal May chirped. She kissed Matt's nipple so gently that it was like a butterfly's wings brushing over him. He groaned, and she glowed with womanly power.

  "I hope this isn't some loss of virginity thing," he said, opening his eyes. "Because last night I didn't notice any blood or pain."

  Crystal May shook her head. "I lost my virginity to Craig, an awful sweet boy who was killed in Iraq. His folks gave me his army jacket. I was wearing it the day Madame Madeline found me, remember? Looking back, I reckon maybe we should have waited. But that's not why I'm sad now."

nbsp; "You're sad?" Matt cupped her chin with his hand, studying her clear blue eyes. The morning after was always like this. They started dropping hints about commitment. They started getting moody and mopey, wondering why one night couldn't be a lifetime deal. Crystal May was different. She just looked at him, a lock of golden hair falling across her forehead, and he was hooked.

  "I'm sad because when I woke up just now I got to thinking about something you said last night. You know when you told how your mama left you and your daddy all on your own, just because he got in trouble with the law?"

  "He was the law," Matt said bitterly. "And he lied. I don't blame her, Crystal May."

  "You don't blame her, but you damn sure won't give any other woman a chance to hurt you." Crystal May never had been much for swearing. Madame Madeline didn't approve of it either. But she got Matt's attention. He cracked his hand across her ass, just hard enough to wake her up.

  "I don't let women hurt me," he growled. "When they misbehave, I hurt them instead."

  Crystal May moaned, feeling a mite turned on in spite of herself. "I'm bad," she murmured, rubbing up against him. "You taught me that. You made me want to be naughty just for you."

  "You make me want to be nice," Matt said lightly, running his hand over her backside. "You're different from any of the others, Crystal. You don't sulk, and you don't ask for more than I'm ready to give. If I ever wanted to settle down with any woman, it would be someone like you."

  Crystal May smiled, even as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I could say I'm different from your mama. I could say I'll never leave you. But when I woke up just now, I got to thinking about my mama, about my little brothers and sisters. I left them. When Madame Madeline picked me up, I told her I did it because I had to. So the Preacher would treat them better. But I didn't leave home for them. I left home for me. I left home for all this. Guess I'm no better than your mama after all."


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