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Shadow Dance

Page 4

by Taige Crenshaw

  She screamed and raked him with her nails. He hissed as her very sharp nails tore his skin and the scent of blood filled the air. Stroking forward, he watched her look at him and there was fire and shock in her gaze. He started to pull away but she clamped her legs around him. Her arms locked around his neck and she rotated her hips in counterpoint to his motion. As she clenched around him Dimitri felt his control shatter. Pumping fiercely, Dimitri let go. Fire pounded in his veins and he rode her hard. Yadira grunted in response.

  Murmuring in the tongue of his people, Dimitri thrust into her. “Kuirnioe meirino neirnos umbrage.” Breathing hard, he whispered it again in the Maji language while watching her eyes. “Bruisosn ultras mari me quiliys neri sksk keieism sbehheh umreask a illes. Uil hueres, teie oksksk, Uil susu.”

  Yadira undulated against him, eyes locked to his, and repeated it to him. “You are my bond shadow and we will be joined for all time. One shadow, two hearts. One soul.”

  Dimitri rolled his hips as he felt her pussy milking his cock. He pushed deeper into her. Yadira raised her head and purred. Dimitri kissed along her throat, licking softly along it to the side of her neck as he murmured. Yadira locked her arms around him tightly and whimpered. Stroking into her, Dimitri closed his eyes, taking in the scent of their lovemaking. With a vicious stroke he felt the heat just under his skin ignite, bathing her in its light. Yadira screamed. He felt the shock of it hit her body and her heart sputtered, going sluggish. The fire poured from him as her heart slowed even more and her arms dropped weakly onto the bed.

  Dimitri’s hips continued to pump even as he realized that she was dying. He couldn’t let her. Pulling the fire back into himself he hoped it was not too late. It came back to him in with greedy vengeance. He felt her clench around him. Saw her eyes flutter open.

  “I’m sorry.” Dimitri felt sorrow fill him then the shadow beckoned him into its embrace.

  * * * * *

  Savage pain filled Yadira, making her scream. It was like being eaten by the sun and dragged thought the coals of hell. She felt her heart begin to slow even as the pleasure of his taking filled her. The contrast was confusing to her system. Her heart slowed even more. Gasping, fighting for breath, Yadira felt it ease. As she opened her eyes she saw the sadness and acceptance in Dimitri’s.

  His whisper of “Sorry”, barely registered in her ears. As she watched he seemed to fade. Realization dawned and Yadira knew he was sacrificing himself for her.

  “Noooooo,” Yadira roared.

  Lashing out with her arm she gripped his shoulder. Pouring out her Maji power into him she felt his soul disintegrating.

  Let me go before I kill you Yadira. It’s okay, Dimitri’s silken voice whispered in her mind.

  Determination filled her. He might be powerful but she was a Zuri Maji. Her people were older than the earth itself and he would not die. At least not today. Latching her power onto his she brought him back with her will. She pumped her hips as she took his cock and drank in his power. His body became more substantial. Seeing it, Yadira poured more into him and pulled it back into her. She felt his shaft lengthen more as she undulated her hips. She hissed when she felt his cock bump her womb. It was a pleasurable pain that made the heat pour out of him. Gradually she felt him become whole again and watching his eyes she saw the gratitude and hunger. Yadira pulled him to her as she locked her hands in his hair and kissed him. Sucking in his tongue, she ate at his mouth. His tongue mated with hers in a fury of passion.

  Their hearts became synchronized. Their souls touched and recognized each other. Yadira felt a wrench of pain, then looking at his face she saw a crimson smoke wavering all over him. It was his shadow. She had assumed it would be blue-green like his eyes. Even as she looked, silver smoke swirled into the crimson and they mingled. It was her own shadow. She had always thought of it as gold but it was silver. The melding of the two was beautiful. Dimitri continued to pump into her urgently as their shadows mixed. Yadira’s back arched as the pleasure hit her with a sensual fire that left her breathless.

  “Ohhh… God….” Yadira screamed and her hand clenched down on his hair.

  She felt his skin give under her nails. Dimitri roared in return as his own release took him. Yadira held him firmly into her, ground down and took all that he had to give. He slumped against her, spent. Her arms around him, Yadira continued to hold him as he shuddered while she quivered. After a moment he stilled and their hearts calmed. Dimitri turned his head and looked at her. Yadira saw his eyes were sparking crimson and silver. He smiled and she looked past him to the mirror and saw her eyes were doing the same.

  Turning back to him, she said, “Not one word about me not being able to take it.”

  Dimitri laughed. “Thanks for my life.”

  She raised a shaky hand she cupped his face. “Our life.”

  He smiled. “Our life.”

  Watching him Yadira undulated her hips. “Let’s use our life some more before we continue to search.”

  Dimitri’s eyes sparked wildly then he brought his lips up to meet hers. Yadira welcomed him.

  * * * * *

  Yadira came down the stairs and stopped at the bottom at the sight of Dimitri working on his laptop. His head was bent and he had a look of intense concentration on his face. He muttered and made notes then frowned.

  Walking over to him she teased, “You’re such a nerd.”

  He looked up, startled, and the usually cool expression on his face gave way to a wicked grin. “And you love it.”

  Yadira laughed in agreement as he pulled her into his lap. He kissed her gently. Her heart sped up as her pussy started to ache. Dimitri pulled back and looked at her. She saw the softness in his eyes. Smiling, she snuggled into him.

  “What has Dominic found?”

  She listened absently as Dimitri told her of what Dominic had found in his research. Her mind wandered to the feel of Dimitri taking her all night and into the wee hours of the morning. The ache she was feeling intensified and her nipples hardened. A hand reached up and touched her aching breast. Long fingers played softly with her nipple. Looking back up at Dimitri she saw the sparks of crimson and silver lighting his eyes. He leaned over to kiss her.

  Pulling away quickly Yadira stood. “Uh-uh don’t start that again. We have to get to work.”

  Dimitri pouted.

  Yadira laughed. “That face won’t work on me either. We should have already gotten started.”

  He reached out to grab her and she stepped back, eluding his grasp.

  “We have to go,” Yadira said with regret.

  Stepping back further, she looked at him. The playful expression on his face made her heart thump even harder. Dimitri stood in an effortless motion and walked to her. His smooth gait made her mouth water. It reminded her of how he moved in bed. He came to her, put his fingers under her chin and lifted her face. His lips swooped down and claimed hers with hunger. His kiss was thorough and scorching. He pulled back, leaving her vibrating. Yadira reached for him but he stepped back away from her.

  “We have to work,” he purred. There was an underlying laugh in his voice.

  Looking at him, Yadira shook her head. To think she had thought he was grim. She knew that few people saw this side of him. Going over to him she lifted her hand and cupped his cheek. His heart sped up and she felt hers race to join his. She placed her other hand over his heart. It beat against her palm, comforting her.

  “Do all bond shadows’ hearts become synchronized?” she asked, curious.

  Dimitri looked at her. “Yes, among other things.”

  “What other things?”

  Dimitri’s devilish grin was all the warning she got. She felt a brush against her nipples then a strong suction. Eyes widening, Yadira, still holding his face, stared at him then her eyes slammed closed. The suction increased then suddenly stopped. She wavered and his strong hands held her.

  Opening her eyes she breathed. “What was that?”

  His smile was decadent. “A
shadow kiss.”

  Yadira slid her hand from his cheek into his hair, then pulled his head down to her. She kissed him. She stroked her tongue into his mouth, mating with his tongue. Gently she bit his tongue. She pulled back then turned away and walked back to the stairs. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. He was watching her.

  She smiled. “That’s a Yadira and we’ll explore both yours and mine. Later.”

  As she turned away she heard him chuckle. A phone rang, making her look back.

  Dimitri took his cell out of his pocket. “Dominic, what have you got?”

  She walked up the stairs. He could fill her in later. At the top of the stairs she turned left, continuing down the hall to the room they had shared the previous night. As she walked to the bed she realized something was wrong. Quickly she touched her back, felt her tattoo heat and the Maji Star was in her hand. Turning, she threw it. Locking eyes with blue-green she was startled. His hand flashed out and he caught it then looked down at it. Opening his mouth he blew out cold air. It wafted to cover the star. He looked back at her and crushed it in his hand. Yadira watched him carefully, knowing from the look in his eye he was on the edge. A glance at the door showed her it was closed. She looked back at him as he spoke.

  “He won’t be coming. He doesn’t know I am here.” Dominic’s voice was calm in contrast to the rage and insanity his eyes.

  Reaching out with her senses she realized he had warded the room. She frowned. The ward was strong, muffling any sound in or out.

  Yadira spoke carefully. “Why don’t we go downstairs and see Dimitri, Dominic?”

  A lamp shattered then the room got cold. “No.”

  Yadira didn’t appreciate his tone and felt anger fill her. “What do you want, Dominic?”

  He looked at her and sneered, “You hurt him and I will kill you.”

  Yadira laughed at him. “You can try but I don’t kill easily.”

  He looked startled then he threw back his head and laughed. The oppressive feeling receded from the room. Watching him laugh, Yadira wondered how close to the edge he really was.

  He looked back at her and sobered. “Close enough.”

  Yadira saw that the rage and insanity had faded from his gaze.

  “How is it possible for you to read my thoughts when I am shielding?”

  Dominic grinned, his eyes glinting devilishly. “I’m good.”

  The arrogance in his tone made her laugh. Turing to the bed she picked up her coat and shrugged into it. Turning back she was startled he was so close. She hadn’t heard him move. Narrowing her eyes she thumped her fist on his chest.

  “You’d better stop this freaky shit around me, Dominic. I am not impressed”

  He cocked his head to the side and, too late, she saw his intention in his eyes.

  Ah hell. I’m going to have to kill him, Yadira thought as he reached out and grabbed her.

  She brought her power up. Dominic pulled her into him, banding his arms around her. Opening her palm, Yadira built her power and prepared to blast him. Dominic’s grip shifted as he yanked her hair then his lips slammed down on hers. Yadira shuddered in shock. His tongue swept into her mouth in urgent demand. He grunted and bit her lips. She gasped, opening her lips even more. He ground his lips against hers. His kiss was urgent and aggressive. Yadira’s body, which had started to calm, ignited. Her nipples became sensitized and her pussy clenched in reaction. Dominic purred and she felt the shockwaves all the way to her aching clit.

  The texture of his kiss changed and suddenly something filled her mouth. It was sweet, tangy and dark. Dominic purred again and something soft filled her throat, flowing down inside her. Yadira’s back arched as the power turned cold. Burning her tongue. It filled and filled her. Yadira shivered. Dominic withdrew and stepped back. Teeth chattering, she looked at him. He wore the same contained look Dimitri usually wore.

  “Whyy…diidd…yyyoo…dooo…thatttt?” Yadira could regulate her body temperature. But this was deep in her bones.

  Dominic looked at her intensely. “Give that to my brother next time you kiss him.”

  Yadira shivered and glared at him. “What the hell do you mean?”

  Dominic looked at her. “He left the bond shadow ritual incomplete. You are both vulnerable. He wants no other man to touch you.” He cocked his head to the side. “I cannot blame him, Yadira Akridge. You are a very special woman. You will do for my brother.”

  Yadira was feeling little warmer. “I’m so glad we have your blessing.” Her tone was dry.

  Dominic lips twitched. “You should be.”

  “That was sarcasm.”

  He looked at her his eyes twinkling. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  His look changed so fast to rage she almost missed it.

  Chapter Five

  Yadira stumbled back and screamed as something ripped at her. It was a painful, slashing. Through tears she looked at Dominic. His face was pulled into harsh lines of anger. Yadira felt a wrench then she saw a silver film rise in the air. It was her shadow. A deep orange smoke rose to join it and they mingled playfully together in the air. Looking at Dominic’s face she saw the harsh line on his face again and realized it was pleasure. His eyes were closed, his arms outstretched with his hands palms up. The deep orange shadow enveloped the silver and she saw them touch and recognize each other.

  The silver rushed back to her, hitting her in the chest. Stumbling backward, she gasped as she felt it lie against her then reabsorb back into her body. The deep orange swirled in the air then rushed to Dominic. It settled against him, enveloping him, then faded back into his skin. His eyes flashed open. Yadira was startled to see that his eyes had another ring that was a mix of orange and silver.

  In a deepened voice he said, “Now you are both safe, my Umres Reilis.”

  “Shadow ward” as he said it in the Maji language.

  Instinct made Yadira reply. “Keliens Lifiurs.”

  Yadira shook her head and frowned. She had spoken in a language she didn’t know. From the sound she knew it was the way Dimitri had spoken.

  Dominic smiled and spoke in English. “Shadow guardian. I am your protector, Yadira. If anything should happen to Dimitri you only have to think of me and I will come.”

  Yadira’s heart clenched at the thought of losing Dimitri while her eyes narrowed. “I don’t need anyone’s protection. I can take care of myself.”

  Dominic smile went bitter. “There are some things even a Maji cannot stand up against.”

  She opened her mouth to ask and he waved his hand, stilling her questions.

  “It matters not. Think of it as a safeguard. If you or Dimitri should die at least you have the chance of survival as long as you have a shadow guardian.”

  Dominic turned and headed for the window.


  He looked back when she called.


  He nodded abruptly.

  Yadira looked at him. “Why don’t you take your bond shadow?”

  His face went sad. “She is not ready to give me everything and I can accept no less.”

  He turned, walked to the window and turned to face her.

  Yadira shook her head. “So, being my shadow guardian. Does that mean you’re responsible for me?”

  Dominic smiled. A flash of teeth. “Yes.”

  Yadira hummed and rocked back on her heels. “I like that.”

  Dominic sighed. “Are you going to be a pain in the ass?”

  Yadira shrugged. “Definitely.”

  Dominic laughed then stepped back and faded into the shadows. Yadira watched where he had been then turned and went to the door. Going down the hall, then down the stairs, she heard Dimitri on the phone. At the bottom she watched as Dimitri paced in front of the window.

  “Yes, Dominic, I got it. Oh boy, Yadira is going to love that.” He laughed and then said. “Yeah, she hates that.”

  Dimitri hung up the phone and turned to her. Yadira walked over to him. The
re was a smile on his face. She grabbed his head and kissed him hungrily. He murmured and his hand gripped her hair. Yadira felt the sweet, tangy and dark taste fill her mouth then it turned sharply cold. Kissing Dimitri urgently, Yadira let it fill her then pushed it into his mouth. His swallowed it then jerked away. A puff of air came from between his lips.

  “Dominic.” Dimitri hissed then he grabbed her and looked at her.

  She felt her shadow shift then still.

  Dimitri looked up the stairs, anger on his face. “He should not have interfered.”

  Yadira looked at him. “Your brother is a pain in the butt but he was right.” She smacked her hand on his chest. “We cannot leave ourselves vulnerable. You should have made sure the bond shadow ritual was complete instead of being a jealous ninny.”

  Dimitri looked at her then his lips twitched. “Ninny?”

  Yadira rolled her eyes. “Yes, ninny. It is necessary.” She narrowed her eyes then thumped her fist on his chest. “You should have told me.”

  Dimitri looked sheepish then replied. “You’re right. I should have.” He grimaced. “Shit. I have to thank Dominic for his interference. There’ll be no living with him.”

  Yadira stifled a laugh. She knew how siblings liked to tease. Her own sister also worked at Rarities as a security agent and had a devilish sense of humor.

  “I understand your pain but you deserve it.”

  Dimitri sighed. “Yes, I know.” He changed the subject. “Dominic said we have to go to Antarctica.”

  Yadira groaned.

  “Isis said to tell you that she hoped you packed your long johns.” Dimitri tried not to laugh.

  Yadira glared at him. “What is my sister doing with Dominic?”

  Dimitri shrugged. “Isis decided to help with the research. Well, her exact quote was ‘I have to make sure that Yadira’s lanky ass does not get into mischief or freeze to death.’ Of course I told her I wouldn’t tell you that.” Laughter was in his eyes.


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