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Heart of Change

Page 20

by Roxy Harte

  Warning: This title contains the following: explicit sex, lesbian sex, anal sex, ménage à trois.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for La Bonne:

  Over the next few nights, we conducted regular kissing sessions. Amanda was a quick learner, and I began to realize that we had passed what she could learn from practicing. I continued to indulge, because it was my job to indulge her, or so I told myself. I would not admit just how much I enjoyed it, how flattering it was that she found my company and my touch so desirable, or how exhilarating it was that this golden goddess would so gladly stoop to obey me.

  But obedience was the problem, I realized. Amanda did what I asked, but not more, because she did not know there was more. It was like the thunder without the lightning. Amanda’s kisses needed desire, hunger, a promise of things to come.

  “I think you’re ready to move to the next step,” I told her one night.

  “The next step?” she asked, wide-eyed. More than ready, I thought.

  “You know there are, um, other things that Petros will do, right?”

  “Yes,” she blushed, “at least, I assumed there were.”

  So she didn’t know.

  “Here’s the thing, Amanda. It’s not going to work for you, unless you are ready.” I remembered my first time. Then I remembered much later, when I finally discovered why everybody thought it was so much fun.

  “Petros won’t hurt me,” she said. “I know that much.”

  “That’s not what I mean. There’s more to it than what he does.”

  “Like what?” She was truly innocent.

  “Like what happens to you. Like being carried away on an ocean wave. Like being enveloped in a lake of glorious fire.”

  Now I had her attention.

  “But to get there, Amanda, you have to help him. He can’t take you there alone.”

  “Show me,” she begged, “show me how to help him.”

  “Have you ever, you know…touched…yourself?”

  Her eyebrows arched, and I knew the answer was no. Now I was tongue-tied and feeling foolish. How was I going to explain this to her?

  “Touched myself where? What do you mean? Could you show me?” she asked shyly, and I almost died from shame.

  “No, of course not!” She flinched and I realized how harsh my words sounded. “I’m sorry, Amanda. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just, you know, something you do in private.”

  “Then how will I learn?” she almost wailed.

  “Bathtub,” I said, relieved to finally have an idea. The bathtub was perfect—a place where you were naked, relaxed, and with a rough yet soft washcloth close at hand. “When you take a bath, I’ll show you.”

  “Let’s do it now,” she suggested. “I feel like a bath anyway.” We’d been kissing for half an hour by now, and I felt like I could use a cold shower too.

  I went to draw the water, turning on the silver taps in her huge marble private bath. She stepped out of the white silk slip of a nightgown she had been wearing and walked into the bathroom with me.

  There was a brief embarrassed moment over her nakedness. Then it was past, and we were comfortable together, two close friends with nothing between us.

  I watched her step demurely into that clear water, her breasts full, her nipples standing up like they always did during our practice sessions. The gentle rise between her thighs called to me, and that dark hunger to possess welled up inside me like a black fountain. Now clear-headed and unrestrained, I helped her down into the warm water.

  Taking a cloth, I began to wash her back. “Just relax,” I told her, bizarrely confident. “Just let yourself go, and don’t worry about anything.” The words seemed strangely familiar, but of course they did—they were the sort of words men had said to me.

  Stroking her gently, I washed her arms and legs. I could see her melting. “Close your eyes,” I whispered, and began to wipe the cloth over her perfect breasts. She breathed in heavily, and that affected me so much that I squeezed my hand, firmly grasping her breast, the nipple pressing through the cloth to my hand.

  She did not pull away, but sat there with her eyes closed, willing to submit to whatever I chose to do to her.

  “Relax,” I commanded, and slowly moved the cloth south, letting it trickle against her skin the entire way. When I reached that perfect, feathery strip of gold, I let the cloth pile up on it, one fold at a time, and then I pressed down with my hand and rubbed.

  Her eyes opened now, and I smiled at her with that hungry look I had seen so many times before on the faces of the men who had touched me like that. “Just let it happen,” I told her, and kept rubbing tenderly.

  When she began to arch her hips into my hand, my sensibilities got the better of me. “Now you,” I told her, and replaced my hand with hers. “Do that yourself.”

  “Will you watch me?” she asked, so innocently I could not say no.

  “Of course,” I said, and sitting there at the edge of the vast marble tub, I did. The sight could not have failed to move anyone. She was a beautiful and pure creature discovering the ultimate pleasure. It was like watching an angel learn to fly.

  How far does she have to go to get is attention? Another girl’s arms?

  Love Me

  © 2008 Kelly Jamieson

  Melina Wenham is worried and frustrated. Lately, her boyfriend of six months seems to have lost interest in her. Yes, she knows he’s stressed about his big project at work, but jeez, it seems like he’d rather go solo than have sex with her. Sexy lingerie, a Brazilian…nothing seems to get his attention.

  Gavin’s frustrated too. He’s under enough pressure at work, without feeling more from Melina every time he gets home.

  Another night, another party, and Gavin is off talking to the boys. Feeling ignored yet again, Melina confides her troubles to an acquaintance, Abby, who suggests shaking him up by flirting with another guy. Hmm. Not a bad idea, except there are no flirt-worthy guys at this party.

  Then Abby suggests a different tack—flirt with her.

  Could a little girl-on-girl tango be the match that reignites romance with Gavin? There’s only one way to find out…

  Warning: Hot girl on girl scene!

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Love Me:

  Gavin stared in stunned incredulity at the two women on the bed.

  Melina was laying there with Kylie’s cousin, both of them naked from the waist up, jean-clad legs twined around each other, kissing like crazy in a heated clinch. Holy fucking shit. Melina and Abby wrenched apart at his words and stared back at him.

  His cock hardened painfully in his jeans and he almost put a hand down to it. “Jesus,” he muttered. He shook his head, but couldn’t drag his eyes away from the scene on the bed. Melina’s long blonde hair was mussed and her eye makeup was smudged under her big eyes, round with apprehension. Abby’s hair, too, was just-out-of-bed tousled, both their lips shiny and swollen. He almost groaned aloud.

  He should be pissed off, he supposed. After all, Melina was cheating on him. With another woman. But he was so fucking turned on he could have drilled wood with his dick.

  “Gavin,” Melina said. Uh, yeah, that was him. Her eyes flicked nervously to Abby. “Um…”

  Nobody seemed to know what to say and the silence in the room dragged on painfully. Then Gavin became aware of voices in the hall and he shoved the bedroom door shut behind him, plunging them back into darkness. His eyes had to adjust to the dim lighting and he took a step toward the bed.

  “Melina, what are you doing?” he asked again, his voice gritty like sand. What a goddamn stupid question that was. It was pretty clear what she was doing.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, moving out of Abby’s embrace, and strangely, covering her breasts with her arms. Christ, they lived together. He’d seen her gorgeous tits a million times. He watched her swallow hard, lick her lips.

  “This is all my fault,” Abby said, sitting up, but not making any move to cover her chest. Gavin tried, he really d
id, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from flicking over her torso. In the back of his mind, “small but nice” registered vaguely. He jerked his eyes back to Melina’s face. “It’s kind of a funny story.”

  He lifted a brow and looked at Abby, forcing himself to look no lower than her chin. “Oh yeah?” If she’d been a guy, he’d be hauling her ass off that bed and shoving his fist into her nose. He blinked, waited.

  Abby grinned. “Melina and I were talking and she was telling me how she’s been feeling lately and I had the idea that she should try to make you a little jealous. Just to…you know…make you realize what a hot, gorgeous chick she is.”

  He blinked again. “I know what a hot, gorgeous chick she is,” he protested. Wait a minute. He looked at Melina. “You were trying to make me jealous?” Both brows shot up.

  She nodded, looking embarrassed, miserable, absolutely adorable and utterly fuckable. He adjusted his stance to accommodate the hard-on growing in his pants. “There were no guys around to flirt with.”

  “So I volunteered,” Abby said cheerfully.

  “Hold on,” Gavin ground out. “This is not flirting.” He threw a hand out toward them. “This is way past flirting.”

  “Things got a little…uh…carried way,” Melina said in a small voice.

  Gavin gave his head a shake in an attempt to clear it. It didn’t work. “I…” He stopped. “You…Melina.”

  “I know.” She pulled her bottom lip in. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hey,” Abby said softly. “You know what, Mel?” She glanced sideways at Gavin. “I don’t think Gavin’s mad. I think he’s turned on.”

  He scowled and willed his hard-on to go away. It didn’t. Melina stared at him, Abby smiled. “So?” he growled.

  “So,” Abby said, tipping her head. “Why don’t you join us?”

  His eyes almost fell out of his head. “You must be joking.”

  She shook her head, still smiling, eyes sparkling. “Melina was being very um…brave and…adventurous. Maybe you should, too.”

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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