Shadow Walker_Urban fantasy romance

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Shadow Walker_Urban fantasy romance Page 4

by Tiffany Shand

  He smirked at her. “You are a little witch.”

  For some reason she couldn’t stop smiling back. “Not that small – well, compared most my family I’m short since most of them are six foot or over,” she said, turning her attention back to the traffic. “What kind of demon are you anyway?”

  Like Magickind, Demonkind had different races and species too but she’d never found out what Drake was. She hadn’t given it much thought either but now felt curious. He was powerful, and she guessed more important than he let on. He had to be to become a member of the Alliance. “I’m a long story,” was all he said.

  One she’d like to know more of. “Come on, Vlad. We’re working together, I deserve to know more about you.”

  Drake’s eyes shifted to the back seat and he leaned closer. “You can find out whatever you want to know, little witch.”

  She felt him then, a lingering presence at the edge of her mind. The ever-present link seemed so much stronger now. Charlie gripped the steering wheel, tearing herself away from that gorgeous gaze as the warehouse loomed into view. The cold steel building seemed untouched since the explosion had been contained just inside. Her heart pounded like a drum as she stared at it and pulled the car to a halt. The building looked the same, with its slanted roof and broken glass windows that looked jagged in places. It loomed like a glowing beacon, a memorial to those who’d died there.

  “McCray, are we going in?” Kaz asked, opening the car door and climbing out.

  “Er – right, you head on in. I’m just going to check something.” Charlie flipped the boot open and rummaged around in it. Anything to avoid going in there just a bit longer.

  Drake moved to her side. “Are you alright?”

  She jumped to the sound his voice, not realising he now stood beside her. How the fuck does he do that? “You sure you’re not a vampire? Because you sure do sneak around like one,” she snapped. “Go in. Do whatever is you’re here to do.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone,” Drake insisted, grabbing a box. “Do you need this inside?”

  Charlie stared daggers at him. “I don’t need a bodyguard. I can take care of myself.” She waved a hand. “Just take the box to Kaz.”

  He leant back against her car. “You’re avoiding going in there.”

  “Gee, a few thousand years really has made you highly observant.” She scowled. Why won’t he just leave me the hell alone? I wonder if he can read my mind now.

  “Charlotte.” He set the box down and put his hands on her shoulders.

  She took a deep breath. Maybe some of those breathing exercises would help her cope with having him around. “Just give me a minute, okay?” She pulled away from him.

  “I lost my family too.”

  Charlie blinked at him, surprised. “What?”

  Something flashed in his eyes, pain perhaps. “My family, they were killed a long time ago. I haven’t set foot in my former home since then.”

  She stared at him, feeling a pang of sadness for him. “Oh, I’m sorry – why are you telling me this?”

  “Just thought I’d share something. To let you know understand what it’s like to lose people you love.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she slammed the boot shut. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Kaz and Nigel had already gone to work. Nigel used a scanner while Kaz had a field kit out.

  The concrete floor still had remains of debris, along with patches of dark stains. Was that blood where her friends had passed or leftovers from the sweepers?

  Charlie felt her stomach recoil as her throat filled with bile. She couldn’t throw up on her first day back in front of Division agents — or Drake. Instead she bit her lip, hard, the pain proved a welcome distraction. “I’m gonna check around, see if I can pick up any psychic remnants.”

  To her relief Drake didn’t follow her; instead he seemed to be looking around. Charlie retreated to the back of the warehouse, ducked behind a few stacks of old boxes. Just being back there brought everything to the surface. Okay, you can do this, she told herself, taking a few calming breaths. Next she called on her Denai powers, then cast her senses out. As a medium she’d always been able to detect the feeling of spirits around her. She felt nothing, no trace of spiritual energy. Her heart pounded, all trace of magic drained away.

  “Ready for that drink, lieutenant?” Nat grinned. “I can’t believe you got promoted before me.”

  A brilliant burst of blue light, then falling, the ground swallowing her up. Charlie sank to the floor, trying to gulp in air, her lungs burning.

  “Charlotte?” Drake appeared at her side, kneeling next to her. “It’s alright. Just breathe.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not. They’re gone, they’re all gone.”

  “Charlie, you need to breathe.” He placed his hands on her knees. “Look at me.”

  But she couldn’t meet his gaze. “Drake, I can’t do this. I can’t be an enforcer anymore,” she babbled. “I’m not a real Denai, my powers don’t work.”

  “Look at me.” He cupped her chin, tilting her head up.

  She met his eyes then noticed they’d changed to pale blue and felt her breathing return to normal.

  “It’s alright,” he repeated, taking her hands in his.

  She slumped back against the cold stone wall. “Why are you here?” His touch felt strangely comforting.

  “Because you need me.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I have my reasons,” Drake replied. “What did you mean about your powers?”

  “They’re gone. I can’t sense much anymore. I haven’t even fazed again until today.” She gripped his hand tighter glad for the comfort his touch seemed to bring. “I told you I couldn’t do this.”

  “It isn’t magic that makes an enforcer, little witch.” Drake pulled her to her feet.

  Charlie noticed they were still holding hands. Strange, it felt oddly natural. “We should get back to the others, they’ll—”

  “They won’t notice anything.” Still clutching her hand, Drake led her back out to show Nigel and Kaz frozen in place.

  Her mouth fell open. “What did you do? Freeze time?”

  Drake shook his head. “I have no power over time. They’re just suspended like this.”

  Charlie blinked. He’d done this for her. She reluctantly pulled her hand away. Maybe I hit my head during my panic attack. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry you had to see that,” she muttered, avoiding his gaze.

  “Don’t be, I know what trauma can do.”

  She looked into his intense gaze. Damn, the man was too gorgeous for his own good. Part of her wanted to reach up and run her fingers through that silky hair. Great, first a panic attack, now weird lusty thoughts.

  “It’s probably why you’re disconnected from your powers,” he continued.

  She pulled her hands away from his, feeling her skin still tingling from his touch. “Now you sound like Marina.”

  “Jason’s mother is a wise woman – she’s helped me to in the past.”

  “With your family?”

  He nodded. “Sometimes talking can help.”

  Her hands balled into fists. “I’ve talked – it hasn’t helped. Only justice can do that.”

  “Try to focus. Your senses and abilities are still there, little witch.”

  Charlie took another breath and sent her senses out. “I don’t remember much,” she admitted. “I fell when the floor exploded but…” She moved to where Simon had stood. “I never understood why the bomb only damaged the inside of the warehouse. Any type of explosive would have blown this place apart – unless it wasn’t a bomb.” She raked a hand through her hair, pushing it off her face. “Whatever was in that box must have done it.” She reached for magic again; this time felt it building up inside her chest.

  Drake slipped his hand into hers, their fingers entwining.

  “What are you doing?” Charlie frowned.

“Helping you to concentrate. Skin to skin contact can help.”

  “Are our powers linked too?” Powers could become linked between life mates. But we’re not bonded, she reminded herself. Not yet.

  Drake touched the edge of her mind. His presence there felt warm, comforting as did his hold on her hand. She felt more warmth build low and deep inside her. With him there, her fears seemed to melt away. Would her powers even work?

  Charlie glanced around. “Simon? Nat? Louie?” she said. “If any of you are still here, come forward. Show me what happened that day.”

  Light blurred before her eyes as the scene around her changed. Simon walked over and spoke to Moret. He opened the box, brilliant blue light burst out followed by the roar of thunder. Charlie stumbled backwards as the world started spinning.

  She groaned, feeling her head pounded like a drum. Glancing around she saw she was lying on the leather sofa in her cluttered living room. What the hell? What happened? She’d been a bit out of it after the dizziness had kicked in and Drake had shimmered them out.

  Drake. She could feel his presence close by at the edge of her mind. She wanted to block it out, but their link seemed stronger now. “What happened?” she asked, sitting up.

  “I brought you home.” Drake appeared, handed her a glass of water. “How are you feeling?”

  “Why?” she demanded, eyes narrowing.

  “You almost passed out – it must’ve been the shock of using your powers after so long.”

  She put the water down, groaned. “Damn it, what did the others—”

  “They didn’t say anything, they didn’t see. I told them you were called away.”

  Again he’d protected her, this time from embarrassment. “Drake, listen —” She tried to find the right words to get him to leave, to make it clear nothing could happen between them but couldn’t. Not yet. “I haven’t had a vision like that before. Did you cause it?”

  “It wasn’t a vision. You saw the last moments of the dead – it’s part of your gift.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know about my gift?”

  He only gave her one of those smiles again.

  “This doesn’t change anything. I’m grateful for you helping me today, but—”

  “Why do you keep pulling away from me?” Drake asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa. “What are you so afraid of, little witch?”

  Afraid? Of him? She snorted. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “No, not me. Of what we could be.” His fingers traced along her wrist, making her skin burn from his touch.

  She liked the feel of his touch, wanted more. What would it be like to really touch him? To taste him?

  The sound of the front door opening broke through her thoughts. Charlie shot to her feet and felt a wave of nausea as her stomach recoiled. But happiness overcame panic at the thought of Drake and her boyfriend seeing each other. With Scott things felt cool, normal. Everything just felt confusing with Drake around.

  Scott came in. With his floppy blonde hair, pale skin and grey eyes he looked the complete opposite of Drake. Scott glanced between them, frowning. “Charlie, what’s going on?”

  “You’re home.” She threw her arms around him and drew his mouth down for a kiss. Scott blinked, still confused. “You remember Drake, don’t you?”

  He nodded, glaring at Drake. “Yeah, been a while. Why are you here?”

  Charlie blinked, surprised. He’d never acted jealous before. She noticed his jaw clench as he glared at Drake.

  “I helped Charlotte home,” Drake answered, his expression cool. “We are working together on a case.”

  “Yeah,” Charlie agreed, sounding calm. Goddess, she didn’t want them to meet like this. “Drake was just leaving, weren’t you?”

  Am I? he asked. Will you be alright?

  Of course. Go! she insisted.

  “I’ll see you at work tomorrow,” she added.

  Scott froze in place, just as Kaz and Nigel had.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded. “You can’t freeze Scott.”

  Drake moved closer to her. “About what you saw, I saw it too.”

  Her mouth fell open. “How?”

  “We’re connected, whether you choose to like it or not.” He grazed his knuckles over her cheek.

  Her skin tingled. He really needed to stop touching her! “Do you know what it was?”

  Drake shook his head. “No, I didn’t see enough but it had to be some type of weapon – one with its own protection.”

  “Drake, we—” She glanced at Scott.

  “He can’t hear us.”

  Thank the goddess! “Good, because nothing has changed,” Charlie said. “I’m still with him.”

  “For now.” Drake stroked her cheek one last time. “I’ll see you later, little witch.” He vanished in a blur of light.

  “What the hell, Charlie?” Scott fumed.

  She’d almost forgotten he was still there as she stared at the empty space where Drake had stood. “What?” she muttered, feeling dazed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me he was back, or that you’re working with him?”

  Feeling weary, she turned to meet her boyfriend’s angry gaze. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal, bollocks! He’s the guy you’re bound to, for god’s sake.” Scott threw his bag across the room.

  Charlie sighed. This hadn’t been the homecoming she’d wanted him to have, but Drake didn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. “We are linked, not bound. He saved my life, remember? I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him.”

  “He wants you now though, doesn’t he?” Scott dumped his pack on the floor, crossing his arms. “I knew this would happen one day.”

  “Scott, it’s not a big deal,” she repeated. “I’m with you, not him.” She slipped her arms around his neck. “Don’t let him come between us.”

  Scott pulled away from her. “You’ve gone back to Major Crimes, haven’t you?”

  “I didn’t have a choice. The chief…” She couldn’t tell him about Division that work had to remain classified.

  “Ha, you’re a Denai, you never follow someone else’s orders unless they come from on high,” he snapped. “Did Drake put you up to it?”

  She ran a hand through her hair. “No, we’re just working on one case together. You know how important finding my team’s killer is to me.”

  That seemed to deflate him a little. “Oh, that. I’m-I’m sorry, Char.”

  “Good, because Drake isn’t going to come between us.” She took his hands.

  He gripped her hands, lips curving into his usual grin. “Will you move in with me then?”

  Her jaw dropped. “What?”

  Scott’s eyes flashed and he let go of her hands. “You said you’d give me an answer when I came back, and I’m back now. Will you move in with me or not?”

  Charlie hesitated, she’d been avoiding this conversation for weeks now. “You can’t put me on the spot like this.” She bit her lip, trying to think of a reasonable excuse, but found none.

  “It’s a simple question. Do you really want us to be together?” he demanded. “Am I the one you see having a future with?”

  She opened her mouth to say yes, but words faltered. She couldn’t deny the attraction to Drake. “Maybe we need to take a break for a while to sort things out.”

  “I guess that answers that question.” Scott swung his backpack over his shoulder. “I love you, Charlie, but I’m not going to wait around for you forever.” He turned and walked back out the front door.

  Chapter 6

  Charlie strode through a magnificent hall with its red carpet, beautiful marble statues and rich colourful tapestries that made her feel out of place in her black jeans, red leather jacket, black vest and boots. Typical great grandma and her lavish opulence. But then the Ashrali liked colour, the brighter and bolder the better.

  Niara, the head of the United Magickind Council and leader of the Ashrali, sat in her office
with its view looking out onto the shimmering spires of the city. The ocean looked a deep turquoise synchronising with the pale blue of the sky.

  “Hey, GG.” Charlie loved calling her great-grandmother “GG” for short and went over to hug her.

  “Charlotte, I wasn’t expecting you.” With alabaster skin, electric blue eyes and long hair that changed colour on a whim, Niara had the ethereal beauty of the fey. Power rolled off her like waves lapping at the shore. Hugging Niara felt like hugging sunshine.

  “Sorry I haven’t been by to see you in a while,” Charlie muttered.

  Niara was the only family she had living within Setara City.

  “That’s alright. How have you been? You look...”

  “Like crap, you can say it. I haven’t been sleeping well,” she admitted. Though last night’s bad sleep hadn’t been because of nightmares. She’d been plagued by dreams of Drake. Damned demon wouldn’t leave her alone in sleep now either, but it hadn’t been from the link. Her mind had enjoyed playing out every part of him.

  “Losing your team still haunts you,” Niara said.

  “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “Come sit.” Niara led her over to two overstuffed armchairs and a tray of tea appeared. Charlie didn’t like tea, she preferred coffee but she sat and drank it anyway.

  Niara’s hair turned a shade of light blonde, though any colour suited her. “Have you made any progress with the case?” She sipped her tea, then poured more milk into it.

  “Maybe. Yesterday I saw something. Do you know of a weapon that could cause an explosion but not destroy a whole building?” She told Niara what she’d glimpsed at the warehouse.

  “It could be anything. I’m no expert when it comes to weapons.”

  “You know things about the ancients.” Charlie sipped the tea. It tasted sweet, maybe it wasn’t too bad.

  Niara stirred her own tea as she poured cream into it. “Some things, but the best person to talk to would be Helga.”

  “Helga? The crone who is on the council with you? She creeps me out with her beady little eyes.” She shuddered at the memory of the old seer.

  Niara chuckled. “Helga is both old and wise.”


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