Shadow Walker_Urban fantasy romance

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Shadow Walker_Urban fantasy romance Page 5

by Tiffany Shand

  “Yeah, and from what Auntie Cate has told me she likes to be cryptic and speak in riddles.”

  “She may know more. She’s the only immortal left alive who knows about our ancestors,” Niara replied. “How is Scott? You should come to dinner this week. It’d be nice to see you both.”

  Her cheeks flushed and she bit her lip. “We’re er – taking a break. He got so jealous when he saw Drake and I together – speaking of which, did you know we are working together?”

  Although not an official member of the Alliance Niara knew what went on in their world. “Yes, he comes to visit me on occasion.”

  Charlie gaped at her. “Why?” She couldn’t imagine why Drake would visit Niara, they had no connection to each other outside of him being a friend of the family as far as she knew.

  Niara shrugged. “I’ve known Drake a very long time. I helped him to get to Britannia after his family was killed.”

  So Drake had been connected to her family longer than she’d imagined. “What’s his deal?” She wondered, almost to herself.

  “He’s a good man. He’s helped many people over the centuries.”

  “I hear he runs Division, I thought he just ran nightclubs.”

  Niara laughed. “Oh, he does much more than that. His businesses are sanctuaries, places of neutral territory for demons and other Magickind to go when they need refuge.”

  Funny, he’d never mentioned that. Not that she’d asked.

  “How – how can I break my connection to him?” Charlie asked. “I know he thinks we’re meant to be together, but I’ll be back with Scott soon, and Drake is... He’s not who I imagined my future with.”

  “You think he’s wrong about the bond?” Niara sipped her tea, her hair flashing in a rainbow of colour before settling back to blonde again.

  Charlie nodded. “Yes, I want the link gone. I can’t think straight when he’s around.”

  “Charlie, he couldn’t have saved you from death if he wasn’t–”

  “Enough with the soulmate stuff, GG. I want it gone, can you do it or not?” She gripped the sides of the arm chair to rein in her anger.

  Niara hesitated, hair darkening. “I can try, are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Never been so sure of anything.” She needed her shit together on this case, not Drake creeping into her mind or her dreams. It’d be better for both of them, they could both move on. Although working together would feel more awkward, but she’d put personal feelings aside to get the job done.

  Niara sighed, rose and raised a glowing hand.

  Charlie felt warmth radiate through her body, seeping through her. It tugged at her link to Drake, then pain tore through her so hard she doubled over. It radiated through her, cutting into her very soul. She felt Drake’s pain too, heard his shout of agony as their minds opened to each other. “Stop,” she gasped.

  Light blurred around her as Niara’s office faded. Charlie landed on a shiny black floor, skidding across it. The pain still tore deep inside her, both physical and mental.

  Drake sat hunched on the floor in front of his desk, face contorted in pain. “What did you do?” he growled.

  “I...” She couldn’t get the words out. Damn, this hurt like a mother! She crawled over to him, being near him seemed to lessen pain.

  “You tried to break the link,” he snarled, eyes black pools of obsidian.

  “Can you blame me?” she hissed, clutching her chest. “Goddess, why won’t the pain stop? You said we were only linked psychically.”

  “Our souls are still connected, Charlotte, bond or no bond.”

  She moved closer, resting her head against his shoulder. She felt him tense at her touch as she clung to him. After a moment’s hesitation, he wrapped an arm around her. There were both breathing hard as the pain faded.

  Charlie snuggled closer, glad for the warmth of his body. “Don’t do that again,” she muttered.

  “I did nothing.” Drake tried to shove her away but she held on.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlie murmured against his chest. “This thing between us scares me. I just needed a break from it. Please don’t be mad at me.” She didn’t know why his anger hurt so much.

  Drake muttered something in a language she didn’t understand but she felt his body relax as he sighed. “You’re impossible.”

  “But you like that about me, don’t you?” She grinned and scrambled closer, climbing onto his lap as she leaned closer and ran a hand along the hard plane of his jaw.

  “Drake?” called another voice.

  That brought Charlie out of her lust filled haze and she scrambled up, cheeks flushing. “I should go.”

  Drake shot to his feet, muttering a curse. “No, don’t.”

  But Charlie shimmered out before she could do anything else.

  Shit, shit, shit! What had she been thinking? Charlie glanced around, expecting to find herself back at Niara’s instead she found herself in woodland. Thick trees spanned across the horizon like green giants guarding the way to another world. “Ah, hell!”

  Her demon powers had always been unpredictable at times. She had no idea where the heck she’d shimmered to. Great, now I’m in the middle of nowhere. Argh, damn Drake and his sexiness!

  It must have been sexual frustration. That must be it. She’d convince Scott to come around. He was safe, normal and she didn’t have to control her feelings around him. Now she had to figure out where the hell she’d shimmered to. Niara had mentioned Helga and Charlie had thought of her just before she’d left. Right, a crone would be much easier to deal with them rampaging hormones or stubborn boyfriends and sexy demons.

  Light blurred as Drake shimmered in beside her, scowling. Her heart skipped a beat and she took off in the opposite direction. “No way,” she muttered, stalking through the trees. Branches caught at her clothes, covering her with leaves which she brushed off as she stalked through the treeline.

  “You can’t just almost kill me and then leave.” Drake caught up with her faster than she could blink.

  Damn, she’d never be able to outrun him. “I didn’t try to kill you and I’m not the one who did it, Niara did.” Because I asked her to. She felt a sharp pang of guilt. I didn’t know it’d hurt so much.

  “Why do you keep running away from me?” Drake moved in front of her, blocking the way.

  “Because I want you gone!” Charlie cried, glaring daggers at him. “I want you out of my life forever.”

  “Do you?” Drake loomed over her, backing her up against a tree trunk. “Is it so hard to admit there might be something between us?”

  Her breath caught in her throat, feeling the heat from his body. “Yes, how many times do I have to–”

  Leaning down, his face so close they were most touching. “I know part of you wants me just as much as I want you.”

  She hated how her body shivered in reaction. “That’s just the stupid link between us.” She placed her hands on his chest and tried to shove him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “I could have you, make you mine and you’d let me. I feel your desire.” He ran a finger down her jaw.

  Charlie felt her heart beat faster. Yes, she did want him and that freaking scared her. “You said...”

  Drake pulled away, breathing hard. “I know why you’re shutting me out, why you’re shutting everyone out. You’re afraid of getting hurt,” he said. “You blame yourself for what happened that day.”

  “Yes, I do. They died, and I survived.” She felt tears sting her eyes. Oh crap, I can’t cry in front of him! she thought and said. “I should have died. I don’t know how I got out. I don’t know why I survived and they didn’t.”

  “Sometimes people die, Charlotte. We lose the people we love, we can’t stop that even as immortals.”

  She rubbed her eyes, refusing to let the tears fall. “That’s why I can’t do this. I can’t be what you want me to be.”

  “I don’t want you to be anything,” Drake told her. “I just want you.”

bsp; “Are you done with the shouting?” another voice rasped. “You’re spoiling my tranquillity.”

  Charlie turned to see the hunched form of Helga with her straggly white hair, leathery skin and piercing eagle eyes. “No, we’re just – he’s leaving,” Charlie replied. “I need to talk to you.”

  I’m not leaving when you have a price on your head, Drake insisted.

  I can take care of myself. She folded her arms and raised her chin. Go away! Go work on the case while I can’t be there.

  We’re partners, I’m not letting you go anywhere without me, he said then broke off the connection. “Helga, it’s been a long time,” Drake said. To her amazement, Drake bowed his head to Helga. A sign of respect. The demon surprised her more and more.

  “Drakon,” Helga said, eyes brightening. “Come, let’s go inside.” She motioned for them to follow.

  Charlie glanced at Drake but the expression on his face told her he wasn’t going anywhere. “Fine,” she muttered, stalking after the old woman.

  Chapter 7

  Drake fought for control of his emotions as he followed Charlie and the crone through the thicket of heavy leaves. Something trying to break their link had felt like someone trying to tear through his soul. The pain had been unimaginable. He knew how resistant Charlie was but he hadn’t expected her to do that. Yet it hadn’t mattered when he held her in his arms as he longed to do so.

  They’d almost kissed and she’d fled. Again.

  The anger and frustration had taken over during the argument. He’d been tempted to give in. Bond on her. She’d finally be his and have no choice but to be his mate. But no, he wouldn’t do that to her.

  Why fate had given him such a god damn stubborn, infuriating creature as his life mate he’d never know. Every time they drew close, she pulled away. But he forced his emotions aside as he stalked after her. Despite his frustrations, nothing could make him walk away from his little witch, not even her.

  He had no idea why she’d shimmered to Helga, of all people. What good would the crone do? Helga was both feared and respected for the true seer she was but she never gave up answers easily.

  Charlie didn’t seem up for answering questions either.

  Part of him wanted to get the hell out of there but the need to protect his mate wouldn’t let him leave.

  Helga led them inside her tree dwelling. The house itself was carved into an enormous oak tree. Thick branches covered the walls and ceiling, criss-crossing in places. The air smelt of fresh leaves and morning dew as they stepped into a larger room. “Why are you here?” Helga hobbled over to a high-backed chair. An enormous eagle perched on top of it, its golden eyes so like its owners.

  He heard Charlie’s gasp at the sight of the huge predator and she grabbed his hand. He squeezed it, reassuringly.

  “Don’t you know?” Charlie retorted, pulling her hand away from his again. “I thought you were all knowing?”

  Drake’s lips thinned into a smile. He missed the feel of her touch but said nothing.

  “I can’t see everything, little Denai,” the crone rasped. “But I guess it’s because you want something.”

  “You’re a seer, right? I need to know what happened the day my team died.”

  Ah, he’d should have known that was why they’d come.

  “What was the weapon that caused the explosion?” Charlie persisted.

  Helga sighed. “The stubbornness of youth. So young and impatient. A true McCray.”

  Charlie scowled. “Can’t you just give me a straight answer?” She crossed her arms, flopped into the other high-backed chair. Drake stood next to her, draping an arm over the back of the chair. The closeness eased some of the tension between them.

  Helga fell silent, her eyes turning an eerie white then she shook her head. “That is unclear. Strange, something cloaks against my sight.”

  Charlie and Drake glanced at each other. What does that mean? she asked.

  He felt her mind open to him again, reinforcing the connection. She still felt irritated by him but it had lessened.

  The Tears really don’t want us to find that weapon, she said.

  I doubt the gang has that kind of power, Drake remarked.

  Helga shook her head. “I cannot see.” Her eagle eyes fixed on Drake. “What did you see that day?”

  Charlie’s brow creased. “What does she mean?”

  He froze, feeling his heart pounding. Damn it, he hadn’t planned on telling Charlie that, not yet. He’d only just begun to gain her trust. The truth would shatter it.

  “Drake, what’s she talking about?” Charlie asked.

  He scowled at Helga, pleading with her not to say anything else.

  “He saved you,” Helga said. “Yet you resist the life bond. Stubbornness.” She cackled.

  Charlie shot to her feet, grabbed Drake’s arm and pulled him outside, muttering, “Excuse us.” She rounded on him when they were far enough away from the tree. “What the hell?” Charlie demanded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Would it have mattered?” he retorted. “You’ve made it clear how you feel about me.” He didn’t keep the bitterness of his voice. Gods, how could he want her and hate at the same time? Sometimes he wondered if the connection was just a trick, a cruel twist of fate.

  Something flickered in Charlie’s eyes. “I-I don’t know how I feel about you,” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me you saved me? How did you—”

  “You called for me. I heard you whisper my name, I felt your pain so I came, pulled you out of the carnage and got you to safety,” Drake told her, crossing his arms.

  Charlie shook her head. “I don’t remember.”

  “Well, it happened. Now you know.”

  “What about the others?”

  His mind flashed back to that day. The feel of her pain, the terror of losing her. He’d heard her call and had almost lost his mind when he’d seen her lying crumpled on the warehouse floor, blue light blazing around the building. “They were already dead. Only you were still breathing.”

  He felt the shock of pain and found himself tugging her to his chest. To his surprise, she clung to him. The feel of her so close sent a rush of desire through him. He needed to leave, to get away. Being around her felt comforting and torturous at the same time. “I’ll go.” He ran a hand through her soft, silky hair. “I won’t burden you with my presence. We’ll go back to the way we were.” The thought of staying away, of never seeing her again felt worse than the pain Niara had caused.

  “No! Stay.” She rested her head against his chest.

  “Charlotte, we can’t keep doing this.” He tightened his hold on her. “I can’t pretend I don’t want you anymore. I thought we could...”

  She sniffed, meeting his gaze. “No, I need you with me even if you’re over protectiveness irritates the hell out of me. We have to see this case through and we will.”

  “What then? What happens after the case? We go back to our normal lives? I can’t do that.”

  Charlie shrugged. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Maybe we just need to figure this thing out.”

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  “You mean like a date?”

  He smiled. He didn’t date women. He’d never had a serious relationship. He fucked them and that was it. He quickly grew tired of them —except this one.

  She sighed. “Okay, but just dinner. Nothing else.” She pulled away, glanced at the tree. Do you think she’s telling the truth?

  Drake shrugged. I see no reason why she’d lie.

  Still, she creeps me out. Why wouldn’t she see what happened? Charlie shuddered. Niara said she’s one of the most powerful seers in the world. Maybe she’s just hiding something. Let’s find out.

  Helga said nothing when they came back in.

  “Why can’t you see anything from that day?” Charlie persisted.

  “Wise one, we need your assistance,” Drake said to Helga.

  Helga shook her head. “This is a dangerous pat
h you’re both treading. You should walk away from this case. Both of you.”

  “We can’t. I need to know what happened.” Charlie leaned forward. “Please, Helga.”

  Drake touched Charlie’s shoulder. He knew Helga wouldn’t say no unless she had good reason to. Yet he thought he glimpsed fear in the crone’s eyes. Perhaps we should leave. She seems afraid.

  Charlie scowled. I need to know. We’re so close, I can feel it.

  Helga stroked her eagle’s wings and sighed. “No one ever listens to my counsel anymore.”

  “Can’t you just try?” Charlie asked.

  “If there is a risk of a new Covenant you should help us,” Drake agreed.

  The crone snorted. “I don’t interfere in the affairs of other Magickind. It’s not my place.”

  “You were there the day my aunt killed Raven,” said Charlie. “I remember – I was there too. You acted like you were on Raven’s side but you helped Cate.”

  “I didn’t do anything. I was only there to see Raven finally die.” Helga patted her eagle.

  Charlie rose. “Maybe you’re just not powerful as they say. Let’s go, Drake.”

  Helga’s eyes flashed.

  Wow, I think I pissed her off. Charlie stifled a laugh.

  I’d say that wouldn’t be wise, little witch.

  The old woman’s lips thinned. “Fine, I’ll see what magic cloaks my sight,” she hissed. “Give me your hands, girl.”

  Drake hesitated, something didn’t feel right but he could do nothing as Charlie grasped Helga’s outstretched palms. Helga’s eyes blurred to white again. Charlie gasped, her own eyes snapping shut. Both women’s bodies trembled as energy surged between them.

  Drake stumbled backwards as the entire tree began to groan and vibrate.

  Helga’s eagle squawked, flapping its great wings.

  What the hells? he wondered. “Charlotte?”

  At the sound of her name her eyes shot open, radiating bright blue, similar to the light he’d seen that day he pulled her from the warehouse. She gripped Helga’s hands so hard Drake heard the crunch of bone. Helga shuddered, falling to her knees, gasping.

  “Charlotte, what you are doing?” Drake demanded.

  Charlie rose, hands outstretched as black shadows shot out like smoke billowing around Helga. The crone choked as the smoke wrapped around her throat in a vice-like grip.


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