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Monroe, Melody S. - Fantasy Ranch [Fantasy Resort 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Melody Snow Monroe

  Fantasy Resort 5

  Fantasy Ranch

  As the daughter of a former US senator, Christina Hardgrave has been surrounded by bodyguards and overprotective parents her whole life, until she’s mistakenly sent to a fantasy ranch resort instead of a finishing school.

  Zach McKenna, a ranch owner and the eldest of three brothers, wants nothing to do with teaching Christina about men, as she has awakened an urge he thought long dead. How will the gentle middle brother, Deke, and the carefree youngest brother, Brett, succeed in introducing her to a loving ménage relationship? What will she discover about her explosive sensuality from three hunky cowboys?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 34,966 words


  Fantasy Resort 5

  Melody S. Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Melody S. Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-938-5

  First E-book Publication: November 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Fantasy Resort 5


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “The idea is stupid.” Zach McKenna stabbed the knife into the last piece of steak on his plate and shoved it in his mouth.

  “I owe Rod.”

  His middle brother, Deke, was the idealist. Of the three, he should have been against the idea on principle alone, except he did have a debt to repay. Rod had bailed out his ass in college and had yet to ask for anything in return until now, nine years later.

  Zach finished chewing the tender beef. “Let me get this straight. He’s asking you, or rather us, to babysit some woman for a week and teach her about what men want?” Crazy.

  “Her dad’s a former senator, and the family endorsement means a lot to him.”

  He found it hard to swallow that the senator would recommend Sensual Pleasures Fantasy Resort to his fellow politicians. It was a scandal waiting to happen. “We’re talking seduction here, right, without the sex part?” He’d been approached by Rod to be an escort at his resort but had declined being any part of the establishment.

  “That’s the gist.”

  “What’s wrong with his place? It’s set up with all the sex toys a woman could want, not to mention bondage apparatuses.”

  Deke leaned back in his chair and blew out a breath. “He’s out of escorts. Besides, it’s not always about toys. Sometimes a woman needs a gentle hand and a good time. I think I can offer her that.”

  Brett, the youngest of the three, grinned. “That’s where you and I disagree, bro. A woman likes to have the man take control. She wants to be dominated whether she knows it or not. I say the minute she walks in we tell her to strip ’em, and then we dip ’em.”

  Zach curled his lip. “You’re a caveman. That’s why you don’t have a woman.”

  Brett stood and nearly toppled his chair. “Cavemen got women, too. That’s why we’re all here.” He shrugged. “I don’t have to use sex toys, though I have to admit toys can be fun. So can bondage.” He grinned, looking closer to eighteen than twenty-six.

  Deke dipped a forkful of green beans in his mouth and chewed, but Zach could tell he was fighting a smile. His little brother had a penchant for rear entry, something he would bet a senator’s daughter would not be interested in.

  Deke waved his fork at him. “Zach, you don’t have to participate. Brett and I can show her a good time. Rod said she’s hot. She’s some kind of financial advisor, too. Supposedly, the men she’s dated are the banker, lawyer types, and Rod thinks she just needs a real man to bring out her true desires.”

  That made Zach laugh. “What makes you think you two could satisfy a society girl?”

  “We’ve all been to college and traveled a good bit around the world.”

  “It takes more than that.” Of the three, he’d been the only one to ever get engaged. The other two played the field but never showed any interest in settling down. His chest squeezed thinking about Maria and what could have been.

  Deke puffed out his chest. “Hell, I majored in finance and still remember a few financial ratios. We have that in common. Not sure whether she’ll relate to Brett’s degree in animal husbandry, but I can hold my own.”

  He might have a point. “How much did you say she was willing to pay for her week experience?”

  “Ten thousand.”

  Zach downed the rest of his beer. “Not bad.” The richer the woman, the less likely she’d want them for their money.

  Deke kept his gaze focused on him. “Around here, we help friends. Isn’t that what Dad always preached?” He leaned back. “Besides, I can think of a worse job for the money.”

  They had all been workin
g hard and a little break might not hurt. “Fine, but don’t spend all your time with her. We have a ranch to run.” He swiped the napkin across his mouth, his mind running through the scenarios. “I think you shouldn’t let on you own the place though.”

  Deke cocked a brow. “Why not?”

  “Because we don’t need her to fall for you two and mess up what we have around here. If she thinks you’re just hired hands, she’ll run when her time’s up. People with money are looking for other people with money.”

  Deke shook his head. “How do you explain we all live in the main house? And don’t you dare suggest Brett and I bunk with the hired hands.”

  “Since I’m not taking part in this little event, I’ll say I’m the owner and for the next week, you two are staying at the house to have easier access to her.”

  “That works. Brett, you good with that?”

  Brett was still standing, probably calculating how long it would take him to get her in bed. “Sure, but I’d like to make this even more interesting.”

  Both he and Deke turned toward him. “How?”

  “We see which one of us she propositions first. In other words, we can’t try to pork her. Just entice her and tease her into wanting us.”

  For sure Brett wouldn’t be winning. “What are we wagering, not that I’m actually a member of the who can get her into bed first team.”

  “The winner gets to take off work for a week, and the other two have to do his chores.”

  He and Deke grinned. “You are so going to lose, little brother. Your he-man approach isn’t going to work.”

  Not that he’d be winning either since he wasn’t playing the game, but he always loved to watch a challenge unfold between his brothers.

  Deke picked up his plate and mug and placed his dishes in the sink. “Zach, even if you were to join us, she wouldn’t pick you. You’re too surly. I’m telling you, soft and gentle will win the race. Mark my words.”

  * * * *

  Christina Hardgrave tapped her foot on the floor of the limousine, still not able to come up with a way to get out of going to a one-week “finishing” school. Who knew they still existed in this day and age? Socializing in a prearranged setting was not her thing. It didn’t matter there might be wannabe politicians there. She’d had enough of bodyguards and protective parents to last a lifetime. At least her new boss hadn’t given her any flak when she told him she needed to take off a week. He said as long as she brought her work with her, she’d be fine.

  Her cell rang and she checked to make sure her mom wasn’t calling with yet another demand. She blew out a sigh of relief when she saw it was her best friend returning her call. “Danielle, thank God it’s you.”

  “What happened? You sounded so upset. What’s this about taking a weeklong class?”

  “Mother thinks that because I just graduated from grad school and didn’t come home with a fiancé on my arm, that she’ll never be a grandmother. She’s sending me to some place to hobnob with wealthy men and learn how to entice them.”

  Danielle laughed. “You poor thing.”

  “It’s not funny.” She had to loosen her grip on the phone before she broke it.

  “It is when you’re twenty-four. You’ll probably be surrounded by ten- to sixteen-year-olds needing to learn the proper way to set a table or act at a fancy reception.”

  She’d been schooled in manners since she turned two. “God, I hope that’s not what this is all about.” She blew out a breath. “Could this get any worse?”

  “Well, your mother could have sent you to a sperm bank to be artificially inseminated by the perfect man.”

  Her stomach almost revolted. “That would cause an uber scandal unless she snuck me in under a different name.” She wouldn’t, would she? “I guess I should be thankful I only have to sit through a boring class, even if it is hands-on.”

  “Where are you right now?”

  “I’m in the limo heading up the Santa Catalina Mountain. We should be there momentarily.”

  She glanced out the window, searching for something to calm her jittery nerves. Tall pines bordered the winding road. While a nice change from the cactus-filled desert below, even the grandeur of the scenery wasn’t going to help her situation. She wasn’t ready to settle down and pop out babies. Her career was too important. Someday she wanted kids, but the thought of being at a man’s beck and call made her want to vomit.

  “Why didn’t you refuse to go?”

  Danielle had a short memory. “No one tells my mother no. The worst part is that to make sure I’d agree to come here, she convinced Grannie to change the conditions of my trust fund.”

  Her friend sucked in an audible breath. “But you’re getting the rest of the fund in three weeks.”

  Four million dollars, to be exact. “When I turn twenty-five, yes. But if I hadn’t agreed to this ridiculous ‘vacation,’ she’d have made me wait until I’m thirty to get a dime.” Christina had already picked out a cute condo as an investment, and a new car to replace her sweet-sixteen present that broke down at least once a month.

  “Jesus. That’s blackmail.”

  “My thoughts exactly, so you can see why I have to go along with this fiasco.”

  “Why not call your grandmother and explain you don’t want to go?”

  “I’ve thought of that, but if Mom ever got wind of it, I’d be fifty before I see any inheritance.”

  “What did your Aunt Miriam say?”

  Her mother’s sister might be a staunch democrat and her mother and father right-wing republicans, but her mom listened to her older sister. “It was Aunt Miriam’s idea. She said it was the in place to go, and that Mom had to send me for my own good, especially if she expected me to find a good man.”

  “That doesn’t sound like your aunt.” She sighed. “Well, let me know how it goes.”

  Too bad there was nothing Danielle could do to help. “Will do. Uh-oh, we’re here. Love ya, bye.”

  The limo pulled in front of the resort. Welcome to hell.

  To be fair, the place was beautiful. Tall white columns flanked the two-story entrance that was surrounded by a riot of colored annuals. The circular drive had an elegant, three-tiered fountain with water gushing out of the top. The place looked really classy, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be miserable the whole time.

  The driver cut the engine, held open the door for her to get out, and then removed three suitcases from the trunk. A very cute guy in a blue-striped shirt came rushing out with a luggage cart. Good thing he brought help. In the largest of her bags, she’d brought a bunch of finance books and a boatload of company prospectuses in case she had time to study the information for work. It weighed a ton.

  “You’re Christina, right?”

  How did he know that? Maybe it was the limousine. “Yes.”

  Her driver asked if she needed him anymore.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

  He took off and she followed her suitcases, enjoying the view of the guy’s tight butt. Too bad he was no more than twenty and didn’t look like he had political aspirations or she might have tried to find time to talk with him. She inwardly chuckled. Wouldn’t her mom be pissed if she brought him home?

  On the path to the front door, she passed a large wooden sign with the name of the place engraved in wood. She stopped and reread the words three times. Damn. The driver had come to the wrong establishment. How had that happened? This sign read The Sensual Pleasures Fantasy Resort. This certainly couldn’t be a finishing school, and she doubted the conservative women heading up the class would pay to have it here.

  She must have been standing there for quite some time because the same guy came back and took hold of her elbow. “Is something wrong, ma’am?”

  The term ma’am hurt. She wasn’t old yet, unless one believed her mom, who thought Christina’s biological clock only had days left to tick. “No.” An idea sparked. “Would you mind taking my picture by the sign?” She handed him her iPhone.

  If her mom ever tried to blackmail her again, Christina would show this photo to every one of her father’s senator friends. A laugh bubbled up at the irony of the whole setup. Aunt Miriam must be playing a trick on Mom. That had to be it.

  “Give me a minute, okay?”

  “Take your time.” The cute guy winked, handed her back her phone, and disappeared inside.

  She called her aunt and received the confirmation she expected.

  “Hell yes, I lied to your mother. I’ve told her a hundred times she’s too controlling. She needs to leave you alone, that you’ll find a man in your own time.”

  “Did I ever tell you that you are the best aunt ever?”

  “Plenty of times, but I never tire of hearing it.”

  “So what’s the deal with this fantasy resort?” As her dad preached, forewarned was forearmed.

  While she was excited not to have to endure a classroom setting where she practiced good manners, she wasn’t sure she was up for something sexual. She was no virgin, but her experience with men was limited. In fact, since graduating, she’d not dated anyone. In high school, going out with wild guys never happened since her parents either had a bodyguard watching her or her dad interrogated her dates until they ran away.

  “Well, you get to pick a fantasy and have two or three men fulfill it for you.”

  Her muscles locked. “What kind of fantasy?”

  “I’ve never been myself, but Nadine and Josephine both went. I won’t go into specifics, but needless to say, they came home hornier than a three-toed frog.”

  She giggled at the image of that little creature. “What if I don’t want or need a fantasy?”


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