From War to Forever
Page 11
I tease him a bit more, pushing against his hole but not entering, until his whole body is quivering with want and need.
I work his cock, using my mouth and hand in tandem. His hips continue to roll and buck, and he grips my hair so hard it hurts, but I like it.
I slowly insert my finger into his tight, hot hole.
“Fuck yes!” Tucker growls.
I pump my finger slowly, giving him time to adjust.
Tucker pulls my head up and off his cock. His eyes are wild and dark with desire when they meet mine.
“I want you to fuck me,” he says.
I blink at him, frozen from shock.
“What? Are you serious?” I choke out.
“Yes, I’m dead fucking serious. I want your fucking cock inside me right now.”
My stomach flips. I enjoy how he turns into a different person during sex.
“Let’s go find a bed, then.”
I remove my finger and push off the couch to stand, then help Tucker up. He immediately yanks my shirt over my head and plasters himself against me. He finds my mouth and just takes what he wants. He grips the sides of my head as he ravages my mouth. I wrap my arms around him, one hand gripping his taut asscheek. I’m still in shock over what he asked for. Well, not really asked, more like demanded.
We stumble into my bedroom since it’s the closest. Tucker makes quick work of my jeans before shoving me onto the bed. I move up so I can lie on a pillow. Tucker crawls up from the end of the bed, shoving my legs apart and sucking one of my balls into his mouth. I moan, loving every second of his mouth on me. He gives the other one some attention before licking a long, slow line up the underside of my cock. I watch him. He doesn’t do any more than that; instead, he climbs up and straddles my hips. He reaches over to my nightstand and opens the drawer, then pulls out the bottle of lube. Fuck, he’s not playing games right now. He’s dead serious about me fucking him.
“Tucker, are you sure?” I ask when his eyes meet mine.
He raises a cocky eyebrow as he pops open the lube and pours some into his hand. He reaches behind him and smooths it all over my dick, giving me a few extra pumps for good measure. After putting a little more in his hand, he rubs it on himself. The lube gets tossed back into the drawer before he lifts my cock off my stomach and rubs it over his hole a couple of times, which pulls a gasp from him.
“No condom?” I ask, my voice strained.
Tucker shakes his head. “We’re both clean.”
I nod in agreement. I was tested the last time I was in the hospital, and I know Tucker gets tested every few months to be safe.
He moans as he ever so slowly pushes back so the head of my cock breaches his tight ring of muscle. My mouth opens in a silent scream at the immense pleasure, and our eyes lock as he slowly works himself down over my dick. There are a couple of times, going by his expression, where he is uncomfortable, but he keeps going. He bends forward, planting his hands right above my shoulders. His eyes flutter closed, and he moans as he slowly continues to work my cock inside him. I grip his thighs and fight the urge to shove up to the hilt. He has about half of me inside him so far.
“Dennis, I want you to do the rest,” he pants.
I tap his leg so he opens his eyes. Once he does, I say, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He shakes his head. “You won’t, babe. It feels too good.” He moans breathily.
Shit, I’m not going to argue with him. I grab his hips, plant my feet, and then thrust up into him, making him take my whole cock. We both cry out. I thought it felt good to be inside a woman. Well, fuck that; this is even better. It might just be because it’s Tucker, though.
“Keep going!” he barks.
He uses his lubed-up hand to grab his cock and start stroking furiously. I use my grip on his hips to lift him slightly so I can thrust up into him. I alternate between long, languid thrusts and hard, quick ones.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God…,” Tucker chants.
The hand working his cock falters and moves down to cup his balls. His hole tightens and pulses around me, so I know he’s ready to explode. I use his hips to push him down onto me as I shove up into him. That’s all it takes. He doesn’t even have to stroke himself. His cock explodes, shooting his load all over my stomach and chest. A guttural shout I’ve never heard from him before echoes through the room. I follow him into oblivion, but I have the privilege of coming inside him. Tucker crushes his lips to mine as I come inside him for what seems like forever.
“I can feel you. I can feel your cock pulsing,” he whispers against my mouth.
I moan loud at his words. He kisses me hard.
“I can feel you moaning against my lips too. I’d rather hear you, though,” he murmurs.
I can’t even function right now to reply. I’m panting hard under him. This was the absolute best sex I’ve ever had. Tucker drops his body down to mine and tucks his face into the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight. I don’t ever want to move. I’ll be happy if we just stay like this forever.
Never in my life have I felt like this. Even with Zara. Yes, there was passion, heat, excitement, and love. But here with Tucker, there is a deeper connection. I can feel him in my soul. I loved Zara with everything I had—still do. This thing with Tucker, though, it’s deeper than love. This is my forever, like she said.
I SLOWLY rouse from a deep sleep. The room has darkened slightly. Damn, how long did we sleep? After the mind-blowing sex Dennis and I had, we took a shower, then crawled back into his bed and fell asleep. I roll over from being draped over Dennis’s chest and stretch out. My body aches in places I didn’t know could ache. And my ass is sore, but it’s a good sore. It’s the “I got thoroughly fucked by the man I love” kind of sore. I do have a bit of a headache, though. We both completely forgot the fact I just got home from the hospital after being seriously concussed. I sit up and wince. Shit, I need some aspirin for my head and ass.
Before I can stand, Dennis’s hand snakes along my lower back. I glance over my shoulder at him. One eye is cracked open. “Where are you going?”
“I have a headache. Need some aspirin.”
His eyes shoot open. “Shit! I forgot all about your concussion!” He sits up.
“It’s okay,” I assure him, placing my hand on his forearm.
“Dammit, I should have been gentler.” He carefully brushes my hair away from my stitches.
I give him a look like he’s crazy. “Uh, no, you shouldn’t have.”
He smirks and shakes his head. “Do you want me to get it?”
“No, I’m fine. It’s not that bad.” I get up.
I go into the bathroom and take some aspirin before returning to Dennis’s bed. I crawl back in next to him and lie down facing him. He turns to me so I can read his lips.
“That was so amazing.” I sigh, reaching out to run my hand over the smooth skin of his hip.
“I agree. How’s your ass?” He smiles.
“Sore. I might need a couple of days’ recovery.” I chuckle. “It is totally worth it, though.”
Dennis’s smile fades slightly. “I think we’re headed into a serious relationship here, Tuck. What do you think?”
“I think you’re right.”
“Do you want to make this an exclusive relationship? Or are you still going to want to sleep with women too?”
I take a deep breath. What do I want? “I honestly haven’t thought about a woman since we started messing around together, so I think I’ll be okay in that department. If that changes, I would obviously let you know. As for an exclusive relationship, that’s definitely something I want because I sure as hell don’t want you sleeping with anyone else.”
Dennis’s eyes search mine. “I don’t want you sleeping with anyone else either.”
“I only want you, Denny.”
“Same here.”
“Do you think you’re ready to be in a relationship?”
Dennis nods s
lowly. “Yeah, I think I am.”
I smile. “Good.”
“I don’t know how I feel about us telling anyone yet. I guess I want to see if we can work before I tell Lizette and Beau.”
I nod. “I agree. Except Duke does know already.” I wince. “He heard us that one night when he stayed with us,” I rush to explain.
“Damn.” Dennis sighs. “All right, well, no one else, then.”
“Agreed. Should we see what Lizette and Beau are doing? Maybe we can go out to dinner tonight to make up for yesterday?”
“Yeah, okay. Let me give Lizzie a call.”
Dennis and I get up and get dressed. He then calls Lizette to see if they want to meet us for dinner. No surprise that they say yes. So twenty minutes later, we are out the door and on our way to the agreed-upon location.
We are seated at a little table for four in an Italian restaurant. I sit next to Dennis, of course, while Beau and Lizette sit across from us. Above the table, Dennis and I keep a respectable amount of space between us. Under the table, though, we press our knees together. It’s definitely going to take some effort to not be touchy-feely. At least for me. I don’t know how he feels, but I would love to put my arm around his chair or hold his hand.
“You’re looking good for getting hit with a two-by-four just yesterday, Tucker.” Beau smirks across the table at me.
I chuckle. “What can I say? I’ve got a hard head, I guess.”
Dennis, who was taking a sip of his water, starts choking. I bite back a laugh as I pat him on the back. Obviously his mind is in the gutter.
“Wrong pipe,” he wheezes.
Once Dennis gets control of himself, Lizette asks him, “Did you hear anything about Dad?”
I glance at Dennis in time to catch his sneer. “No, and I don’t give a fuck.”
Lizette purses her lips. “No, I know. I’m just nosy. I’m wondering if he went home and told Mom what actually happened or made up some bullshit.”
“You think he would actually tell Mom I kicked his ass? Highly doubtful.”
The waitress appears and stands on my side of the table. She directs a flirty smile at me. I don’t want to be a dick, so I smile back. My regular ole cocky smile. Her eyes light on the stitches on my forehead.
“Oh my goodness, what happened?” she asks with a frown and motions to my head.
“Got beat up by a drunk two-by-four.” I smirk.
Dennis snickers next to me while Beau and Lizette chuckle.
The waitress laughs. “Ooookay. I’m Melody, by the way. Can I get you guys started with drinks and appetizers?”
She makes eye contact with everyone but mainly keeps her eyes on me.
“I’ll take a Sam Adams,” I say.
Her eyes linger on my face for a second before she writes that down, and then she glances at Dennis. I look at him too.
“I’ll have the same.”
She turns to Beau and Lizette, takes their order, and then flashes me another smile before walking away.
I DON’T think the waitress can make her interest in Tucker any more obvious. I’m fighting the urge to claim my territory by putting my arm around him and kissing him in front of everyone. He seems totally unaffected by her flirting, which I guess is good for me. He just smiled at her, and if I didn’t know him as well as I do, I’d think he was flirting back. But that’s his smile; it’s naturally flirty and cocky. He smiles at everyone like that. Still, that ugly, green monster rears its head.
Beau waves at Tucker to get his attention.
“You gonna get her number?” he asks with a knowing smile.
I turn to glare at Tucker as I wait for his reply. He will be in for some shit if he says anything other than no. He sneaks a peek at me and rolls his eyes before turning his attention back to Beau.
“Really? She was checking you out even with your busted head.” Beau laughs.
Tucker grins and shrugs. “What can I say? I’m irresistible,” he teases, sending me another glance.
Damn him. I stifle a smile by rubbing my mouth with my hand.
“I’m actually with someone right now, so…,” he continues.
“Oh yeah?” Beau asks, his attention piqued. “When did this happen?”
“We just recently decided to make the relationship official.”
“Are we going to get to meet her?” Lizette asks.
Tucker shrugs. “Eventually.”
“Have you met her, Dennis?” Lizette asks.
Motherfucker had to go and open his big fucking mouth, didn’t he? I give Tucker a dirty look that has him grinning, before nodding at Lizette.
“Yep,” I reply shortly.
“Well? Is she nice, pretty, funny?”
“Not so much pretty, more like gorgeous and sexy as hell,” I tell her, turning to stare at Tucker.
He rolls his lips in to stop from laughing. His eyes are dancing in amusement, and I can tell he is finding this absolutely hysterical. Dick.
“Definitely funny and nice too,” I add. Because, shit, I am funny and nice.
I sign to Tucker, “I’m going to kill you.”
He barks out a laugh.
“Hey now! No signing!” Beau complains.
“So is it serious, then, Tucker?” Lizette asks.
Tucker nods slowly. “Yeah, I’d say so.”
She smiles. “That’s great.”
All right, time to change the subject. Obviously I was jealous for no reason, and Tucker made sure to let me know.
“So, Lizzie, you said yesterday you guys have some news to share?” I ask. It’s been bugging me all day that I didn’t get to find out what they were going to tell me.
Lizette’s face lights up, and she looks over at Beau, who smiles lovingly at her. Damn, they are really so perfect together. I’m envious of their great relationship. I can only hope Tucker and I can come close to having what they have.
Lizette turns her bright smile toward me. “You’re going to be an uncle!” she squeals, bouncing in her seat and clapping happily.
I’m blown away. I stare dumbfounded at her. Me? An uncle? No. Fucking. Way.
“Whaaa?” I gape, unable to form complete words.
“Holy shit! Congrats!” Tucker exclaims, jumping up to give Lizette a hug and kiss. He then moves on to Beau, giving him a big bear hug and a clap on the back.
Lizette, who is sitting across from me, continues to smile wide as she reaches across the table and grasps my forearm. “Dennis?”
“You’re pregnant?” I ask in bewilderment.
I’ve never imagined my baby sister being pregnant. It’s like a foreign language I don’t understand. And I never thought she would have kids before me. But then again, I never expected to be a widower who is now sleeping with a man.
“Yes,” she replies.
“Whoa,” I croak as a shit-ton of emotions hit me from all directions.
My mind immediately goes back to a few weeks ago when I was sitting on my couch with a gun to my head. I had been so close… so close to pulling that trigger and missing out on this… on my little sister having her first baby. My chest tightens, and I fight back the tears that threaten to consume me.
Lizette’s smile fades, and that’s the last thing I want, but I’m completely overwhelmed by her news. “Hey, are you okay?”
“I just… I need a minute….” I choke as I rush from the table and out the front doors of the restaurant.
Outside, I pull in some much-needed air. I stalk down the block a bit while rubbing my burning eyes. My little sister—whom I pretty much raised—is going to have a baby. This is incredible. This is huge! And to think I almost missed such an important time in her life.
I rub the heel of my palm against the ache in my chest, then turn to walk back toward the restaurant. I stop short when I see Lizette step out onto the sidewalk. Her eyes meet mine, and she gives me the sweetest, most understanding smile as she starts for me. When she reaches me, I enve
lop her in my arms, tucking my face against hers.
“I just can’t believe I almost missed this.” I breathe into her hair.
“Shhh, Denny, don’t even think about that. You are here, and you aren’t going to miss anything,” she whispers.
“You’re going to have a baby.”
She half laughs, half cries. “I’m having a baby.”
“I’m so fucking happy for you, Lizzie. You are going to be an amazing mother.” I loosen my hold so I can look down at her.
She gives me a watery smile as the tears rush down her face. “You think so?”
“I don’t think so. I know so.”
I brush the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs.
“I just get worried sometimes that I might….”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Lizette. You are nothing like Mom, and you never will be. You are loving and sweet and kind. You are going to be a great mom.” I give her a pointed look so she knows I’m being dead serious.
She nods. “Okay.”
I smile and pull her into another hug. “I love you, Lizzie.”
“I love you too, Denny. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to start crying on you, but my hormones are all over the place.” She sighs, pulling back from our hug.
“How far along are you?”
“About thirteen weeks, so three months or so.”
I smile and shake my head in awe. “So great. You look beautiful, by the way.”
She blushes and gives me a shove. “Shut up. My clothes are starting to get tight, and I’m an emotional mess.”
“A beautiful emotional mess.”
She rolls her eyes. “Come on, I’m hungry.”
She entwines her arm with mine and drags me back into the restaurant. When we get to the table, Tucker and Beau are talking quietly. Their conversation stops when they see us. Beau stands, his expression one of concern.
“Hey, man, you okay?” he asks me.
I nod and pull him into a hug. “Congratulations, Pops.”
He releases me and smiles wide. “Thanks, Denny.”
We all sit back down. Tucker’s hand lands on my shoulder, and he gives it a squeeze. “Congrats to you too, Uncle Dennis.” He grins.