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Trapped: Her Love Story

Page 9

by Shannon Youngblood

  “I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

  And he always did.

  I wondered what it would be like to press my naked body against his, instead of his usual sweatshirt and jeans. I wanted to know what his hard muscles underneath would feel like wrapped around my soft body. I wanted skin to skin contact, but I knew I would never get it. It was an intimacy Paxton would never indulge me in, and as much as I tried not to let it, it hurt.

  Breakfast was oatmeal, and I had been upgraded to a plastic spoon, along with fresh fruit and apple juice. I’d also taken to doing some exercise in my spare time when I didn’t have an assignment, or if there was one, I did half of my regular workout.

  With three sets of twenty-five pushups, three sets of twenty-five sit-ups, and three sets of twenty-five squats out of the way, I started counting the little red squares.

  “One, Two, Three, Four,” I counted out loud.

  After three months, the counting got easier. I could see patterns I couldn’t see before. It changed with each assignment, but the grid had a patterned layout. I still made sure to tally each one, and I never skipped, but it was easier to backup my total, with a little math.

  By lunch, I had counted the grid and had also had a quick nap. The urge to count again was strong, but I avoided it. I was going with my first set of numbers, and that was that. No second guessing myself, and no going back over it. I made my bed, I was going to sleep in it. Lunch was a tuna sandwich and peaches, and after a half an hour of finishing, I got up and did three more sets of my daily exercise routine. If I got my numbers wrong, I was going to regret the extra work, because my body already felt slightly fatigued, but I couldn’t think like that. I knew my total was correct.

  Jumping in the shower for a quick rinse-off, I recalled my answer to the shower heads.

  “Two hundred and Fourteen Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Six.”

  I took extra care with my washing before I blew out my hair and applied my usual lotion.

  Click, Click, Click, Click.

  Green Light.

  Showtime. As usual, my nerves got the best of me as I walked naked to my glass dome. I had assumed it would be easier with each passing day, to face Preston, but I thought wrong. My need to get this right was not only to avoid the punishment, but also to impress Preston, and not to let Paxton down. I doubted I could ever really impress Preston, but hoped if I got it right, maybe he would ease up on me, just a little.

  Click, Click, Click, Click.

  Red Light.

  Since my initial punishment, the rules had changed. No longer was I to be naked, lying on the bed, instead I was to be in my kneeling position on the floor waiting for Preston when he walked in. No words were ever spoken when he entered, and they were no longer needed. I had a new routine, and tonight I would, hopefully, blow him away.

  The door opened and shut, and my breathing spiked for just a minute before I willed it to settle. This wasn’t my first rodeo.

  As per my new regime, Preston walked up within a few feet of me. I counted to ten, to make sure there were no changes to the schedule, before I bowed forward, and kissed his naked toes, one by one. Once done, I stayed in position until he commanded.


  Back onto my knees, I kept my gaze down and waited for the next part. I hated what ensued next, but I was getting used to it.

  Walking up to me, I waited until Preston was inches from my face before I lifted my hands and deftly undid his button and his fly. Pulling his pants down, I watched as his engorged cock sprang free, already a drop of pre-cum glistening the tip.

  Placing my hands back onto my thighs and opening my mouth for him, I waited.

  It generally didn’t take long for Preston’s fingers to find my hair and my scalp and for his cock to hit the back of my throat. My eyes immediately watered at his onslaught, my lungs begging for air.

  “Stick out your tongue slave,” Preston yelled.

  Sticking my tongue out gave him more access, and when I did, he slid deeper in before stopping and holding himself still with his hand literally hitting the back of my head to shove me down deeper. I heaved, once, twice, three times. But there was nowhere for anything to go. Preston’s cock was like a cork in a wine bottle, nothing was getting past.

  For twenty long seconds, he held me in place while I heaved and gagged around his dick, and when he finally pulled away, he brought my lunch back with him. It didn’t bother me as much as it had the first time. Sadly, I was used to it. A few pumps later, and Preston shot his load down my throat, threatening me with unimaginable torture if any of it spilled, and like the good little slut I was, I drank it down.

  Standing back, Preston put his pants back on and zipped them, leaving the button undone. Paxton told me, he did that to intimidate me, to let me know Preston was always ready to rip me apart with his cock. I moved back into my kneeling position and slowed my heart rate by repeating the number of red squares I had counted.

  Two hundred and Fourteen Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Six.

  Two hundred and Fourteen Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Six.

  Two hundred and Fourteen Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Six.

  “How many, slave?” He asked.

  “Two hundred and Fourteen Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-Six, Master,” I replied, calmly. If I wasn’t right, there was no sense getting myself worked up.


  More Silence.

  The sound of the door opening and closing had me breaking my stance and looking up. Preston was gone.

  Had I been, right?

  Chapter 10

  I stayed in position, unsure of my next move, my heart galloping along in my chest like a pack of wild horses. What was I supposed to do? I had never been put into this situation before. I could only imagine I had counted correctly, and he was leaving me punishment free. But why? Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful to not be on the receiving end of another of Preston’s mind games, but he was supposed to be training me. Wouldn’t he still be doing just that, whether I counted correctly or not?

  After five minutes I considered getting up, but my mind kept playing tricks on me. What if this was just another assignment, another way for Preston to brutalize me for breaking his rules?

  After ten minutes, my knees began to burn from kneeling in the same position. To get my mind off the pain, I counted. The grid was powered down, but at least I could count the ticks of the second hand on the clock. Ironic as it was, counting was soothing for me, even though my mind was trained to expect horror if my counting was wrong. Luckily, you couldn’t really count the seconds incorrectly.

  At thirty minutes, when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, when I couldn’t push past the eighteen hundred seconds I had counted, the sound of the door opening caught my attention.

  Boots walked towards me, not the sound of bare feet I was accustomed to from Preston. Who was here and what was happening?

  “I’m so proud of you, Wendy Darling,” his voice spoke low.

  My head snapped up, and a smile took over my face. Paxton. For the first time since my capture, Paxton was collecting me from the glass room without having to bandage, stitch, or heal me in any capacity.

  “Paxton,” I breathed out.

  Reaching his hand out, I put my palm in his, and let him hoist me from the floor.

  “What’s happening? Why did Preston leave?” I asked, eager to find out if I had passed my first assignment.

  “You answered correctly. You’re the first,” he smiled at me.

  “Wait. No one has ever gotten it correct?” I asked, apparently confused.

  “No, girl. Not once. Come, let’s go sit on your bed.”

  Following behind him, I let Paxton, lead me to my bed and sit down next to me.

  “So, what does this mean? Did I earn my freedom or something?” I asked hopefully.

  The hurt was apparent in his eyes at my obvious excitement to leave, and no matter how much I wanted to be rid of this
place, I didn’t want to leave him behind. I was in a catch-22.

  “No, Wendy Darling. You haven’t won your freedom, unfortunately, but you have earned a choice.”

  A choice?

  What kind of choice?

  “I can see the question in your eyes. You speak so clearly there,” Paxton whispered, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. “This is your choice. One night of no punishments, where you go to bed, not in pain, and wake up, refreshed, knowing you did a job well done.”

  “Or?” I asked, needing to know what could possibly be better than a night without Preston. Without pain.

  “One night with me, and a companion, where we fulfill every desire you’ve ever had.”

  Of all the things I thought he might say, that was not one of them. One night with Paxton was something I had wanted for weeks. One night to show him a little of the gratitude I felt for everything he had ever done for me. One night to pour my love into him. But why the companion, and who?

  “Your eyes give you away again. Although this would be pleasurable for you, if you choose this option, it is indeed another lesson in your training. Your new Master will likely share you with other men, and you’ll need to know how to be able to please multiple men at one time. If you decide on this option, though, you will be blindfolded.”

  “Why?” I asked, cutting Paxton off.

  “Patience, Wendy Darling,” Paxton responded, slightly more clipped than usual, his hand gripping my knee. “The man coming in could very well be the man who purchases you, and for his protection and yours against the other buyers, you cannot know who will be with us. Merchandise is not supposed to be seen or handled until the test day.”

  I didn’t know what a test day was, and truthfully, I had no desire to learn or hear about it. What I did know was I didn’t care who else would be joining us, just that Paxton would be there the whole time.

  “Will you be with me the entire time?” I asked.

  “Yes, my darling. You can talk to me anytime, and I will respond. I will never leave your side, and we will bring you more pleasure than you’ve ever known,” his hand traveled between my legs, to cup my now dripping pussy.

  I watched as he took his coated finger and put it to his lips, smearing it around before plunging it into his waiting mouth. “Have you made up your mind? I need to taste that beautiful pussy.”

  “Yes, Paxton, Yes, please. I choose you.”

  Screw the night to myself, I wanted a night I could hold onto for as long as I lived. A night I could look back and remember what it was like to hold pleasure and love in my hands. A night I could cherish and remember when a new Master was taking his pleasure without a thought to my own. Tonight, would be about me, and I was going to live in this moment for all of eternity, recycling it when I needed it the most.

  Standing abruptly, Paxton looked down on me, “Clean yourself up, I’ll put on the green light soon, and the red light when we are five minutes out. Here is your blindfold,” he, pulled it from his back pocket. “Have it on with an outfit of your choice, be kneeling on the bed, in the glass room when we enter, and be prepared, girl. We’re going to feed the ravenous beast I see radiating behind your eyes, and we’re going to leave you spent. I promise.”

  After the door to the room had closed, I jumped up and hurried to the shower. I didn’t know how long it would be until Paxton, and the other man arrived, but I wanted to be ready for them. I took my time in the shower, washing, conditioning, and scrubbing every inch of my body. I wished I had a razor to shave the tiny stubble on my legs and my pussy, but I only got one of those a week from Paxton, and he watched as I used it. The first time had been embarrassing, but now, just the thought of him looking at me made my arousal spike to insurmountable heights.

  Once I was finished and had dried myself off, I noticed the green light was already on. Slathering myself in cucumber melon lotion, I braided my hair and picked out a soft blue silk baby doll that barely covered my exposed sex. The silky material felt good on my heated skin as I sashayed over to the glass room.

  For the first time, the feeling of foreboding didn’t assault me when I crossed the threshold. For once, I was actually looking forward to my night ahead. I wasn’t just looking forward to it, I was excited about it. I was shaking, but this time, it wasn’t out of fear.

  Click, Click, Click, Click.

  Red Light.

  For a moment, my heart started beating wildly, until my brain kicked back in, reminding me, there would be no Preston this evening. The clicks were programmed so deeply into my psyche, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to hear a ‘click’ again without going into panic mode.

  Getting up onto the bed that held me when I was being debased and watched as I was demoralized, I felt an odd sense of peace wash over me. Tonight, we would christen this bed for good. The sheets might be changed, and the smell of pleasure would vanish, but the memories of this night would live on in this bed, giving me strength the next time I faced Preston.

  Kneeling, as I was instructed, I placed the blindfold over my eyes, before putting my hands on my thighs and taking a deep, calming breath. The butterflies in my tummy fluttered around non-stop, but the excitement far outshined the nerves, and when the door to my room opened, and two sets of footfalls echoed in my ears, I smiled, knowing I would remember tonight forever.

  “Gorgeous,” one whispered. A man’s voice, I couldn’t make out.

  “Yes, she is,” came the voice of the other.

  With both of them whispering, I couldn’t make out which voice was Paxton’s, but I knew he was here. I could sense him, and I could smell his arousal.

  “Wendy Darling. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Master,” I replied, my training, kicking in.

  “You can call me Paxton, refer to our guest as your Master,” Paxton said, lightly gripping my chin and capturing my mouth for two seconds of passionate lip tangling.

  “Yes Paxton, and thank you, Master, for coming,” I spoke breathlessly after Paxton released me.

  “It’s my pleasure,” a familiar, and yet not, voice whispered from behind me.

  I hadn’t even heard him move, such was the power of Paxton’s kiss.

  With no preamble, four hands touched my body, gliding over it, softly caressing my curves through my nightgown. When I attempted to bring my hands up, to touch the two men they were slapped away.

  “We’re here for your pleasure, Wendy Darling. Let us.”

  Bringing my arms back to my sides, I let the sensation of four strong hands wash over me. I didn’t know whose hands belonged to which man.

  I didn’t know which man’s hand was cupping my left breast, flicking my hardened nipple through the silky fabric.

  I didn’t know which man’s hand was cupping my pussy, a single finger, grazing over my needy clit.

  I didn’t know which man’s hand was curled around my braid pulling my head back as he bit into the sensitive flesh of my neck.

  And, I didn’t know which man’s hand was guiding mine along his engorged penis.

  I didn’t know, and I didn’t fucking care.

  The bed dipped and swayed as both men removed their clothing, one at a time, always keeping at least two hands on me; two hands pulling, prodding, massaging, and pinching. When both were undressed, four hands pulled my nighty above my head while keeping my blindfold in place, and four hands nudged my shoulders back and brought my knees to the edge of the bed.

  One man exited the bed, but I knew where he was going and my heels came up to rest on the side of the mattress, leaving me wide open and exposed to him.

  The other man straddled my chest, pinning my hands above the bed, his dick resting between my breasts. Tapping my palms, signaling me to keep my hands above my head, the man on top of me scooted further down before latching onto one of my nipples, at the same time the other man latched onto my clit.

  The moans that erupted from me were like nothing I had ever heard before, and it only seemed to intensify as the men claimed me
with their mouths. The way the two men were in sync with each other was uncanny. When the man on my chest would disengage from one nipple, the other eating me out would stop, until the first was firmly latched onto my other needy bud. They both touched me at the same time, and both stopped at the same time. To say it was an intense sensation was a bit of an understatement, and I could already feel my first orgasm on the brink of eruption.

  Like before, both stopped at the same time, but I had been so close, I felt like screaming.

  “Patience, Wendy Darling,” Paxton ordered from somewhere.

  My mind couldn’t figure out if Paxton was lavishing my nipples or eating me for dinner, and with too many things to focus on, too many hands, too many tongues, and too many cocks pinpointing the sound of whose voice was where was not high up on my agenda.

  The man on my chest scrambled off, and one of them picked me up, placing me, in a kneeling position on the floor. This time was different than all the other times. This time, they had laid a pillow underneath my knees.

  “Lift your hands,” one of them commanded.

  Doing as I was told, I raised my palms and came in contact with two erect cocks. Gripping them both between my fingers, I massaged them both from base to tip, an equal rhythm, my own desire dripping from my folds. I was in control, and I pumped them both, their hands holding onto my hair as leverage. Their moans spurred me on. Their grunts fueling me with a raging inferno of lust and satisfaction. They might be here to please me, but I would please them just as much in return.

  “Open your mouth,” one of them demanded, digging his fingers deeper into my scalp and inserting just the tip of his cock.

  He was large, but I opened wider and relaxed my jaw to allow him the room to push forward. His taste was spicy, with a hint of man, and it made me ravenous for more. Swallowing him down to my throat and back up, I spat on his tip and swallowed him down again using my hand in between to rub my saliva over his pulsating rod.


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