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Dark Side of Tomorrow (Ivan Bennet of Scotland Yard Book 1)

Page 14

by J. R. Martin

  Ivan turned and walked away from Eve’s grave and tears were rolling down his cheeks. He had loved her so. And nothing he did now would ever bring her back. She was gone from him forever. Guilt and shame had taken permanent residence in his mind and body.

  Ivan got back in the car just as his phone rang. When he answered, it was the Commander.

  “Nothing happened last night, right?” The Commander asked.

  “That’s correct, sir, nothing going on last night. Not even a drunken prostitute trying to get home.” Ivan said.

  “Very good, Detective. Go home and get some sleep. In the morning when you come off duty and you stop with the Nanny Cam, come in, I want to talk to you.”

  “Yes, sir, Commander, will do.” Ivan replied.

  He clicked his phone off and headed the car toward his apartment. He wanted to get a hot, hot, shower and go to bed. He prayed he would be able to sleep and that the nightmares would hold off for at least one day. After all that was why he had changed from day shift to night shift. He thought maybe the nightmares wouldn’t come so easy if he were a day sleeper

  Ivan pulled up in front of his apartment. He got out of the car and walked to the front door. As he unlocked the door he thought about the other key that he had made and wondered where it could have gone.

  Then he remembered the key that Marsha Hart had found at the last murder scene in the White Chapel District. He was so happy he hadn’t yet shared that with the Commander. That was for later, not for now.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Dr. Williams unlocked the door to Garth Simmons room and entered while saying, “Good morning Mr. Simmons. How are you this beautiful morning?”

  “I’m fine doctor. You sound like you are in good spirits. My sister must have been extra kind to you this week end.”

  The doctor paused for a moment. He thought that Garth didn’t know about his sister and himself. Obviously he was wrong. He stood upright and answered, “Lovely woman your sister.”

  “I think so doctor. I’m happy that she is at least trying to find some happiness. I don’t know that will ever be with you, but then she’s tried you on before so apparently you’ve done something right, if she wants to try again.” Garth laughed.

  The doctor replied, “I’m glad that you want your sister to be happy, Garth. That’s a big step for you.”

  “I’ve always loved my sister. But, she’s about the only one. In fact, I don’t know another person on the face of this earth I love except her.” Garth Simmons said without blinking an eye.

  “I wish that weren’t true, Garth. There have been many people in your life that have loved you and you choose not to return their love. That makes it your choice, Garth, no one else at fault here.” Dr. Williams said.

  “Oh, now aren’t you just so smart, doctor. You’re going to tell me that my inability to love is all a part of this psychosis I suffer from, aren’t you?” Garth said snarling.

  “I’m not going to tell you anything, Garth. I’m going to let you arrive at your own decisions.” Dr. Williams said, putting his stethoscope in his ears.

  “Oh, really? Well, my decision is, I hate you and everyone at this asylum, and if I could I would strangle you all with my bare hands and then I would go home and eat the biggest meal I could find. How’s that doctor?” Garth said smiling that insane smile he gets when evil thoughts come and he wishes he could act on them.

  Dr. Williams spoke into a shoulder microphone that all attendees at the hospital were required to wear at all times in case a patient got out of control with them. He said,

  “I’m in room 501, Garth Simmons room, would you please bring up a tranquilizer in shot form, please. Make it Valium.” Dr. Williams ordered.

  “Why do you want to knock me out, doc? I’ve been a good boy. I haven’t given you any grief in a long time.” Garth kept saying.

  “I know, Garth. I just don’t want you to become even more adjusted than you already are.” Doctor Williams said.

  “Hey doc, have you noticed how the killings in the White Chapel District have slowed down?” Garth asked.

  Dr. Williams looked at Garth and said, “Yes.”

  “Well, get ready doc, ‘cause they are fixing to pick up again.” Garth said and laughed his hysterical laugh.

  As soon as the nurse entered doctor Williams took the sedative needle and gave Garth the injection himself. Then he told Garth to lie down and try to relax. By the time Doctor Williams was ready to leave the room Garth was sound asleep.

  When Doctor Williams finished his rounds, he called Scotland Yard and asked to speak to the Commander. When the Commander got on the phone Doctor Williams said,

  “Commander, I’m afraid I have bad news. Garth Simmons was pro-aggressive today. He threatened that the White Chapel District murders were going to start up again. I gave him a sedative shot, but when he is this out of touch with reality, he’s hard to handle. I won’t allow any female nurses to take care of him for the next two or three days. And I will always request to male nurses go in, in case he tries to attack one of them. I just wanted you to know.” Doctor Williams said.

  “Thanks, doc for warning us. We will be on high alert. Thanks again.” The Commander said.


  The phone ringing jarred Ivan awake. He picked it up and hoarsely said,


  “Ivan, it’s me, the Commander. I need you guys to be on high alert tonight when you go on duty. Garth Simmons was on a tangent today and told Doctor Williams the killings were fixing to start again soon, in the White Chapel District. I just want you and Detective Hayes and Emmerson, to be extra careful and on high alert. You got that?”

  “Of, course, Commander, I ‘ve got it.” Ivan answered.

  That night when he prepared his lunch box he couldn’t help but wonder how Garth Simmons knew the murders were going to start up again. Unless, he of course was behind them which is what Ivan had believe all along. It will be interesting to see, Ivan thought as he closed the lid on his cooler.

  When he got to the White Chapel District this night, he thought he would once again park in the alley. He felt like he could see better from the alley and not be seen by others, as easily there. He backed the unmarked car into the alley. Lit up a cigarette and waited.

  Down the street about six blocks the other two detectives found their parking place and prepared for another watchful night in the White Chapel District. Detective Hayes looked at Detective Emerson and asked,

  “Have you ever read about Jack the Ripper? The one they think this copycat is emulating.”

  “Well, I know a little about him. They used his example for the criminally insane in officer’s training.” Emerson said.

  “Do you want to hear a story?” Hayes asked.

  “Why not, we’re here and that should make the story at least a little apprehensive.” Emerson laughed.

  “Okay, here goes.” Hayes said.

  “In the White Chapel District, of London, England, it was Autumn, of 1888. This area was so improvised that just to be able to feed ones family required a great deal of ingenuity because finding work was next to impossible. In that setting the first murder happened. It was a prostitute and she was brutally stabbed and then dismembered. All of London was up in arms over the murders, and the Police, including Scotland Yard, had not been able to find the killer. They searched high and low and brought in four people they thought to be suspects. One of which was a doctor.

  But, after much questioning and investigation all the known suspects had to be released for lack of evidence.

  The murders continued until a total of eleven known killings took place. All of them were women prostitutes. It was evident to the police then, as are the murders now, that these were acts of an insane person. But try as they might, no killer was ever found. The case remains open until this day as a cold case.” Hayes said.

  “So, if we are able to find this copycat killer we might be able to help solve a very, very old cold case.” Emer
son laughed.

  “I doubt that we will be able to solve that cold case, but we sure should be able to solve this one.” Hayes continued lighting up cigar.

  He cracked his window and blew the cigar smoke out. Even in the night air, the cigar could be smelled half way down the block. Turning to Hayes, Emmeron said,

  “Old Chap, you’re going to have to postpone your cigar smoking until you get home. Anyone can smell that a block away.”

  “Now, come on, no one ever told Sir Winston Churchill that.” Hayes laughed.

  “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re not Sir Winston Churchill.” Emerson chided.

  “In that case I guess I’d better put it out.” Hayes said laughing as he squashed the tobacco carrier.

  Suddenly, the night was pierced with a loud scream. Big Ben was striking two a.m. The two detectives hurried toward the sound, running at their top speed. As they ran passed an alley they stopped and went back. The scream they thought, had come from there. Back tracking, they turned on their flashlights and entered the dark backstreet.

  The fog had moved in on the water front district with vehemence. It was so thick one could not see their hand in front of their face. Cautiously the pair made their way down the alley. The yellow glare from their flashlights exposed something lying on the wet bricks. It was a body. As they moved closer something behind Hayes who was in the rear, caused him to turn, just in time to see the knife as it slit his throat.

  Emmerson knelt over the body not hearing the almost silent thud of Hayes limp body hitting the wet bricks. As he studied the dead woman’s face he turned to say something to Hayes and only then did he feel the cold steel rack his throat and the gurgling sound was his blood oozing from his slit gullet.

  The silent steps walked out of the alley undetected, leaving three dead bodies lying in the evil assassins wake.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  As the eastern horizon took on the colors of an artist’s palette, it announced the rising of the morning sun. Ivan stretched his arms out and yawned a big mouth, wide open yawn. Gad, what a boring night it had been. He even got out of his car at one point and walked half way down the block just to keep his legs from cramping up.

  The night had been totally uneventful. When Ivan reached headquarters, he strolled in carrying his Granny Cam and wishing he’d smoked a cigarette before he entered the newly “no smoking,” facility. Why in the world, would anyone want to make Scotland Yard, smoke free. Hell, every detective he knew smoked like a train. Laughing to himself he thought, I bet old Hayes is having trouble not lighting up that big cigar of his.

  Looking around headquarters for Hayes and Emmerson he thought, they must be running late this morning. They normally beat me here. Then he walked into the Commander’s office and stood still until the Commander got off the phone.

  When the Commander looked at Ivan, Ivan saw the stark white look, on his face. He said, “Commander what’s wrong. You look like you’re going to pass out.”

  “Oh, my God, Bennet, did you hear from Hayes and Emmerson last night?”

  “No, Commander, it was a very quiet night.” Ivan said.

  “The hell it was, Bennet, both Emerson and Hayes are dead. They were just found in an alley down from where they were staked out. Their throats have been cut. And alongside them was a dead woman, throat cut and dismembered. How could this have happened and you not have heard something?”

  “I don’t know Commander. Here’s my cam. The fog was ghastly last night. You couldn’t see anything. The only time I was out of my car was when I had to walk a leg cramp off. I’m not sure how far down Hayes and Emmerson were from me, but, I normally don’t see them or hear from them unless they call me. My God, I’m so sorry.” Ivan said, once more feeling like he had let the entire Scotland Yard down. “I’m so sorry, he repeated.”

  The Commander started shouting out orders, he himself called the Coroner. Then he had the terrible task of telling Hayes and Emmerson’s family the terrible news. He was distraught and Ivan didn’t have a clue as to how he could help him. Finally, he said, “Commander, would you like me to go get their Granny Cam and bring it in to see if by chance something was recorded on it?”

  “Yes, Bennet, please do that. Their car is parked at 1023 Dorsey. Please, just bring the cam and leave everything else there until forensics gets done. If they give you problems about bringing the cam in have them call me.”

  “Yes, sir will do.” Ivan said and hurried out of the building.


  When he got to Emmerson and Hayes car, there were cops everywhere as well as the forensics team. He explained to the officer in charge about the cam and they let him retrieve it. Then Ivan asked, “Where are their bodies?”

  One of the team told him to walk about four alleys down and they were the fourth one on the right. Ivan started down the sidewalk. When he reached the alley it was running over with policemen. Ivan looked for Marsha Hart and saw her kneeling over a body. He made his way through the crowd and said, “I know you’re super busy right now, but I wonder if you could tell me if there were any new clues?”

  Looking up from her dismal task, Marsha slowly shook her head, no. Ivan walked back out of the alley and made his way to his car with Emmerson and Hayes video cam in hand. He was anxious to see what, if anything the video showed.

  When he returned to headquarters he hurriedly went inside and handed the video to the Commander. The ashen face of the Commander said it all. He was heartbroken and his look was one of defeat. He whispered, ‘thanks Bennet.’

  Ivan stood around and waited until the Commander had time and presence of mind to look at the video. The fog was evident that visibility was next to impossible for any distance. But, it showed Emmerson and Hayes exiting the car as the video picked up the screams down the alley. That was it, nothing more. The Commander then put on the video of Ivan’s. Basically it showed the same dense fog. Then it showed Ivan getting out of the car.

  The Commander stopped the video and asked, “why did you leave your post?”

  “I got leg cramps, Commander. I just walked down the alley a little way. I was never out of site of the car and that was saying a lot last night as the fog was so thick.”

  “Listen, can you hear a scream on this video.” The Commander asked.

  Everyone in the room leaned forward as the Commander turned up the volume. Then they replied,

  “No, sir, we heard nothing.”

  “Neither did I.” He said.

  “Commander, is there anything more I can do for you here?” Ivan asked.

  “No, detective, go on home and rest if you can. But, stop by here tonight before you go on stake out. We are going to have a new plan in action.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll pick up my orders before I go on duty.” Ivan said and left the building.


  That night as Ivan prepared to go on his stakeout he remembered what the Commander had said and he went inside headquarters. Upon entering he saw a lot of officers that he didn’t normally see when he worked. As each one worked a different shift and all had different assignments.

  He walked in and high fived several old acquaintances and then walked to the Commander’s office. He went inside and the Commander rose to greet him and then he said to everyone in the room, ok, get ‘um all in here. I have assignments.

  With that, a Sargent went to the door and said, “come on in guys, the Commander has our orders ready.”

  Quickly the crowd in the hall became the crowd in the Commander’s office. Once everyone was in the Commander spoke.

  “As of tonight, I’m assigning three men to each unit. With three men, if someone attacks two, there will be a third that can help the other two out as well as IDENTIFY the killer, or that is our hope. I caution you all, take no chances with anyone. Trust no one, follow all leads, if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it. Do I make myself clear? I want no more of our officers killed. I want that murdering son of a bitch caught and locked away forever. I
don’t know what more I can do. The City Police are doing the same as we are, three men to every car. No single duty for anyone, until the killer is caught. Now get out there and let’s get this job done.”

  Most of the officers walked out of headquarters grumbling and some were very happy to add the additional help. As far as Ivan was concerned, he really didn’t care. He was happy to have company and he agreed with the Commander that with the third man it equaled to a more balanced guard. So yes, he was happy to have the two extra officers with him.

  They drove down to White Chapel District, and Ivan picked the alley they were going to park in for the night. As the unmarked cars went by Ivan realized the immense man power they had now. It was impressive. Ivan smiled and thought to himself, way to go Commander.

  He turned to the men with him and introduced himself and they in turn did likewise. The first man was Detective Brice Pierce and the second officer was Detective Vance Brown. Pierce had been with Scotland Yard five years and Brown had been there three. Both had been law officers for over fifteen years. They were well seasoned and well respected by all that knew them.

  Ivan thought this three-man group was better than having a Nanny Cam record every breath you took. Yes, having three men to a car was much better. The men laughed and joked and those that smoked enjoyed the freedom of getting a chance to smoke at will. They told jokes and discussed the murders at great length. It was interesting to hear the different theories each one had.

  The fog rolled in about the same time as it had the night before and once again the shroud of wet clouds made it difficult to see even to the end of the next alley. About two a.m. two prostitutes came laughing down the street. All the guys in Ivan’s car discussed how very stupid the women were and then Ivan said, “Who’s up for escorting them home?”

  “Let’s all do it,” Pierce suggested.


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