The Kissing Challenge

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The Kissing Challenge Page 7

by Cookie O'Gorman

  "But I'd love to say thank you to whoever came up with the kissing challenge."

  My eyes widened.

  "Does that surprise you?" he asked.

  "Yeah, a little," I breathed.

  "The only thing I could think was"—he gently touched my waist to turn me around—"it had to be someone who knew exactly what I was feeling."

  He didn't speak again until I was fully facing him, and oh those eyes. I could dive into them and stay forever.

  "It had to be a person who wanted their best friend…the same way I want you," he finished.

  My breathing stopped altogether. Captain's words stole all of the air out of the room. Paradoxically, my heart had started beating faster which forced me to finally draw a breath.

  "Did you hear me, Anne?"

  "I think so," I said because I was still having trouble believing it. "But could you say it again so I can be sure?"

  "I said I want you," he repeated. A small smile played about his lips, but I made myself look away from those and into his eyes. "The girl I was talking about today, who distracted me in practice?"

  "The only one you see?" I said, recalling his words from earlier.

  "Yeah," he said and ran a hand down my cheek. "That's you."


  Captain nodded. "Of course, who else could it be?"

  I gave a shrug. "I don't know. Rachel, maybe? A secret pen pal from overseas who I don't even know about?"

  "Nope," he said and tilted his head. "Are you really that surprised? The guys all thought it was obvious."

  My eyes widened. "Captain! You told them? I can't believe you."

  I tried to give his shoulder a shove, but he laughed and captured my hand. I couldn't say I was mad about that.

  "I didn't tell them anything," he said. "They'd already guessed."

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Yeah." Cap looked down as he ran his fingers along my own. "They kept putting these thoughts in my head about you and Jackson, taunting me, saying how stupid I was to have let you go. Though I told them you're an independent woman who makes up her own mind."

  "Good, that's true." I shook my head in astonishment. "But how could they know when we didn't?"

  "I'm not sure." He grinned. "But Liam was definitely the worst. Kept on about how my lonely heart would suffer until I manned up and told you how I felt."

  Something he said set off alarm bells in my brain, and suddenly, in the space of a few heartbeats, all of the pieces fell together.

  "LonelyHeart1!" I said, looking to Captain. "Ooh, and we're the horses! Ah thank goodness, I thought he was going crazy. That meddling jerk."

  "Anne?" Cap said. " Want to clue me in? Because I have no idea what's going on."

  "It was him."

  "What was?"

  "Liam's the one who left the challenge for me to kiss my best friend," I said and watched Captain's eyes grow wide.

  "No way." He shook his head. "He's such a moody bastard. I can't believe he'd do something like that."

  But he had, I thought.

  I knew it as surely as I knew that the man in front of me had my heart and always would. Liam, the lead singer of Hero Complex, had decided to get me and his friend together. He'd apparently taken a break from his moodiness to play matchmaker. It was as surprising as it was wonderful.

  "I have to thank him," I said.

  "Really? For what?" Captain asked.

  Doing what I'd wanted to since the moment I saw him pull up to my house, I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Captain grinned, locking his hands together behind my waist. He didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.

  "I don't think I would've found the courage to kiss you," I said. "Liam and that challenge made me do it. We might not even be here now if it wasn't for him."

  "Nah," Captain said. "You're giving him way too much credit. We would've ended up here eventually."

  "You think so?" I said.

  "Yeah, I mean there's still a ton more looks for you to try. Your bedroom is like my second home."

  I rolled my eyes but stopped when he kissed my nose.

  "You know what I meant," I said and gave his chin a peck in return.

  "Yeah, but I still think we would've happened with or without Liam's help," he said.

  I arched a brow. "So sure of yourself?"

  "Absolutely." Captain smiled. "I don't think you would've been able to resist me much longer. In fact," he added, "if your dad's friend hadn't interrupted us the other day, I think you would've given in then."

  He was so right about that.

  But I had to know…

  "And you think you were ready to confess?" I asked. "Saying I love you isn't always easy. I should know. In the beginning, I tried to tell you how I felt a million times."

  "Why did you stop?" Captain said.

  I shrugged. "Because you're my best friend, and I never wanted that to change."

  "And now?"

  His intense stare captured me and seemed to draw out the truth.

  "I love you too much not to tell you," I said.

  Captain didn't smile. He didn't do anything but pull me closer.

  "I love you, Anne," he said. "I always have, and I always will."

  The words were packed with so much passion and fervor. Though it had seemed next to impossible not even 24 hours ago, I didn't doubt it for a moment. I couldn't doubt him.

  "My Captain," I said, daring to glide my fingers along his cheek, feeling his jaw clench in response to my touch.

  "My Anne," he murmured and rested his forehead against mine.

  After a moment, Captain pulled back slightly.

  "You know, I saw this new challenge the other day," he said. "Thought I might try it out. Are you in?"

  "Okay." I laughed at the look of joy and mischief on his face. "What is it?"

  "Well, I'm not sure I should tell you."

  I lifted a brow. "Oh? And why not?"

  Captain tilted his head this way and that as if he were thinking it over.

  "If I remember correctly," he said, "you told me after the fact."

  My breathing sped up as his hands tightened on my waist.

  "B-but you want to tell me," I said.

  Captain put his lips near my ear and dropped a kiss there. "Is that so?"

  I hummed in response. Wow that felt good.

  "Well, I guess you're right."

  When our gazes collided, it felt like nothing existed except the two of us and this moment.

  "The challenge I saw was to kiss the girl you love senseless," he said.

  Captain smiled as my eyebrows dropped.

  "Is that even a real thing?" I asked.

  "Of course, it is," he said. "It's the 'kiss the girl you love senseless' challenge. Gemma's on social media all the time. She's probably heard of it. We can call her if you want to verify."

  "No, no," I said, pulling his face closer to mine. "I believe you, Captain."

  "You do?"

  I nodded.

  "Good." He stopped just inches away from my mouth. In a quiet voice, he said, "I love you, Anne."

  My heart thrilled at hearing the words again, and I knew I would never tire of them.

  "I love you, too," I said. "So much."

  My best friend smiled, and it was as if my soul took flight. Looking into his eyes, I said the only thing that was left to say.

  "Kiss me, Captain."

  And he did.

  We didn't film or post it anywhere. That kiss was only for the two of us, and I'd remember it for the rest of my life. My best kiss ever was the one I shared with my best friend. No challenge could compete with that.


  Thank you so much for reading!!!

  If you enjoyed this novella, I'd be so thankful if you'd leave a review. Your thoughts matter, and just a few words can really make a difference. Reviews are a wonderful way to support me and my books, and they help me find new readers! Thank you in advance, and I hope you loved THE KISSIN

  Also, please check out my other books!


  Ninja Girl

  The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder

  The Good Girl's Guide to Being Bad

  The Best Mistake


  Thank you so much for reading THE KISSING CHALLENGE! I hope you enjoyed Anne & Captain's novella as much as I enjoyed writing it! It was actually my first time trying to write a novella, so I hope it went alright lol! This story was inspired partly by a compilation of videos I saw on YouTube which were originally posted on TikTok. It was called the "kiss your best guy friend" challenge or something, and I just loved the idea of that! I also have always loved Jane Austen and wanted to write my own take on some of her amazing characters—I may do more in the future :). We shall see ha!

  As always, thank you to my Mom and Aunt Colleen for supporting me in my life and in my writing. It means more to me than you will ever know.

  Thank you to my Aunt Pat, who I miss every single day and who first introduced me to Austen's period dramas. We watched them together (a lot), and my love of Austen and movies came from her. Again, I love you, Aunt Pat, and I hope you know it. I hope there are libraries and the BBC in heaven.

  Thank you to my amazing readers!!! This one is really for you <3. Up until this point, I'd only managed to publish one book a year, and this year it was my first NA sports romance, THE BEST MISTAKE, which I am still utterly in love with! I wanted to give my YA romance readers something as well. Hence, THE KISSING CHALLENGE novella was born!

  Again, I so hope you liked it! If you did, I hope you'll check out more of my books! In this crazy, uncertain and sad time, books are something that bring brightness and light into the world. I hope Anne & Captain made you smile, laugh and swoon! Stay safe, keep reading, and remain hopeful, everyone!

  And if you need a pick-me-up, maybe watch a few kissing videos! ;)


  Cookie O’Gorman writes stories filled with humor and heart for the nerd in all of us. Fiery first kisses, snappy dialogue, smart girls, swoonworthy boys, and unbreakable friendships are featured in each of her books.

  Cookie is a hopeless romantic, a Harry Potter aficionado, and a supporter of all things dork. Chocolate, Chinese food, and Asian dramas are her kryptonite. Above all, she believes that real life has enough sorrow and despair—which is why she always tries to give her characters a happy ending. She is the author of Adorkable, Ninja Girl, The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder, The Good Girl's Guide to Being Bad, and The Kissing Challenge (a YA romance novella). She is also the author of NA sports romance, The Best Mistake.

  Whether it’s about her books or just to fan-girl, Cookie would love to hear from you!





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