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Spanish Eyes: Texas Heat

Page 30

by Sable Hunter

  Angelina wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down for her kiss. “The anticipation will only make it sweeter.” A blush crept up her cheeks. “I’ve thought of little else but being in your arms again. I want you so much.”

  With no more encouragement than that, Drew was hard as concrete. He dipped his head and layered his mouth over hers, capturing her little gasp of surprise. Caressing her trembling lips in a tender kiss, delight hit him like a bolt from the blue. She was kissing him back with warm lips, the tip of her tongue dancing with his.

  “There’s nowhere I’d rather be, no one on earth I’d rather be with.” Angelina tangled her fingers in his hair as he swept her into his room. Every inch of her skin felt like it was sizzling, alive with the need to touch and be touched.

  Placing her on the bed, he stood over her, his chest heaving – not with exertion, but with sheer excitement. “May I?” His hands went to the tiny buttons on the back of her dress. “Do they design these things just to frustrate the groom?”

  “Probably.” She giggled, relieved when he pulled the dress from her shoulders.

  As carefully as possible, he helped her out of the gown, leaving her clad only in delicate, lacy underwear that highlighted her lush, perfect figure. “Now, we’re down to the good stuff. You look like an Angel.”

  “At least your clothes are easier to get off,” she mumbled, jerking his shirt open. “You are heaven to touch.”

  Drew closed his eyes, marveling at his reaction to Angelina’s tentative exploration. As she soothed her palms over his pecs, the small brown discs of his nipples hardened. He moaned as she rubbed his abs, then slid her hands up to his shoulders, pressing a kiss right over his heart.

  “My turn,” he murmured softly, as he unfastened her bra, replacing the supportive garment with his hands. “This is what dreams are made of, wet dreams,” he declared in an almost reverent whisper as he molded and kneaded the bountiful globes of tender flesh. Circling one puffy pink areola, Drew played with the distended nipple until she moaned, the only movement she made was to edge a bit closer, making her body more available to him. Her breath was coming fast, little pants of excitement. “More?”

  “Oh, yes, please. I love when you touch and kiss my breasts.”

  Pressing Angelina back on the bed, he moved over her to gently lick one swollen peak, circling the nipple, taking it between his lips to suck.

  Whimpering, Angelina arched her back. “I touched myself last night, pulling on my nipples. It feels so much better when you do it.”

  “I want to see that sometime.” The thought seemed to suit her, for she trembled and tilted her head back, exposing her throat to his kiss. Not one to miss an opportunity, he licked and nibbled the soft skin.

  “Suck my nipples, please?” she asked.

  Grasping a breast in both hands, he pushed them together, moving his mouth from one to the other until the tips were stiff and wet from his kisses. “You want more?” he asked.

  “I want it all,” she panted.”

  “Let’s get you out of these panties.” She raised her hips, helping him strip them from her body. “Just look at you.” Drew bent to place his lips on the swell of her breast, punctuating each word with a kiss. “You are perfectly formed, the work of a master sculptor.” Moving down her body, he gave her mound and thighs similar attention. “You, my Angelina, are a treasure.” Running his hands over her body, he relished the softness of her skin. “No man on earth could resist this ass,” he teased, nipping the generous swell. “If I don’t bury myself inside of you soon, I’ll die from anticipation.”

  “Don’t wait, I want it as much as you do.”

  “Soon. Soon.” Drew covered her mouth with his as his hand trailed below her waist to caress the soft place between her thighs. “You’re so sweet,” he whispered as he began to stroke, his fingers slipping in to tease a place only he had ever touched. “So, tight. Squeeze my fingers, baby,” he murmured against her lips.

  She did as he asked, voicing a series of soft, sensual sounds that sent Drew’s arousal through the roof. Rising to his knees, he settled on top of her as Angelina naturally opened her thighs to make room for him, her legs falling open like butterfly wings as his mouth ate at hers in a frenzy of sips and licks.

  For Angelina, the rest of the world ceased to exist, it was only her and Drew. An intense, aching heat began to gather in her core as Drew pulled her arms over her head, holding both her hands in one of his. When he ground his erection against her sensitive mound, she could feel the hard, thick length of him as it teased just the right spot. “Drew, don’t make me wait,” she whimpered, his touch kindling a fire in her body that was threatening to rage out of control. As he rocked against her, Angelina felt the fever inside her grow. She craved him, loved him more than life. As he claimed her lips, he pressed his aching cock into the tender well of her sex.

  Angelina clasped her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips. “Oh, this is what I’ve needed.” As Drew began to thrust within her, she placed kisses on his face and neck. Clinging to him, she absorbed the powerful surges of his big body, Angelina prayed her heart didn’t give out from the pleasure. Closing her eyes, Angelina relished his power, the amazing fullness of his possession, the incredible spiritual connection she felt at being one with him.

  Closing his eyes, his big body bowed. Drew buried his face in her neck. How in God’s name could he ever leave her side? Even as he relished the ecstasy, he understood how precious life was and how much he hoped to God he could enjoy this with her countless times. After that realization, coherent thoughts fled and he could only feel. In the throes of ecstasy, Drew fought for the pinnacle – thrusting, plunging, filling and stretching her again and again. Over and over, he buried himself in her softness, reveling in every bit of sweetness she gave, losing himself wholly in the act he was created for. Fire rose within him. His balls tightened and he surrendered his soul, spending himself within the woman he loved.

  * * *

  “No matter what happens, we’re in this together, Drew.” Angelina held his hand as they walked to the lab. She would conduct the test herself. “I will love you more each day, no matter what the future holds.”

  Drew raised her hand to his lips. He didn’t know what to do with all the love he felt for her. He just prayed he’d have years and years to show Angelina what she meant to him.

  As only two doctors could, they entered the medical facility and let their professionalism rise to the forefront. After taking a blood sample, Angelina began the procedure that would reveal Drew’s fate, that would define their future, that might mean life or death to the man she loved.

  With her heart in her throat, she ran the tests on his blood.

  With shaking hands, Angelina placed a sample of his DNA in the machine that would reveal whether or not he had GSS.

  And then they waited.

  “Come here, let me hold you.” Drew held out his arms. In the darkened lab, where it was only the two of them, they clung to one another until the time came to see what the answer would be.

  Drew waited in the shadows with his hands jammed in his pocket, observing his wife as she peered into the lens of a microscope. When he saw her shoulders slump, his heart dipped in his chest. “Oh, God, no,” he whispered. But when she raised her head and he saw her face, all doubts fled.

  Running to him, she held out her arms. “You’re clear! You’re clear!” she proclaimed with all the joy her heart could hold. “You don’t have GSS!”

  * * *

  A glimpse into the future.

  “Let’s go see Mama.” Drew led a little chubby-cheeked boy into the lab.

  Angelina hurried over to greet them. She grabbed up Matty, named after his grandfather and kissed him, holding the baby high and buzzing a raspberry on his belly. “How’s my boy?”

  “Your big boy needs a kiss too.”

  She gladly gave Drew one. “I’ve had a breakthrough,” she told her husband. “I won’t ca
ll it a cure, yet, but I’m on the right track. I think the answer is gene silencing therapy. I think we can turn off GSS and render it harmless.”

  “I never doubted it,” he told her. “I never doubted you.” He gazed at Angelina with love. “Your mama is the best, Matty!”

  Angelina laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad I can help people, but I don’t care about being the best. What matters to me is that I’m yours.”

  Drew raised a fist in triumph. “Do you know how much I love you, Spanish Eyes?”

  “Oh, you have a fun fact for me?” She gave him a beautiful smile. “I think I know the answer. You love me the same amount I love you…more than the world can hold.”


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