Breeding My Boss's Wife
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“Yeah,” Jake went on. “Goddamned prostate.”
“Anyway,” he continued. “I’m going to be out of action for a while. Several months, it looks like. I have to have surgery, radiation and chemo.”
“OK,” I said as the magnitude of the situation sunk in. “What can I do to help, Jake?”
“I need you to take over for me while I’m out.”
“But Jake, I’m one of the newest producers here!” I started to protest. “You’ve lots of guys with more years…”
Jake held up his hand, indicating that I should shutup and listen.
“You’re the one I trust,” he said simply.
I could only look at Jake, stunned at the turn of events. I thought of the magnitude of what he was asking. Then I knew there was only one answer I could give to his request.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. That’s settled,” Jake sounded relieved.
“Now legally, but just technically, Gabi’s going to take over for me,” Jake continued. “We have to do it that way for legal reasons. However, for the actual day to day running of the company, I expect you to be in charge. I’ll make sure everyone knows that you speak for me.”
Then Jake did something I’ll never forget. He turned the picture of his father’s tattooed arm around facing me. He pointed to it.
“Remember what I told you,” he voice took on a menacing growl. “I don’t like to take shit. And I don’t want you to take any for me.”
I started to speak but hesitated, knowing that he had more to say, and I didn’t want to interrupt him.
“You speak for me,” he went on. “If anyone here fucks with you, fire ’em. You have my blessing and permission.”
“Yes, sir.” Again, I felt this wasn’t a time to be calling him Jake, especially since the topic of conversation was firing people.
“OK, get a staff meeting called for this afternoon. I’ll tell everyone of the changes. I’m having surgery first thing in the morning, so as of tomorrow, you’re the man.”
“All right, Jake.” He stood, I did likewise and shook his hand. “Thanks for your confidence in me.”
“You deserve it, Chris.”
“And Jake?”
“Good luck tomorrow.” My voice nearly broke with emotion as I knew my mentor faced a challenge from which he might not survive.
“Thanks.” Jake’s voice also betrayed the emotion and fear that we both felt.
After several seconds, I finally let go of his hand after I felt him release mine from his hard grip. Looking at him, I could see tears welling up in his eyes.
Chapter Four
The next several months went smoothly. I ran the company easily in Jake’s absence, even managing to meet the production goals and achieving the company growth that we had set as a challenge the month prior to his departure. Our production goal was helped by me personally landing a huge medical malpractice contract for a large hospital chain. Ironically, it was the hospital that was treating Jake. I didn’t have too much trouble with the staff. I had one old-time producer give me some guff, but after I offered sell his book to the company of his choice, he backed down really quick. He never said a hostile word after that.
Gabi came in every now and then, and I briefed her on what was going on with the company. She would carry the information to Jake, normally accompanied by a brief, but succinct written report on our progress. She never came back with a question, which led me to believe that Jake was satisfied with my stewardship of the company.
But Gabi’s focus was on Jake. For a trophy wife, she was a surprisingly good one, and I found her at his side every time I visited him, either at home or at the hospital. She proved to be loyal, doting, and most especially, beautiful.
Then came the day that Jake returned. Gaunt, his body ravaged by his treatments, and bald as a cue ball from the chemo, he announced his return. At first, he only worked a couple of hours a day, but as his energy returned, his days became longer. He was soon working half days, which soon slipped into full days. Within a couple of months, he was back to his workaholic habits, and seemed to be his usual vigorous self. Even his hair grew back in, and his appearance looked better as he put weight back on.
Soon, it was time for the annual Christmas party. It was held at Jake and Gabi’s house, as usual, as Jake eschewed the expensive rented locations and concentrated on paying for good food, and especially, lots of free booze for the employees. It was his way of throwing a good bash, without costing the company an arm and a leg.
Jake asked me to stay over with him and Gabi, rather than drive home the night of the party. I expected a pretty wild time, as Jake’s Christmas parties were the stuff of legend. I expected this one to be unsurpassed for its debauchery, as Jake celebrated not only a wildly successful year, but his own survival from the cancer ordeal.
“Chris, I’d also like for you to come by a little early. Say 5 o’clock?” he told me the day before the party. “There’s something Gabi and I want to talk to you about.”
“Sure. Not a problem.”
I had no idea what they wanted to talk to me about. But when I found out later, there’s simply no way that I could have been more surprised.
When I arrived at their house at the appointed hour, Gabi met me at the door. She brightened the room with a huge smile, and then leaned forward to plant a kiss on one cheek and then the other. She was unusually animated and chipper.
“Chris, it’s so good to see you!” Her voice was bright and pleasant. And sexy, come to think of it. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas to you too, Gabi.”
She led me into a sitting room. Jake was obviously waiting for us. He stood to greet me.
“Merry Christmas, Chris,” he told me simply.
“Shouldn’t that be Happy Hannukah?” I asked with a grin.
“Hey, when you’re just about the only Jew in the room, it doesn’t really matter. I just figure, when in Rome do as the Romans do, right?” He chuckled slightly as he sat down.
“Well, having a good time is the priority tonight. Who cares what the hell we call it?” I laughed as I really did look forward to this evening.
“Agreed!” Jake’s said brightly, then he turned and looked seriously at Gabi, and then faced me again.
“Chris, Gabi and I have a favor we would like to ask you.” Jake asked, eyeing me very seriously.
“Jake, you know all you have to do is ask.” I told him naively, with no idea what he was asking. “I’d do anything for you guys.”
“Well, maybe you ought to let me ask first,” Jake chuckled. “You might change your mind.”
“OK,” I said simply. I realized later how unprepared I was for their bombshell.
“Chris, I’ve never talked about it with anyone, but Gabi and I have been trying to have children for quite some time. For whatever reason, we haven’t been able to.” I just looked at Jake, trying to figure out how this was going to involve me.
“And now, I’m being told that the combination of the surgery, radiation and chemo treatments has destroyed any capability I had to father a child.”
“I’m really sorry to hear that, Jake,” I told him sincerely.
“So Gabi and I discussed some guys that we thought would be good choices to ask for help, and you were at the top of both of our lists,” Jake said.
“Excuse me?” I was totally baffled at this conversation. The magnitude of the subject, coupled with my naiveté kept me from having a clue what they were driving at.
“Jake,” Gabi said. “We’re asking if you would consider being a sperm donor so that I can have a child.”
I swear I felt the world spin when Gabi made this pronouncement. If I had known then what she really had in mind, I probably would have either passed out or jumped up and bolted from the house.
Chapter Five
The party was a huge success. Jake proceeded to get roaring drunk, and was reeling on his feet by 11 o’clock. But I suppose
he had good reason. At the beginning of the party, he gathered everyone together and told us all at the same time a piece of good news.
His cancer was in remission. He was effectively cured, although he would have to be monitored regularly to make sure it didn’t return. Everyone cheered, and some cried unabashedly (including me) at this piece of wonderful news.
Unbeknownst to everyone else, he was also happy that I had agreed to serve as their sperm donor. He explained that legally, I would not have any responsibility for the child. A legal agreement would be signed absolving me of any responsibility as the biological parent, and the equivalent of an adoption would legally make him the father. He had it all figured out with his lawyers, before even asking me. It was all so typical of Jake.
The plan was for me to start making deposits at the sperm bank right after Christmas. Gabi would begin undergoing fertility treatments almost immediately. I was actually glad to be able to help them out, even though their request for help was a highly unorthodox one.
Just after 11, with Jake stumbling and perilously close to passing out on his feet, Gabi asked me to help get Jake to bed. We each took one arm, and Gabi whispered something in his ear.
“Good night, everyone!” Jake slurred. “I’m sorry to be a party-pooper.”
I heard a lot of muttered “good nights,” “congratulations,” and a few discrete snickers as Gabi and I led Jake from the room down the hall to their sumptuous bedroom. We got Jake into the bed, with Gabi expertly stripping him down to his underwear, and we basically poured what was left of him under the covers. Gabi tucked him in, and gently kissed him on the forehead. He was already snoring like a freight train by the time she kissed him. He was passed out cold, his chemo ravaged body unable to withstand the prodigious amount of high-dollar liquor he had treated himself to that night.
The good news was that Jake is a funny, amiable drunk. He hadn’t made an ass out of himself. He had just been the life of the party, albeit one without the stereotypical lampshade on his head. However, the bad news was that once Jake left, the heart and soul of the party left with him, very quickly leaving only Gabi and me in the house.
I briefly considered heading home myself, and spurning the offer to stay over with Jake and Gabi. I quickly decided against it. First of all, I probably was at least legally intoxicated and shouldn’t be driving. Second, I also considered what Jake might think in the morning if I bailed on him. He reminded me a lot of my dad in one way. My dad always told my mom how much he enjoyed having me around 24 hours a day when I stayed with them on vacations. I think Jake, in almost a fatherly way, enjoyed having me around too. After all, I was young enough to be the son he never had.
I noticed Gabi poured two glasses of white wine, which was her drink of choice. I had been drinking Scotch all night. She sat on the couch, set the drinks on the end table, and patted the couch beside her.
“Come sit with me, Chris,” she said, with a pleasant voice. Nervously I gulped, afraid of being too close to Gabi while we were alone.
“Gabi, I think I’m gonna turn in too,” I tried to tell her, scared of being alone with her. Her beauty was intoxicating, and the whole concept of being her sperm donor was unnerving enough, even with Jake in the room. With him gone, I was extremely uncomfortable even having the subject broached between us. I just didn’t want to talk about it.
“Chris, come sit down!” Gabi’s voice was cheerful and bright. “Come on! I won’t bite, I promise.”
I hesitated, and then walked across the room as sat down on the couch she was sitting in, careful to sit as far away from her as I could without sitting on the arm of the damned thing and falling over the side.
“Before you go to bed, I just wanted to thank you,” Gabi said softly, from the other side of the couch, as she looked intently at me.
“Gabi, you know I would do anything for you and Jake,” I told her. I could feel my Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down nervously as I answered her.
Before I could react, she slid across the couch and I felt her thigh press against mine. I looked down at her. She was next to me, touching me, staring up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
Moving swiftly, before I could react, she reached up and grabbed my face in her hands, and kissed me routinely on each cheek, like she was air-kissing me in a North Dallas social event reception line.
“You’re welcome,” I stammered, with my face still held firmly in her hands.
Then I was shocked when I felt her lips press into mine. But this time, it wasn’t a perfunctory social kiss. It was a kiss between lovers. I felt her lips part, and her tongue darted out and contacted my lips.
I realized later I should have pushed her away. Instead, I let her kiss me. Her tongue darted in. My own lips parted, and despite the danger of knowing that Jake was just a room or two away, my tongue found hers and I felt a surge of lust-fueled energy surge through my body.
Just as I felt myself losing control to Gabi’s charms, I managed to get control of myself. Pushing my hand in between us, I placed my hand in the center of her chest. I felt her firm, hard breasts on each side of my outstretched palm. The firm feeling of her flesh made what I was about to do even harder.
“Gabi, No!” I blurted out. “I can’t do this!”
“Can’t do what?” Gabi looked at me through upturned eyes, giving an award winning performance for “innocence.”
“I can’t betray Jake,” I told her forcefully.
“That’s OK.” Gabi said. “I understand.”
I should have known later that she was giving up way too easily. Gabi was used to getting what she wants. After all, that’s the life of a Dallas trophy wife. Whatever you want, you pretty much get.
“Good Night,” I said, as I stood up.
“Good Night, Chris.” She looked up at me with a smile that I later would have described as “knowing.”
Chapter Six
After leaving Gabi, I had gone to my guest bedroom, and stripped down to my underwear and crawled into the sumptuous King-sized bed that was the prominent feature in the room. Lulled to sleep by the alcohol served at the party, and the quiet of the North Dallas neighborhood where Jake lived, I quickly slipped off to sleep.
Sometime later, I awoke to the sensation of movement on the bed. I sat bolt upright, and was shocked to see Gabi sliding in under the covers next to me. The quick glimpse I got of her made it clear that she was stark naked as she joined me in bed. My alcohol-dulled mind quickly snapped to high alert at the thought of my boss’s naked wife climbing into my bed with him asleep just down the hallway.
“Gabi?” I whispered urgently. “What are you doing?”
I heard a little giggle softly emerge from her lips in the darkness.
“I thought maybe we could just cut out the middleman and get this thing done the old-fashioned way,” she whispered softly in my ear.
“Gabi, what about Jake?” I hissed back. “He’s in the next room.”
“Trust me,” she replied in a soft voice. “He’s out ‘til tomorrow morning.”
“Look, I don’t know about this,” I tried to reason.
She responded by beginning to kiss my neck and ears. Instantly I felt myself getting aroused at her sensual kisses. I was disgusted at my weakness, knowing that my obvious signs of arousal would only egg her on to further efforts.
Sure enough, her hand dropped to my crotch and found my cock. Her hand slid inside my underwear and I felt it harden in her hand. Her fingers curled around it, stroked up and down its length, and then settled in to find my tensed-up scrotum with my long-neglected balls carrying the cargo of sperm that Gabi so desired.
“Hmmmm,” she purred. “I thought you didn’t like me or something.”
“Shit!” I thought in disgust as my hardened cock pulsed in her hand, ready to lose its load of cum at any second. She had expertly aroused me to the point of no return in a flash.
Gabi began kissing her way down my body. She expertly peeled off my underwear. I knew that w
ithin seconds, she would be engulfing my cock in her mouth. At that moment, consumed by lust, and by her incredible beauty, all thoughts of Jake disappeared. I wanted nothing more than to bury my cock deep into her body and give her the child that she so badly desired.
As she kissed her way down my body, I reached down and found her crotch. Pulling on her, I swing her lower body toward my head, getting us close to a sensual 69. She lifted one leg over my head, and settled her pussy down over my mouth. I found her erect bud with my tongue, and when I touched it, I felt a gasp escape her lips. Almost simultaneously, she engulfed my cock into her mouth. At the mere sensation of her encasing me with her warm lips, I felt on the verge of exploding.
Soft moans escaped her as I went down on her with a gusto. I licked and laved her wet pussy, tongue-fucking her and finding her more than ready to take me inside her. She had obviously been ready for this when she climbed into my bed.
Unable to contain myself any more, I pulled her up toward me. She turned in the bed, and moved her legs to straddle my crotch. I reached down between us and used my hand to hold my cock upright and position it to slide into her. She moved to position her body to take me inside her, and then dropped herself down onto me. I felt the warmth of her pussy engulf me as I slid inside her. I gasped at the sensation she caused as she sheathed my cock with her wet, warm tissues. The head of my dick felt like it would burst it was so aroused, and I could feel it throbbing with each pulse of my rapidly beating heart.
From underneath her, I lunged my hips upwards, stabbing my cock deep into her. Sliding the rest of the way in, my balls slapped against her wet labia, and I heard a gasp escape her as the head of member slammed into her firm cervix.
“Oh god! Fuck me!” she moaned softly.
I began to piston my cock in and out of her pussy. Astride me, she sat upright as my cock drove in and out of her wetness. I reached up and kneaded both of her amazing breasts, rolling her hard and erect nipples between my finger and thumbs. She clasped my hands hard to her tits to urge me on further.