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The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance

Page 22

by Kat T. Masen

  “That bad. I mean, I’ve had them tugged before, but shit… this is painful.”

  His mood instantly shifts, and he begins to fidget with the fray of his jeans.

  Too much nipple and breast talk.

  Forgive him. He’s a guy, after all.

  “I really need to get out of here.” I sigh, switching subjects.

  He lifts his head, making eye contact. “How about we go for a walk? It’s a warm night out.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  The walk is just what I need. The night air is warm with a slight breeze that picks up as we turn the corner. The streets are still bustling with people heading out to restaurants and clubs. It’s a Friday night, and it feels so different pushing a baby around the streets.

  An old lady is sitting alone at the bus stop. Clutching onto her purse, she peers down the street, looking out for the bus. She stops, noticing us, and smiles. I smile in return, and when it’s time to walk past her, she greets us.

  “What a beautiful baby.” She peeks into the stroller admiring Masen. “I’ve got eight children and thirty-four grandkids.”

  “Wow, you must have been really busy.” Haden chuckles

  I jab him with my elbow, reading his dirty mind. He grins in return as I shake my head at him, smiling. She pulls back and something about her changes, almost as if we had touched on a sore subject. Haden and I look at each other, confused by what’s just happened, then turn back to face her.

  “None of them are in the city. In fact, my George lives in Japan. Imagine that? Living all the way in Japan. My youngest, Maggie, visits every Christmas.”

  “I’m sorry. That must be hard for you,” I tell her.

  “It is. But then I see a couple like the two of you, and it reminds me of when my husband, Frank and I, used to walk down this exact street with baby George. It was before he went to the war. I remember it like it was yesterday,” she says wistfully, clutching onto a gold necklace draped around her neck.

  “We’re not actually a couple,” I correct her.

  Haden glares at me for clarifying that point.

  “Well, you certainly look happy, both of you. Enjoy these moments because before you know it, you’re catching the bus to go home alone.”

  The bus pulls up to the curb, and the old lady waves goodbye. She has a point, one that kind of sticks with me. Thirty-two years of my life have passed, and now Masen is here, and all I want to do is freeze time, so I can cherish this moment. Life is short, and as I look over at Haden tucking Masen into his blanket, I wonder what life is all about. Love, laughter, happiness? And how does Haden fit into that equation? I have to admit since the raging hormones died down, we get along much better.

  We are friends.

  We are partners for the sake of raising our son.

  But then my focus moves on to Masen. My goal each day is to try to stay awake and feed my son. Talking with this woman about her life causes loneliness to wash over me. I want everything she just said—babies, a husband, and a lifetime full of happy memories. Watching the man who helped create our son pushing his stroller, it triggers the emotions I keep pushing away.

  “You okay?” He stops just a few steps away from a busy restaurant blaring loud Spanish music.

  “Who would have thought that you of all people would be spending your Friday night pushing a stroller?” I say, ignoring my emotions and motioning for him to continue walking.

  With a sly smirk, he continues to push our son, stopping only to wait for the lights to change. “Who would have thought that Miss OCD would have forgotten the baby bag at home? Because someone’s definitely dumped his load.”

  I scowl as the whiff of his soiled nappy hits my nose. Haden turns the stroller back around as we begin our journey home again. How silly of me to think Masen could go ten minutes without pooping his pants.

  “Sometimes I don’t know what’s happened to me, you know? It’s like my focus has shifted, and I can’t think ahead. Take, for example, apartment hunting. I have no idea what I’m after or where I’m even looking. Old Presley would have found a place by now, moved in, and already repainted the walls.”

  “You’ve gone through a lot. It’s expected.”

  “Maybe. The only place I’m even semi-excited about is this cute bungalow a street away from Gemma’s.”

  He stops, prompting a couple behind us to swerve in annoyance. I swear they curse under their breaths, but Haden is oblivious.

  “As in California?”

  “Uh, yeah.” I take the stroller from him and continue pushing, hoping this argument can be avoided. What was I thinking? It’s merely an idea I’ve been toying with because Gemma and Melissa would be able to help me out. Nothing is concrete, though.

  “Were you going to tell me about it?”

  “No, because I was only looking. If I felt it was more serious, then yes, I would.”

  “You didn’t even tell me you were thinking about it. What about Masen? I live here… how can I see him every night?”

  We reach the door to my building, and I stop in front of it. He is standing against the railing with his arms folded, nostrils flaring like a bull ready to attack. Apparently, I’m holding the red flag. Surprise, surprise. Mr. Irrational is acting like a petulant child.

  “Would you keep your panties on? Nothing, and I mean nothing, is set in stone. I’m keeping all my options open. I’d have consulted with you first. I realize it’s not just my decision.”

  His trademark move of running his hands through his hair begins. “Bullshit. You don’t care what I think. I’m going home.” He doesn’t say another word, turning his back on me and walking out of sight.

  I told him I was looking at all of my options. Of course, I can’t just up and go, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to move. With the money I have from the sale of the apartment, I’ll have a healthy down payment on a house in California. Masen will have a backyard and warm weather almost year-round. I can afford to work part-time, and most importantly, Gemma and Melissa will be close by. Charlie and I have been emailing back and forth about California. She is extremely helpful, giving me tips on the best schools and places to take Masen.

  Well, it’s a thought.

  Just that.

  For now, the Jerk has nothing to worry about.

  By now, I’m used to his little temper tantrums.

  I move on and push the stroller into the building, quickly making my way to the elevator. Upon arriving at my floor, I take out my keys and notice a man standing beside my door. He looks familiar, but I’m on guard just in case. I wrap my hand around the mace in my purse. He tilts his head sideways, and I catch a glimpse of his jawline.

  I would recognize that jawline anywhere.

  “Jason?” I ask, in awe.

  “Presley… wow…”

  He moves his focus to the stroller and appears to be in shock. “I was told you had a baby and thought it was a joke, but I had to see for myself. You have a baby.”

  “Yes, I know I should have told you, but it’s complicated.”

  We both stand there at a loss for words.

  Jason, seeing me with a baby.

  And myself, having forgotten how handsome he is.

  He reaches his arms out, and I move forward and hug him. My body instantly relaxes in his embrace. But I don’t want to complicate things, so I pull away, unable to control my happiness at seeing him again.

  “Jase, I can’t believe you’re here.”

  His smile remains fixed as he ruffles his hair before asking, “Is it mine?”

  I laugh softly. “No, it isn’t. As I said, it’s complicated.”

  “Indeed. Are you free now for dinner or something?”

  I look at my phone and notice the time. Masen needs to be changed and fed so I can tuck him in for the night despite how much I want to have dinner with Jason.

  “I really need to get Masen down. How about next weekend? I can ask my roommate to babysit.”

like a plan. I’ll text you during the week?”


  He begins to walk away but stops, leaning into my ear. “I honestly forgot how beautiful you are, Presley.”

  My body reacts instantly. I melt at his words, missing the familiarity.

  I close my eyes for a brief moment as he walks away, his lingering scent invading my senses.

  I miss him, and now all I can think about is next weekend.

  My dinner date with my ex-fiancé.

  The once love of my life. Jason Hart.


  I toss and turn all night thinking about Jason and questioning whether or not I’ve made the right decision. Well, truth be told, if I hadn’t parted ways with him then, I wouldn’t have had my son. But now, after seeing Jason turn up at my doorstep, I wonder if it’s too late for us. Being in the company of Jason Hart was easy, carefree, and relaxing. He’s not the type of man to create unnecessary drama unlike some other jerk I know.

  Haden, as predicted, hasn’t texted or called me after storming off in a huff. This game of his is getting old, and his short temper only causes more friction between us. Yet, when we get along, I really enjoy being around him.

  Is there such a thing as male PMS? I swear, Haden Cooper could be the frontrunner for a nationwide campaign for it.

  My mind refuses to shut down, and just when I begin to fall asleep, Masen wakes up demanding to be fed. Half asleep, I nestle him into a feeding position and try to keep my eyes open. For some unknown reason, he refuses to latch on, squirming uncomfortably and crying. Following the normal routine, I check his diaper, attempt to burp him, then try again to feed him. He still refuses to latch on, and an hour later, I am out of my mind.

  “What do you want, Masen?” I cry, rocking him back and forth.

  Nothing appears to work, and I’ve already deemed myself a horrible mother.

  I grab my phone and dial Haden’s number, not expecting him to pick up after our argument earlier tonight. After several rings, he answers. The background is loud, and no surprise, he’s probably at a club getting wasted.

  “Malone, are you okay?” he yells over the noise.

  “No, I’m not. Masen won’t settle, and I don’t know what to do.” I hold back my tears and, of course, Masen continues to wail over me.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  That twenty minutes feel like forever, and the second my door buzzes, I scramble to answer it. Haden enters immediately, throwing his helmet, keys, and phone onto the sofa and grabbing Masen from me. He’s dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a dark gray shirt rolled up at the sleeves—it’s different from his normal casual attire of jeans and a tee on the weekends. He looks good, real good. But hey, what do I know? I’m sleep and sex-deprived, and neither one of those problems will be solved anytime soon.

  He moves toward my bedroom, and I follow behind him. It only takes a couple of minutes of Haden rubbing his back in a circular motion for Masen to finally settle. When ten minutes pass without a single sound, my emotions and tired state get the better of me, and I begin to cry.

  “I can’t do this… alone.”

  “You’re not alone. It’s just one bad night,” he reassures me.

  He moves to sit on the bed, keeping Masen comfortable and quiet while I continue to stand there like a sobbing mess. I’m a wreck, dressed in my old baseball tee and boxers with my hair a wild mess. Heavy bags have formed under my eyes, and my skin appears dry and pale.

  “This is hard. Look at me… I haven’t slept. My hair hasn’t had a proper shampoo in forever. I’ve been wearing the same shirt for the past two weeks because I can’t get to the laundromat. I have no clue what I’m doing.”

  “Presley, just calm down. It’s not that bad. Why don’t I get my mom to help you for a few hours? She’s dying to spend time with Masen.”

  “Not that bad?” I raise my voice slightly. “I’m a mess… and… I feel like the worst mother in the world. I bet Eloise won’t look like that when you guys have babies. She’ll probably just push that baby out and—”


  I continue to ramble on, ignoring him. “And I bet she has the type of hair that’s silky and smooth all the time like those shampoo commercials where the chick just flicks her hair, and she looks like she just stepped out of the salon.”

  “Malone,” he raises his tone.

  “What?” I say, exasperated from my rant.

  He doesn’t say anything further but nods his head, motioning for me to look at my chest. I look down and through my shirt that my milk has leaked and left two patches. Just fucking great, and here come the waterworks.

  “See? I can’t even feed my child, and then this happens,” I cry.

  He lays Masen down beside the pillow and covers him with a blanket. Haden moves toward me, and in my pathetic state, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer into him. I don’t care what’s happening right now and continue to cry into his chest. Holding me tight, he gives me time to release my frustrations until my sobs slow down.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He kisses my forehead and slowly pushes me away, still keeping our bodies in close range. Cupping my face, he gives me a sympathetic smile before speaking quietly so as not to stir Masen. “You’ve got to learn to ask for help. I’m here, Presley. I’ll always be here when you need me. Just don’t drop bullshit bombs on me like earlier.”

  “You’ve got a life, Haden. You can’t stop living it. Like tonight, where were you?”

  “It was a stupid party for Eloise’s friend. Trust me, I didn’t want to go.”

  His deep stare and bewitching smile only reiterate what I’m terrified of feeling. How could the man standing here in front of me, the father to my son, not be the person I’m supposed to fall in love with? Yet every time we fight, it somehow brings us closer together, and I fall into the trap of thinking I really am in love with him.

  How can I be in love with Haden Cooper?

  I want to pull away from him, create the distance my heart needs right now, but he moves his hands down my arms until they’re sitting on the base of my shirt. Without saying a word, he grips the hem of my shirt and motions for me to lift my arms. I have no idea what he’s doing, but in my tired state, I let him take my soaked shirt off. I stand there in only my bra as he wraps his arms back around me, kissing my shoulder. As much as I want to stay like this, Masen begins to squirm.

  “I think he’s hungry. Why don’t you take your bra off and feed him? I promise I won’t look.”

  I laugh softly. “Have you seen them? They’re impossible to hide.”

  “How can I not notice them?” He smirks. “But seriously, our son is hungry. I can turn around.”

  My bra is wet and uncomfortable, and I know I need to release the milk. I ask him to turn around for a brief moment as I unclasp my bra. It’s a relief to take it off, and I feel the pressure subside immediately. Making myself comfortable on the bed, I move to lay on my side and pull the sheets to cover part of my skin. I pull Masen closer to me, and he latches on with ease, gently sucking away. Haden turns around and lays beside me on the bed. Stroking Masen’s hair, he hums a tune I don’t recognize.

  “You’re doing a great job,” he whispers. “You’re a natural even though you don’t see it.”

  “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “No first-time mom does.”

  “Yeah, but first-time moms have husbands who help them.”

  “I told you, I’m here.”

  “You won’t be here forever. You’ll be doing the same thing with your wife soon.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that.”

  I keep my voice down so as not to sir Masen. “You never want to address it, Haden. If you love her, then marry her. But these moments we have, they need to stop.”

  “What if I don’t want them to stop?”

  “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. Sometimes you’ve got to make decision
s and deal with the consequences, whether it be good or bad. I’m a realist. I stepped away from a relationship even though it wasn’t easy.”

  “But you don’t think with your heart.”

  “Of course, I do. I loved Jason—”

  “But you wanted more,” he interrupts. “Tell me, what’s your heart telling you now?”

  He is asking me a question I dare not answer truthfully because if I do, there’s a huge possibility my heart will be exposed and shatter if he walks down that aisle with her. But on the flip side, I’m sick of this emotional rollercoaster and walking on eggshells.

  “It’s telling me that love is a constant battle. The man who steals my heart… I want him to fight for me. I want to be the only woman he thinks about, the only woman his heart beats for. I want to be the object of his desire, the body he worships every day. I want to feel like nothing in this world exists if he doesn’t feel all those things for me.”

  Behind his glasses, his beautiful eyes are consumed by my words. I know he feels something, but how much? I have no idea. My fingers ache to reach out and caress his face, but I’m terrified. The tiny human lying between us is at stake. One wrong move and his life changes forever.

  “You deserve all that and a man who will give you that.”

  On cue, my heart sinks, confirming what I’ve known all along. He cares. Just not enough. And maybe these thoughts in my head need to stop, just like my relationship with Jason. I pulled the plug when things weren’t as they should have been. If I did it once, I can do it again.

  Masen’s gentle snores start as he falls asleep peacefully at my breast. Haden lifts him slowly and pats him, prompting a loud burp before moving him to his crib and wrapping him tight. Lying here, semi-naked, I’m vulnerable both physically and emotionally. Haden removes his shoes and climbs back into the bed with me, this time moving under the sheets. My body appears flushed, and the way his eyes are laced with desire can only mean one thing.

  “Presley, I can’t hold this back anymore.”

  His luscious lips have found their way to mine, and with his tight grip around my waist, it’s impossible to pull away, especially with my body betraying me. His tongue circles mine as we both moan into each other’s mouths.


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