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Under His Protection

Page 8

by Karen Erickson

  “They probably have our relationship figured out.” He’d tried to keep the Secret Service part of him tamped down, but the locals knew her and in turn, probably figured out who he was to her.

  “Well, they’re one up on me, then.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “At least they have our relationship figured out. I know I certainly don’t.” Confusion rang in her voice.

  “Do you want to figure it out?”

  “Are you trying to confuse me?”

  He stopped walking, as did she. The wind whipped her hair across her face and he was sorely tempted to reach out, brush the strands away from her cheek. Let his fingers linger on her soft skin.

  And he knew it was soft since he’d touched her before. He wanted to see if she was that soft everywhere…

  “No,” he finally said. “I don’t want to confuse you. I think everything is finally crystal clear. At least for me.”

  “Really?” She frowned.

  “Oh, yeah.” He kind of enjoyed the little banter they had going on. It was like foreplay before the actual foreplay. “Definitely.”

  “Well, I hope you show me the light.”

  “You can count on it.” She turned before she caught sight of his leering grin.

  * * * *

  What the heck was he talking about? Confusion swirled within Blake as they entered the house, Mason right behind her. And that confused her even more.

  He rarely stood too close to her anymore, choosing to avoid her like the plague since their last blissful moment together. Only with her out of duty, doing his job like the properly trained and highly moral Secret Service agent that he was.

  And so she’d let him be. She’d pushed him too hard, too fast and it had fallen apart. No way did she want to make him angrier or give him reason to dislike her.

  So she’d focused on her art instead. Locked herself up in her studio and worked long into the night. She didn’t think he really knew or paid attention to what she did and she didn’t tell him either. She’d only come out of her studio because of her lunch date with Suzanne.

  Now she was eager to get back to work.

  The front door shut and the sound of the lock turning rang loud in the foyer of the cabin. Blake turned to see Mason leaning against the door, his thick arms crossed in front of him, a grim expression on his face.

  Dread filled her. He looked ready to do battle. With her.

  For once, the man had the upper hand. She wasn’t near ready for yet another go round with Mason.

  “Is everything okay?” Her voice sounded small, frail and she wanted to smack herself. She especially hated appearing weak in front of this man.

  He shook his head slowly, his piercing gaze never leaving hers. “No.”

  That one single word reverberated throughout her body, making her tremble, her stomach bounce with nerves. Swallowing hard, she ventured another question. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Oh, now she really sounded pitiful. Why did she have to phrase it that way? What could she have done to him anyway? Not like they’d spent any quality time together.

  “Baby, you never do anything wrong.”

  Her mouth dropped open. The little thrill that skittered down her spine at him calling her baby in that deliciously rough voice barely registered. She was too surprised by his entire statement.

  “Then what is it?”

  Pushing away from the door, he approached her, his stride slow, predatory. She stood completely still, everything frozen in place, waiting for him. Fear and anticipation rippled through her body, making her shake.

  Mason stopped in front of her, so close she could smell him, feel his body heat reaching out to her. “I’m sick of doing...this.” He waved a hand between them.

  “Doing what?” She frowned. He confused her so much.

  “I don’t want to deny myself—or you—any longer.”

  Blake gasped when he encircled her waist with his arms and hauled her close, pressing her firmly against his muscular body. She reached out, rested her hands on his chest, curling her fingers into the soft fabric of his shirt. A shiver stole over her, stealing her breath, and she couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Wh—what are you doing?”

  “Doing what I should’ve done a few days ago.” He dipped his head, his mouth brushing against hers. It was as if a thousand fireworks just exploded between them. All dazzling light and deafening sound, his kiss sent a roaring into her ears, a flash of color behind her closed lids. She clutched at his shirt, felt the warmth from his flesh burn her fingertips. When he touched his tongue to the seam of her lips, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Open up, baby,” he whispered. She actually felt the smile curve his firm lips. “Let me in.”

  Who was she to deny him? To deny herself? This was what she’d wanted, what she’d craved from the first moment she set eyes on him. His strong arms wrapped around her, his hard body pressed to hers, his mouth and tongue doing wicked things to her. Things that made her want to give in to him.

  But would he push her away again? Tell her it was all a big mistake? Once again deny the heated attraction between them? If he did, she didn’t know if she could take it.

  “Mason.” She pushed him but it was like shoving a brick wall, he was so solidly built. “Mason, please.”

  She didn’t know how she even found the ability to speak, what with the soft play of his lips upon hers, the teasing slip of his tongue. But she needed to understand his intentions.

  Before it was too late and she lost her head.

  “What?” He released his hold on her. Looking irritated, frustrated as hell and perfectly gorgeous with it, too. The flash of arousal in his beautiful green eyes was unmistakable, and a thrill moved through her. “Don’t tell me you don’t want this.”

  “No, I do. It’s just...” His gruff tone almost frightened her and she didn’t want him angry. She wanted him hot for it. Hot for her.

  But she had to ask. “Are you sure you really want this?”

  His brows drew together. He looked positively fierce. “Of course, I want this.”

  “You say that like I shouldn’t question you.”

  “You shouldn’t,” he agreed, reaching for her once again.

  She took a step back. “So you’re not going to walk away from me? Again?” Biting her lower lip, she gnawed it with worry. No way could she admit how devastated she would be if he rejected her again.

  “Ah, Blake.” Realization dawned in his eyes and he reached out, smoothed a hand over her head. His fingers tangled in her hair, stroking it and she wanted to close her eyes, his touch felt so good. “I don’t plan on walking away from you again.”

  “Do you mean it?” she whispered, hating how weak she was, that she even had to ask.

  He took her hand and pulled her close, wrapped his other arm around her waist, aligning their lower bodies together. She felt him, the thick ridge of his erection pressing against his jeans and she couldn’t resist the urge to rub against him like a cat in heat.

  The low growl that he emitted told her that he liked it.

  “Of course, I mean it.” Leaning in, he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her neck, his hot tongue darting out for a lick.

  Relief flooded her and her heart tripped over itself. She wound her arms around his neck, buried her hands in his hair. Even with their differences in height, they were a perfect fit.

  No surprise there.

  “Then shut up and kiss me,” she murmured, lifting her face in invitation, closing her eyes.

  When he didn’t make a move, she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his expression serious.

  “You know the score though, right?” His voice hoarsened. “You do understand where we stand. This is just sex, nothing more. It can’t be anything more.” He dipped his head, the touch of his mouth upon hers little consolation to what he just said. Her hopes were dashed with two little words.

  Just sex.

/>   And that meant she was a damn fool for thinking it could be anything else. Anything more.

  That didn’t mean she was going to deny herself this privilege though. She’d waited too many months for this moment with Mason.

  And she was going to savor every blessed second of it.

  * * * *

  Blake stiffened in his arms for the briefest second, the movement so slight, he probably wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been so attuned to her body, her every breath and tiny shift.

  Mason assumed she didn’t like hearing what he’d said but he had to throw it out there. And he meant it too. Really he did.

  It didn’t matter how fucking good her curvy body felt in his arms. Or how warm and soft her lips were. Or how sweet her mouth tasted. This was nothing more than two people getting together and scratching an itch. A sexual attraction that was too large to ignore.

  A little moan sounded low in her throat when he skimmed his hand down her back, his palm settling just above the curve of her ass. His cock raged to be set free, but he knew if he moved too fast, he’d make a damn fool of himself.

  He wanted to take his time and learn her body. Discover where his touch gave her the greatest pleasure. Savor the softness of her skin, skim his fingers along every dip and valley, followed closely by his lips and tongue.

  But he wasn’t sure if he could restrain himself for long. Yes, he wanted to take it slow but his racing mind, his over eager body already refused to cooperate.

  He plundered her mouth with his tongue, slipping his palm over one plump cheek. She gave a little squeal, squirming against his touch, filling his hand with even more lush flesh.

  The urge to spank her, tell her to stop moving filled him and he clamped it down, banishing it away. She’d tell him to go to hell if he did something like that. She was one of the most independent and outspoken women he’d ever known.

  He usually went for the quiet type, even the meek type. Blake was anything but.

  She tightened her arms around his neck, her slender fingers buried in his hair. Their kiss deepened, mouths wide, tongues lashing and he squeezed her ass with both hands, so hard she yelped against his mouth.

  “Too rough? Sorry,” he murmured, his tongue darting out to lick at the corner of her mouth.

  “No. Not too rough. Just...mmm.” Her mouth drifted down the column of his neck, lips sucking, tongue licking and he shivered.

  “Let’s take this somewhere else.” He wondered at her comment. Did she mind that he’d handled her a little roughly? If he had his way, he’d let loose, break free of all restraint and attack this woman with all of the pent up emotion he’d kept inside over the last few months.

  But he didn’t want to frighten her or freak her out. He’d done that before a time or two with past women. Women who didn’t appreciate his overzealousness in the bedroom.

  Could Blake take it? Take all of him?

  “I can’t believe we’re taking this at all.”

  Her comment made him grasp her by the upper arms and set her away from him. He studied her carefully, not wanting reality to ruin it for them. “Why can’t you believe it?”

  “You didn’t want me before, Mason,” she said, her voice so soft he had to lean in close to hear her.

  “Sweetheart, I want you more than my next breath.”

  Shifting, he couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful upturned face. Her blue eyes were wide and glassy with arousal and surprise. Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink and her mouth...

  It was swollen and red from his kisses, so utterly sexy. A fierce possessiveness stole over him. He’d done that to her, he was about to do so much more to her too. Damn, he wanted to taste her again, drink from her lips, kiss her for hours while buried deep inside her.

  “Take me to my bedroom,” she whispered and he didn’t hesitate at her invitation. He lifted her with ease by gripping her bottom with his hands, giving a grunt of satisfaction when she wrapped her long legs around him.

  She clung to him as he carried her back to the bedroom, her soft body pressed to his, her breasts nudging against his chest. He couldn’t wait to set those lush tits free, cup them in his hands, suck on her nipples until she was writhing with pleasure.

  Sweat broke out on his forehead and he gritted his teeth, grasping desperately for a shred of control. Loosening his hold on her, she slithered down his body, her every curve brushing against him, making him hard, making him groan.

  A smile curved her too tempting mouth and she backed up until she bumped against the edge of the bed. She tugged at the hem of her black sweater, yanked it over her head before she tossed it to the ground. Standing before him in just her jeans and a black lacy bra, she was his every lust-fueled fantasy come to life.

  “Are you going to join me?” She offered a little pout, her lush mouth spiking his temperature by about a hundred degrees. “I need your help, Mason. I can’t do this alone.”

  Her voice, the words she spoke were all he needed to hear. Taking a step toward her, and then another, he rested his hands on her hips, the tips of his fingers biting into her flesh. Wanting to feel, wanting to savor, desperate to linger.

  “You’re not alone, Blake. God, you’re gorgeous like this,” he breathed, his gaze locked on the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. Her breath came at an accelerated pace and she trembled everywhere he touched her.

  Was she nervous? He sure as hell was. He didn’t want to screw this up, knew the risk he was taking by having sex with Blake.

  For the first time in a long time, it felt like a risk worth taking.

  Chapter Seven

  Mason’s hands felt amazing on her bare skin and the fierce look on his face stole her breath. Blake watched helplessly as one hand moved to the front of her jeans, long, skilled fingers undoing the snap before they slid down the zipper. He peeled the fabric open, his fingers splaying across her lower belly and she quivered with anticipation.

  “So soft.” His other hand tugged the waistband of her jeans down, exposing her to his gaze. A fresh gush of wetness dampened her panties even more when she saw the way he looked at her. “Beautiful.”

  Oh, God, the way he spoke, the way he looked at her. This was the moment she’d been waiting for. Finally, she’d know Mason intimately, take him as her lover.

  Her earlier bravado and eagerness disappeared in a flash. He made her nervous. So incredibly nervous, her entire body began to shake.

  Despite her image, the many men she was seen with, Blake hadn’t had many lovers. She’d always been wary of their motives. Most of the men she met were too dazzled by her father, even before he was the vice president.

  Having this virile man in front of her, eyeing her like she was a giant piece of candy he couldn’t wait to gobble up, was almost intimidating. And the more she thought about it, the worse it became. She breathed deep, desperate to calm her racing heart, her whirling mind.

  Blake glanced up, her gaze meeting his and the fire she saw burning in his eyes made her dizzy with need. This was no silly party boy she was toying with, ultimately landing in her bed.

  Mason Russell was a man. A passionate, in control man and she suddenly realized she had no idea what she was doing.

  No idea what she was in for.

  “Take off your jeans.” His deep voice brooked no argument and she did as he commanded, shucking the jeans as quickly as she could, though her feet became tangled in them and she nearly fell over.

  Reaching out he stabilized her, his fingers wrapped tight around her arm as she kicked off the jeans and she wanted to die of embarrassment. Why couldn’t she be her usual cool and flippant self? Why couldn’t she flirt and bat her eyelashes and drive him crazy like she always did?

  Because this time, it’s serious. This time, you’re actually getting naked and having sex with this man. And it’s going to mean something to you.

  “Blake.” Just the way he said her name made her want to melt to the floor and he slid his fingers beneath her chin, tilted her face up so t
heir gazes met, locked. He watched her carefully, as if gauging the situation and she knew she’d seen that look before. Always when he was analyzing a situation, hard at work and doing his job—protecting her.

  “Yes?” She swallowed hard, uncomfortable now that he hadn’t said anything but her name. He stared,, as if he could see straight through her. She wanted to shield herself from him. Not allow him in.

  But if she couldn’t let Mason in, who else was there? Who else was important enough to show all her faults, share all of her problems?

  “Baby, are you okay? You’re pale.” He touched her cheek, his fingers skimming down, down until they teased the corner of her mouth and her lips parted.

  She loved the way he called her baby. Had anyone ever called her baby? She didn’t think so.

  Blake wanted to hear him say it again.

  “Stop analyzing me,” she whispered, her lips moving against the tips of his fingers. “And kiss me.”

  This was the second time she’d asked him to kiss her and this time, he didn’t disappoint. His mouth took hers in a possessive, primal kiss that stole her breath, her thoughts, her everything. His lips were damp and searing hot, his tongue tangling with hers, his hands moving into her hair, clutching either side of her head. She felt consumed, taken over, and she wanted nothing more but to surrender. Give herself to this man, let him do to her what he wanted, what she needed.

  “God, you taste sweet.” His husky murmur sounded against her neck once he broke the kiss, his lips blazing a trail of soft kisses on her throat. “And spicy.”

  She circled her hands around his shoulders, tugging and pulling on the fabric of his shirt and she suddenly wanted him naked, needed to feel the press of his hot skin against hers.

  “Take this off,” she begged and he did, moving away from her for the briefest second to yank the offending shirt off.

  And stole her breath.


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